Author Topic: The Gold Random Legacy - COMPLETE, YAY!  (Read 4959 times)

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The Gold Random Legacy - COMPLETE, YAY!
« on: July 22, 2014, 12:01:58 AM »
The Golds are a family I've been playing with for a while, but as I'm on generation 8 I figure I should post them.

This is a random legacy. No points. Normal Lifespan. No Seasons. Stuck on Waxing Gibbous. I have chosen that heirs will do self-employment, exception was a gen 3 member who topped Culinary. I'm not choosing heirs, just letting the legacy play out and seeing what happens.

Also, I am choosing that every member of the family must have one portrait, sculpture, or photo. I am moving towns a lot, my computer can't handle it.

I will have two generation goals instead of one. I still have the fun or misc roll.

So here we go...

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 12:03:08 AM »
Generation One
Rumple Gold loved the environment, children, and taking care of yourself. He believed in a hands-on approach to life - no babysitters or maids for their family! His lifetime was a crazy one. When his wife left him and his young son Bay, he lived in solitude for many years before falling in love with his next wife Belle. Belle loved kids as much as he did, and her adopted daughter Emma was a welcome addition to the family. Rumple and Belle moved to Moonlight Falls after their engagement, where they raised their kids perfectly - or as close to that as possible.

Bay and Emma had always been good, friendly people. They bonded from an early age, and rebellious Emma drew Bay into her plots far too often. Emma was a bit of a loner, while Bay had a bit of a star quality and a green thumb. No one was particularly surprised when, as young adults, they started dating. Their hopeless romantic traits made it inevitable that they would stay in love forever.

Their next child, Carl, shared their love of kids, and was nurturing from a young age. He was also an evil soul though, and dreamed of raising zombies from the grave. Their third child Tara was sweet and loved nectar, the garden, the kitchen, and the outdoors - just like Belle. Their fourth child Amara was a kind, friendly person, despite being a shy loner. After becoming a teenager, she got over her shyness and became a flirt, and as a young adult she even became a bit of a star from her job as a teen model. She decided to pursue mixology.

At long last, Rumple achieved his lifetime goal of being a famous alchemist. He had spent his life collecting gems and metals (with the help of Viola and Crosby, the dogs) which had impeded that goal, but he had achieved his life's dream! He used his newfound happiness to get a food replicator for the family. Belle also achieved her lifetime wish to have a garden of perfect plants. The plants were then passed on to her son Bay, who had plans to be a gardener.

1 - Moonlight Falls
Rumple Gold: EcoFriend, Brooding, Gatherer, Family Oriented, HopelessRomantic; LTW=AlchemyArtisan, Alchemy Supermaxed, Four collecting challenges complete
Belle Gold: None - Perfect Garden, Gardening Supermaxed, Cooking Supermaxed

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2014, 12:25:53 AM »
Generation Two
Balefire Gold and Emma Swan were perfect matches. Bay spent his life as a gardener, as well as briefly dabbling in nectar making. Emma was a professional author. She published her first book, My Parents are Royalty, at age eight, and had mastered writing by age nineteen.
After Tara's tragic death from a fire, Carl had attempted to raise her from the grave with his witch powers. The attempt was successful, and Amara was delighted to have her twin sister back. Tara spent a week in the home before moving out with her new boyfriend, who Carl had also raised from the grave.
Amara had several boyfriends during her career as a mixologist. She mixed drinks for a living, and while the pay was bad, the benefits - being in the presence of so many celebrities - was good. Carl, on the other hand, wasn't interested in dating. Life wasn't about that - it was about achieving your goals. He did want to be around kids a little bit though, so he decided to start a daycare for the neighborhood kids.
Emma conceived her first child, Henry, within a week of her marriage to Bay. He was a good, yet very perceptive young child who loved the outdoors, the heat, and swimming. Their second child, Emilé, had commitment issues and could never seem to decide on one job. She was a good person in all other ways - into music, good at flirting, and a fan of all things supernatural. Their third child, Diane, died in the same fire that killed aunt Tara. Carl couldn't raise her from the grave, explaining to her heartbroken parents that no one could raise a child.
After a while in the sleepy town of Moonlight Falls, the family was ready to move. Just a few days beforehand, Rumple had died. Life began anew in Monte Vista.
Belle never dated anyone else. She died just a few days after Rumple did, still in love with him. Tara had moved with them, and a few days after the move she discovered her own pregnancy. Amara finally found a steady boyfriend - Carlo Mancini. He was the head of a criminal underground, but that just made it more fun! Carl found his similar name very amusing. Carlo actually eventually proposed, and the happy couple threw an amazing wedding party witch a three-course meal (prepared by Balefire), live entertainment performed by Emma, and even some fresh drinks that Amara had mixed. Amara reached level 10 in mixology at the party, and when she purchased the one bar in town, Varg's Tavern, she completed her lifetime wish.
Just a little while later, Carl completed his lifetime wish by turning the grave of his grandfather into a zombie. Amara was distraught and lit a fire in his room, quickly killing him. She couldn't keep the fire away from herself, however, and she died as well. Carlo was understandably devastated, and he died from heartbreak upon hearing the news.
Late that night, Emilé, who had dabbled in cloning, created a baby from a sample she had taken of her aunt's DNA. Henry, who had been the ringleader of this plan, agreed to care for it. They named her Amory.
When Emma and Bale awoke, they noticed the baby and were, y'know, a little teeny bit upset. Actually they were furious. So was Emilé. She and Henry quickly disappeared into the night with baby Amory and their dog, Kite.

Information: The Fires were actually (both times) idiotic evil witch Carl fire blasting his own room which Amara happened to be in. Carlo seriously died two days after she did. I'm not sure why.

