Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 132024 times)

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: A New Year, A New Heir
« Reply #495 on: January 05, 2017, 01:44:31 AM »
Never fear, Pippin. Since the vote was so close, Hinata will continue to play a significant role in this story. XD
I hope you approve of what she chooses to do in this chapter.

The ability to move family out to make room for more babies really differentiates a legacy from an immortal dynasty. But the possibility makes me get carried away to see what sims genetics will offer up.
Yes, Conan is really a doll. I kind of want to have him pollinate just to see his kids, but it’s a pointless activity in terms of this challenge.

I somehow managed to sit on five #legacyloves sims without using them, reserving them for the final eighth-generation daughters, lol. Rather an embarrassment of riches, now that I think of it. Haha.

I need to add a few men to my life (err, game file).
Every time I remember this remark you made, I end up chuckling for a few minutes. I've done that at least once an hour at least since you posted, haha.
In Japan, male geeks refer to their female beloved in a video game/anime as “waifu” and the female equivalent would be a “hazubando,” both Japanese neologisms for the English terms, of course. Both terms have since been reverse-imported into the English vernacular. I love weird language stuff.

8.79 The Mori Legacy: A New Year, A New Heir

Week 40/Sunday

Conan: Hey, bro! Why the sad face?
Jin: To pass the time, I’m trying to complete the plushie collection.
So I just opened 75 holiday crackers—that’s 25 of each type—but where’s my eighth plushie?

Jin: So now I’ve opened 120 holiday crackers and still can’t find the last one!
Conan: Awww, that’s too bad, bro. Maybe you need to step away for a while, eh?
Yuki: Why use the foundation, sweetheart?
Jin: This is what Great-Grandpa Takumi did for the Voidcritter collection, I hear.
I place everything on this foundation. When I’m done, I keep one of each plushie then delete the foundation which takes everything with it.

Jin: Just for good luck, I try the adopt-then-cancel ploy, even though it’s not been working lately.
Conan: Yeah, seems like the simverse keeps filling with single-sim households from City Living.
W: I could always import a #legacyloves household of children, but I’d rather not.

W: Well, good afternoon, Miz-Thang-Who-Always-Drops-Writing.
Yuki: Um, yeah, Hinata wrote her third bestseller last Wednesday, but I’m still…

W: I’ve been wanting to talk with you about the household size, Yuki.
When Rukia’s spouse moves in, this becomes a six-sim household, leaving room for only two kids.

Yuki: Are you thinking of having me move out? But I’ve worked so hard at skilling.

W: You’ve undeniably worked hard, but Conan and Hinata still make better mentors.
And look at you! Instead of mentoring your daughters, you’re stuck on an aspiration.

Yuki: Well, at least let me finish so I can write Books of Life for Rukia’s kids.
W: No need, Yuki. Hinata has, in fact, already written three Books of Life for Gen9. And we have enough moodlet solvers and other potions to last until Gen10 is born.
Don't be sad, Yuki. You'll be living right up the street.

Conan: I invite over my fiancée Ayaka Ikeda to see how she’s doing.
Ayaka: I’ve missed you so much, Conan! Do you want to feel the baby?

Conan: What, Jin?! I didn’t tell you I proposed to Ayaka last week?
Jin: Let’s have Ayaka live in the Munch Haus with Mama and Papa.

Conan: This should help with your nausea, Ayaka.
Ayaka: Ahhhh, this feels heavenly!
W: Conan, you wily dawg! Are you giving Ayaka a fertility massage?
Conan: Hehehe. I got nothing to lose, right?

Hinata: I can’t believe Papa tells us to go fish on the day like today.
Rukia: I know, right? I’ll be a young adult tomorrow! I should be looking for love, not fish!
Hinata: Even our former classmate Ayaka has hooked up with Uncle Conan. Sheesh!
Ze: Be patient, girls. Jin and Conan have been quite busy on your behalf lately.

Rukia: I really can’t wait until Guys’ Night at Shrieking Llama Bar this evening.
So, I invite Papa along for a quick trip to Sixam to look for a rare MySims.
Jin: Oh, that’s right! Our MySims collection still lacks two rare ones!

Rukia: I’m in charge of digging up stones, while Papa collects crystals.
Jin: Don’t forget to tell Watchette that the aliens are wearing are our new, yet-unused cc! The nerve!

Rukia: Tada! I open a capsule containing Violet, one of our missing rare MySims!

