Author Topic: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Harley's Hurly_Burley  (Read 2137 times)

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Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Harley's Hurly_Burley
« on: September 12, 2019, 04:39:18 AM »
Hey all!

Been a while, but Gwendy sort of got me into this and who better to share it with than all my friends here?  (The notebook for the Goblin King Dynasty is still missing, but the file is safe.  I will finish that when it's found)

So here is my version of the 100 Babies Challenge.  Here is the rule set I'm using for it.

No actual job for the founder/current busy mom, but collecting things, tips from guitar, selling fish, etc are allowed.
All lifetime wishes and lifetime rewards are allowed as long as they don't extend life.
Normal lifespan for everyone.
No Maids, Babysitters or Bonehilda.
Any traits I may have been able to choose for a child must be randomized.
Only one pregnancy per man.
No cheats.  But I can use strategy and exploits.  And resetsim.
No getting married, sending the kids off to boarding school or using apples or melons.  We get what we get.
Infants can be aged up after a full 24 hours.
Toddlers must learn to walk, talk and potty, as well as read 2 toddler books before being aged up.
Children must get an A in school, then age up the next day.
Teens need an A for three days.  (My honor roll is giving me trouble)
YA may stay in the home but not have jobs.
Once the founder becomes an Elder, she may be moved out or kept at player's discretion.
Founder/matriarch must have kids until they are Elder.
The last girl in a generation is the next matriarch.

And we're off...

This is Zoe.  She may look familiar to Gwendy and NotGwendy.  They grew up with someone who looks similar.  Zoe is raring to go in Sunset Valley, moving into my second favorite house. Sold everything but the wallpaper to buy a guitar and pay for all those cribs.   Zoe's traits are Family Oriented, Irresistible, Virtuoso, Natural Cook and Ambitious.  She has to be ambitious to try this.  Her lifetime wish is Culinary Librarian because I thought it would be easy to get done.  Ha! 

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I'm going to tell you straight up front that Zoe has terrible taste in men.  She seems to like them old.  Because out of the gate, Zoe decided to chat up this fine gentleman.

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That's right.  Mr Gobias Koffi.  Has he ever had a child before?  Well, he's having one now.  After hearing those happy chimes, Zoe told him they were better off as friends.  At his party, no less.  And she got a half dozen phone numbers on the way home.  Not one to waste time, our girl.  I'm not going to bore you with all the burritos unless it's important to the story.  There was only one name for Gobias' little girl.

Meet Decaff

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Decaff's random traits were Virtuoso and Grumpy.  We're off to a great start.

While Decaff was sleeping in her swing, Zoe invited over her next victim, er, romantic interest.  She met him selling some stuff at the Alchemy Shop.  They actually got along really well.  I admit it, I was surprised.  He was really good with Decaff too.  Meet Dad # 2, Mr Iqbal Alvi.

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Look how cute they are together!  Him and his little cane!  And he was pretty upset when Zoe said "Sorry, I'm not ready to settle down."  But their brief love resulted in a little boy, who was Friendly and Excitable.

Ravi Alvi

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Now, since the house caught fire while Decaff was having her child birthday, (the day I can't age a toddler in a day and have a baby, I'm hanging up my sim shoes), Decaff waited calmly with Zoe and Ravi outside, not bothered a bit by the mess, thanks to that new Slob trait.  But all was not lost!  There's always a silver lining if you know where to look.

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Zoe never stops looking, it seems.  Firefighter Andrew Andreason was more than happy to visit for a bit, play with Decaff, try some of Zoe's good old home cooking.  Before he left, Zoe was sick, but not from spoiled food! 

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What else could we call him but Mister Andreason?  An Outdoor Loving Genius, Mister was aged up a little slower than the other two, since Zoe had what I considered a rather sinister plan in mind.  Why did she choose him?  I don't know, but the heart (or the scoring) wants what it wants.

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Yes.  Gunther Goth.  This is when I realized that this challenge was going to be something else.  I decided to just sit back and go along for the ride. 

