Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 329098 times)

Offline Kavey

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Mary's Confession and Theme Revealed
« Reply #330 on: January 26, 2014, 04:01:54 PM »
Edward is rocking that pirate look. And is... is that... eyeliner? Are you sure Eddie doesn't have the Insane trait, he's seems to be going a bit kooky to me!  ;)  Noticed that both the kids have something relating to school in their names... But I'll try my best to keep my trap shut in case that's part of your story. Hopefully even if Mary doesn't win the heir polls, you'll let her leave with a female hair style. Maybe? Please? With Cherries on top? I am begging you to let the girl's hair grow, her hair is too a gorgeous color to keep hidden!

To both Generation 5 kiddies: good luck, stay safe, and carry on the tanned and muscular ways of that handsome blonde father of yours!  ;D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Mary's Confession and Theme Revealed
« Reply #331 on: January 26, 2014, 05:17:34 PM »
I fall off the face of the internet for a few weeks and first thing I check when I get back are the Reapers. So imagine my face when there are like 5 updates and you KILLED NOTEN! Like what in the world?!  >:(

Jeez, some backstabbers in Paradiso, dude. Not cool. At all. I'm upset. I'm going to need some cookies, tea, and a few hours with the saddest playlist on my ipod for this. Wow...

And what is with the Queen/Royal Family? Are they getting bad advisers and actually think this crackdown is a good idea or are they just evil? And do they just have a bit of power in Paradiso or are we getting royal decrees in the next town?

Mary and Edward are beautiful. I was thinking the theme was old English kings, but apparently I was way off. And "James" is pretty cute, no wonder the girl on the beach tried to flirt with her.

Anyway, compliments to the Watcher, for a delicious story and pretty sims.  ;)
Yes, I'm sorry, Noten's death was key to the story in my opinion. It's what triggered the chain of events that led us here. :)
The Royal family are just oblivious. Alfonso treats the royal family like puppets, essentially. They're the face of the evil that goes on there, but in reality they think it's for their own protection - and the protection of their people. It's like having a crummy advisor when you're a Monarch. If someone keeps feeding you lies saying that protests and rebels are hurting civilians/aiming to go after you for no apparent reason then they assume that's really what's going on.
I'd say they have power, they just opt to not use it, because they felt their people felt more free with the royal family as just figureheads.

Mary and Edward grew up so perfectly. I love them both. They'll both make such great pirates.

It's a hard choice, between the two. I voted, but I'll be happy with whoever gets chosen. That song is really catchy, though, believe it or not! I've never played in Barnacle Bay, so it's going to be cool to get to see it. I'm in awe that you've been able to deal with the lag in Isla Paradislo for so long! I made a file to play there, and I don't have any interest to keep playing. The lag jut makes it unbearable. I think Mary and Edward are an amazing mixture of their parent's features. They are both gorgeous!
I adore that song, it gets stuck in my head all the time. :D Haha, I didn't technically last very long in my file, I just made it seem like I did. The key to that is wording haha. Yeah I was only on week 2... or 3 or something close to that. I was just good at taking screenshots at different locations/times of day. I can assure you, I didn't actually play this family (unfortunately). I just monitored their needs with TestingCheats enabled so I could drag the need up when it got low and just keep playing. No one had jobs and I bulldozed the school so I didn't have to deal with the kids suffering through a laggy-school. If they needed money they just sold whatever was in the family inventory. The only reason I opened the file wasn't to play but rather to get the screenshots I needed, but thankfully I won't have to do that so much anymore (and I can turn free will back on) with Barnacle Bay.

I haven't actually played the Assassin's Creed games, so yeah . . . didn't see that coming. I was thinking Twelfth Night, by Shakespeare, because it had two siblings who get separated by a shipwreck, one is a girl who has to pretend to be a man to protect her identity, and it's set on the coast.

Anyway, I voted for Mary. Because she's awesome. I also don't have Barnacle Bay, so it'll be fun to see the town. I love both of their outfits, but especially Mary's.
It wasn't Assassin's Creed I based the characters off of, it's difficult to explain. Mary Read and Edward Thatch (or Teach by modern standards) were actual pirates who existed long ago. My theme was pirates, really, but as I just finished watching a playthrough of Assassin's Creed (Black Flag) it gave me ideas for how I wanted the character's personalities to come through. Shakespeare wouldn't have been a bad guess because I love Shakespeare, but I also enjoy the lore of Pirates a lot too! :D
Mary is pretty awesome, and by the looks of the votes she's in the lead by a majority - like all the votes.

Edward is rocking that pirate look. And is... is that... eyeliner? Are you sure Eddie doesn't have the Insane trait, he's seems to be going a bit kooky to me!  ;)  Noticed that both the kids have something relating to school in their names... But I'll try my best to keep my trap shut in case that's part of your story. Hopefully even if Mary doesn't win the heir polls, you'll let her leave with a female hair style. Maybe? Please? With Cherries on top? I am begging you to let the girl's hair grow, her hair is too a gorgeous color to keep hidden!

