Author Topic: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 46 (4 March 2017)  (Read 94089 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 6 (16 Oct 2016)
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2016, 05:37:37 AM »
When do we get to see Sergio surrounded by his kids? Would you please have him make a club so we could see the 7 cutest? *begs

About Iris' BFF: Can't she just make her outside BFF, eat ambrosia super quick, then re-ask Joaquin to be her BFF? (Oops, hope I'm not spoiling your next update!)

Rose's new friend Norman is very cute! I appreciate that he looks like nothing like anyone else in the Morven household at this point.

Wow, Sergio has been amazing! I've usually had multiple sims doing what Sergio achieved single-handedly!
I'm really sleepy right now, but I just want to comment on how nice the museum looks!
It looks so spacious and makes me wonder how I could have wasted so much space on my 64x64 Dresden House lot--I don't have that kind of space left!
Looking forward to the next update! Unless something will happen to Sergio, then I'm not.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 7 (17 Oct 2016)
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2016, 01:12:03 PM »
Wow! Sergio is the total package! I didn't realize he was so accomplished. All the ambrosia ingredients single-handed. Very nice!

Norman is adorable. Nice find!

I agree that your museum is beautiful. I would totally buy a ticket and visit. :)

I'm very interested to see what solution your sims come up with to the BFF problem.

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 7 (17 Oct 2016)
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2016, 06:10:03 AM »
When do we get to see Sergio surrounded by his kids? Would you please have him make a club so we could see the 7 cutest? *begs

About Iris' BFF: Can't she just make her outside BFF, eat ambrosia super quick, then re-ask Joaquin to be her BFF? (Oops, hope I'm not spoiling your next update!)

Rose's new friend Norman is very cute! I appreciate that he looks like nothing like anyone else in the Morven household at this point.

Wow, Sergio has been amazing! I've usually had multiple sims doing what Sergio achieved single-handedly!
I'm really sleepy right now, but I just want to comment on how nice the museum looks!
It looks so spacious and makes me wonder how I could have wasted so much space on my 64x64 Dresden House lot--I don't have that kind of space left!
Looking forward to the next update! Unless something will happen to Sergio, then I'm not.

Sergio's safe for a few more updates (because I have a few more to post, and I still haven't played this house since my last comment. Nope, not too emotionally attached to my sims. Not at all).

As for Sergio and his kids, I do have something planned a teensy bit later, so I promise you will be happy. :)

I guess I haven't reached the point where the game starts culling yet, 'cause Norman has been around for a while. I do like the looks of him, but his traits kind of leave a lot to be desired. He'll more than likely be sticking around, though.

I'm glad you like the Museum! I'm not sure if I'll end up keeping that layout forever. I'm probably going to end up doing a knockdown/rebuild for the whole house once I get around halfway through (to change things up, and to build a more Dynasty-esque house), and the museum may change. But for now I like it. I've always liked compact builds anyways. I get so peeved when I play Maxis houses and they have like a 6x6 room as a bathroom! :P

Wow! Sergio is the total package! I didn't realize he was so accomplished. All the ambrosia ingredients single-handed. Very nice!

Norman is adorable. Nice find!

I agree that your museum is beautiful. I would totally buy a ticket and visit. :)

I'm very interested to see what solution your sims come up with to the BFF problem.
I thought I'd do better if I focused on playing one sim well, rather than 5 sims badly. Sergio didn't have a career, so I didn't lose time working on career requirements or ever really have him outside of the house. My only regret is I wish he'd caught more Angelfish. Though I understand that fishing for Angelfish is a constant necessity, so hopefully Rose and her helpers will be able to catch a lot more!

I'm glad you like the museum. :) Hopefully it gets filled out a lot more soon.
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 7 (17 Oct 2016)
« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2016, 06:29:14 AM »
Chapter 8 - Soulmates

Rose had worked out that there were more than enough aspirations in the game for there to be a few aspirations left that every immortal could complete if she or he so desired. One such aspiration, then, would be the Soulmates aspiration.

When Iris asked Joaquin if he would be willing to complete the soulmates aspiration with her, he was more than happy to oblige.

So for about two days, Sergio stayed down by the bay as much as possible.

And Iris kept working on writing her fifth good book.

So that Iris and Joaquin could spend as much time as possible in the company of one another.

They spent every minute together, relishing the opportunity to just get to know one another even more intimately than they ever had before.

They didn't even sleep. They rallied the troops all night long.