Decaff and Ravi were now teens.  Decaff had picked up the Disciplined trait, so that meant she licked the dirty plates in a specific order.  Ravi was now Easily Impressed and a Computer Whiz.  The household budget, consisting of selling windows for cribs at one point, meant there was no computer in the place for him to be a whiz with.  More importantly, they could pick up babies.  It seems Dynasty slaves have nothing on the kids in the 100 baby challenge.  Here they are, aren't they adorable?

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Mister aged up to child a little later than normal, due to all the Gunther Goth games going on.  His dad was a firefighter, I don't know why I expected something different for him.  He rolled that Evil so fast I think he had bribed the game beforehand.  And now that he was a child, Zoe took him with her to Gunther Goth's party.  I know in my bones that Mister was going to spill the beans to Cornelia about just whose baby Zoe was waddling around with.  But as soon as they got there Zoe went into labour.   Gunther, realizing that sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, popped his clogs right in the middle of it.

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See that kid faking surprise in the back?  That's our Mister Evil.  And, that's all that Gunther's son ever saw of him.  Actually, not even that, since Zoe grabbed Mister and headed home as fast as possible.  I don't know why she was worried.  Gunther's kid looks nothing like him.  But the trauma made him Absent Minded and Hydrophobic.  I panicked for a second thinking he had rabies, but it's all good, friends.  It means he won't shower.  Ever.  Especially in the six seconds that each person gets before someone has to use the toilet, or the potty or throw up.  And it breaks down on the regular.  And he forgets everything. 

We had to name the poor tyke Gottabea Goth.  I'm starting to worry about the naming scheme in this.  We call him Emo for short.  Zoe picked herself right up and called another old friend.  I'm starting to see the pattern.  It's OLD.  She called up Buster Clavel.  Seriously!  But not before she spent those happy lifetime points on a Fertility Treatment.  And a radio. 

Buster scares me for some reason.  He's good with the kids, don't get me wrong, but there's something about the way he starts protesting in the bathroom that unnerves me.  And then...

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NO! Buster, that is NOT OKAY!  It does, however, give Zoe a reason to chase him out the house with the broom.  Woot, she is single again!  And throwing up...

Stay tuned.
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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Total Triumph or Toast?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2019, 11:13:02 AM »
Oh god the last screenshot but also: I was thinking about you recently. Glad to see my wishes come true! ;) I hope you're having fun and all and that Gwendy and NotGwendy are hanging in there.
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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Total Triumph or Toast?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2019, 02:53:43 AM »
Wow, Trip, what timing, eh?  I have missed this forum so much!  Gwendy and NotGwendy are well, thanks!   I have a quick question for you or one of the other mods.  Is it okay to edit the screenshots like this before attaching them?  They're jpg and I'm doing them in the 800 450 size.  I don't want to overwhelm the story with scrolling through pictures and pictures.

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And here's Gunther Goth's son for y'all.  I never expected him to look like this, I tell ya.  For some reason, we stopped calling him either Emo or Gottabea and he's known as Chris.
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Total Triumph or Toast?
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2019, 12:45:28 PM »
Edits are OK (just remember to upload as a jpg and 800px max but you're good there) and he's a cutie!
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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Zoe's Chaos
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2019, 11:07:55 PM »
Thanks, Trip! 

(I should mention that since Gwendy and NotGwendy have their own place now, I'm relying on their brothers, Young Feller and Little Boy for vetting my naming suggestions.)

Chapter Two - Zoe's Chaos

I'm getting a tish worried now, since Zoe seems to only throw boys.  Thankfully, Decaff seems to like kids.  But then, Zoe has the Clavel Triplets.  Hallelujah, we've got another girl, right out of the gate.  Four Leaf Clavel.  Decaff is off the hook!  Her brothers threw me into a panic though, and while Lookin Over came pretty easily, Overlooked B4 sounds weird, even for me.   Four Leaf is Disciplined and Athletic, Lookin Over is a Perceptive Loner, (poor kid, did he ever pick the wrong house) and Overlooked, who we quickly named Overlord is an Insane Heavy Sleeper.  Thank heavens for that.  Here they are, as kids:

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Mister aged up, so now the tally was teens: 3, kids, 1 and infants, whoops, they're toddlers now 3.  Full house.  Zoe took a day or two to collect some more gems, get some cash, and get the teens all on the honor roll.  She also went on the prowl for a few more prospective baby daddies. 