EDIT: Stats for this generation.
Generation 2 - Monte Vista
Bay Gold: Farmer - Mystic Healer, Gardening Supermaxed, Alchemy Supermaxed, a Painting 3, Logic 4, Writing 3, Cooking 3, Handiness 3
Emma Swan: Writer - Illustrious Author, Painting Supermaxed, Logic 10, Writing Supermaxed, Cooking 3, Handiness 3
Carl Gold: Daycare - Zombie Master, Painting 3, Logic 4, Writing 3, Cooking 6, Handiness 3, Witch 10
Tara Gold: Nectar Maker - Bottomless Nectar Cellar, Nectar Making 10 with two challenges done, Consignment challenges completed, Painting 3, Logic 4, Writing 3, Cooking 3, Handiness 3
Amara Gold: Mixologist - Master Mixologist, Mixology 10, Painting 3, Logic 4, Writing 3, Cooking 3, Handiness 3, 

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2014, 12:55:21 AM »
Generation Three
Henry and Emmy ended up on a tropical island, in a cute little hut. Emilé decided to begin a blog and get donations from it, despite Henry's insistence that it wasn't a "real career." She thought that Henry's choice to become a scuba diver wasn't any better, and besides, she could always change her mind later, right? And change her mind she did. After a month of random blog posts at any time of day, Emmy decided to busk on street corners instead. And a month after that, she decided to become a photographer.
Henry spent his first few days as a scuba diver, after turning himself into a mermaid with the help of his new friend Akoni. But that didn't last long - once his sister was busking, there was no time for her to come home. Poor Henry was often stuck with giving care to Amory. But life still went on for him - he met a beautiful girl named Hinni. Their relationship was short and tumultuous, and she soon discovered her own accidental pregnancy. But right after she gave birth to his little girl Tegan, Hinni discovered the legacy and its conditions. They fought, and she left the household soon after. Poor Tegan was already without a mother. Henry briefly ignored his career to take care of his kids. Once they had become children however, he threw himself back into diving.
Kite the dog became a full adult and fell in love with a stray male dog named Sleyme. They had a short romance before Kite had his puppy, Luna.
Tegan was an Equestrian from a young age, although she still enjoyed taking care of the family dogs, all descendants of Crosby and Viola. She was introverted, and when she did hang out with others it didn't end well because she was also inappropriate, a bit socially awkward and unflirty.  Amory was as good and kind as Amara, but she was also a supernatural fan and a night owl.
Emmy loved her life, but she still couldn't settle on one career - or even one skill. She took classes in four instruments, Athletics, Scuba, Gardening, Charisma, and Fishing, but still couldn't decide. She did love Bass, but it just wasn't cutting it. She didn't like photography much either, and she soon quit and volunteered as a local lifeguard. She even got a pretty high position in that job, but it wasn't interesting. After more jobs as a scuba diver, an animal caretaker, and a street artist, she tried horseback riding with a horse named Bette. Tegan loved the horse and constantly wanted to ride it. Emmy decided to try alchemy, like her dad, and after a day, she had maxed the career. It was way too easy to sell elixirs! Dumpster Diving turned out fun but not enough, although she did meet a very handsome man named Akoni... And maybe something happened in a pile of leaves...
Sighing, she took a cooking class - and immediately loved it! She spent all day leveling that skill and soon it was at level 5.
Soon though, she discovered her pregnancy and decided to wait on a culinary career.
Henry eventually called up Hinni again. It turned out she missed him too, and they were married a month later. She finally accomplished her lifetime wish to become the Grandest Explorer.
Emilé had her baby - a son named Raoul. He was a merman like his father. Amory and Tegan soon reached their teenage years, enabling them to care for him more, but after he learned toddler skills he was caked up, then drank an instant age potion.
Teenage years were mainly uneventful, save the fact that Raoul and Amory fell in love. After a three-way birthday party, Henry, Hinni, Emilé, Amory, Raoul, Bette, Luna, and Tegan then departed for a small valley that was inhabited by dragons.

3 - Isla Paradiso
Henry Swan: Scuba Diver - Deep Sea Diver, Scuba 10, Riding 3, Athletic 6
Hinni Hashini: None - Grand Explorer, Cooking 9, Charisma 5, Painting 10
Emilè Gold: Job Hopper - Jack of All Trades, Riding 5, Social Networking 8, Bass almost Supermaxed, Drums 5, Photography 10, Street Art Supermaxed, Painting Supermaxed, Charisma Supermaxed, Cooking Supermaxed, Gardening Supermaxed, almost every skill in game level one

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2014, 02:03:13 PM »
Generation Four
Dragon Valley was a very small town, and all of its people had rainbow skins. Belle had rainbow skin once, but the gene had died out in the main line - only Amory retained it. Raoul and Amory married and had a baby girl named Cosette. Tegan had a short romance with Quin Flanagan, and her little baby girl Eponine was the happy product of that. Cosette and Eponine were best friends as children.
Henry and Hinni both died of old age within two days of each other. Emilé became a fairy and decided to max the culinary career. Tegan rode Becca a lot, winning multiple competitions and completing the Jockey LTW. She also dabbled in the science skill and cloned collectibles. Raoul made his fortune using collectible items from Luna, as well as items from another dog named Noche. He himself was more into Logic and Potion-Making, and he completed the Tinkerer LTW. Amory was a substance person like her clone, and she mastered alchemy as well as two other skills, completing the Renaissance Sim LTW with alchemy, gardening, and mixology.
Eponine's imaginary friend, Marius, was made real with the potion Raoul had made. Cosette had an immediate crush on him and they dated. This made Eponina terribly jealous, but she nonetheless began dating Thomas Dolan as a teen. At this point Emilé was at level nine of the culinary career. Nina spent her free time fishing, Cosette spent her free time as an artist, and Marius was intrigued by hacking, discovering stars, and the like. Tegan wanted one more kid, so she adopted a teenager named Cora.

