Author Topic: Modern Shell for arksrspanielsmom  (Read 2474 times)

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Modern Shell for arksrspanielsmom
« on: December 01, 2013, 10:14:51 AM »
Modern Shell for arksrspanielsmom

Name: Modern Shell
Lot size: 20x30, although I would recommend a larger lot to get some garden space. A 20x40 or a 30x40 would work best.
Bedrooms: Three
Bathrooms: Three
Cost: I've forgotten. It isn't much though. I'll check in a minute
Content: University Life (Most windows).

This is a shell built for use by arksrspanielsmom, but it can be used by anyone. She gave me a floorplan to work from. I took some artistic license with some rooms, since the sims doesn't accommodate for everything. If there are any problems with it, please point them out. Since this is a shell, there isn't much to see or say.

Ground floor. The lights won't appear in game as I deleted them. I wanted more light for the screenshots but they didn't disappear. I decided most people would want their own lights anyway.

First floor. This floor has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. I think that's all I have to say about that.

So, this is a very simple shell. I put this here because I wanted it to be a play only and I did not want someone to furnish it and share it. You are welcome to use it in a story. Usually, I would ask for credit. However, since this is just a shell, I don't mind if no credit is given. Please don't claim it as your own, though.

Bubbles's Workshop
Friends are like potatoes; if you eat them, they die. My friends friend.