Poor Chris, Gunther's kid, is what folks back in the mountains used to call simple.  There's something just not right with the boy.  He tries, Eru love him, but he's just not marching to the beat of his own drummer, he's got his own band.  He aged up to teen one day before his birthday.

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He's also an Artistic Snob now.  *sigh*  That'll help. 

Ravi, Mister and Decaff help get the trips maxed in their skills, and hit the honor roll.  Decaff realized that she Dislikes Children, (boy we dodged a bullet there), Ravi picked up Ambitious and Mister adds Unflirty and Good Sense of Humor to his mix.

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Love to have you stay and help, kids, but Chris can babysit and Zoe needs the house room.  Everybody get a job, and out you go.  Zoe calls up the next fellow on her list.

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Anybody know this guy?  This is Curtis Quin.  Zoe doesn't have a clue what his traits are, but she really likes him.  He tidies up around the place, Chris gets along with him, thankfully, and he even does dishes.  It breaks Zoe's heart to tell him that she just wants to be friends.

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Four Leaf and her brother aren't too broken up about it.  They've aged up and Four Leaf has added Animal Lover, Lookin Over has Mean Spirited, (Sweet Eru spare us), and Overlord, who's already Insane, gets Ambitious.  It's best they get used to the men coming and going.  Especially if Four Leaf is going to be the next matriarch.

But, lo and behold, the oldest of the Quin Twins (I love that) is a little girl!  Harley Quin is here, along with her brother, Pen.  Harley is an Easily Impressed Virtuoso and Pen is another Absent Minded Heavy Sleeper.

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Zoe decides that the clock is running out and calls up a man who's been saying lovely things about the size of her family.  Leighton Sekemoto.  Sure, why not.  At least he's still her age.  It's all going well, and the chimes are heard through the Earthmother household.  But then...

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Are those scales?  Leighton!  Zoe, this is why you need to talk to people more!  How could you not know this?  Do we have to keep him now, or he'll turn into sea foam?  Wait, does he even have a voice anymore?  Start praying for a boy, Zoe.

Thankfully, little Scales is all male, and can be kicked out without compunction when the time comes.  And he doesn't seem to have any fins.  He also Loves the Outdoors and is a Heavy Sleeper.  I'm starting to see a pattern in the kids.  I don't know if the game is taking pity on all these poor bebes. 

Meanwhile, Chris, struggling through school, tries to help out by making dinner while Zoe takes all the kids to the park in the motive mobile.  Bless him.  But then he sees that chipmunk on the front lawn.  Chris?  Chris?

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Oh, Chris...

The trips age up to teens, and it looks like we're in for a heck of a ride.   

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Four Leaf gets Savvy Sculptor and the wash and set my sister's mother-in-law has been getting every week for the past 50 years.

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Lookin Over picks up Loves the Outdoors, and despite disguising himself like Greg from the Brady Bunch, continues to fight with everyone in the house, except Scales, for some reason.  But now he takes the arguments outside, so he doesn't upset the twins that much.

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And my poor Overlord, who just wants someone to play on the see-saw all the time, starts turning out lights, thanks to his new Eco-friendly.

Here are the Quin Twins, just before they age up.  No pictures of them as kids.  I, I mean Zoe, didn't have time to run around with the camera right then, it was a little crazy.

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And Baby Scales, of course.

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But now we're down to the wire.  Can we get any of the kids out of the house before Zoe goes grey.  Come on, all of you!  Work!  Study!  Do those extra assignments and ops.  Yay, the twins get an A! 