To both Generation 5 kiddies: good luck, stay safe, and carry on the tanned and muscular ways of that handsome blonde father of yours!  ;D
Yes, that is eyeliner. Edward gained some girly-looking eyes and for a tough pirate that's just a no-go. No, there is no school-related themes in my game. Mary Read (infamous female pirate) and Edward Thatch/Teach (depending on which source you find more accurate) were actual pirates from the early colonial age. Oddly, I didn't even notice the naming, but they were real people that you can google and research.
Though I can assure you that they will become one with the tanned and muscular ways of the great Noten Reaper.
The girl's hair will grow, but I can't promise she won't cut it off again. :D

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Offline Mizzilee

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Mary's Confession and Theme Revealed
« Reply #332 on: January 27, 2014, 01:10:01 AM »
-face palm-

I feel like an idiot. Thank you, Livvie. Of all things, my brain never went to Assasin's Creed. I never played the game, but I saw the previews and said 'Pirates? Hmm...intereting' -sigh- Anywho, BRILLIANT!! I'm so excited! I have Barnacle Bay but the pirate theme was a bit over the top for me at the time so I never played it, but I'll be happy to see it in action. It was hard to choose. Really really hard to chose, but I made my decision (which I guess is obvious by the current state of the poll) and I can't wait to see you progress. Keep up the awesome work! I wish I could get updates in as fast as you. >.< School just kicks me in the butt.
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Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Mary's Confession and Theme Revealed
« Reply #333 on: January 27, 2014, 06:08:43 AM »
Really loving the 'Assasins Creed 4 Black Flag' and 'Pirates of Carribbean' theme. Assasins Creed 4 is one of my favourite game. I wished to play it but the game is too costly and I can't afford it. Looking forward for the heir poll result.
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Mary's Confession and Theme Revealed
« Reply #334 on: January 28, 2014, 12:17:57 PM »
-face palm-

I feel like an idiot. Thank you, Livvie. Of all things, my brain never went to Assasin's Creed. I never played the game, but I saw the previews and said 'Pirates? Hmm...intereting' -sigh- Anywho, BRILLIANT!! I'm so excited! I have Barnacle Bay but the pirate theme was a bit over the top for me at the time so I never played it, but I'll be happy to see it in action. It was hard to choose. Really really hard to chose, but I made my decision (which I guess is obvious by the current state of the poll) and I can't wait to see you progress. Keep up the awesome work! I wish I could get updates in as fast as you. >.< School just kicks me in the butt.
Haha, Pirates was the main theme. I just got my ideas from Assassin's Creed. :D
If you think Pirates are over-the-top you should really check out some of the female clothing for YA Sims. Seriously. I can't find a single piece of clothing that doesn't accent the bust. Even though I messed around with Mary's sliders in order to give her the absolute smallest bust possible, from the front view she looked like she was as gifted as every other sim... it only changed the side view to where she looked super flat. EVEN THE PIRATE OUTFIT GOES OVER-THE-TOP FOR BUSTS! I'm like "seriously? where can I find some manly clothing for women?" And because of this fluke my story will have to be tweaked just a little. Ah well, tis the Sim's to do that.
Anywho, I usually leave it to be a massive surprise at who won, but poor Edward only got 2 votes out of like... 20. So... I don't think it's a surprise for anyone if I were to say Mary won.

Really loving the 'Assasins Creed 4 Black Flag' and 'Pirates of Carribbean' theme. Assasins Creed 4 is one of my favourite game. I wished to play it but the game is too costly and I can't afford it. Looking forward for the heir poll result.
Yeah, I'd wait for the price to go down too, my boyfriend bought it because he's really loved the trailer. He said it was worth it, but I very rarely find games to be worth the amount of money they cost at startup. I'm sorry if I spoiled any of the plot for you, I didn't really follow the plot to Assassin's Creed because it was implying that most Pirates doubled as Assassins (which was cool, but I was really just aiming for Pirates).

Anyways, so everyone got an extra 11 hours more than I normally leave up because I was way too tired to take the poll down at midnight. Though it obviously didn't do much in terms of changing the tide. We have our heir.
:) Hopefully I'll come to you with an update today. Now that the heir has been decided we have one last chapter in Islo Paradiso (that I'm really not looking forward to the lag and wait times over) to wrap things up there and move on to our next port - Barnacle Bay.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #335 on: January 29, 2014, 07:58:53 PM »
Ok, this is shameless but I'm going to do it anyways. In a random bout of fun, I started a Short Dynasty and decided to publish it as a story here on Carl's forum. It's very light-hearted and fun and I would appreciate some feedback on it. Of course I will always keep up with the Reapers, but I just wanted to start a side project to keep things fresh as I was going crazy dealing with Isla Paradiso. Anyways, please check it out and let me know what you think, I'd really appreciate it.

In the "Nix" of Time

Anyways, now that I'm done shamelessly advertising my other story, I suppose it's time for a long awaited update here, no? This one will be a little short but I really just wanted to kind of finish off Isla Paradiso and not get too far off topic when the time for the move comes. Maybe I'll be able to get another one up soon.

One last thing before we start - this next week will be crazy busy hectic for me. I recently got a job (yay!) but now that means I have to do an intense training next week (boo!) So I work tomorrow (for sure), possibly Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, then I have training for 3 days straight far away so I'm staying in a hotel to make it there on time from 9:30-5:30 from Tuesday through Thursday and Friday I know I work for sure. So I'll do my best to try to update, but at the same time I'm also going to be doing my best to not die from exhaustion. Please bear with me, is all I ask. Hopefully after next week my schedule will even out and I'll have a normal round and time to update more. Onwards with the update!