4 - Dragon Valley
Tegan Swan: Equestrian - The Jockey, Riding 10, Charisma 8, Guitar 7, Cooking 2
Amory Swan: Alchemist - Renaissance Sim, Alchemy 10, Gardening 10, Mixology 10
Raoul Gold: Collecting - Tinkerer, Handiness 10, Logic 10, 3 collecting challenges complete

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2014, 10:20:17 PM »
Generation 5
When Eponine became a young adult, she married Thomas and had a kid - Erin. Thomas got a career wrangling animals, although he soon switched to being a mixologist. Soon afterwards, however, Nina and Thomas got a divorce. It turned out that she and Marius had been having an affair, and Erin was his baby. This destroyed Cosette, and Nina fled to China to escape her cousin.
While there, she made money from exploring. Marius made money by discovering stars in the scholars' garden and hacking on his laptop. When they returned, Cosette had a surprise - she was pregnant with the child of Thomas. What better revenge could there be?
Erin was a toddler when her little cousin was born. She was lucky, good at fishing, and a fan of the outdoors. She had two flaws however: she was evil and she hated kids. Baby Elly was also a fan of fishing and the outdoors, but she was too much of an animal lover to ever go fishing. She even became a vegetarian when she got older. Unlike her sister she was more artsy and quite the savvy sculptor.
Despite all this heartbreak, life went on. Luna and Noche had a puppy, Angel. Cosette mastered painting and sculpting for her career. Marius mastered the Logic skill. Emilé finally maxed her cooking career, but she perished shortly after.
Cosette couldn't bear being without Marius anymore and she died of old age eight years early. This upset Marius greatly, as he still loved her, and he didn't live much longer. When Erin finally became a young adult, only Eponine was still around, and she had gone mad from heartbreak.
Erin decided it was time for a move, and the family - Angel (her parents had passed), Eponine, Erin, and Elly - left for Apaloosa Plains.

5 - Dragon Valley (Travel Locations)
Eponine Swan: Explorer - Great Explorer, Martial Arts Supermaxed
Cosette Swan: Freelance Scientist - Chess Legend, Chess Supermaxed, Science Supermaxed
Thomas Swan: Artist - Master of the Arts, Painting 10, Guitar 10, Bass 10
Marius Swan: Job Hopper - Jack of All Trades, Athletic 6, Fishing 3, Charisma 3, Painting 6

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2014, 11:49:22 AM »
Generation Six
Erin didn't like or want kids, but she had to have them if she was to be an heir. Her baby daddy was a man who had once delivered pizza for her home. Through no fault of her own, she ended up having triplets - Dahlia, Lily, and Rose. She didn't bother with them much. Elly tried to care for them, but triplets were hard, and she still had school. Erin was no help - she may as well have been a deadbeat parent.
Once Elly was a Young Adult, Erin stopped caring about her kids at all. Leaving Nina at home, she'd go out to fish, then cook the fish for dinner. Elly was constantly sick from it, and so was Rose, another vegetarian. Erin spent a lot of time at each festival too. Each season was a great thing for her. She was a sim for all seasons!
Lily was very smart, but she was a bit of a rebel and never wanted to bother with grades. She wasn't lucky like her parents - in fact, she was a bit of a loser. She always kept good in her heart though. Not like mom. Dahlia had the same mindset. She was just as smart, just as good, and just as unlucky as Lily. However, she wasn't a rebel - she was just a bit forgetful and absent minded at times. Her one talent? Photography. She had an eye for it. Rose was something else though. She was the goth girl - brooding and mean. She was a good person deep down though, and extremely smart and perceptive.
Elly tried to care for the kids, but when she discovered that she was pregnant with Shawnee Fox's child, she broke down. It was all she could do to get dinner on the table some nights. Little Eileen was born into a family that didn't want or need her, born a lonely hermit who'd much rather stay at home. But Eileen wasn't just a recluse - she was also a bit eccentric and artsy. You could call it insanity.
Eileen's childhood was spent at home inventing and painting. Rose rarely went to school as she preferred to pull pranks on her evil mom. Lily painted a bit, and by the time she was a teen she had painted child portraits of everyone. And Dahlia? She spent time with the cats.
Elly channeled her love of animals into a career spent trading and selling them. Some of them were from her adopted cats Sweet Pea and Zoe. Elly also found a mate for Angel, a pretty female dog named Kate. They had a puppy named Trina. Elly also managed to adopt three elderly pets and give them a home until their death - Cora, Queenie, and Snow.
Nina lived an exceptionally long life, but she eventually died of old age. Erin lived a while longer, but when Dahlia caught her stealing life fruit from the garden and practicing cooking, Rose decided to lock her in a room and starve her rather than let her have ambrosia.
By the time the flower girls & Eileen were teens, the only others left in the house were Trina and Elly. Elly recovered from her heartbreak and cared for them, but they still weren't interested in school. Elly spent her free time sculpting, but she never sold the sculptures. Most of her ice ones just melted away anyway.
Eileen wanted to be a Descendant of Da Vinci, so she started sculpting.
The flower girls, Eileen, Elly, and Trina left for Hidden Springs.

Notes: Erin really did seem determined to live forever. She kept popping wishes to learn cooking and turning on the cooking channel, and she also ended up eating 3 life fruit I had accidentally left in the fridge!

6 - Appaloosa Plains
Erin Swan: Fishersim - Presenting the Perfect Aquarium, Fishing 10, Cooking 9
Elly Swan: Animal Wrangler - Animal Rescuer, Scuba 3, Cooking 1, Writing 2

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2014, 09:26:18 PM »
Generation Seven
Eileen became an inventor. Rose became a great alchemist, stirring up elixirs at all hours, and she soon turned herself into a witch. Dahlia registered at city hall as a photographer, and Lily went for dumpster diving - it was rebellious, right?
Trina was a very happy dog and a great hunter. She soon got five Tiberium for the family. Her adopted mate Bruce gave her two puppies, Cody and Brian.
It was time for home renovations. Every bedroom was repainted in its owners favorite colors. Every bathroom had new tiles. A massive inventing studio was added, Rumple's old alchemy room was redone for Rose's use, and a new greenhouse was built too. This house had been used since the first day of the legacy and it was quite old.
Lily had always been into painting, so she painted portraits of the girls. Dahlia took photos of everyone. And Elly made the sculptures, with assistance from Eileen.
Rose was a constant fighter, and got into brawls everywhere. Hidden Springs wasn't the kind of place for someone like her, she thought. There was nothing interesting... Or so she thought.
One day Rose found a fountain of youth in a small valley. She wished for love, not believing it would happen. But later that day she found Emmaline Roehn at her home, and they were married before the day was out. There was no child she could have from her though, so the next day Rose was back at the well. She wished for a child, and soon she got one. Beautiful, sweet Juan, with golden hair and green eyes. She named Juan after a sim from TwinBrook she had read about. He had been ugly. But there was no way Juan could ever be ugly. He was her darling.
He was as eccentric and crazy as Eileen, sort of artsy, and very lazy.
At the same time, crazy Eileen found love... a rich boy, who some called the prince. He was perfect in every way, and he was perfect for her. They married and soon Eileen was ready for a kid.
But there were problems, and she had trouble with fertility. She was distraught, until she read about clone vouchers. (Yes, I was looking at their mechanics for the domination dynasty. Don't judge me, please.) Eileen's clone, Rosetta, was brought up by the whole household. She grew into an ambitious green thumb, and she loved farming.  The kids were both now teens, and life was beautiful. But the Gold family couldn't stay happy for long.
Dahlia and Lily grew old and died. Rose would've died too, but she had turned herself into a fairy.
Rosetta met a paper boy named Max, and they hit it off. Everything was great - until she discovered that she was pregnant with his kid at eighteen years old. She had twins - Gretchen and Karen. He hated kids and broke up with her immediately. Rosetta was heartbroken, and she wanted to leave. Run away, as far as they could go.
Juan was ecstatic. He had loved Rosetta for a long time - but she didn't love him back. "Maybe in another place..." he thought. So Rose, Eileen, Cody, Emmaline, Juan, Rosetta, Gretchen, and Karen departed for Twinbrook, in search of the elusive Juan Darer, according to Juan. (But everyone knew it was more about Rosetta.)