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I honestly thought we'd have to wait for Chris' birthday, when Bing!  Honor Roll!  I mean, he even got to go to prom and everything.  Oh Chris, we're all so proud of you.  He gets Night Owl, a job at the paper, and out he goes.  I mean, we're all heartbroken, and worried about him out in the world by himself with some of the worst traits rolled into a sim.  Good luck, Chris!

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Alas, not quick enough for Zoe.  Her time has come.  Now she's an Elder.  Spending her retirement chasing teenagers and sneaking out with Curtis Quin.

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Not in those clothes, however.

Oh, yes!  The trips all age up the same day!

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Overlord gets the Schmoozer trait, which is going to just compliment that Insane thing perfectly.  Job at the paper, move out.

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Lookin Over gets Cat Person.  Puuurrrfect.  He's going to be an Astronaut.  Nobody to fight with in space, right?  Out you go!

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Four Leaf is a Genius.  Zoe is so proud.  Four Leaf becomes a journalist.  Why do they all want to write?  Anyway, off she goes, into her new life.

Wait, which one of you stole the motive mobile?  It was right here!  Hey!  Oh man...I bet it was Lookin Over.  He's like that.

The twins age up the next day.

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Pen goes for a music career, after picking up, oh hey, I haven't given any of Pen's traits.  He's got Absent Minded, Heavy Sleeper, Supernatural Fan, Natural Born Performer, and Great Kisser.  Best of luck, Pen!

Leaving us with out new matriarch, a brand new YA, Harley.

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Isn't she cute?  I wonder if she's got better taste than her mom?  Harley comes with Virtuoso, Easily Impressed, Eco-friendly, Brave and Lucky.  Her Lifetime wish is Golden Voice Golden Fingers.  And she had just enough LTH for a Fertility Treatment on her birthday.

Whew!  Now I can get back to playing.

Zoe's total kids - 10.  This challenge might take a while.
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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Harley's Houseful
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2019, 01:57:46 PM »
Chapter Three - Harley's Houseful

Hey, all!  Two quick notes, Little Boy refuses to help unless I acknowledge that he's grown up now, so he'll be referred to as Little Man from now on.  Also, my playing style and storytelling is not really suited to Baby Boomer Challenge type things, it's always been more about the characters for me.  So this might take a few more generations than I thought.  But it'll be more enjoyable, for all of us, I hope.

Harley jumps right into her role as matriarch as soon as graduation is over.  She's looking for something a little different than her mother did.  She heads right for the OG Dynasty Spouse himself, Chris Steel.

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Success!  It looks like the Steel lips will survive another generation.  Harley seems quite fond of Chris, even serenading him over breakfast before she realizes that she can't be having with a man in cow print pyjamas.

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Thanks for all your help, Chris!  Meanwhile, Zoe's got more important matters to deal with.  She's on the hunt down at the Festival.

"Don't play coy with me, Lookin Over, I know what you've done"

"What are you talking about, Ma?"

"Where's my motive mobile?  I've seen you driving around town in it!"

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Scales here gets his fish and his A.  Yes!  More cake!

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Harley goes into labour and delivers the Steel triplets, scattering them about the house and yard.  Oh, lord, she's going to be one of those moms. 

"Hey, this is harder than it looks, Tia," Harley shoots back.  "At least I didn't give them terrible names!"  And she's right, I went blank at naming time.  It was three in the morning.  So now we are stuck with two boys, Mano and Lips, and a little girl, Lips Of.  I'm very sorry about that.  But Lips Of is called Aggie for short.  You'll see why.

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That playpen is the single most useful thing I've found in this game. 

"You mean the motive mobile," Zoe grumbles, calling up Overlord to see where Lookin has got to.

"Nobody drives away in the playpen," Harley says, helpfully. She's headed off to see Mortimer Goth.

Here are the trips as toddlers. 

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Mano is Eccentric and Insane, so he fits right in, Lips Loves the Cold and is a Heavy Sleeper, (yet another one), and Lips Of, AKA Aggie, is Brave and Loves the Heat.  Which is a really good thing, since this was their child birthday...