(Which of course kept Sergio and Rose awake as well).

For just under 24 sim hours, the only sims that mattered in the entirety of the world were the two of them.

They may have well and truly turned their teenage daughter off woohoo (or even ever wanting to open her bedroom closet again), but that was neither here nor there.

All that mattered was in the end, they each completed the goals, so that with one final kiss on the cheek.

The aspiration was, for both of them, complete.

"It's here, it's here, the day is here!" sang Iris in a singsong voice. "Get cooking, Serge, the day is here!"

"Well, you're mighty chipper!" commented Sergio. "I'll get right to it."

"Oh, Joey, I - no, we, have finally made it!"

"I'm so proud of you, Iris!" Joaquin returned, "though really, what's with the two of you both being in your PJs?"

"Is she gone?" asked Sergio in a harsh whisper.

"Upstairs to get to changed," Joaquin replied.

"Did you get the message?" The angelfish sizzled in the pan, masking at least part of their conversation.

"Yep," Joaquin answered. A pause. "Did you?"

Sergio sighed and nodded. "I'm ready for it," he said.

"So am I, but she's not. And I'm not about to tell her. Not right now."

"Me neither," answered Sergio.

"Today we have too much to celebrate for her to go all mopey and 'curse of the immortal' on us again."

A couple of hours later, Iris' club had gathered in the dining room. This club consisted of all of her good friends - Candy and Yuki Behr, Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis, Ayla Ayala, and Alexander and Cassandra Goth. She wanted all of them to be there, too.

"Cassandra," asked Iris, still with a smile on her face, "would you do me the great honour and privilege of becoming my BFF?"

"Well sure, Iris, if you like. But isn't Joaquin your BFF?" asked Cassandra, perhaps a little bit confused.

"He is my soulmate and I love him with all my heart, but I need you to be my BFF so I that I can become Immortal."

"Oh," said Cassandra, smiling. "Well, I'd be happy to help."

"But you know, there's nothing stopping you from becoming BFFs with Joaquin again, after you've become an Immortal," she continued.

"Wait, really?" asked Iris, feeling a bit sheepish.

"Really really," replied Cassandra with a smile. "Joey, did you hear-" shrieked Iris.

"I heard," he replied.

"Could this day get any better?"

But it did get better.

As they all gathered around the table, to watch and to wait,

Iris slowly took her first bite of Ambrosia, and became the first Immortal of the Morven's Immortal Family Dynasty.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 7 (17 Oct 2016)
« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2016, 09:44:08 AM »
Woohoo! Congratulations on your first immortal! Go, Iris! I like that she was surrounded by all of her friends. It made the occasion seem even more momentous.
I'm glad she and Joaquin got to complete soulmates. That was sweet. Poor Rose, though! Hard to concentrate on your novels when your parents have commandeered your closet! :)

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Offline reggikko

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 7 (17 Oct 2016)
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2016, 03:52:16 PM »
Angelfish do seem to be a bit more scarce since the last update. Have you tried the little stream all the way in the front of Desert Bloom Park? I have good luck there, as well as behind the Willow Creek Museum. Those are my two go-to spots. Also, the area across from Oakenstead is fairly consistent, as is the fishing area near the Caliente house. Does Sergio have the active trait? If he does, the age bar will bubble for quite a while before he dies.

Love your story!

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 7 (17 Oct 2016)
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2016, 08:42:51 AM »
Woohoo! Congratulations on your first immortal! Go, Iris! I like that she was surrounded by all of her friends. It made the occasion seem even more momentous.
I'm glad she and Joaquin got to complete soulmates. That was sweet. Poor Rose, though! Hard to concentrate on your novels when your parents have commandeered your closet! :)

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It seemed fitting for a 'Friend of the World' sim to celebrate surrounded by all her friends.

As I may have mentioned, when I first started this Dynasty I was pretty out of the loop, and I hadn't read many of the other stories on the forum. Apparently there's this thing people do where they complete soulmates first then buy connections, then apply for all the jobs, then sell the things, then get lots of money? I didn't know that was a thing, but it seems the game doesn't award the career rewards just for being in the career anymore anyways. :P But as stated, I finally sat down (during a rather boring English lecture - shh!) and plotted which heirs would complete each aspiration. I hadn't wanted Iris to complete any 'extras' until I knew what the 'extras' would be. Soulmates made it to the 'extras' list, so Iris and Joaquin got to complete it.