Jin: When I open the Return Home menu to leave Sixam, what a surprise!
I find that—among many others—my deceased Primary Spouse Kyra’s brother and Conan’s fiancée’s mother are aliens!
Rukia: Does that mean Conan’s child will be a hybrid?

Jin: Evening finally rolls around so we stroll over to the Shrieking Llama Bar.
Conan: The first one to arrive is Adrien Layne.
Hinata: He’s cute but isn’t his everyday outfit a little too much?
Jin: Nothing a closet can’t fix. What’s important is that he has three unique traits.
Conan: Are you listening, Rukia?

Jin: She’s over there, chatting with Jackson Miller in the glasses.
Rukia: *debates best captains
Jackson: *gossips about video game pros
Conan: Yeah, they seem to really click because they’re both Geeks, but Great-Grandpa Yuki was a Geek, too, so…

Conan: Constantine Rayes arrives next. The silver hair and violet eyes give him a unique look.
Jin: Sadly for the spouse hunt, he also Loves the Outdoors which isn’t a unique trait.
Conan: Too bad, because Rukia has violet eyes, too.

Hinata: That’s the moment when my gaze is drawn to an angel who’s fallen to Earth!
Rukia: No, she’s not referring to you, Masato Watanable, worst barista ever!

Hinata: All I’ve learned so far is that he’s a Writer and he’s a Creative Art Lover.
Jin: Your Great-Great-Grandfather Yuki was also Creative, Hinata.
Hinata: Hmmmm, so that means…

Conan: Of course, there are several fellas at Guys’ Night whose traits we don’t even bother to ask.
Standing sim: Did you take a screenshot from above just to showcase my bald spot? Sheesh! Why do you think I go to the trouble of wearing platform shoes?!
Masato: Can you believe how mean they are, whoever you are?

Rukia: Hey, don’t leave yet! I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself. My name’s Rukia Mori.
My father tells me that your name is Taisuke Finch and you recently moved to Oasis Springs.
Taisuke: *nods
Rukia: How much time do you spend every morning getting your hair to spike like that?
Taisuke: *shrugs

Jin: Psssst, Hinata. I know you did not just beguile one of the spouse prospects.
Hinata: Hush, Dad. He’s off the table with his Creative trait. Andrew’s mine now. Miiiinnnne!
Andrew: What is this strange feeling, Jackson? It’s like I’m hot all over yet I have goose bumps.
Jackson: Don’t fight it, bro. Oh wait, looks like you’re already a goner!

Rukia: I’ve always sworn never to get with a guy who spends more time on his hair than I do.
But I’m feeling generous and am willing to make an exception for you.
Taisuke: *grins
Rukia: You’re such a cutie pie! Are you unable to vocalize or are you just acting cool?
Taisuke: *winks

Rukia: I bet I can make you laugh. Check out these vine compilations of cosplay epic fails…
Taisuke: Oh no, that bearded dude dressed up like Sailor Moon! Hahaha
Rukia: Behold, he speaks! (Was he just playing hard to get? It kinda worked…)

Jin: Here’s a collage of the candidates we rounded up for this meet & greet.
The boys on the top row have 3 unique traits: Adrien (left) and Taisuke (right).
Those on the lower row don’t:  Andrew (left), Jackson, and Constantine (right).
•   Adrien Layne: Self-Assured, Art Lover, Ambitious
•   Taisuke Finch: Romantic, Bookworm, Neat
•   Andrew Williams: Creative, Art Lover, Loves the Outdoors
•   Jackson Miller: Genius, Ambitious, Geek
•   Constantine Rayes: Creative, Bookworm, Loner

Jin: Conan, my bro, our work is done here.
Conan: Agreed, I think we’ve made some magic happen tonight. Let’s call it a wrap.

Andrew: Thanks for inviting me over. I know it sounds corny, but I believe fate has brought us together.
We're even co-workers at Walrus Books because we’re both in the Writer career.
Hinata: Are those your default clothes? Because look how color-coordinated we are!

W: Those are surprising coincidences, since that’s the everyday outfit he came with.
And I’d chosen Hinata’s colors to match her manga namesake before I’d discovered Andrew.
Also, Andrew’s other four roommates were unemployed as of tonight.

Andrew: I am yours to command, my lovely Hinata.
Hinata: Oh Andrew, how could you be any cuter! *sighs happily

Hinata: OMG, even our jammies match!
Andrew: We must have been married in a previous life!
W: I didn't plan this, I swear! *dies laughing


Rukia: Since there’s no question in my mind who I want to marry, I skip a birthday party.
I invite Taisuke over and befriend him so, as soon as I age up, I can invite him to move in.