7 - Hidden Springs
Dahlia Swan: Alchemist - Culinary Librarian, Alchemy Supermaxed, Gardening Supermaxed
Eileen Swan-Roehn: Photographer - Visionary, Photography 10 (3 challenges), Painting Supermaxed
Lily Swan: Inventor - Monster Maker, Inventing Supermaxed, Handiness 8
Rose Swan: Dumpster Diver - Zoologist, Athletic Supermaxed, Guitar 3

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2014, 07:22:02 AM »
Generation Eight
Juan's first order of business was ensnaring Rosetta. So he went to the elixir store and got an elixir that would make him a witch. After two days of honing his powers, he cast a spell on Rosetta that made her fall in love with him. Within a year, she was pregnant with twins again, Cady and Regina.
Juan didn't seem interested in caring for them. He was interested in luxury. All their furniture was the best type. His career as a painter was absolutely idle - he only ever got to level 3 of being a self employed painter. He did make an army of monsters in his spare time.
Rosetta did care for her kids, but her hobby was cooking. She wanted everything to be homemade, cooked from fresh fish she had fished herself and fruit from their garden. She hardly sold anything she got in her garden, preferring to use it in her cooking.
Eileen died as she had lived - playing with inventing fires - but not before completing her best invention yet - a Simbot! Stacy was quickly released to the wild. Rose decided to give up her Fae powers and let herself die, as she was getting quite old, and Emmaline did the same.
After Bruce's tragic death, Cody found a mate in the dog next door, Samy. Their puppies, Mary, Edith, and Sybil, were loved by everyone, and Rosetta was especially happy to care for them.
The girls were getting older. Gretchen was a bit of a snob and could be hot headed, but she was really smart, social, and charismatic. Karen was the tiniest bit crazy, but the poor girl was also absent minded. She loved wintertime and being outside, and she also was a bit of a coward. The second set of twins were caked up to child along with Gretchen and Karen. Cady was a Good girl from birth, and could be quite charismatic. She did have a tendency to be mean spirited at times, but not too often. She liked adventure, always dreaming of traveling to Africa, and she was a great flirt. Regina was a bit lazy, and under a charismatic surface, she was evil, mean-spirited, and a bit of a kleptomaniac.
Regina found a boy when she was a teen, and his name was Aaron. She dumped him, but when she discovered that Cady was interested, she took him back. Cady was completely devastated and decided to get revenge. She convinced Regina that she had a great diet elixir, except it was really a large and in charge elixir. Regina became very large, and she never could lose it. Cady got Aaron.
Gretchen and Karen moved out, and Cady went with Regina and the three dogs to Bridgeport - after giving Aaron something to remember her by.

8 - TwinBrook
Juan Swan-Roehn: Artist - Monster Maker, Inventing Supermaxed, Sculpting Supermaxed, Painting 6
Lucy Swan: Farmer + Nectar Maker - Resort Empire, Gardening Supermaxed, Nectar Making 7, Cooking Supermaxed

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2014, 09:12:17 AM »
Generation Nine
Regina never recovered from the large and in charge elixir. She spent the rest of her life collecting things. She became a private investigator, but she didn't spend any time at it.  Instead she chose to focus on being a property mogul. Cady busked a bit, but she soon discovered she was pregnant with Aaron's kids, Ginny and Ron. She cloned two kids as well - Hermione and Harry. Her generation spent time finishing huge collections. Mary, Edith, and Sybil ate huge amounts of gourmet food, and they only aged up to adults when the kids became teens.
During teen hood, Hermione started dating Ron and Harry started dating Ginny. Sybil, Edith, Cady, and Regina actually ended up dying in a meteor strike. The four teens were left alone and they had a lot of fun. When they aged up to adults, the four teens - plus Mary - moved to Sunset Valley.

Author's Note: So yeah, basically... Everyone died. It was quite, quite sad. And boring.

9 - Bridgeport
Gretchen Swan-Roehn: Living in the Lap of Luxury, Scuba 10
Karen Swan-Roehn: Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous, Logic 4, Cooking 2
Regina Swan: Private Investigator - Heartbreaker, Logic 6, Charisma 3
Cady Swan: Busker - One Sim Band, Guitar Supermaxed, Bass 8, Drums 6, Piano 2

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2014, 09:41:03 AM »
Generation 10
Mary met a nice dog named Matthew and had a puppy named George with him. He never moved in, but they still spent time together.
Hermione and Ron had a kid named Rose. Hermione, who was a genius, spent all of her time discovering stars in the galaxy. And Ron wrote a book chronicling the entire legacy - a masterpiece that became a best seller.
Harry, on the other hand, was into collecting, and Ginny volunteered as a lifeguard. After a trip to Al Simhara, she changed jobs and became a freelance photographer, reaching level five in two days through use of the MultiTab. However, after Ginny had triplets - Albus, James, and Lily - she decided to start a daycare.
Harry had a lot of star quality, and he became a five star celebrity by the time he was a full adult. Ginny spent a lot of her free time cooking, and she managed to learn the recipes for many different favorite foods. These included Lobster Thermidor, her own favorite, Firecracker Shrimp, Autumn Salad, Falafel, Hot Dogs, and Tofu Dogs. (There were more favorites, I just don't remember all of them.)
When all four kids were teens, Ginny started a new job as a Ghost Hunter. Ginny had also Supermaxed Martial Arts by this time.
The game was becoming unbearably laggy for the watcher, so all four kids drank age of instant potions and the legacy ended!