The Revelation
The poll had been decided. Palmira sensed it was now or never. She sucked in a hard breath and left the nursery in the castle to seek out the Queen. It was time she saw the damage that had been done to her people. It was time the monarch rose to power once more.
"Your majesty, might I have a word with you," Palmira said looking down as she approached Queen Carolina. "Alone, please?"
"Of course Mira, is something wrong with my baby?"
"No, no ma'am. He's perfectly fine and happy, but I have a confession I must make to you, and I wish for you to hear it and consider it."

"Of course, I was about to head off for a walk, if you would like to join me."
"Yes ma'am."
They left together and headed up the paths outside of the castle.
"Queen, I was wondering if I might show you something a little different on your walk?"
"I don't see why not, I never get a chance to walk around my beautiful islands anymore."
It was a long quiet walk at first, Palmira knew the Queen would never believe her if she directly told the queen the havoc that had been going on for all of her children's lives, but she could only hope that she might sway her by showing her the destruction.
"Where are we going, Mira?" The Queen said, hesitating.
"I want to show you some people on your island who need your help."
"Someone needs my help? Take me there at once." She demanded. Palmira smiled softly. At least the Queen's heart was in the right place. Palmira directed her to the home for girls, the one set up by Alfonso... the one that now had the appearance of a sweatshop from a horror movie.
"What... is this place?" The Queen said in horror.
"This is the place Alfonso has set up for the little girls-" There was a high pitch scream coming from inside. The sound of a little girl who was in trouble. The Queen jumped back at the grime that covered everything. "They become mothers much too soon, and by men who are likely twice their age."
"No... Alfonso assured me that-" there was another scream. "Oh watcher." The Queen began to fan herself. She straightened. "Whomever is in there will answer to me." She leveled her shoulders and swung the door wide open without knocking. She was greeted by the small, dirty face of a sweet little girl.
"Are you my mommy?" She asked quietly. Her hair was clumped into dirty strands that stuck to her head, but even among her dirty face her eyes were bright and hopeful.
"What's your name, little one?"
"I'm not really sure." The little girl looked befuddled.
"What's your mother's name?" The Queen asked desperately as she wiped the hair away from the child's face.
"I don't know. They took me from her after I was born. That's what the older girls told me. A lot of them tell me she's dead, but I don't believe them."
The Queen's eyes reflected the heartbreak that Palmira could feel - that any mother would feel. "How about your dad, is he here?"
The girl looked confused again, "I don't know. My mom was given to him as a gift and then she had me months later. That's what the school explains I will do one day, but -" the girl's face froze and she looked over her shoulder. Her voice dropped tremendously. "I'm afraid of the men that come around here." She finished, while looking over her shoulder as if afraid someone might hear her.
"Who watches you?" The Queen said suddenly, anger hidden in her tone. Of course the anger wasn't with the child, but with the situation.
"The mistress keeps an eye on us, and Alfonso the Great comes in to make sure we're "suitable" for the men he finds."
All of the sudden it wasn't just this little girl in the doorway, but a woman. "Yes, can I help you ladies?" She said with a snark. "1124, what are you doing out here at this time of day? You can get a lashing for that." She scolded. The queen put a protective arm around the girl as the girl was just about to leave.
"How dare you treat a child like this!" The Queen shouted, "especially in front of your Queen." She spat. The woman jumped and her eyes widened.
"Uh... you weren't ever supposed to come here ma'am." The woman looked nervously around.
"You're the queen?" The little girl asked with her eyes wide. "That can't be right. Alfonso said the Queen was the one trying to hurt us, but you seem nice."
"He did what now?" The Queen's rage was growing. She clenched her jaw and glared at the woman, the "mistress" of the house. "This house is closing down. Permanently." She said through clenched teeth.
"I'm afraid I can't just..."
"If you value your life and wish to live to see your trial, you will."
"What about the children?" The woman said, trying her best to seem concerned.
"The children will be temporarily staying with me. Hold on here, I need to make a few phone calls, and you," she looked down at the little girl who was cowering against her leg. The queen's voice softened, "I want you to come and help me, ok?"
The Queen leaned into Palmira's side and asked her to stay and keep watch of everyone, to make sure there wouldn't be any more problems while she was away. She then took the little girl and stepped outside.
When the Queen returned the mistress was cowering in the corner, having called Alfonso to tell him the gig was up. Shortly after several vehicles arrived and one by one all of the girls of all ages started to come out from hiding and were escorted out.
The queen looked down at the original girl who had come to the door. "These girls are all going to come home with us and get cleaned up and moved into new homes. There's obviously a lot going on that I've been highly unaware of for too long, and I could certainly use a little helper like yourself, if you're up for it."
The girl grinned from ear to ear, but the smile faded. "But, queen, I don't even have a name." She frowned hard.
"Well that is a problem!" The Queen smiled, "why don't you tell me what you would like to be called."
"They said my mom's name was Ann. Ann is a pretty name."
"Ann is a perfect name for you, dear. How would you like to stay with me permanently?"
"I would like that very much!" Ann perked up. She then ran out to join the rest of the girls that were being transported back to the Castle.
The Queen sighed very hard and sat down on a bench. "Mira... how has this slipped through my fingers like that? How long has this been going on?"
Palmira looked down. "I think it's time that I tell you my confession. Let's get out of this place, it's making me feel ill." Palmira said kindly.
The Queen only nodded. She stood up once more and walked out the door, before leaving she looked at one of her guards and said "make sure every child is evacuated. I want all of them cleaned and fed as much food as they want. There's so much damage to undo, and I get the feeling this is only just the tip of the iceberg."
Palmira stood by the queen's side and walked with her. Soon they arrived to a place Palmira found familiar. She started to tear up but stopped herself.