Besides being a Geek and Outgoing, I’m now also Family-Oriented.
Taisuke has the Romantic, Bookworm, and Neat traits with the Master Mixologist aspiration.
W: A neat sim with the Master Mixologist aspiration? I’m sold!

Oops, we hit the image limit, so I'm adding the last two images to the following post.

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: A New Year, A New Heir
« Reply #496 on: January 05, 2017, 01:46:05 AM »
(Continued from the previous post)

Jin: First things first, Rukia. I’m going to paint your portrait then you can paint Taisuke’s portrait.
Rukia: Both portraits turn out to be masterpieces!

Rukia: And now that I'm a young adult, I’ve officially assumed the title of the Mori Legacy’s Gen08 Heir.
I’ve moved in Taisuke as my Primary Spouse, he has three unique traits, and we’ve both been memorialized in portraits.
This brings our legacy’s total score to 95/101.

Love me, love my purple bunny!


All five spouse candidates appearing in the previous and current updates are Gallery downloaded sims with the hashtag #legacyloves

•   Adrien Layne: “HOT GUY ADRIEN” by Jennifer924
•   Taisuke Finch: “FINCH” by samxvn
•   Andrew Williams: “LEGACY” by Khaylana
•   Jackson Miller: “GEEK SQUAD” by FireproM2K
•   Constantine Rayes: “RAYES” by zuzuesque


The original Ty Finch by samxvn looks entirely different. When I imported this sim into CAS, due to all of the cc used, I had to add hair and provide much of his wardrobe.
Then, I thought to myself, “What the heck?” and enabled the CAS cheat to tweak his body, skintone, and facial features.
In terms of his traits and initial aspiration, however, he’s still the “same” Ty Finch.
Oh yeah, I also changed his first name to Taisuke, hehe. (“Tai” as in tie, “suke” as in sketch without the tch).

Digression (Highly optional reading, lol)

Taisuke’s named after Taisuke Fujigaya, the lead vocalist in the Jpop band Kis-My-Ft2. He wears the leopard-skin jacket in this 2013 video of Shake It Up.
In case you’re wondering, my fave member is Yuta (who wears a red ring and blue/yellow scarf in this video), but I already used his name in this legacy, hehe.

As you can see, Jpop is a little scruffier, more casual, and more cutesy than Kpop. And it precedes Kpop by about two decades. I enjoy them both.
Sorry for the non-sims digression. Anyway, catchy song!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A New Year, A New Heir (01/04 update)
« Reply #497 on: January 05, 2017, 02:19:27 AM »
What an excellent and well-organized spouse hunt! As for Taisuke, a romantic bookworm who is also neat? Bestill my heart! No secondary spouse needed. Lovely! I love what you've done with him. I don't know what he looked like before, but he's wonderful now. Yum. I love his strong silent type personality and his pose for his portrait is perfect. I can hardly wait for a violet-eyed heir to be born!

Andrew is also very dreamy and how wonderful that he and Hinata seem made for each other. It's so perfect I'm almost happy she didn't win the heir vote so she didn't have to worry about unique traits.

*sigh* The girls are all happily paired off, Conan's got a nooboo (or two) on the way. It's a good time to be a Mori!

P.S. Loved the mini-introduction to Jpop. Wonderful!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A New Year, A New Heir (01/04 update)
« Reply #498 on: January 05, 2017, 03:32:56 AM »

I'm so happy you enjoyed the spouse hunt. I've been "on the prowl" for promising candidates for this last round of female daughters for some time now, saving any attractive sims to My Library for this spouse hunt, lol. I'd post a CAS image of the original Ty Finch for but I can't go into CAS because Hinata's at work at the moment, haha. I'll take a shot or post a link later.
It's a lot harder to create a lookalike sim than I'd imagined. I was going for Noctis of Final Fantasy XV.

Ah yes, the poses! Now that I'm down to the last two generations, I want to lavish them with attention, hehe.
As for Andrew, I think he's the most handsome of the five candidates. He's so impressive for a no-cc sim!
And I agree with you. When I noticed Hinata's interest in Andrew, I thought she might have ended up with that Adrien guy (or a bald, naked Ty, lol) if she'd been chosen as heir.
I'm sure their children will be totally fabulous!

