Author Topic: Glitched graphics for lots in map view [SOLVED]  (Read 10165 times)

Offline PolarBair

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Glitched graphics for lots in map view [SOLVED]
« on: November 23, 2012, 10:24:45 AM »
I have a few lots in my world the only look okay whe the camera is on or at least close to that lot.

Below are a couple of screenshots for an example...

That one above should look like this one below...

I can correct the problem once in game by going into build mode on that lot and spray a little terrain paint but that's only a temporary fix. It winds up glitched the next time I launch the game.

I need a permanent fix before I can release my custom world with these lots in it. The one above in particular is seriously ruining my custom fly-through.

Any ideas?
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Offline PolarBair

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Re: Glitched graphics for lots in map view
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2012, 04:50:47 PM »
I think I may be on to something. I found a thread that seems to suggest that this happens to lots that are edit in EIG which I have done. They say deleting the lot in CAW and then hitting Undo may fix it. I'll give that a try.
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Offline PolarBair

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Re: Glitched graphics for lots in map view
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2012, 04:59:59 PM »
Nope, No good. Undo only brings back an empty lot without the building that was on it. :(
My Builds
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Offline PolarBair

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Re: Glitched graphics for lots in map view
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2012, 06:30:45 PM »
Okay, I've got all my lots deglitched. Here's how I did it in case any one else winds up having this problem.

First there were two kinds of graphical glitches effecting my lots. If You look at that top screenshot in my first post again you can see that my Ritzy apartment building is badly glitched but if you look around the corner at 15 Summer Hill Court which used to be the empty lot up there now has the Alto home but it seems like the roof and walls and everything on the lot are covered with the grass terrain paint. That's glitch number two.

Glitch number one is caused by going into build/buy on that lot while in EIG while glitch number two is caused by moving households in and out with out using porter which is the safe way.

To deglitch them I first loaded the world into EIG and clicked on Town Hall and selected  MasterController/sim/advanced/Total Annihilation/Different Household/ALL to safely uninstall the entire population.

Since I started with Sunset Valley(Heavy) which comes with the population already installed They've all been there from the beginning.

With the population out of the way I copied every single lot to the library so I could keep the changes I made to the lots that I did change and since I don't trust my memory much I figure I might as well do them all just to be on the safe side.

Once that was done I saved and quit EIG.

Now in CAW I selected each lot one at a time and hit Delete and then Undo replacing all the glitched lots with fresh unglitched lots.

Then I had to go through the painstaking process of setting all the street addresses, Beautiful Vista buffs and Additional Value fields to their proper values.

NOTE: Those three 20x30 lots on Sun Song Ave down by the beach? The ones sandwiched between Skyborough Blvd and Water Lily Lane? They are place one tile away from each other and there's no more room between those 2 streets to place them any farther away than that. SO don't ever delete any of those unless you have to because undo won't bring it back and CAW won't let you place a new one there because CAW insists on at least two tiles between lots.

What I wound up doing was going into a new game in Sunset Valley and making an exact replica of the lot in the middle, Myrtle Bungalow I think it's called, on an 18x30 lot. That way in CAW I could have the two corner lots still be 20x30 and just put an 18x30 lot between them and be two tiles away from the corner lots.

Also while in this new game in Sunset Valley I Evicted the entire population, deleting them from the clipboard as i went and then bulldozed all the lots and then placed all the lots I saved to the library from my custom world in all the lots in Sunset Valley.

Then one by one I went into build mode on each lot spraying a little terrain paint and then resaved to library deleting the older copies.

Once that was all done I quit the game and from CAW went back into EIG and placed all those newly saved to Library lots back onto their freshly made CAW lots.

And that was it. No more glitched lots.
My Builds
The EPs I have are:
World Adventurer
Late Night


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Re: Glitched graphics for lots in map view [SOLVED]
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2012, 07:43:02 PM »
Ah yes. I've also read that this works for the glitched cheap spiral stairs. So long as you don't go back into edit the lot whilst in EIG. I do this all right before export anyway, to make absolutely sure I've taken care of lot tears.