"Majesty, forgive me." She wiped her eyes. "This strand of sand has far more memories than I can count. This is where I married my Noten." Her voice broke. She cleared her throat. "My name isn't Mira, my queen, but that isn't the end of my confessions. My maiden name is Palmira Medina. Daughter of Teodor Medina. The man who was falsely blamed and put to death for the bombings of the royal boats. My father was the leader of the rebellion originally. He saw the cruelty being inflicted on everyone here and he wanted to find a way to stop it, but after all of his work he was just put to death for it. He burned down our house claiming I was inside to give me a better life, so I took it."
"You're the dead daughter of the leader of the Rebellion? I've lived my life so blind, and just now everything is starting to become clear." The Queen shook her head. "All of this time I assumed the rebels were trying to hurt others, to hurt my people, but really... they were my people but I just wasn't listening to their pleas."
Palmira smiled at the Queen. "You can't be everywhere at once, but now you're eyes are opening, there is still time to fix the damage. Though I must confess that there is more to my confession from this point."
"Please, go on." The Queen said as she moved to sit on the beach. Her eyes were lost in a sea of sadness and anger.
"Noten, when he moved here, was an opportunity for my father to seek out help - to see if more numbers would help make a difference. Noten was with me when my father died, he stayed with me patiently and cared for me... he even gave me his portion of his food when he could to ensure that I ate every night. It wasn't long after my birthday that we married." Palmira's eyes welled up with tears of happiness as she remembered those events.
"I'm assuming Noten didn't actually starve to death, did he?"
"He was shot by Ruben. I had heard word that there was a traitor in the midst of our final stand that might cause issue, but I went into labor with James right as the note arrived that would've told me to warn Noten. Noten had gone in with Ruben to ensure that they got out all civilians before the battle would start. Noten worried so much for everyone else, but no one was there to worry for him when he died. He tried to save so many people, but no one tried to save him." Tears fell involuntarily out of Palmira's eyes. "Sometimes I still can't believe he's gone. A friend of mine found Noten's body and brought him home for a proper burial. He never got to see his second child."
The Queen put a hand of sympathy on Palmira's shoulder as she continued. "The final thing I must confess, is the thing I am the least proud of in my life. My second child was not born with the name James." Palmira confessed, tears falling freely now. She wiped up her face and cleared her throat. "My beautiful baby's name was Mary. She is so beautiful but in my fear of her becoming those girls we just saw here... I took away her identity and made her become a boy. I couldn't bear to lose her." Palmira's face fell into her hands and she broke into immense sobs.
"You did that to save your child a world of pain." The Queen looked down. "I feel I am to blame for all of this. Is it possible for me to see her... to see Mary?"
"She's going to be leaving soon, and I think I'm going to go with her. She and Edward want to head for Barnacle Bay to start a new life... there are rumors that Barnacle Bay is where Ruben went into hiding after he shot Noten, which I fear is why Edward is leaving, so I know that I must go too." Palmira felt as though she were speaking gibberish but the Queen seemed to understand.
"I want to help you all get started on a new life, but I am very much needed here, my people need me now more than ever, and it's time for the monarchy to rise again. Alfonso better be running for the hills, because a life in jail will be the least of his concerns when I get my hands on him."
Palmira smiled softly. "Thank you, for listening without judgement."
The Queen shook her head. "No." She looked at Palmira with sad, tired eyes. "Thank you for opening my eyes."

Mary had climbed to the top of her favorite summit one last time to look out across the once beautiful set of islands.

She knew it would be time to leave soon, and she planned to say her goodbyes prior.

She wasn't sure what would happened when she arrived in Barnacle Bay, but she was content with the unknown.
The first place she went to say her goodbyes was her mother.
"Mom!" She said as she spotted her from a distance. Palmira turned to see her daughter come to her and she smiled widely. Palmira embraced her daughter. "You look really happy, did something happen?" Mary said with a laugh.

"Everything happened dear." Palmira said happily, "things are finally looking up."
"That's great! I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye." Mary said softly.
"Would it be ok..." Palmira started, "if I came with you? I've got nothing left for me here, just a stone that stands as a cold reminder of a dark time in our lives."
"What's caused you to change your mind?"
"The rebellion is over. Isla Paradiso is finally moving in the right direction. I'm no longer needed here." Palmira said softly. "Plus, someone has to keep an eye on Edward."
"Ah, yeah, speaking of which, where is that guy hiding?"
"You know where he is, my dear. He is where he always goes when he needs to think."
"To see dad?"
Palmira simply nodded.
"I might as well go say goodbye, as he'll likely want to establish himself separately when we arrive in Barnacle Bay."
Palmira just smiled and ran her hand through Mary's hair. "Maybe you could grow your hair out finally." She said softly.
Mary slapped her mom's hand. "Not so loud!" She said looking around.
"It's ok Mary, you don't have to hide any longer."
"That much has changed, eh?" Mary wiped her brow.
"I told you things were looking up."
"Well... I'll think about it." Mary said with a laugh. "Anyways, I'm heading to see Edward, I'll meet you back at home later?"
"Absolutely." Palmira gave her daughter a smile. Things finally felt ok for the first time in ages.