Yeah, there's kind of a Mori nooboo boom going on right now. We need Rukia and Tai to catch up.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A New Year, A New Heir (01/04 update)
« Reply #499 on: January 05, 2017, 09:42:57 AM »
Still sad that Hinata is not the heir, but as long as she continues to get the love and attention she deserves, all is well  ;=)
Another lovely update.  I'm taking a wild guess that Rukia will not require a secondary spouse.  Of course, platform-shoes-and-bald-spot guy is always an option  ;=)

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A New Year, A New Heir (01/04 update)
« Reply #500 on: January 05, 2017, 10:41:10 AM »
Personally I liked Adrien a little better but once I saw Taisuke had unique traits I knew he was gonna be the one you chose :P You're so far into the legacy, good luck Rukia!

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: News about Nooboos!
« Reply #501 on: January 05, 2017, 09:18:17 PM »
No stone will be left unturned in the pursuit for Hinata’s happiness!
When I realized that I was angling the camera to a higher vantage point to show that sim’s bald spot, I had to stop and laugh at myself. Poor sim!
Seriously, some Watchers have no shame!

In fact, Adrien also has three unique traits. But Rukia didn’t interact with him after introducing herself. And then, it all boils down to traits. At this point in this legacy, a neat Romantic spouse is more fun to play than an ambitious, self-assured sim (who doesn’t have to work).
And yes, this legacy ends when Rukia’s son has a

8.80 The Mori Legacy: News About Nooboos!

Week 40/Monday

Hinata: Not long after Rukia ages up, I come home with my L6 promotion.
When I branch to the Journalist career, I get a new work uniform.
Jin: Wow, I must have only met male journalists so far, Hinata. That outfit’s dope!
Hinata: Considering how awful the Author's outfits are, I was quite worried myself. But this, I can live with.

Rukia: I join the Business career, then finish the other portrait.
Conan: What’s that you’re painting, my darling niece?
Rukia: This is my first portrait of Taisuke, where I placed my easel right in front of him.
For the second portrait, which will hang in the legacy gallery, I painted him from the side. *whispers: He’s positively smoking in both!

Rukia: Taisuke joins the Culinary career and finishes his daily task.
While he works on his Master Mixologist aspiration, I fill reports for my daily task. Then I’m going to pounce on Taisuke. Baby boy doesn’t stand a chance…

Jin: So I take it he meets with your approval, dear?
Rukia: Very much so. I know Watchette tried to recreate Noctis of Final Fantasy XV. And he resembles Noctis somewhat, but Taisuke has his own brand of sizzle going on.

Rukia: He’s also surprisingly classy! His favorite drink is Granite Falls Grappo Blanco.
Jin: Nice! It kills me when a L10 Mixologist’s fave drink is root beer float or something like that.

Hinata: I understand know why Watchette’s left Journalist until the end. Interviews and articles take time, even though I’m totes adorbs in this outfit!
I need to hurry and write my required articles—four?—so I can get with my man!

Lamar: That’s right, young lady. I’m your Grandma Tami’s cousin.
Hinata: Oh, I saw you perform with The Dancers on my birthday last week! I didn’t recognize you without your hot pants and cowboy hat!
Lamar: *cringes with embarrassment

Hinata: Gah, this is going to take forever! Maybe just interview the family, eh?

Taisuke: Oho! She’s got one of those little Beguile cupid bows! Doesn’t she realize I’m Romantic? Romance is what I live and breathe!

Taisuke: Carl help me, but she’s bewitching!
Rukia: Dat hair, though!

Taisuke (internally): Hmmph, she thinks I didn’t hear her say she’s gonna pounce on me? Amateurs! You totally underestimate me, baby girl.
Rukia: *gasps

Hinata: I’m smiling on the outside but crying on the inside. When I finish writing two articles, I see that my daily task is only 25% done. *weeps
Conan: That can’t be right!

Rukia: Whoa, I was planning to hunt this boy down but I’m way outta my depth. Ain’t gonna lie, though. I don’t mind being pursued, not one teeny-weeny itsy-bitsy bit!
Taisuke: After tonight, I’m never letting Rukia go.

Hinata: After a third article, my daily task is still only 75% done. Feeling desperate, I look across the street and spy a familiar face.
Grim Reaper: Oh, it’s you! I hear you met a young man lately…
Hinata: But your life is so much more fascinating! *interviews about life

(This job sucks! I get home at 4 pm, spend 6.5 hours on 4 interviews and 3 articles, then wake up early to write up the fourth article!)


Rukia: I leave for my first day of work an hour after sister Hinata does.
Jin: You look somehow different this morning, dear daughter of mine.
Rukia (internally): Can he tell that Taisuke kept me up all night? *coughs
Papa, you’ll never guess! I took a pregnancy test this morning and I’m eating for two!