10 - Sunset Valley
Hermione Swan: Scientist, Logic Supermaxed, Science 10
Ron Weasley: Author, Writing Supermaxed
Harry Swan: Collector, Charisma Supermaxed
Ginny Weasley: Job Hop - Physical Perfection, Martial Arts Supermaxed, Athletic 10, Cooking 10, Logic 4, Photography 10
Lifeguard, Photographer, Daycare, GhostHunting, Alchemy, Collector, Alchemy, Equestrian, Artist, Scientist

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2014, 09:41:41 AM »
The Goals


Marital Status            Couple
Number Children    4 child(ren)
Primary Career        Collecting
Secondary Career     None
Generation Goal        Perfect Children
Fun or Misc Roll        Living Green
Fun or Misc Roll        No Strangers
1) Perfect Children – All sim children must age up perfectly. This means you must be allowed to choose their traits at each new life stage (with the exception of the first two, since the birth can be a bit random and out of your control). Note that it is not required to have all positive traits, but only to have had the option to choose all but the first two. In addition, each child must have maxed skills on the toddler and child toys. Specifically, they must have obtained all 3 levels on the peg box toy, xylophone, toy oven and play table, and have read all 9 toddler skill books. If you have Generations, children must enroll in an After School Activity, and must achieve the highest level. Teens must either enroll in an After School Class, OR get a part time job, and reach the highest level. Your teen may quit the job once the highest level is reached. Teens also must learn to drive from an adult.
7) Living Green - Must live eco-consciously. These restrictions take effect when the heir of the generation they're rolled for becomes a young adult, and continues until the next generation's heir reaches young adulthood.
* Must never take taxis. Carpooling to work or using the fire engine is ok, but sims must bike at all other times. If a sim takes a taxi, that's ok, but cancel the action and give them whatever bike they'd lost asap. Sims caught out without a bike must walk or jog until they arrive at a lot where you can give them a bike.
* Must use an eco-friendly laundry system. This consists of the expensive washing machine and a clothesline (no dryer allowed!). You may have multiple washing machines and clotheslines.
* Must grow your own produce and fish your own fish. You may purchase meat, dairy, eggs, etc from the store, but nothing that you can normally grow in your own garden or fish out of water. Cake and baked goods from the toy oven are okay to eat. Your sim doesn't have to eat organic or vegetarian food, normal food is ok, as long as you've grown the produce yourself.
* Must not waste fuel flying around the world. Your sims may only take one vacation per week.
* If your sim invents, you may not purchase scrap. You must salvage it on your own.
* You may not purchase 'new' furniture via the buy mode this generation, with the exception of bikes, bike racks, recycling bins, and your eco-friendly laundry system. You must obtain it 'used' from the junkyard, from dumpster diving, or steal it from community lots and other homes (Klepto trait). The exception is if you are playing generation 1, in which case you may purchase as many beds, cribs and hampers as necessary, all toddler/child toys, one fridge, one oven, two sinks, one toilet, one shower, one dresser, one mirror, one bookcase, one counter for food preparation and one counter for a drop in sink. In addition, your family may buy enough seating to accommodate the total number of Sims rolled for that family (so, if you rolled couple with two kids, that's seating for four). You may buy whatever type of seating you prefer, but it must be just enough to seat the number of Sims. So, if it's seating for four, you may buy four dining chairs, or a two seat sofa and two dining chairs, or a three seat sofa and one living chair, etc. You may also purchase one table (like a dining table if you opted for dining chairs, or a coffee table if you chose a sofa set.) If you rolled for a self-employed career like artist or inventor, you may buy the required object to do the job. Exception is for author, you may not buy a computer, desk and chair. Use the library to write your novels. There are no restrictions on build mode or on purchasing lighting fixtures. You may buy as many plants as you like for decoration, but no other decorative items may be purchased. You may buy a burglar and fire alarm.
* Your sim must either create a new park/nature-themed lot from scratch, or improve significantly upon an existing lot. In both cases, the sim must fund the project by subtracting the cost of the improvements or entire lot from the family funds, or by buying the lot. Fishing spots and beaches count for this.
4) No Strangers – You may not call any service sims to the lot. This includes pizza delivery sims and babysitters; if both of your sims have to work, tough!