Edward was at Noten's grave, mourning him when Mary arrived. "Hey there." She said lightly as she approached. She stroked the grave softly as she past it.
"Hey yourself." Edward said softly, he took a deep breath. "It feels like just yesterday he was here, telling me to be good and that he'd be back by dawn."
Mary just smiled softly. "Mom says you remind her a lot of him, I think you would've made him very proud if he could see how much you've grown up."
Edward smirked.
"Well, asides that hot-head of yours." She ruffed his hair and he hit her hand back.
"Thanks, mom." He exaggerated the word 'mom.'
The two laughed for a moment before they embraced.

"I know we're going to the same place, but I just want you to take care of yourself." Edward said quietly. "If anything wrong happens, you give me a call, you hear?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"I'm serious, women may still hit on you, and you'll have to handle it on your own."
Mary laughed, "yeah, yeah. I'm headed home, you coming?"
"I still need a minute. It feels wrong to leave him here."
"He's not going to care where he is," Mary said with a bit of sarcasm but she straightened. "He'll follow you though, and watch you where-ever you go."
"You too, you know. You're his kid too."
Mary shrugged. "Eh, I'm less interesting to watch, I'm sure."
Edward shook his head. "I mean it Mary."
Mary was already walking away though, and she simply waved her hand as she left the island.
Little did she know that she had one last visitor to meet.
Mary saw someone as she approached the house. She jumped back when she saw who it was and straightened. "What a surprise, your majesty." She said with her voice lowered.
"Hello Mary." The queen said softly.

"Wait... you know my name? My... real name?"
The Queen simply nodded. "I just wanted to apologize. My blindness has caused many people to suffer, and I know your mother tried to protect you from it, but I have failed you as a queen, and for that I'm sorry."
"So my mom was being serious, things are at a change."
"Yes, now that I'm aware of it, I will be going after this corruption with all of my might. I just came to ask forgiveness for all the suffering you must've gone through."
Mary smiled. "There's nothing to forgive."
The Queen actually hugged Mary, which took her by surprise at first.

"Thank you Mary." She said softly. "Take care of yourself, and that mom of yours."
Mary nodded, "of course."
The Queen nodded swiftly and left, leaving Mary with a few things to do before she left.
She packed her things and finally approached Bear. "You ready buddy?" She asked him softly.
Bear barked eagerly as Mary pulled out a special potion.

"You're halfway there." She whispered as she pet him.

Mary went inside as Palmira and Edward arrived. They all finished packing and the next morning they left by private escort under the Queen's authority.
They headed to Barnacle Bay where Mary will take the lead as the fifth generation heir of the Reapers.

Adventure awaits.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #336 on: January 29, 2014, 08:33:52 PM »
I actually started tearing up while reading this chapter. I still miss Noten. I am so glad that Palmira got to come clean with the queen and that the queen has finally opened her eyes on the real problems going on. Things are defenitly going to be going up for Isla Paradislo! I'll be sure to check out your other story! I'm more then happy to read it. Congratulations on your job! Don't worry about us, we'll be here waiting for the next chapter when you get back  :) Take care of yourself first and foremost.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #337 on: January 29, 2014, 09:28:22 PM »
Congrats on the job! Sounds exciting, hope you do well. Don't forget about the little people... and sims.  ;) When you told about the special "school" for girls, gagh, I had shivers. You describe the dreadfulness of Alfanso brilliantly, for better or for worse! Hope Ann likes her new Mommy. I can't wait to read about the Nix next, headed for the link now.... (dun dun duuuuuun!)  :o

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #338 on: January 30, 2014, 04:23:56 AM »
First of, congrats on real life accomplishments! I hope this time you have to spend training can go by at least somewhat smoothly for you.

Also, I love the way you wrapped up this generation and resolved the issues of the island. This was a very touching chapter in the grand story of the Reaper's lives. I know Noten's looking down on them proudly. I'm still so sad he died though. I keep expecting him to pop up somewhere >.< I can't wait for more though! Really, I'm excited to see Barnacle Bay in action. Might convince me to actually install it myself. (I mean I payed $20 for it when it came out)
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #339 on: January 30, 2014, 09:53:16 AM »
I actually started tearing up while reading this chapter. I still miss Noten. I am so glad that Palmira got to come clean with the queen and that the queen has finally opened her eyes on the real problems going on. Things are defenitly going to be going up for Isla Paradislo! I'll be sure to check out your other story! I'm more then happy to read it. Congratulations on your job! Don't worry about us, we'll be here waiting for the next chapter when you get back  :) Take care of yourself first and foremost.
Aww, don't worry! I've got a really good idea planned for this next generation that will likely catch you by surprise. The Queen was the finale of this story as it just seemed right to have someone take over and scare Alfonso out of the country... but where might he end up? Who knows, we might see him again soon...
Thank you for the congratulations! I mean, I'm happy that I'm finally employed but waking up this morning all I could think about was "ugh, I have to work." I mean, I'm grateful to have a job, but I'm just so dreading this next week. Hopefully I can come back to you guys all in once piece!