Jin: Doesn’t a pregnancy test mean that the basssinet-burrito stage lasts a day longer?
Rukia: Yes, but my pregnancy also shortens by one day so I can try for baby sooner in case of a single birth.
Jin: Smart thinking, sweetheart. Best wishes on your first day of work!

Yuki: Jin, who’s that hunk sitting at our kitchen counter?
Jin: Oh right, you didn’t come with us to the Shrieking Lllama Bar Sunday evening. That’s Andrew. Hinata must have invited him to spend the night yesterday.
Yuki: And just exactly who is Andrew to our daughter?
Jin: Her relationship panel says that Andrew’s her lover, best friend, co-worker, and boyfriend.

Yuki: So she invites him to spend the night, then leaves him here and goes off to work?
Jin: I just checked his work schedule and he’s off today. He must be a Level 1 or 2 Writer.

Yuki: Well, I’m ready to move out as soon as Rukia gets home for work today at 5.
I have no regrets! I’ll be making room for one more grandchild and I also have a little surprise of my own.
Jin: You’re just moving up the street, sweetheart. You can spend all the time you want here, you know that.
Yuki: Yes, I know. I feel at peace about leaving. And you’ll be joining me someday soon.

Andrew: You’re finally home, honeybun! I’ve been so lonely here without you! *pouts
Hinata: Awww, Andrew my love! I missed you, too. Come here, you handsome man. *autonomous kiss
Andrew: I didn’t work today, so I stayed here all day and waited for you. *acts clingy
Hinata: *interviews Andrew and Yuki about their lives

Conan: Wow, little niece, I never realized you’re so “well-endowed”! Because you’ve matured?
Rukia: No, Uncle Conan. I’m sticking my chest out in pride cuz I got promoted! *rolls eyes
Jin: …derp.

Taisuke: What a relief to see you in monochrome again, doll. That pink suit was soooo not you!

Jin: Hey, Andrew! Wanna go sit with me outside and chat? *asks to see swimwear
Uh huh, just as I’d suspected. I thought you’ve been acting uncharacteristically moody lately.
Andrew: *blushes
Taisuke: o.O *quickly looks away and starts whistling innocently


Hinata: Hey, Andrew! Thanks for waiting for me to finish my articles.
Andrew: It’s past midnight already. I’m on way home to get some sleep.
Hinata: This isn’t a romantic setting at all, Andrew, but I want to make an honest sim out of you and our baby bump.
Will you marry me?
Andrew: You finally ask me! And just when I’d given up on a proposal tonight.
Of course, I will, Hinata. Destined from a previous lifetime or two, remember?

Conan: It’s late but let’s throw a dinner party with just the Legacy Club and Andrew.
Taisuke needs to mix three drinks at a social event. He also needs Entrepreneurial asap.
Rukia: Isn’t Taisuke going to roll cooking whims to earn satisfaction points?
Jin: Nah, he only needs the L6 promotion to complete Master Mixologist.

Rukia: Checking our schedules, Taisuke, our work schedules don't overlap much.
I know there’s a lot going on at the moment, but what say we elope right now?
Taisuke: Yes, let's do it. I'd also like us to be married when our children are born.


Jin:  Welcome home, Rukia and your third-trimester baby bump. Nice work on your L06 promotion.
Rukia: Ugh, my back is killing me and I need to drink some medicine. What’s been going on?

Jin: So much has been happening lately! Wednesday morning, Miku gave birth to a son, Roland.
Conan: Taisuke earned enough satisfaction points to buy the Entrepreneurial trait before work today.

Hinata: Just a half hour ago, Andrew phoned to say he had twin girls: Rainn and Lorena.
Rukia: And I’ll be giving birth tomorrow morning around 6 am.


Rukia: After two last-minute fertility massages by Papa, I give birth at home to twins! I’m holding our firstborn son, Ignis.
Taisuke: And I’m holding our second-born son, Shota.

Taisuke: They are so beautiful, Rukia!
Rukia: Of course, they are, sweets. They’re our babies!
Taisuke: Doesn’t your family have a nursery? You know, like normal sims?
Rukia: Nah, we place bassinets in this part of the house, where we spend the most time.

Jin: Look at you handsome fellows! And just think, once I become good friends with both of you, I’ll complete Big Happy Family!

If only the Vicarious trait would work with Taisuke… Speaking of Taisuke, why did your parents vanish so quickly?

