Author Topic: Random sim came home with me from university  (Read 1992 times)

Offline Ynde

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Random sim came home with me from university
« on: May 27, 2014, 02:36:34 PM »
So I think I've seen a couple mentions of this elsewhere, but couldn't find an actual forum topic on it. When my sim came home from University with her shiny new Technology degree, she also came home with a new household member. I don't even know for sure if he was a roommate at University, because my Loner sim spent most of her time when not in class at the library writing novels. They find each other "attractive," but I wasn't planning on pairing her up with anyone just yet, much less with a random dude she hardly knows.

Anyway, I kicked him out and now he's living in town (and I have his laptop and book and a couple other things, which I'd rather he'd kept, but whatever). I've never had this happen before. Does anyone have any idea what causes it?