Congrats on the job! Sounds exciting, hope you do well. Don't forget about the little people... and sims.  ;) When you told about the special "school" for girls, gagh, I had shivers. You describe the dreadfulness of Alfanso brilliantly, for better or for worse! Hope Ann likes her new Mommy. I can't wait to read about the Nix next, headed for the link now.... (dun dun duuuuuun!)  :o
I'd never forget the little people and sims; I have way too much fun writing each of my stories to ever forget about them. I just will likely be swamped this next week (and away from my computer for 3 days of it) so writing chapters isn't likely to be an option, especially with the amount of time I try to put in each one. Thank you for the congrats! :)

First of, congrats on real life accomplishments! I hope this time you have to spend training can go by at least somewhat smoothly for you.

Also, I love the way you wrapped up this generation and resolved the issues of the island. This was a very touching chapter in the grand story of the Reaper's lives. I know Noten's looking down on them proudly. I'm still so sad he died though. I keep expecting him to pop up somewhere >.< I can't wait for more though! Really, I'm excited to see Barnacle Bay in action. Might convince me to actually install it myself. (I mean I payed $20 for it when it came out)
Fingers crossed for smooth training, because things going awry is the last thing I need to add to my list this week! Yeah, I tried to tie them up in a neat little package. I'm a bit of a perfectionist though and I'm not that thrilled with how much I had to leave out, but I'm learning to deal with it. Anyways, I'll have a super awesome surprise for everyone in the coming chapters, maybe it will make up for Noten? Also I need to get his tanned, muscular self on the Swap Shop soon. I have him, I just have to take the time to strip him down and clean him up and that's a tedious task that doesn't sound like something I really want to do on my busy week, haha.
Barnacle Bay is actually really gorgeous. I noticed a difference from Isla Paradiso immediately (especially in the lag, my gosh, it was so smooth I teared up). Asides from EA randomly deciding to place out-of-place bars/venues from showtime, it's beautiful. I believe there's only like 1-2 townies who dress in that ridiculous Pirate outfit (the one that only looks ok when colored and in the right setting). The genetics though are pretty stunning, I'm excited to hear how Edward is doing through story progression (though as a hot-head, I doubt he'll have any solid relationships), and Mary has her first pick of any of the guys she wants (assuming she wants one, I haven't played that far in yet so I don't really know).

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #340 on: January 30, 2014, 08:02:23 PM »

I feel like I need to shout a big, "Justice!" in all capital letters. I'll try to contain that enthusiasm, though, as typing in all caps isn't really encouraged on the forum.  ;D I'm excited to leave Island Paradiso for some pirate adventures in Barnacle Bay. I imagine you are too, getting away from that lag! Congrats, by the way, on joining the gainfully employed.

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #341 on: January 30, 2014, 09:31:09 PM »
Yay! Finally! It's over. Or so it seems. Congrats on that job and the update (Well played)!Though I am still a little sad about Noten. I'm really looking forward to Mary's adventures in Barnacle Bay.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #342 on: January 31, 2014, 11:28:58 PM »
I feel like I need to shout a big, "Justice!" in all capital letters. I'll try to contain that enthusiasm, though, as typing in all caps isn't really encouraged on the forum.  ;D I'm excited to leave Island Paradiso for some pirate adventures in Barnacle Bay. I imagine you are too, getting away from that lag! Congrats, by the way, on joining the gainfully employed.
I about cried tears of joy when I opened Barnacle Bay and I could move my camera around without having to wait. Sweet freedom. Thank you much though, I'm glad to finally be employed, it feels nice to wake up on my days off and recognize them as days I don't have to work. It's an oddly fulfilling feeling.
Onward to the adventures!

Yay! Finally! It's over. Or so it seems. Congrats on that job and the update (Well played)!Though I am still a little sad about Noten. I'm really looking forward to Mary's adventures in Barnacle Bay.
It is, for now. There are still other towns and people to be freed, it takes time, but slowly the Simuniverse should overcome this struggle for power. Hopefully I'll have something to make up for Noten soon, I'm actually really excited about it... But I won't spoil anything!

Anyways I really was hoping to update tonight as I've been playing the file but I have an early morning meeting (8 am, oh joy) then I have to come home only to go back to work at 1 so I'll try to put the update up tomorrow. I'm sorry that it's a wait, but I like to have quality updates.

For those of you who are interested in reading a few great stories, here are some of the few gems I've found on the forum with writers who are putting out wonderful updates (granted, these aren't all of them, feel free to recommend any stories to me - especially your own!):

Blood of the Mayfair a misc. story by cainspath

The Flower Legacy a legacy by unicornfan85

The Story of the Delacour Family Legacy a legacy by Mizzilee

The Shakespeare Legacy (hosted on a blog website) a legacy by judewright

Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty a dynasty by Rhoxi - though if you haven't heard of the Dojo's prior, I would highly recommend reading her prequel Samura's Dojo Dynasty so you understand what's going on.

The Widow's Prayer a misc. story by Mizzilee.

Now these are only the tip of the iceberg, but I really want to thank everyone that's supported me thus far with the Reapers (and now the Nix's too) and to encourage everyone to show their love with other people who are struggling with their first/second/millionth story. Anyways, happy Simming everyone! I'll do my best to get you an update ASAP!