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Uncle Scales in the back there is just so done with all of this and wants to get to YA as soon as possible.  Which he does, off camera of course.  It's too bad, really, cause he's kind of cute.  He's also a mermaid.  Er, merman.  Yeah.  I've never played a merperson before, so we just kept feeding him old cake slices.  He kept hogging the shower, too.  He ended up having the Loves the Outdoors, Heavy Sleeper, Perceptive, Schmoozer and Ambitious traits.  But eventually he got a job at the Science Center, hoping to be a master monster creator.  Best of luck, Scales.  That's the last of Zoe's kids out of the house. 

It's up to Harley now.  Her kids look like this.

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Mano picks up Animal Lover, which gives him that chipmunk on the lawn to talk to instead of just himself.  Lips pulls Frugal out of the Trait Birthday Bag, and immediately starts packing more leftover cake into the fridge instead of letting me toss it. 

"Every penny helps," Lips mutters under his breath.

And Aggie gets Vehicle Enthusiast.  She joins Zoe in the hunt for the missing motive mobile since it's not looking like the household will have another one in the foreseeable future.  Harley has tested the waters around town and decided on the next dad, Damien Thurman.  Zoe pushes the kids to A's at elementary school.

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Harley pops a wish to have a girl.  Aggie's really hoping for one, too.  Just in case, she's building up her friendships and logic.  I'd like one as well.  We could call her Uma.  The big day arrives, and the Thurman twins make their entrance.

Harley has no psychic ability at all.  Herman and Stat are adorable, though.  Herman Loves the Cold and is Athletic.  Stat, (Young Feller's suggestion) is Brave and Evil.  Brave is good.  He's not going to be afraid of birthdays like the rest of them.

"No, Yaya, it's going to all burn,"  Mano protests.

"Cake doesn't always mean fire," Zoe tells him.

"Flaming icing tastes funny," he replies.

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Maybe we should start asking Mano about the babies genders.  Now that the kids are teens, Lips becomes a Mooch.  Goes with that Frugal nicely, I thought.  He may never pay for anything else in his life.  Mano becomes Easily Impressed and discovers that everyone around him is awesome.  Including the invisible people.  Poor Aggie, looking down the barrel of becoming the next matriarch, pulls Daredevil out of the grab bag.  It's the only thing that saves her from serious anxiety, since Harley is taking a quick breather to help age up the kids and have her birthday.

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Herman and Stat are darned near identical.  Here they are learning to talk in the amazing playpen.  They're also best friends.  The playpen is the MVP in this challenge.

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Even though there's space for one more kid, it seems to make more sense to age everyone up as quickly as possible and see if we can do some more triplets.  Why waste that Fertility Treatment?  So first the toddlers age up to kids, while the teens are working hard, and because poor Zoe can only tutor one at a time.  The twins catch up quickly to the triplets.

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Herman is now a Clumsy Computer Whiz.  I'm impressed, because I don't think he's ever seen a computer in his life.  And speaking of impressed, it's something Stat now does quite easily.  He's also a Diva.  With that hair, I don't think he could be anything else.

"I can hear you," Stat snaps.  "I'm going to be Emperor of Evil, you know."

"Not if I don't click that wish, you're not," I tell him.  "So you'd better stop jumping out at Mano.  He's twitchy enough as it is."

Tossing his dreads, Stat storms out of the house, where he's quickly fascinated by those twinkly lights.  "Ah ha!" he chuckles evilly, "Finally, someone who will appreciate my schemes!"

"If he gets pregnant, we're keeping it, and I'm claiming it," Harley yells.

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"No such luck," Zoe mutters, pushing Herman to that almighty A.  "He's still a teen.  Hey, where did this lamp come from?"

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"Money?" Lips looks up from his homework.  "Can I borrow some?  I mean, I'll pay you back in a few years and all."

"Go find your own genie,"  Aggie tells him.  "I need this one to wish for Mom to have a girl before I'm trapped here for the rest of my life."