The make-out in closet was autonomous. One minute they were in their room, flirting away. The next I checked they had indeed commandeered the only closet in the house. I'll have to add more of those at some point.

Angelfish do seem to be a bit more scarce since the last update. Have you tried the little stream all the way in the front of Desert Bloom Park? I have good luck there, as well as behind the Willow Creek Museum. Those are my two go-to spots. Also, the area across from Oakenstead is fairly consistent, as is the fishing area near the Caliente house. Does Sergio have the active trait? If he does, the age bar will bubble for quite a while before he dies.

Love your story!

Thanks for the tips! I recently had a run of good luck (that will be posted about in a later update) in the spot outside Sergio and Joaquin's old house, so I think that's the new fishing spot from now on. But yes, I'll definitely try the ones you've mentioned if I hit another dry spell.

And yes, after a 3-hour play session last night, Sergio is, much to my relief, still kicking. Must be the Active trait. :)

Thanks for reading!

For this next chapter, I obviously set up a dummy world and played around with Iris and the boys in there for a while before using cheats/cas.fulleditmode to hurry things along. However, do rest assured that the main Dynasty file remains pure and untarnished!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 7 (17 Oct 2016)
« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2016, 08:57:45 AM »
Chapter 9: In Another Life

The next morning was still a school day, and so Rose, as usual, was up with the sun so she would have time to eat and shower before school.

She was just finishing breakfast when Iris came downstairs to join her.

"Morning mom," said Rose with a smile. "Got any big plans for your first full day as an immortal?"

"No, actually, nothing huge. I'll finish up some comedy routines for work, and then maybe I'll practice the piano while there's no one else home."

"Sounds like a pleasant afternoon," Rose nodded. "I'd better go to school. Tell Dad I love him and I'll him tonight."

Iris smiled. "Sure thing, Rosie."

Having finished breakfast and just taken the rubbish out, too, Iris found the boys in the kitchen, finally awake.

"Good morning Iris!" said Sergio. "So, you have any big plans for your first full day of immortality?"

"Funny," Iris mused, "Rosie just asked me the same question."

"And the answer," she continued, as the three sat down at the bar together while the boys ate breakfast, "is nothing out of the ordinary. I might run through a few comedy routines for work, and then practice the piano while the two of you aren't in the family room."

"That sounds very practical," said Sergio with a laugh.

"Do you two have plans?" asked Iris.

"I'm going to work tonight," said Joaquin, "so probably just some guitar jamming all afternoon. What about you, Serge? Any of your lady friends coming over for a visit?"

"Har har," murmured Sergio, "So what if they are? But actually, I was hoping to dedicate a bit of time to the garden. I've been pretty neglectful of it these last few days."

"Fair enough," said Iris.

"Yeah," Sergio continued, "I accidentally let the old cow plant die. Feeling pretty foolish about that. I didn't grow that seed, I fished it. But now I'm hoping to leave some cowberries growing in the garden for you, Iris, so you can plant as many cowplants as you want whenever you need to."

"Well that's very…sweet of you," Iris replied, wondering what on earth she was going to do with one cowplant, let alone 'as many as she needed.'

True to their words, each of the three of them set out to do exactly as they had intended to do with their days. Having mastered the Piano and the Violin, Joaquin was hoping to master the guitar as well.

Sergio had taken the 'super green thumb' trait long ago, in the days of his youth, but that didn't mean he could completely let the garden go. Every couple of days, he checked that each plant was still getting enough water and sunlight, and checked for weeds and bugs.

And Iris, once Joaquin had gone outside to fit in a bout of cloudgazing before work, sat herself down at the piano. She hoped, one day, to play it as masterfully as her husband played.

It was just then, that the unimaginable happened.

Iris dropped her piano playing immediately. The shout was not a feeble cry for help, it was barely audible, but she heard it, she felt it, and she rushed outside as soon as she did.

She couldn't believe it. This was the moment she had been dreading since the day she fell in love with him. This was the moment she couldn't bear to witness. And yet, this was the moment she couldn't bear to look away from.

"Joey, no. Not yet, you can't."

"Joey, no," she whispered. "I still need you. Rose still needs you. You can't just leave."


The words caught in her throat. She choked, on tears, on language, on forming each sound.

"Rose wanted me to tell you…She wanted me to say…"

But she couldn't force them out.

"I love you, Joaquin LeChien."

