Chapter 19: The Date Continues...Dude: <Giggling at Grims grim joke> Lol, good heavens... pffft.
Emma: Gosh you have some funny friends!

Grim<Still cracking up at his own joke> OoO hoho
Dude: I hope you don't mind ending our date early? I'll make it up to you.
Emma: It's fine, besides it might have been short but it was a gold medal anyway. What girls' going to complain about that!

Dude: You know about gold medals?
Emma: Lol, everyone knows about gold medal dynasty parties Dude.

Dude: Did you hear that Grim? My girls got it all going ON! <grin>
Grim: Oh were you on a date?

Emma: You betcha ...Mwhaaa.
Dude: Oh!
Grim: Awkwaaard!

Grim: Gee watcher, she sure is all over him like a rash eh?
<Snort> Don't hold back there Grim.
Grim: Oh! Bye Emma.
Emma: Um, yeah, I'm not actually leaving.

Stefan:<green alien> Oh! There they are! Told you they'd be here. Hi Dude!
Emma: You have alien friends?

Dude: So, how was your day Stefan?
Stefan: Good thanks <looking steadily at Dude> You look different somehow.

Grin: <awkwardly trying to break the ice> Would anyone like to ask me any questions about the afterlife?
Zest! Finally!Zest: Heyyyy!

Dude: Hey! Have you guys heard this one? A bank robber pulls out a gun, points it at the teller, and says, "Give me all the money or you're geography!" The puzzled teller replies, "Did you mean to say 'or you're history?'" The robber says, "Don't change the subject!"

Dude: Ooooo <groan>
Zest: Woah! You ok Dude?

Emma: So, <trying to be nonchalant> You're an alien then?
Stefan: Are you for real?
Dude: Umm... first contact and all that, Stefan.

Grim: Ooo emergency call out! Gotta go!
Dude: Seeyaz

Dude: So, you're ok now, 'bout Stefan? Because this is just how I roll.
Emma: Yeah, sure. I was just a little shocked at first, that's all.

Dude: Well, you better know how it is before you get serious. Being part of a dynasty involves all sort of strange things.
Stephan: <to himself> Hmmm, sounds like Dude's trying to put her off.

Zest: Hay! Check these out!
Stephan: Curious!

Dude: Lol naaa. Check THESE out!
Stephan: Ooo, I get it now!
Emma: Ughh. Boys!
Umm.. Dude, your girlfriends leaving. Might wanna say bye?Dude: I'll see her later anyway. <Carries on telling Stephan a joke>

Zest: Ha! That was some night!
Dude: Sure was. <grin>

Zest: Wanna walk down to our fishing spot?
Dude: I might grab a taxi actually.

Dude: K. I've found a neat little spot down here. Follow me.

Zest: Keep up fatty.
Dude: That's not funny.
<Laughing> Actually, it is.