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Revelation
« Reply #343 on: February 01, 2014, 04:24:23 AM »
I immediately went to see if there was an update. Too bad. but that's okay. It sort of builds up the excitement! Good luck juggling your time there.  ;D

And, thanks!  ;)
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Getting to Know You
« Reply #344 on: February 01, 2014, 11:06:48 PM »
I immediately went to see if there was an update. Too bad. but that's okay. It sort of builds up the excitement! Good luck juggling your time there.  ;D

And, thanks!  ;)
One is coming at you right now! And don't thank me, your story is amazing and deserves credit. :)

Getting to Know You
Mary had seen a lot of strange things in her life as James, but Barnacle Bay was a fresh start. Barnacle Bay had been in a floating state of uncertainty with their government - well, they just didn't have one, yet it was surprisingly peaceful. Mary would have never in her life guessed that a town that lacked government officials would be so calm, but then again she did choose the country-side away from the bustling town center where there was sure to be a heavier crime rate.
In fact, Mary thought Barnacle Bay was quite the step up from her once home in "Paradise." But she was quite unaware of the darker side of her newfound home: how even the police don't go outside after dark, or look the other way when certain citizens make bad choices.
To Mary, though, it was her new life, and it was already better than the one she'd been living back in Isla Paradiso. Mary even let herself do something she'd longed for all her life: she went to the library.

Mary loved the smell of books, and she had a craving for knowledge - any knowledge. Edward and her mother never quite understood why she was so drawn to these things, but it was just a desire that kept Mary going to school every day, so no one complained too much about it. As Mary entered the large building she crept through the corridors, no one had arrived yet, so it was just her and the books with no one to interrupt. The amount of books in library alone put Mary in a state of awe. She felt like a blank canvas, ready to be turned into a masterpiece. Her fingertips lightly grazed the spines of every book until she found one that intrigued her. Common Sense.
It was a small book, but with a title like that, who could argue?

Mary snuck off to the corner of the library where she dug into her book.
After an hour or so, Mary had twisted herself sideways on the chair to where her feet dangled off the right arm of the chair with her back propped up against the left. It could've been weeks for all she knew when a voice tore her out of her trance. 
"Huh?" She looked up quickly, her voice dropped suddenly as had become normal for her. She cleared her throat and let her voice remain deep. "Did you say something?" Mary hadn't determined which personalities was truly her own, or whether or not she would keep her guise of James or start anew, in fact, she probably should have straightened that out before coming out into the public, but her house was just being built and she needed a place to go to pass time.
"Oh, sorry, just saying that no one ever seems to pick up Common Sense anymore, so I was just admiring another fan of it." The man said quietly as he went back to organizing the books on the shelf.
"Oh, yeah, that." She smiled. "Yeah, sorry I just get a little wrapped up. I never really got a chance to read many intelligent books back where I was raised, so I guess I just got a little carried away." She said straightening herself to be sitting like a normal person would.
"Hm? Where were you raised, if you don't mind me asking?" The man said.
Mary paused for a moment, unsure if being honest would bring bad consequences. She sighed. "Isla Paradiso, born and raised."
The man's face switched to one of shock. "No way, you came from the islands? The ones that were under that ridiculous tyranny? I've been following that story since it became mass news two weeks ago!"
"Two weeks?" Mary snorted. "Sorry, it's just amazing how it's considered new, but I guess when you grow up with it is when it becomes that bitter feeling." Mary stood up and stretched her back. "20 years of that was more than enough for me I guess, and that's why I'm here."
The man just stood there and stared for a moment. "Twenty years? Wow. This will sound awkward, but, can I pick your brain a little? Oh uhm, sorry, I'm a historian. I adore history and everything that changes with it." The man pushed up his glasses and extended his hand. "I'm Thomas."
"Like Thomas Paine?" Mary joked as she made notion to the book she was reading. She reached over and took his hand but hesitated.

"Yeah, like him, only my last name is Quill. I was named after some weird TV character my parents loved, but I often just pretend that I'm named after Paine himself." He gave her hand a firm shake. "Anyways, and you are?"
Mary scratched her head for a moment. "Sometimes I wish I knew." She joked. "Uh..." She looked around the room to see if anyone was listening. "I guess you can call me Mary." She said, feeling awkward.
"Mary is a lovely name, one of many queens and saints alike." Thomas said as a compliment.
Mary just laughed. "I'm sure not a saint after all I've seen."

"I don't think seeing makes much of a difference in anything, except making one wiser to the day. So, mind if I ask a strange question?"
"Fire away."
"Why did you look around the room just a moment ago before telling me your name? Is someone after you?"
"No, no." Mary half laughed. "Just old habits die hard. Whatever you heard on the news... Isla Paradiso was certainly no cake-walk, but I was one of the lucky ones, so I guess I can't complain too much."
"Yes, you mind if I ask you about that some more? The news never covers what they should anymore - especially not around here. We get a paper every morning but that's really it, sometimes the news is completely irrelevant."
"Well, at least you get a paper, we stopped receiving those right before Noten-" She paused as a sadness hit her. "Right before I was born." She finished, it just seemed easier to say at the time.
"Is it true about the slave camps for women?" Thomas pried, he seemed eager for knowledge.

"Yeah," Mary's voice was hoarse. "Those were very real, and very disturbing."
"My watcher..." Thomas shook his head and looked down with pain in his eyes. "It pains me to think of all the destruction that everyone must have gone through, how many lives were lost."
"Yeah, it just feels kind of numbing after you've seen it all, you know?"

"Ok, this is a little forward, but I want to take you out to eat somewhere, my treat."
"Uh... I don't know." Mary hesitated.
"Come'on, free food, and it's really just so I can enjoy your company a little while longer. No one here seems to appreciate literature or the small things in life. It's really refreshing meeting someone who does."
Mary bit her lip. "Alright, it couldn't hurt."