Sergio, being not quite as emotionally tied to Joaquin as his wife and soulmate, didn't come over until he heard the fuss and smelled the unmistakeable scent that the Grim Reaper carried around with him - the scent of death, of misere, of dreams gone by and broken hearts.

"Oh, Iris," he said. And then nothing.

There was nothing he could do but cry alongside her.

"You know," said the Reaper, in his booming but empty voice. "I'd be open to bargaining."

But Iris, knowing that this was forbidden - as were the death flowers growing in abundance in Sergio's garden, only sobbed harder.

And so, the reaping was completed. Joaquin was gone, the deed was done. Iris wiped away tears, trying to compose herself well enough so she could say to the Grim Reaper what was truly on her mind, when she heard another voice that made her heart sink even more.
It was 3 o'clock.

"Mom, where are you? I was looking for you in the family room - you said you'd be at the pia-"

"Dad," whispered Rose, dumbstruck.

"I missed him. I missed him completely."

"Wasn't there any warning?" Iris demanded of the Reaper. "This is too early. Much too early. You should have warned him."

"He was given as fair a warning as anyone else."

"So you mean he knew? He knew and didn't tell me? Why would he do that?" Iris asked.

The reaper merely shrugged. "Sims do unpredictable things when faced with death. Other times, they are more predictable than they would otherwise. Perhaps one day, you will have the opportunity to ask him."

There were many perhapses. Perhaps, in another life, things would have been different. Perhaps, Iris would not have moved to the grand house on the hill, but would have moved into a small house in town. Perhaps, unburdened by the curse of immortality, she would have lived a simpler existence. Maybe, she wouldn't have had to work so hard to be the very best - perhaps her youth could have been spent dancing and laughing and partying the night away in the streets of Windenberg.

Perhaps she and Joey would have lived together, in that small house in town. Sergio could have kept the house on the island, and married one of the beautiful girls he spent so much time with in the Paragons club. Siobhan, maybe, could have moved into the house with him. He could have founded the start-up he'd always wanted to build, and Siobhan would have risen through the ranks of the corporate world to become the very best. They would have grown old and grey, just the two of them, in the company of each other. Maybe, later in life, Sergio would have taken up fishing as a hobby, rather than a way of life.

Perhaps Joey and Iris could have had more children. Their firstborn daughter would have been Rose, of course. Followed by a son named Andrew and a daughter named Elizabeth. Their little house in Windenberg may have been too small for them, but with a little bit of remodeling, they would make it work.

Rose would have become a bestselling novelist, as she intended. She would have married a nice boy she met in high school and had half a dozen children with him - no more pining for a full house with lots of sims to keep her busy! Andrew wouldn't have gotten a traditional job, but he stayed in the house with his parents to save up enough money to purchase a small shop of his own. He would have followed his father's passion for music, and sold musical instruments and sound systems and DJ booths. His nights would have been spent at Discotheque Pan Europa, where he would keep the crowd pumping until the small hours of the morning.

Perhaps Elizabeth would have been the nerdy little overachiever of the family. She didn't stick around, but moved into a place of her own and became a highly respected medical doctor, the top of her field.

And Perhaps Iris and Joaquin still would have grown old together, spending less time on their careers and more time with their children, and with each other. And maybe, in another life, Iris was the first to go. But Joaquin would follow not long after, so that neither one had to live without the other for very long.

But, as a wise old Lion once told a young girl named Lucy, "no one is ever told what would have happened."

Rest in peace, Joaquin LeChien, and we hope to see you again soon.
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 9 (19 Oct 2016)
« Reply #38 on: October 19, 2016, 10:21:54 AM »
I had internet problems and couldn't read Chapter 8 until now.
Great job to all four of you on Iris reaching immortality!

I really enjoyed your what-if Chapter 9!  Rest in peace, Joaquin. Your family will miss you intensely!

But I'm a Sergio fangirl, so I wait impatiently for Chapter 10. :-D

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 9 (19 Oct 2016)
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2016, 01:43:06 AM »
Oh, Joey! So soon! He'll be terribly missed.

I loved the hypothetical story. Really touching and what a wonderful send-off! Seems as though it was as fun to create as it was to read. :) I loved seeing the other kids-that-never-were.

Oh, and your spoiler in the previous post cracked me up. Yeah, I think that definitely warranted an embarrassed moodlet or two. Somebody was asleep at the code. :)

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 9 (19 Oct 2016)
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2016, 09:08:51 AM »
I had internet problems and couldn't read Chapter 8 until now.
Great job to all four of you on Iris reaching immortality!