Marital Status            Couple + Friend (2)
Number Children    3 child(ren)
Primary Career        Farmer
Secondary Career     Writer
Secondary Career     Mixologist
Secondary Career     Daycare
Generation Goal        AWESOME!!
Fun or Misc Roll        Perfect Match
Fun or Misc Roll        Partier
5) AWESOME! - You must accomplish something really awesome, preferably related to your heir's career or traits, though miscellaneous awesome is allowed. Examples of this include creating a sim bot, putting together a complete gallery of all Egyptian relics, finding and displaying all gems, bugs, or metals in the game, etc. Use your imagination – I'm sure there's something you can find to do. If you're blogging or otherwise writing a story about your sim family, make sure to mention the awesome you got up to.
2) Perfect Match
6) A Party To Remember - Throw an epic party at your home lot. Choose 1 party from the 4 available options. Each party requires at least 5 guests.
First choice: An event party: 
*Some kind of drama has to happen at this party. Maybe a wedding, a birthday, a funeral, a break up... whatever kind of drama you can come up with. If you choose to throw a Bachelor/ette (Gen), Feast, Gift-Giving or Costume (Seas) party, that will count as the drama or event as well. Whatever type of party you throw, you must also fulfill the following requirements.
*Serve a three-course meal - Appetizer, main course and dessert, all of at least very nice quality, laid out buffet style.
*A steady flow of drinks - You must serve very nice or better nectar if you have world adventures, or have a Sim skilled in mixology mix drinks, or hire a bartender (LN only, requires you to but a professional bar). If you only have the base game, serve juice.
*Live entertainment - one of your Sims must perform a song on guitar, piano, bass or drums, or perform a successful snake charming. If your Sim is the Magician, Acrobat, or Singer career, thy may perform at the party as entertainment.
Second choice: A swimwear/Pool party:
*Your sims and your guests must wear swimsuits. If you have Seasons, you may make this an official Pool party, or just use a regular house party with Swimwear as the outfit
*Drinks are optional, not required.
*Your Sim must have a pool.
*Your Sim must prepare a meal on a BBQ during this party (very nice quality or better).
*Your Sim must serve an appetizer and dessert (very nice or better). The appetizer and dessert can be prepared beforehand, but the BBQ meal must be cooked while the party is on.
*You must have an outdoor activity (swing or slide, gnubb or trampoline, etc.)
Third choice: An afternoon tea party:
*You must serve a baked angel food cake of at least good quality.
*You must serve 2 rounds of coffee cups from the most expensive coffee machine in your game. You may serve cocktails drinks too, if you like.
*The guests must have all a good relationship with the host (at least best friends).
*You must perform at least 2 different songs on the piano or guitar during the afternoon.
Fourth choice: A sport party:
*You must use the most expensive TV you've got in your game. You must play the sports channel.
*You must serve cocktails or juice. Cocktails must be of good quality or higher.
*You must serve a three course meal including a slice of pizza as appetizer (replace it by any other meal if you've rolled the "no strangers" goal in section F), a plate of prepared junk food of good quality (sandwiches, cheesesteak, hamburgers, or hotdogs for instance) and a dessert of good quality.
*You must serve the meals in the same room as the TV.
Fifth choice: A kid's party:
*This party can be hosted by the heir while he/she is still a child (if you've chosen an heir that young), or by a grown up heir throwing the party for his/her children.
*You must invite at least 5 child age guests. Teens and adults are allowed, but you must invite 5 children.
*The child host must serve a pie of at least very nice quality baked on the child's toy oven. (Requires maxed skill on the toy oven) If there are multiple host children, only one has to bake the pie.
*The adult host must also serve a meal and dessert plate of at least very nice quality. Any meal is acceptable, but kid friendly foods like PB&J, grilled cheese, hot dogs,  etc. are ideal.
*The child host must give a gift to each child guest. A toy or teddy bear would be great, but the gift is up to you. If you have multiple children in your household, they may divide the gift giving duties, as long as each guest child gets a gift given by a host child.
*The children must engage in group activities. Anything that multiple children can do is acceptable: playground equipment, costume chest, playing tag, video games, telling ghost stories, etc.
*(Optional) Choose a fun theme for your party and decorate for it, or throw a sleepover.

Marital Status            Single Parent
Number Children    1 child(ren)
Primary Career        Scuba Diver
Secondary Career    Job Hopper (Fairy)
Generation Goal        Career Student
Fun or Misc Roll        Live your Trait
Fun or Misc Roll        Perfectionist
18.) Career Student - Your Sim loves to learn! Choose One of the following two options:
Ivory Tower: Your Sim wants to immerse himself in academia. Or frat parties. Earn three University degrees.
The Dilettante: Your Sim just loves learning new subjects. Take 10 different classes offered by the rabbit holes around town.
6) Choose one of your heir's 5 traits to live by. The heir, starting at YA age, will have to do something every day that reflects this trait, and must fulfill any wishes that come up that are related to this trait, up to 5 wishes a day. They don't need to do any others.
16) Perfectionist: Choose a skill for your Sim to be perfect at. Your Sim must max this skill, and also complete all skill challenges related to this skill (found in the Skill Journal of your Sim's Skill Panel), except in cases where the skill challenge requires your Sim to make money to complete the challenge.
Job Hopper=Blogging, Busker, Photographer, Lifeguard, Animal Wrangler, ScubaDiver, Artist, Equestrian, Dumpster, Cooking

Marital Status            Single Mixed Parent
Number Children    2 child(ren)
Primary Career        Equestrian
Generation Goal        Fulfilled
Fun or Misc Roll        Random Traits
Fun or Misc Roll        Hobby or Obsession
5) Fulfilled – Both your heir and their spouse (if applicable) must obtain their LTW. Changing the LTW is allowed. Any Wish that is "promised" MUST be fulfilled. You may only cancel a promised wish if it becomes impossible to fulfill. You do not have to promise every wish, but once promised this rule applies.
2) Random Traits – Click the random button every time you're asked to pick traits. This applies to the heir in the current generation. For example, when generation 2 has their first child, so they roll the rules for generation 3. “Random Traits” comes up as one of those rules, so for this child and all of their siblings their traits must be randomized. But if that rule doesn't come up for generation 4, the children of the generation 3 heir don't need to be randomized. You may still choose LTWs for the sims. If you roll Random Traits for generation 1, randomize the founders' traits in CAS.
15) Hobby, or Obsession? - Pick a "Hobby" for your Sim, based on their traits, or on their character as you see them. The heir (and spouse where applicable) must spend at least 5 Sim hours a week pursuing their hobby. Your Sim must not make money from this hobby.

Marital Status           Second Chance w/ Cousin
Number Children    2 children
Primary Career        Explorer
Secondary Career    Artist
Secondary Career    Job Hopper
Secondary Career    Freelance Scientist
Generation Goal        Perfect Careers
Fun or Misc Roll        Runs in Family
Fun or Misc Roll        Opportunist
5) All careers and jobs for the heir (and the spouse, if applicable) must be raised to the highest level. In addition, all skills related to that career must be level 10. For example, if sim A is in the military career and his partner sim B is a sculptor, sim A must have maxed athletics and handiness, as well as reached level 10 in his/her career, while sim B must have maxed the sculpting skill.
6) Pick a trait. Every sim born this generation must have this trait before reaching young adulthood.
13) The Opportunist - Your Heir must complete ALL Opportunities that they are presented with, with the exception of ones relating to travel. You may also skip Celebrity related opportunities if you are trying to avoid the celebrity system in this game. An opportunity can only be canceled if it becomes impossible to complete (due to the Sim who gave it to you dying, EA bugs etc.)
Job Hopper = Wrangler, Artist, Lifeguard, Fishersim, Adventurer