"My genie, my wish.  I'd like to be able to keep the windows for the rest of the game.  Maybe we can get new beds."  Zoe says, returning Jada back to the lamp to rest up.

Thank goodness, Everybody Who Isn't A Potential Matriarch's Birthday came.

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"This is so unfair," Aggie wailed.  "I want to age up, too."

"You're going to on your own soon enough," Harley told her.  "You don't want to cut into your own time, do you?"

"Of course I do!" 

"Stop complaining so we can get them out of the house and get started on Harley's next round," Zoe snapped, rubbing her temples.  "Are you guys always this loud?"

"I'm not older at all," Mano explained seriously to his grandmother.  "Nothing burned up, Yaya.  It can't be my birthday."

Lips, for reasons only known to the gods of Random Selection, became a Sailor.

"Have you ever even seen a boat?" Herman asked him.

"Nope.  Get me job, Tia, I want out of this madhouse."

"Lucky," Aggie muttered.

"Who got Lucky?" Zoe yelled over the din.

"I did, Yaya," Mano told her.  "At least that's what that little green man on your shoulder is saying."

"Get 'em out, please," Harley said.  "I'm ready to face the morning sickness again."

Lips got the CEO LTW, so that was easy enough.  Mano went into science with Uncle Scales, to help with the monster making.  Herman got Hot Headed and became the first sim to try to be a Clumsy super athlete.  He got into an argument with Stat on the way out, Stat having pulled Sailor as well. 

"I can, too, be a pirate!" he screamed as they went through the door.

"Just go be a criminal," Zoe told him, slamming the door behind her.  "I need a nap after that.  I'm an old lady, you know."

"I need a life," Aggie wailed.  "I'm going to be stuck in this boring life foreverrrrr!"

"I need a new baby daddy," Harley sighed.  "I'll be at the park."

Stay tuned, folks.

..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Harley's Houseful
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2019, 11:29:41 AM »
Welcome back! :)

You're brave trying this.  The Who's your Daddy? Challenge was more than enough babies for me.

Incidentally, does 'Ten Times Ten Tots' mean you're aiming for ten mothers having ten kids each or was it just a way of saying 'a hundred' with lots of T's?

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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Harley's Houseful
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2019, 09:43:55 PM »
Tia's back! Goodness, this is gonna be. Something. Am I excited or scared?

Both.I'm both.

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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Harley's Hurley-Burly
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2019, 08:34:30 PM »
Incidentally, does 'Ten Times Ten Tots' mean you're aiming for ten mothers having ten kids each or was it just a way of saying 'a hundred' with lots of T's?

Hey, Hazel!  ;)  You know me, if there's a chance for insane alliteration, I'm all over it.  So just a hundred kids.  (This time...)

Tia's back! Goodness, this is gonna be. Something. Am I excited or scared?

Both.I'm both.

Trident!  Be both.  For I have seen what's coming... :o

(Sorry I didn't edit the pictures this time, my technical crew are both at work and I'm still learning this program they got me)

Harley's Hurley-Burly

We left our intrepid threesome with Zoe rocking and napping, Aggie lighting candles for Harley to pop out a girl sometime soon, releasing her from this mess, and Harley herself down at the park.  Did she find a new baby daddy?  You bet she did!  At the pie eating contest, no less.

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It might be a little hard to tell, but that's one Micheal Bachelor.  One quick hookup after a fun day at the park, one quick, sorry let's be friends, and he's out of the house.  The girls gather for a pep talk with the unborn.

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"Somebody in there be a girl, please," Aggie begs.

"More than one, okay?" Zoe puts in. "I don't know how much longer I'm going to be around."

But, alas and alack for Aggie, both the Bachelor twins are boys.  They are named Pad and Party.  Pad is Disciplined and Loves The Outdoors.  Party, living up to his name, rolls Loves the Heat and Loner.  Can't wait to see how that plays out.  Undaunted, Harley actually goes to the house of her next selection and basically drags him back to her place by the ear.

"Oh no, Harley," Zoe mutters.  "Even I never went that far!"

"It'll be amazing if it works and we get a girl," Harley chuckles.  I love this choice.