I really enjoyed your what-if Chapter 9!  Rest in peace, Joaquin. Your family will miss you intensely!

But I'm a Sergio fangirl, so I wait impatiently for Chapter 10. :-D
Joaquin went super quick! I was so shocked - you expect more than just a day after the second warning, but I guess not?

At long last, your wish is my command!

Oh, Joey! So soon! He'll be terribly missed.

I loved the hypothetical story. Really touching and what a wonderful send-off! Seems as though it was as fun to create as it was to read. :) I loved seeing the other kids-that-never-were.

Oh, and your spoiler in the previous post cracked me up. Yeah, I think that definitely warranted an embarrassed moodlet or two. Somebody was asleep at the code. :)
I definitely had fun creating the other world. I was playing it normally, but I eventually got impatient and sort of...hurried things along. I did get to try a lot of the EP features I hadn't played around much with, without having 'hurry up, dynasty' running through the back of my mind. Joaquin did heaps more with club he comes with, and lots more DJing. I didn't just reject every party invite I got. It was fun in a different sort of way. And I loved Elizabeth. She was the right sort of funny-looking-but-unconventionally-pretty.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Rose, but she's got that overbite that kinda needs a frankle or something. :P

Re: the outtake. It was kind of hilarious when that happened. Granted, Iris had been in that room first, but the other two (pretty sure it was Sofia under the covers) didn't even wait for her to leave before they got busy.
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 9 (19 Oct 2016)
« Reply #41 on: October 20, 2016, 09:31:44 AM »
Chapter 10 - A Picnic in the Park

The absence Joaquin left in the house was felt by everyone. Iris took days to emotionally recover from the loss. She tried to carry on with life as usual, but her level 5 Piano skill had nothing on Joey's level 10.

And she did try to continue rehearsing her now vast repertoire of comedic routines for work, but now moreso out of necessity than out of passion.

Not even birthday cake (of which they constantly seemed to have leftovers) could raise her spirits. She was lost without Joey, and completely unsure as to how she could ever face the next 7 generations of dynasty sims without him.

"So I was thinking of getting together with a handful of my kids from around town at the Park in Willow Creek. I just thought maybe you'd like a change of scenery to raise your spirits. Would you like to come along?"

"Oh, Sergio, that sounds lovely, but I really don't think I can," Iris replied. "You understand?"

"Of course, if that's how you feel," Sergio murmured. "I just thought…"

"Maybe you could take Rose with you? She's friends with a few of them, is she not?" asked Iris.

Sergio nodded. It would be good, he supposed, for Rose to get out and enjoy some sunshine. She seemed to spend so much time up in her room, writing.

Not that it was necessarily time wasted. She had already reached level 8 in the skill, and had published 6 books thus far. The family finances were in better shape than they had ever been, and the girl hadn't even finished high school.

And so Sergio gathered some of his children in the park in Willow Creek, so that he could perhaps get to know them and tell them he may have done a poor job of showing it, but he really did love them. And he was sorry he couldn't have cared for them more.

As soon as he realized not everyone had made it, he called some of the up to specifically invite them along, too.

His oldest child was Jensen Behr, whose mother, of course, was Candi. He was by this point a young adult himself.

Brittany Rosa, still a teen (though not, I suspect, for much longer), is the daughter of Jade Rosa.

And the only other teen is Dario Fyres, the elder son of Morgan Fyres. Morgan also has an infant son, Nehemiah, who was too young to come out to this picnic gathering.

The gathering in the park is not only an opportunity for Sergio to meet with his children, but serves as an opportunity for many of them to meet with each other as well.

Even though, in all honesty, Sergio really doesn't know what to do with himself. He's an accomplished gardener, fisherman and chef, but hasn't got the slightest idea how this 'bonding' thing works.

Maeve Kim-Lewis, daughter of Olivia.

And here Brittany agrees to take a selfie with Olivia's other child, Asher.

"You're Sloane, right?" Sergio asked one of them. "Your mother is?"

"Cassandra Goth. But she doesn't like you very much right now. Apparently she saw you flirt with someone else the other day at Iris' club gathering."

"Right. Uh, sorry about that."

Maeve introduces Sergio to Cassandra's other kid, Josef Goth. She also has some serious questions about typing for Sergio.