Marital Status           Single w/ help
Number Children    4 children (1=helpers)
Primary Career        Fishersim
Secondary Career    Animal Wrangler
Generation Goal        Deadbeat Parents
Fun or Misc Roll        Hidden Heritage
Fun or Misc Roll        A Sim For All Seasons
8) Deadbeat Parents - Opposite of Perfect Children. Do NOT potty train, teach to walk or teach to talk any toddlers. Do NOT read any toddler books to them. You must not be given the choice to choose any traits, apart from the first two, as they are a bit random and beyond your control. Keep in mind that for children and teenagers, school performance is the factor that determines your ability to choose the next trait. (If you roll this for section E and "Runs in the Family" for section F, re-roll one or the other, since these two rolls conflict.)
Children in this generation are allowed to skill freely, without the aid of their parents. Skills do not affect the school performance. Note that field trips will improve your child's grades, so you are better off skipping them. Avoid doing homework and skip school frequently to keep those grades low.
7) Hidden Heritage - The mother(s)/father(s) of the heir's children must have a special hidden trait. These hidden traits are found on WA locals/tourists, Supernatural lifestate Sims, and certain service NPCs (Maids, Police, Firefighters, Burglars and Pizza Deliverers)
17) A Sim for All Seasons - Your Sim really gets into the spirit of the season. Your heir must have a different Everyday outfit suited for each season. The outfit doesn't have to be overly themed, like snowflake sweaters for winter, just suited for the season's weather. Also, you must decorate some part of the house or yard with a seasonal decoration for each season in turn. You do not have to conform to real world seasonal themes or holidays; if your Sim wants to celebrate winter with hearts and rainbows, that's fine. The point is to have something different on display for each season. It doesn't have to be the whole house, it can be as small as having one seasonal item your Sim displays each season. Finally, the four seasonal holidays, Leisure Day, Spooky Day, Snowflake Day, and Love Day, are major events in your Sim's life, and your heir must celebrate the holidays by either attending the town festival that day for at least a few hours, or they must throw a seasonal party at their home or a community lot.

Marital Status            Full House (sister, cousin, sister, sister)
Number Children    2 children (1=couple2, boy)
Primary Career        Alchemist
Secondary Career    Freelance Photographer
Secondary Career    Inventor
Secondary Career    Dumpster Diver
Generation Goal        Photogenic
Fun or Misc Roll        It's So YOU
Fun or Misc Roll        Fighter
17.) Photogenic - Your sim loves to be looked at! Paint, photograph, or ice-sculpt five portraits of the heir and display them in your house. If you choose to take photographs, they must be the "large portrait" or "panorama" size. At least one of these portraits needs to be of your heir during his/her childhood years (toddler, child, or teen). Also create one portrait of each of your heir's children (during any of the childhood stages) and your heir's partner (if applicable). All of the portraits can be taken down and removed after your heir dies, if you so desire. Re-roll if generation 1, since this is one goal that more or less begins before the heir even takes over.
13) It's so YOU - when the heir reaches YA, remake every room in the house to match the favorites and traits of their owners. Each bedroom should match their owners, and the general rooms should match those of the Sims who use them most, or the heir and heir's spouse. The heir's children should also have rooms in their favorite color(s).
11) Fighter - get into a fight or bar brawl every Sim week. (Sunday to Saturday). The fighter can be the heir or the spouse/partner (unless you've rolled single parent; then obviously the heir must be the fighter).

Marital Status            Step Children
Number Children    5 children (3 step, 2 real)
Primary Career        Artist
Secondary Career    Farmer + Nectar Maker
Generation Goal        Idle Careers
Fun or Misc Roll        Homemade
Fun or Misc Roll        Luxury
14) Idle career - Your sim won't make any effort in his/her career. Don't learn any skills, read any books or do any opportunities for the career. If you reach the top of your career's level, it won't be because of  your efforts, but only because it's just YOU. If you've rolled a C2-career, you are allowed to learn only 2 levels per week for the required skill (so maxing the skill during the child or teenage stages would be a good option). If you’ve rolled for the adventurer career, you’re only allowed 2 travels per week.
6) Homemade - Your sims must only eat cooked dishes (no quick meals), and they may only cook a dish if they have the required ingredients in the refrigerator. In addition, they must harvest all produce and fish all fish on their own (it's allowed to harvest from community lots). They may purchase meat, eggs, etc (and milk, rice, etc if you're using a better ingredients mod) from the store. You may eat food cooked with the toy oven, but may not eat birthday/wedding cake or raw ingredients (if your sim does so autonomously you don't lose, but cancel the action as best you can). This restriction does not apply in a World Adventures tomb (Egypt, France, China), since prepared meals will rot in your sim's inventory.
9) Luxury - Replace the furniture of any room by the highest quality in the catalog. (Highest quality means having the maximum number of + signs in the object description. Not necessarily the most expensive item). Reroll if you've also rolled Living Green as your goal for this generation.

Marital Status            Mixed Couple
Number Children    4 child(ren)
Primary Career        Busker
Secondary Career    Private Investigator
Generation Goal        Property Mogul
Fun or Misc Roll     My Precious
Fun or Misc Roll        Expansionist
12) Property Mogul - Buy parts of at least 3 rabbit holes in town (whatever you want). You don't have to be the owner, only at least a partner. You can also buy venues, and upgrade them. You are allowed to collect on the funds generated by these properties.
18) My Precious - When your Sim finds something he likes, it's really hard to let go. Your heir will devote space in the house (or yard, garage, etc) to building a collection of precious treasures that may not be sold or stashed in the inventory for the duration of the generation. Choose one of these four collection options (Or get really crazy and choose more than one, but only one collection is required)
A. It's My Birthday, and I Wants It: Every gift your Sim receives is a precious treasure to be cherished. All wedding gifts, gifts received as a celebrity or from admirers in the attraction system and gifts received from gift-giving parties must be kept and displayed in the house. Do not choose this option if you use mods that squash the celebrity and attraction systems.
B. Our Only Wish, to Catch a Fish: All that glitters isn't gold, but it is glittery, and there are so many glittery treasures to be found in the natural world. At least once a week, your Sim must go out and find a gem, metal, insect, space rock or fish to add to the collection. Choose only one category to obsess over. Gems and metals may be displayed in raw form or cut/smelted as you choose. Fish can be displayed in bowls or an aquarium. Keep them alive! For gems/metals/spacerocks/insects, your Sim must display one of each kind that you pick up, so when you pick up your first ruby as a gem collector, you must display the ruby. Subsequent rubies do not have to be displayed. For fishes, you only need to keep one of each different kind of fish you fish up, not every single fish. You may replace an older fish with a newer of one the same type that is higher quality (so that you may pursue the Perfect Aquarium LTW along with this goal).
C. So Bright, So Beautiful, My Precious: Your Sim cannot resist buying new treasures to add to the collection. At least once a week, your Sim must purchase something new from the Decor section of the Buy mode catalog, or from the Consignment store (excluding books and nectar) and place their purchases on display in the home. These items should be something special and related to each other in some way, and displayed together as a collection, not just random house decor that blends in with the other furnishings, like throwing a paper towel rack in the kitchen, a new rug in the bathroom and a pen cup on the desk.
D. Wicked, Tricksy, False!: The most precious treasures of all are those you take from others. Your Sim must go out at least once a week to steal a new precious for the collection from either another Sim's home or a community lot. (Kleptomaniac trait is required for this option). Anything your Sim steals with the Klepto trait must be kept on display. This does include light fixtures and other weird junk. Because it's all precious, or you wouldn't have stolen it, right?
3)Expansionist – Put at least one major expansion onto your house during this generation. Examples of expansions include a new nursery with space for all the toddler toys and an attached outdoor playground, a guest apartment for the previous generation elders to live in, or an artist's retreat with room for painters, sculptors and drafters to practice their art.