Rukia: Hurry! Hurry and get your fiery romantic self in here. I have to work in 90 minutes.
Taisuke: But I dislike closet woohoo. It’s crude, unsanitary, and lacks romantic ambience.
Rukia: Whatever. I don’t have time to go all the way downstairs before work today.

Taisuke: I hate being rushed!
Rukia: Good job, sport! And I still have time to take a pregnancy test and drink some cowplant essences!

Rukia: I’m baaaack and eating for two!

And thus, we herald the birth of two out of three ninth-generation nooboos/potential heirs.
They will be the last sims to be raised in the Mori Legacy House from birth.

Career Stats
As of the end of this sim-day:
•   Jin (18 days to elder): Secret Agent/Diamond Agent L10; now unemployed.
•   Conan (1 day to adult): Politics/Charity Organizer L10; now unemployed.
•   Hinata (10 days to adult): Writer/Journalist L08.
•   Taisuke (15 days to adult): Culinary (Mixologist) L04
•   Rukia (20 days to adult): Business/Management L06

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Mori Legacy: News about Nooboos! (01/05)
« Reply #502 on: January 05, 2017, 10:08:28 PM »
See?  Hinata finds herself a fellow and who immediately shows up?  Grim!  He knows Hinata is the best (and he's secretly jealous that he can't be with her).
Congrats on the nooboos!!  Looking forward to seeing what they look like as they age up and what styles you have in mind for them  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: News about Nooboos! (01/05)
« Reply #503 on: January 05, 2017, 10:40:48 PM »

You are so fixated on Hinata that you don't even comment on the  fact that she impregnated her husband, so Andrew's the one who gave birth to twins..LOL

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Mori Legacy: News about Nooboos! (01/05)
« Reply #504 on: January 05, 2017, 10:57:52 PM »

You are so fixated on Hinata that you don't even comment on the  fact that she impregnated her husband, so Andrew's the one who gave birth to twins..LOL
Hinata's so amazing she can just do things like impregnate her hubby.  That's just how awesome she is  :=)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: News about Nooboos! (01/05)
« Reply #505 on: January 06, 2017, 02:05:37 AM »
Wow! The Moris are rolling in nooboos! Very slick move having Andrew carry the babies so that Rukia can have more in-house heir possibilites. Plus, he looks adorable with a bump.

Welcome to Ignis and Shota! Do their names have any interesting backstory? Inquiring minds want to know.

I feel for Taisuke a bit, being yanked into closets at inopportune times, but I admire Rukia's efficiency. Let's get these babies popped out and aged up so we can start evaluating who is the cutest! Ambience can wait!

I love the sultry picture of Taisuke embracing Rukia with one arm. Is that a pose or did you just catch a passionate kiss at a really good moment? Either way, it's awesome. Those two are so great together.

Farewell to Yuki. Thanks for your lovely genes. May you find a peaceful home where nobody is judging you for your slow skilling. :)

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Re: The Mori Legacy: News about Nooboos! (01/05)
« Reply #506 on: January 06, 2017, 04:27:53 AM »
I loved this update!  The babies are so cute.  Great pics!  I vote Ignis for heir.  I know it is a little early but he is so cute.  I can't wait to see all of the new nooboos age up.  So much fun awaits.  Taisuke and Rukia are the cutest couple.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: News about Nooboos! (01/05)
« Reply #507 on: January 07, 2017, 02:47:13 AM »
Never let it be said that a single vote can't change an election! Yay for Rukia, she's been my favourite for ages. I just love that Goth style. I miss going to the local Goth/Metal club since it closed down about 4 years ago :'(

eta: you called Taisuke, Noctis a couple times lol Freudian slip by any chance lol

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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The Mori Legacy: Almost Intolerably Adorable
« Reply #508 on: January 07, 2017, 09:11:01 AM »
Hinata and Andrew had another daughter, which makes three. I’m thinking of possibly moving one of them in when Jin needs to move out. What do you think?

I was so sad that I missed seeing Andrew’s third-trimester baby bump, lol.
Haha, yes, Rukia needed Taisuke to squeeze in a closet try-for-baby in between giving birth and leaving for work. Now that all three boys are born, we can get some rest, myself included.

Yes, that shot you mentioned of Rukia & Taisuke was a pose. They’re the last couple in this legacy, since the challenge ends as soon as Gen09 has an heir.
So I might be wanting to shower these two with more attention than the previous couples.

I’m such a biased watcher. I’m so intolerant of Yuki’s slow skilling, yet I have infinite patience for Taisuke’s lack of any skills except Mixology and Charisma, haha.