Eventually, the party migrates over to the picnic tables for some supper (now this Sergio can do). The guy in the red tanktop is a townie, but the girl in green is Kori Patel. She's the daughter, of course, of Zoey Patel. Unfortunately, this is the best shot I got of her (I thought I got everyone up close, but apparently not).

In all, at this point in the game, Sergio had 9 living children. All of them are pictured here except for Nehemiah Fyres, who was still a baby. Worth noting that the only way I got as many girls as I did was Pop Music (which I'm guessing is responsible for Rose being a girl, as well. I didn't mind either way about her gender, but I'm guessing Iris listened to pop music at the same Zoe or Jade did. My game usually favours boys and this was no exception).

That didn't mean these were all the children he would ever have. At this point, there were at least four more to come.

Fisherwoman who stole Candy's hair.

And Yuki Behr.

Rose did agree to join Uncle Sergio's kids for a picnic (better than being alone with Mom in the big empty house), but she was rather distracted by her phone. She and Norman Johnston had been texting back and forth rather a lot lately, and today was no exception.


Did you say Willow Creek Park?

I think that's where my Mom went.

What are you talking about?

My Mom, Colette. There's no chess table
at the trailer park, so I think she said she
was going to the park to practice.

My mom tried to find your Mom when
she was looking for the sugar skulls.
She couldn't find her.

I swear that's what she said. Longish black
Hair, yellow tank top.

Rose looked up to scan the park for anyone who matched Norman's description.

"Mind if I join you?" Rose asked.

Colette looked up. "Sure," she said with a smile.

"I'm Rose. Rose Morven?" Rose searched her face for any sign of recognition.

"Hmm, I'm sure that name rings a bell. I'm Colette Johnston."

Rose grinned from ear to ear.

"Say, Colette, you wouldn't happen to be Norman Johnston's mother, would you?" asked Rose.

"Depends who's asking. He's not in trouble, is he?" asked Colette.

"No, no trouble," Rose insisted. "Actually, I have a proposition for you. For both of you. My Mom and I - we've been given a…a mission of sorts. Set of goals we have to complete and with a limited time to complete them. But we don't have to complete them along. I was hoping maybe you and Norman would be able to help us out?"

Colette gave Rose a strange look. This seemed like such a strange encounter, she really didn't know what to make of it.

"Why don't you come home to Windenberg with me? I'll get my Mom to explain everything."

Rose prayed her mother would look at her phone the whole way home, so that she would be up and ready and not looking like the mess she'd been for the past few days. Rose really, really wanted Norman to help her with her tasks, and Norman really, really hadn't wanted to leave his mother to fend for herself in the strange 'out of world' beyond.

It would be the perfect solution. Surely Iris' incredibly friendly nature and high-level charisma would persuade her. It seemed Norman hadn't explained the situation to her as much as she would have liked.

"I'm really not sure that I understand what you're offering," Colette repeated. "We really don't need charity, my Son and I are doing fine on our own. Quite well, in fact."

"Did I mention," said Iris, this time in a much more hushed voice, "that this is a Dynasty House? We have a Watcher?"

"A watcher…" Colette mused, considering this particular point rather carefully.

"Where do I sign up?"
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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 10 (20 Oct 2016)
« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2016, 11:04:45 AM »
Thank you for the treat! I love seeing sims 4 genetics at work!
Too bad Iris didn't want to join Sergio for the outing. Meeting all the youngsters might have lifted her spirits a little...
None of the boys look very much like Sergio (yet), but all the kids are great. I laughed that Brittany Rosa got her mother Jade's skinny eyebrows!
Excellent work, Sergio!

I'm excited about Colette and Norman moving into the dynasty house! Looking forward to getting to know them both better!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 10 (20 Oct 2016)
« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2016, 02:15:39 PM »
Ooh! Good plan. "Not in World" parents of cute teens never seem to be around when I want them, so good job locating Colette!
I really enjoyed seeing Sergio's kids, too! Especially Dario Fyres. Yum! I suppose Morgan's offspring tend to be good-looking, though.
Excited to see how Norman fits in to the family!

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Offline Joria

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 10 (20 Oct 2016)
« Reply #44 on: October 20, 2016, 09:32:37 PM »
Finally caught up!  Sad about Joaquin but oh, what good luck snagging Colette Johnston and son!  Really good writing.  I found it sad Rose had to be so alone but she's turning out well and is quite pretty to boot.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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