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I don't even care that he's a merperson now.  I'm laughing for three game days.

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Dang.  More boys.  Arlo's twins are called Banana and Brady.  Banana is Artistic and Loves the Outdoors.  Brady, a merperson like his father, is one of those Friendly Snobs you run into all the time.  Meanwhile, Pad and Party zip up to kids and get their special new traits.  Anything useful?

Here's Pad.  Now he's Adventurous.

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Party somehow beats the odds and gets to be Lucky.  Smile, Party.

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Aggie is either having a mental breakdown or an existential crisis.  It's hard to tell the difference with her sometimes.

"I heard that," Aggie mutters.  "You're not the one going to have to raise a million kids."

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Oh, Aggie, so been there, honey. 

And where is our heroine of the hour?  Out finding baby daddy number I've-Lost-Track.  She's out at the club, chatting up the owner.  He's cute.  At least I think so.  I'd show his picture but I don't have one.  Why not?  Because, folks, she's dropped him like a hot potato and found Geoffery Blank.  He's a hundred years old or something.

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Wait, Harley, I take it back.  Ol' Geoff is okay in my books.  This is the first guy who's been more eager to give YOU a massage.  You go girl!

The Bachelor boys age up. 

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For cryin' out loud!  Why?  You were so easy to tell apart a cake ago!  What happened?  Anyway, Pad, who is going to take up wearing a caftan in about 3 seconds, decides that what we need in the house is a Grumpy sim.  Sure, no problems.  Party, who gets a nice sweater, discovers that he's an Equestrian and that we need to start adopting horses immediately.  Not this time, Party.  When you move out, you can recreate Black Beauty to your little hearts desire.

But what's this, now?  Party, what have we said about magic in the house?

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That sneaky little Micheal!  When did he become a witch?  And didn't I have supernaturals turned off?  So both Bachelor kids have slightly unstable tempers and wands.  One of the Bunch kids dries up like Spongebob on the beach.  Oh, boy.

Speaking of the Bunches, they age up and get rushed through the toddler stage before Baby Blank is born.

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Just another Tuesday around here.  Banana is blonde, how cute is that!  He's a Dog Person now, so he and Party keep nattering about adopting animals.  Do you want to see pictures?  Oh, come on, you know you're dying to see what Arlo's spawn looks like this time.

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See?  Not all Arlo-babbies are monsters.  Here's Brady, newly Eco-Friendly.

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And Good Ol' Geoff Blank comes through for us again!  He had the elusive X factor!  Give that man a medal!  Oh, wait, he's dead.  Wait, what do you mean he's dead?  How old was that man?  Anyway, Aggie dances around in celebration at the birth of her baby sister, FiLinda.

"Freeeeee!" she howls in delight.  "I'm getting out of here!"

"Not yet," Zoe tells her.  "I'm ready to drop and your mother here is rubbish at the toddler skills."

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After a quick rush to get the males in the family up to code, it was time to move 'em on out.

Pad Bachelor, who ended up to be surprisingly good with burritos, ended up as Disciplined, Loves the Outdoors, Adventurous, Grumpy and a Supernatural Fan.  Could have done a number on his self esteem if he'd ended up a Skeptic.  Pad, using these great qualities, decided to be a World Famous Surgeon.  Guess he can magic them back if he messes it up.   There you go, Pad, good luck!

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Party Loves the Heat, and is a Lucky, Equestrian, Loner Sailor.  So why does he want to be a Rockstar? 

"Cause it'll be a cakewalk after this place," Party told his brother.  Pad nodded, after Party got a job at the theater, there not being any handy cruise ships in Sunset Valley, and they got a little place together.  I think both Pad and Party are pretty good looking sims, and save them to the bin.

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Next up was Brady.  Oooh, Brady.  Our very special merperson.  I never had any trouble with Scales Sekemoto drying out or threatening to drop dead because he didn't have Kelp.  Then again, Ol' Uncle Scales bothered to learn how to fish. 