After your remark about Ignis, I started wondering about my preconception that all Sims 4 nooboos look alike. Somebody needs to make a collage so we can compare!
I started to look back at this legacy’s nooboo shots, but then….nah. I’m glad you like the current household!

What would I do without you? I’ve also been playing FF XV lately so I modeled Taisuke after Noctis, as you know. I can’t believe that I didn’t even notice that I’d typed Noctis for some speech tags. I proofread so many times before posting and several times after posting. *sighs helplessly
Thank you Magpie! (I went through today's chapter again just now and found I'd typed Noctis numerous times, lol.)

8.81 The Mori Legacy: Almost Intolerably Adorable

Week 40/Friday

Jin: I have a few hours before giving Taisuke a pre-work massage, so I mix some beats. What a surprise when Yuki phones to say she had a boy, Anthony.
Taisuke: How does that affect the selection of the Gen08 heir?
Jin: It doesn’t, Tai, because Yuki wasn’t living here when our son was born. And anyway, the Gen08 heir must be female, just as the Gen09 heir must be male.

Conan: Hey, I hadn’t seen Taisuke’s work uniform. Is that how bartenders dress these days? I don’t know, he looks so corporate…

Hinata: We kicked Mama and the grandparents out of the Legacy Club yesterday. They were competing with us for the skill objects, which was such a bother.
But since they’re not around for me to interview, I need to find other interviewees.

Look who's hanging out at the camping area across from the Shrieking Llama Bar.
Though I’d met Adrien Layne and Jackson Miller before, they won’t let me interview them right away. I spend hours there chatting with them. *sighs

Taisuke: I’m impatient to be done with Master Mixologist! Daily life is tough with so few reward traits, you know?
Rukia: But look at you and all your fancy bar tricks, Tai.
Taisuke: I only need one more Mixology level and two more career promotions. But it’s hard for me to earn satisfaction points--it’s a Catch-22!

Jin: Don’t feel pressured, Taisuke. You’re doing just fine. Love your wife and look after the kids. All the Mori’s have your back.

Hinata: I spend all evening writing articles then realize I have the weekend off. Sorry!
Andrew: Yeah, I was wondering why I didn’t hear from you hours ago. Is this a b**ty call?
Hinata: How could you think such a thing, Drew! We're married! Anyway, did you miss me today as much as I missed you, you gorgeous man?


Conan (on the phone): Hi, Lionel. This is your father. Would you like to come over for a visit?

Lionel: Hello, Daddy. I was hoping you’d invite me over soon. I’ve been wanting to meet you!
Conan: How cool that you inherited my Cheerful trait, Lionel!

W: Since his mother Ayaka is an alien, shouldn’t Lionel have a hybrid skintone? Or is that his human disguise? We take him to a closet but learn nothing.
Do we need to discover he’s an alien first?

Conan: His overhead panel shows he’s playful yet he has no dark pink playful glow. Also, does an alien’s human disguise inherit features of the human parent?
Will Lionel (or his disguise) resemble me? So many questions! No matter, Lionel is as cute as a button!

Hinata: Whenever Andrew gets that look in his eye… *crosses fingers for a son

Conan: I vote we go out and have some fun, since Taisuke doesn’t work until this evening.
Taisuke: Maybe we could visit Asa, Miku, and their son Roland. He’s a child now.
Rukia: Bring Lionel along, Conan! We can take him and Roland out for ice cream.
Hinata: Sounds great, but let’s save the ice cream parlor for tomorrow after my twins age up, k?

Noctis (to Shota): You and Ignis are so lucky! You’re literally surrounded by cousins!

Rukia: Roland’s out when we arrive, but I get him home by adding him to the Kidz Club I’ve re-opened for our boys.
Roland shares his mother Miku’s Outgoing trait and his father’s eye color but, sadly, not even Asa's red hair.

Week 41/Sunday

Rukia: Early this morning, the twins surprise us by being old enough to age up today, instead of tomorrow.
Taisuke: Ignis sits on the left and Shota on the right. They both have violet eyes.

Ignis: I’m a Music Lover and Whiz Kid, so I ask Shota to play three games of chess with me.
Thank you, Grandpa and Great-Uncle Conan for mentoring us.
Conan: Just Uncle Conan is fine, Ignis.

Shota: I’m a Loner and Artistic Prodigy.
If you’re wondering about our names, Watchette will explain when our younger brother is born.

Taisuke: Oddly, I am merely sniffing the drink mixer at the exact moment I max Mixology. *buffs nails on shoulder
W: I realize this sim is not conventionally attractive, but I find him very appealing. Caterina, I think he might be my hazubando, lol.