"Haha, yeah no, my school was very different from what they told you on the news."
"Aw, darn, so no worship of strange beings?"
Mary laughed even harder. "Oh watcher no, just encouraging loyalty. Of course things were very different at the boys school than the girls."
"So that was the girl's school?"
Mary looked down. She opened her mouth to answer when another voice called from a distance.
"Hoooooyyyy!" Mary looked over and saw her brother Edward meandering around the gates.
"Long time no see there brother!" Mary gave a long wave and Edward jumped the fence to walk over to the table. "It hasn't even been twenty four hours, did you miss me that much?" She joked. Edward hit her roughly in the arm.
"Yeah right, it's nice living without my nagging -" He paused for a minute and looked over at Thomas. "Erm, sibling." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He gave Mary a look.
"It's ok Edward, he knows me as Mary, and Thomas, this is my brother Edward. Edward - Thomas." She made gestures during the introduction.
Edward straightened, "ah, so you told 'im 'bout your your alias?"
Thomas' eyes went a little wide.
"Actually, I was just getting to it." Mary smiled softly. She looked down. "I was born in a very awkward time, you see. It was right before things went to the disturbing kind of bad. I was actually born the day the rebellion took it's final stand."
Edward looked down sadly. "Many good men were lost that day." He said softly, trying not to choke up. Mary gave him a comforting glance, she knew he only meant one man.
"After that, things went downhill." She continued. "My mother didn't want me to get sent off to the labor camps for girls, so I took on an alias to protect me." She cleared her throat and let her voice drop. "So I became James Reaper, the brother of Edward." She ran her hand through her hair and wiped her mouth on her sleeve. "It's why my mannerisms are a little masculine, and also why I tend to get a little paranoid when giving my real name - well, my given name." She smiled a little. "I've grown so used to being called James that I'm not really sure which is my real name. So being Mary is new territory for me."
"Heh, too bad you can't seem to handle a few little girls hitting on you, eh there, James?" Edward teased.
Mary rolled her eyes. "I would've done fine if you would've left me alone a few minutes longer."
"That wasn't what you said when I saved your sorry behind."
"Don't you have something better to do asides pestering me you joker?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm interrupting a date am I?" He smirked. "I'll leave you lovebirds be." He walked away quickly as he saw the look on Mary's face turn to a smoldering glare.
Once he was gone Mary sighed. "I'm sorry about him, he's a good guy, but he doesn't know when to quit sometimes."
"You two really are quite a pair." Thomas laughed. "I was just enjoying the entertainment, but if you don't mind me asking... James was really your alias?"

"Yeah." Mary returned to her regular posture and her voice lightened. "It's a really confusing situation for me sometimes. When we left Isla Paradiso everyone seemed so convinced that I could go 'back' to being Mary. The problem is - I never knew exactly what being Mary was like. My name was James ever since I went to prep school, it's the only life I've ever known and now that I'm 'returning' to being this 'Mary' it actually feels like I'm pretending now more than I ever was before." Mary studied the table they sat at as she thought about it. "I know it sounds really silly to hear this from a person you just met today, but it feels good to actually say it outloud. Mary feels more like my alias than James, and everyone always asks what kind of person I am, or who I want to be but I really just don't know. I lived my life telling lies about who I was to the point where I believed them myself." She shook her head. "How can I 'be myself' when I don't even know who I am?"
Thomas was studying her face for a a while, letting the silence carry over.
"Sorry." She mumbled. "I just spilled my darkest, strangest secrets to a person I just met today, I think I've weirded you out enough for one day." She tried to half smile.

"No, I'm sorry if I gave that impression, I was just determining the right thing to say." Thomas said levelly. "Here, come with me, I think I've got something that might make you feel a tad bit better."
It was a short walk across the street to the beach, but it was definitely what Mary needed.
"The ocean is the most calming thing to me, I'm not sure about you, but I thought it was worth a shot." Thomas gave her a crooked smile.

"It's a soothing thing for sure. I've never lived my life away from it." Mary said calmly.
"As for your dilemma, try not to think so hard about how others view and perceive you. It's hard to determine exactly who one is when they are looking through someone elses' eyes, especially when they're trying to determine themselves. Honestly, you are exactly how you feel, it took me years to learn that, but it's wisdom I've not forgotten."
"You are exactly how you feel?" Mary raised her eyebrows. "What does that mean though?"
"You don't have to put a label on who you are, because you are the person you want to be regardless of how hard you try to be someone else. You are you. You're not Mary. You're not James. You're just whoever you wake up to be that morning."
"That is quite the sage's advice." Mary said softly. "I'm not sure how long it will take for it to sink in, though."
"The best way to do that is to start acting on it... so Mary Reaper, what would you like to do with your life tomorrow? What's a goal you want to achieve."
Mary thought on that for a moment, but she smiled. "I think I want to open an Inn in the city. Not sure why, really, but it just seems like something I want to do."
"Then we'll look at properties tomorrow, I can help you search at the library if you'd like."
"I don't think I have the money for that, I'm still in the process of building my own place to stay..."
"That's exactly how people can forget who they are and what they want, they keep making excuses to stay away. I never said we'd buy anything, but there's no harm with looking and planning, now is there?"
"No," Mary smiled. "I guess there isn't."
"I'll see you tomorrow then? Around noon perhaps?"
Mary turned to look at him, "how about eleven?"