"That's not my fault," Brady pouted.  "Nobody ever taught me."

"That's cause you wouldn't get out of the hot tub!" Aggie protested.

"You were right there, in the ocean," Banana pointed out.  "Could have pulled out a fishing rod."

Did I mention that Brady was Neurotic?  As well as a Friendly, Snobby, Eco-Friendly Supernatural Fan. I'm still wondering what will happen if one of the occult persons rolls Skeptic.  Probably for the best that it wasn't Brady, he had a rough growing up as it was.

"Still not my fault," Brady muttered around a mouthful of Kelp. 

Brady decided to be a World Famous Surgeon, too.  Got a job and a nice place near Uncle Scales.  Maybe they'll keep being friends.

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Leaving Banana on deck.  But wait, what's this?  You've rolled Nurturing, Banana!

"That's not a good thing," Aggie cackled. 

That's right.  Banana Bunch, son of Our Arlo, rolled Nurturing to go with his Artistic, Dog Person, Outdoor Loving self, on his teen birthday.  Well, you're not aging out, Banana.  Traits like that are rare and special.  Just like your dad.

"We should keep him to help with the kids," Zoe mused.

"Maybe we will," Harley said.

"Wait, don't I get a say in this, Yaya?"  Banana asked, panicked.

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"Nope, I'm leaving, going to be a fire fighter," yelled Aggie, packing her bags. 

"Oh, no, you are not!  My game always crashes when I try that."  Tia yelled back.  "Police Chief for you, m'girl."

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And so, Lips Of Steel, known forever in our hearts as Aggie, ran down to the cop shop and got herself a job.  Then she moved into the trailer across the street.  Aggie's traits are Loves the Heat, Brave, Vehicle Enthusiast, Daredevil and Irresistible.  She'd have been one heck of a fire fighter.

FiLinda made it to teenager.  Aggie nearly wore herself out to get her there before she left.  Filinda's traits are Friendly, Virtuoso, Loves the Outdoors, and glory be, Family Oriented.  On her teen birthday.

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"How many candles did you light, Aggie?" Zoe yelled across the street.

"All of them," Aggie yelled back, getting into the police car.  She looked over her shoulder at the backseat, rolled down the window and called her grandmother.  "Hey, Yaya, Banana's in here, trying to escape again!"

Harley, after a brief fling with Carlton Read, the fire fighter sent out to deal with the latest birthday disasters, delivered the Read triplets in record time, fixed her hair and makeup and with two days before hitting Elder, headed right back out that door.  What a trooper!  FiLinda took over the care and training of her brothers, Have To, Good, and You Should.  Have To has red hair, but Good and You Should are identical.

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Oh, that's why Harley was in such a hurry.  Mortimer.  Really?

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"Hang on," Banana said, as Harley waddled by, "Mortimer is your brother, how did the game let you do that."

"She's not Mortimer's brother.  That's Chris."  Zoe said.

"You hooked up with your half brother's half brother."  FiLinda said, while teaching Good to walk.  "What kind of challenge is this?"

"They're not related at all," Zoe tutted.  "Don't worry, you can't romance relatives."

"I hope Mom has another girl," FiLinda said.  "I'm starting to understand what Aggie was always going on about."

Mortimer's baby was another boy.  Everybody, say hello to Baby Burrito Visi Goth.

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Well, folks, this has literally taken me all day to post.  I started at 1:30 and it's 8:30 now.  It has never taken me this long to write a post in my life.  (To be fair, it's been a crazy kind of day)  So I'll be back in a day or two to finish Haley's saga and get us started on FiLinda, the Mom-elect.

Hope you've been enjoying this!  I really have!
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

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Re: Tiamet Tries Ten Times Ten Tots - Harley's Hurly_Burley
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2019, 11:03:38 PM »
Goodness!! And eugh at that family tree....I mean, I gues it's legal?.....(If I was doing the challenge, I'd probably make the same decision, lol.)

Now I just have to decide if I want FiLinda to be the next heir, or hope she gets freed somehow. Hmmm.