Hinata: My girls don’t age up before Taisuke leaves for work, so no ice cream parlor today. I invite Andrew and the girls over to hang out.
Here’s a collage of the four of us. And yes, I gave Rainn and Lorena very slight closet makeovers.
The first-born Rainn wore boots with her Chinese dress—that’s a no-no! And the second-born Lorena wore a hideous hat over an even more hideous hairstyle.


Taisuke: The boys head out for their first day of school, just as Rukia goes into labor.

Rukia: Welcome to the simverse! We’ve named you, our third son, Kyoya.
Kyoya: (Oooh, sparkles!)

Conan: Hey, congrats on completing Master Mixologist!
Jin: So, we’ve fallen into a crisis, Taisuke. You know how this legacy ends with the Gen10 Heir’s birth?
Taisuke: Who doesn’t know that?
Jin: That means we can end the Mori Legacy Challenge in one of two ways:
(1)   Postpone the Gen10 Heir’s birth until a Gen9 sim maxes the Politician career; or
(2)   Have a Gen8 sim max Politician.
Conan: In Scenario (2), the Gen10 Heir can be born 3-4 days after the Gen9 Heir ages up to young adult.

Taisuke: I get the feeling that the “Gen8 sim” you have in mind is me…
Conan: You’re the logical choice!  Jin and I make better mentors and your Charisma is already Level 5!

Taisuke: And that, boys and girls, is why I’m currently a Level 4 politician.
It does not, by any means whatsoever, explain my fuschia sandal pumps with gold trim. *sighs

Rukia: So sorry about all that, sweetheart…
Taisuke: Darling! I just bought the Great Kisser trait.
Would you please collaborate as I kiss my way to L10 Charisma?


Taisuke: Today’s been a great day so far. Both boys bring home an A grade today and complete Whiz Kid.
For some odd reason, Ignis comes home in a turban. Can’t fix that until Rukia’s  home from work.

On my first day of work, I get promoted and branch to the Politician career.
I now wear boots with 2” heels, which is only relatively preferable to this morning’s come-hither fuschia pumps.

One more kiss and I’ll max Charisma so I’m not worried about Politician’s skill requirements.
What worries me is securing votes. Where will I get 20 votes?

Rukia: Today really is a stellar day for our household. Everyone  earned a promotion today.
Hinata: I bring home my final Journalist promotion this evening.
No more spending hours and hours after work on interviews and articles!
Rukia: Another promotion for me as well, which brings me to Level 08.


Rukia: Our third son ages up early in the morning. We give him the name Kyoya.
Kyoya: Greetings, Earthlings. I am a Vegetarian and an Artistic Prodigy.

I assembled some collages which you’ll find in the following post. I hope you won’t hate me for collage overkill…

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: Almost Intolerably Adorable
« Reply #509 on: January 07, 2017, 09:13:49 AM »
(Continued from previous post)

Rukia: In case you’ve wondered, our three sons are named after a JRPG character, a Japanese actor, and a manga character.
•   Ignis (brown): In Final Fantasy XV, Ignis is the four-man crew’s strategist and has long been Noctis’ mentor. Ignis makes an extreme sacrifice to protect Noctis in the game, so Noctis would highly approve of this naming.
•   Shota (violet): This name is a bit of a guilty pleasure, seeing that the boy’s named after one of my favorite Japanese actors, Matsuda Shota. If you’re familiar with the anime “Cowboy Bebop,” the protagonist Spike was modeled after this actor’s father.
•   Kyoya (glasses): The manga/anime character Ootori Kyoya is the brilliant, calculating, cool vice-president of an extracurricular club named Ouran High School Host Club. The female protagonist is obliged to cross-dress and work in a high school host club (pun on after-school clubs and host clubs), which targets a female clientele. Kyoya represents the glasses-wearing archetype in this “reverse harem” storyline.

Jin: Haha, I bet you’re sorry you asked! And we're not going to make a lot of effort to make these boys resemble their namesakes.

Taisuke: And finally, here’s a collage so you can compare the facial features of the boys, Rukia, and me.

Author’s Notes

This ended up being a disjointed chapter. Since Gen09 is the last generation of kids to grow up in the Mori House, I became so impatient to see the nooboos as children.
I’m taking a little break to check out the forum’s 2017 Tournament challenges and give my place a thorough cleaning.

Thank you so much for coming along on this journey of silliness and digital infatuation. <3

