Author Topic: The Drifter Chronicles - House 003 (COMPLETE)  (Read 21009 times)

Offline commasplice

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 003 (COMPLETE)
« Reply #75 on: March 29, 2018, 10:50:05 AM »
Woot!!  Go Lyanna!!  Looking forward to her amazing adventures  :=)

Thank you so much!

So many hugs this chapter! I love this sweet, close-knit family so much!
Congratulations on another successfully completed house! So excited for Lyanna and the next adventure!

I'm so glad you're sharing all of the houses on the gallery. I really love the gorgeous wallpapers you use, especially the trees in Eddard and Valeria's room, so if you're willing to share the links to those I'd love to have them!

Done. They are linked on my creations' page. The wallpaper in Eddard and Valeria's room is one of my faves and I thought would be appropriate given his love of nature.

Thank you so much for all your comments!