Marital Status            Couple w/ Double Help
Number Children    3 children
Primary Career        Collector
Secondary Career    Author
Secondary Career    Scientist
Secondary Career    Daycare
Generation Goal      Five Star Celebrity
Fun or Misc Roll       Gourmet
Fun or Misc Roll     Hands Off
9) 5 Star Celebrity - Your heir must become a household name and obtain a glittering 5 star celebrity status. (ONLY the heir needs to do this, not spouse or other family members.)
16) Gourmet - Your sims must cook their favorite meal at least once, as well as the favorite meals of every active member of the household. If you have this goal, you're not allowed to change your sim's favorite meals (by using the reward for instance). The only exception is for players that have WA and don't want to travel. These ones are allowed to reroll until they obtain a meal they can cook in their neighborhood. If you have this goal in generation 1, use the random button to select your sim's favorite meal, color and music. If you have pets, every pet meal must be cooked. All meals must be of normal quality or higher.
1) Hands Off - You may not use the robotic hand of god function in awesomemod, or otherwise use your mouse to move things from one inventory to another, clean up laundry, dirty plates, etc. Let those sims clean up after themselves for a while. All items for careers must be sold in the Consignment Store (Ambitions), or to rabbitholes that will buy them (i.e. a gardener career Sim may sell produce to the grocery store).

All Generation Goals
Some people just love animals, and this quality seems to run strong in your Sims. Raise a family of dogs, cats, or horses for 10 generations. (So, have a 10 generation family of dogs, cats, or horses.) Depending on the life span of your Sims and your animal of choice, this goal will not last for all 10 generations of your legacy.
3. Hall of Fame- Create a museum that catalogs the achievements of your legacy family. For each heir, create one portrait (painting, sculpture, or photograph) and hang it in the museum. Also, display and showcase your heirs' various accomplishments from their high school diplomas to their achievement awards (certificates of level 10 skills and career related trophies). If your heir has created any masterpieces in their line of work or relating to their hobbies, these can also be added to the museum. Along with their portrait, each heir needs to be somehow represented within the museum. This can be related to your heir's career (as explained earlier) or their hobbies or traits. The museum must be built on a lot outside your Sim's home. It can be as small or large as you wish, but must be created (or at least started) before your fourth generation takes over.
4. Skilled- Perfection is the aim, and skilling is the game. Each of your 10 heirs need to learn and max a different skill unrelated to their careers. These skills can overlap from generation to generation if necessary. Mixing up the different skills is encouraged but not required.
4. Explorer: Your pet likes to explore the world. At least once a week, your chosen pet goes off on his/her own to visit a park or other location to play, hunt, explore or whatever pet things they like to do. 

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2014, 09:43:02 AM »
The final home

Legacy Home
Frontal Area:
Living room
Library and Emma's Study

First Floor - Left Side
Children's Room
Music Room
Science Lab
Style Room

First Floor - Right Side
Alchemical Shed
Rumple + Belle's Suite (Later used by Eponine)
Belle and Bay's Perfect Greenhouse
Pet Room
Elly's MiniSuite

Other Lots
Museum of Heirs
Party Area, Amara's Live-In Bar, and Wedding Area
Henry and Hinni's Beachfront + Hut d'Emilé
Tegan's Barn and Hay Loft
Carl's Graveyard and Hut
Fish Pond

Second Floor Left
Cora's Room
Art Studio
Erin's Room and Aquarium
Dahlia and Lily's Room
Rose and Emmaline's Room
Ginny's Gourmet Kitchen
Consignment Stores and The Tower Stairs

Second Floor Right
Bay and Emma's Suite
Amory and Raoul's Suite
Cosette's MiniSuite
Rosetta's Room
Gretchen, Karen, Cady, and Regina's room
Cady and Aaron's Room

Third Floor (Tower)
Hermione and Ron's Suite
Harry and Ginny's Suite
The MiniLibrary and Ron's Writing Room

Nectar Room
Juan's Workshop and Bedroom
Eileen's Suite
Regina's Kleptomaniac Store Room
The Gem, Metal, and Spacerock Collection
Storage Room (For Gifts)
Buy Mode and Consignment Store Room

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Gold Random Legacy - no pictures
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2014, 10:50:43 PM »

Rose moved out with her new husband David Keaton. Lily married her longtime girlfriend Lily Ursine and moved out as well. Albus got together with a slightly older girl named Sandi French. Even James's parents moved out into a nearby home. James then immediately moved back to Moonlight Falls with his girlfriend River, a friend of Sandi's.

They had one last kid, Bonnie, who decided to marry her imaginary friend. His name was Fluffs. (I know, it's stupid.) He was made real at the teen stage, and I got a look at his traits.

An evil, vehicle enthusiast, and hopeless romantic sim who got an immediate crush on Bonnie.

I see what you did there, sims. I see what you did there.