@Caterina Thank you so much! It's been really fun for me to focus on everybody one at a time, too, and revisit my favorite parts of their stories and personalities.
@MarianT Thanks! So glad you're on board to invest! The future is now! Thanks for the compliment on the Powerpoint. I was pretty ridiculously proud of myself.
@wfgodot I think I was inspired by Matt and his perfect pollinator pitch. He's really got it down! I was happy to work Cressida in again, too. She gets a little moment in this next one as well. Well, I guess "last one" rather than "next one." AGH! It's ending! What will I do with myself? *deep breaths*
The flower is a symptom of my ongoing battle with cc. I made Rieko a vampire so the fight would look more interesting (which it didn't but . . . oh, well), and I can't disable cc for vampires without making it so no vampires can use cc ever. The flower was supposed to be a prop for Tallulah's chapter (another failed idea) so now it just pops up in the hands and mouths of random vampires to taunt me. *sigh*
@oshizu I mean, the turtleneck was the only appropriate outfit for that presentation.

Thaddeus will have his people call your people and get you all set up with The Drill.
That potential pollinator is actually Jack Hammer, a sim I made from scratch for last year's handiness tournament challenge. I thought he was too cute to just hang out languishing in my library, so I changed his traits and plopped him in this chapter. He does look a lot like Akito, though, and they have identical taste in hairstyles and fashion.
Cressida does make a really good-looking elder!
@PeregrineTook Thanks! Yup, checked all the boxes for a good chapter, I'd say.

Glad you're the one making the checklist.
IX: The Hall of Fame
Thaddeus: So . . . that’s it then. What happens now?
Pernille: You don’t think it was all a trick and we’re stuck in this hallway eternally, do you?
Cressida: I mean . . . I wouldn’t put it past our ghost ancestors to be jerkwads like that, but something tells me our anti-climax isn’t going to be quite that anticlimactic.

Arianna: Oh, hey! Check it out! Disappearing walls! Oh, and it’s morning! Good morning, everyone!
Tallulah: Whoa! Look at that!

Thaddeus: Holy smokes, Watcher! What is that? Are we going to get to go in there?
Watcher: Oh! Um . . . well, no. That’s the Hall of Fame.

Watcher: You don’t get to go in there. Just . . . there’s a path down the side for you to follow. Just kind of go around, okay?
Thaddeus: But I want to go in there!
Watcher: Look, you can’t. It’s not for you, all right? But it’s not a big deal. It’s not that great. It’s not like there’s a pizza party going on in there or anything.

Thaddeus: There’s a PIZZA PARTY?
Watcher: No, no. I just told you there’s NO pizza party. Why would that make you think there’s a pizza party? There’s definitely no pizza party!

Dude: Oh, man! Can you believe this party? This is incredible! This has to be the best pizza I’ve ever tasted!

Colt: I know! It’s amazing! I think it was worth doing the entire dynasty just to be able to come here. This is the best party ever!

Thaddeus: Are you sure? Because I think I hear music coming from in there, and now that I think about it, I can kind of smell pizza.
Watcher: You’re imagining things! I said “pizza” so now you think you smell pizza. It’s psychological. Believe me, there’s no party. Would I lie to you?
Thaddeus: Probably. You’re pretty morally relativistic when it comes to things like this.
Watcher: Things like pizza?
Thaddeus: Things like getting me to do what you want me to do
Watcher: I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Party: *rages*

Wendell: Hey, Thad! What’s going on in there?
Thaddeus: Not a pizza party, apparently.
Wendell: Really? Because I could have sworn I just heard the sound of a crowd getting hyped.
Thaddeus: Watcher? You got any response to that?
Watcher: Like I said, there’s a path down the left side of the building. If you could all just scoot around, please and follow it . . .

Skye: Are you sure that’s a good idea? Don’t you remember what happened last time somebody in your family “took out the tea?” I think this party is probably crazy enough as it is.
Takao: Oh, it'll be fine! I can always put it back!
Skye: Okay, if you say so.

Tallulah: I don’t know. Sounds an awful lot like a party to me.
Otto: I know! I’m pretty sure that’s Machine music playing.
Watcher: Sheesh, you guys! Just keep walking, all right? Enough chatter!
Voice: *ahem* Cressida? Could I get your attention for a moment, dear?

Cressida: What? I’m busy.
J: If you could direct your attention to the wall there, I think there’s something that might interest you . . .
Cressida: Nope. Not interested.
J: It’s the family you could have had! If you’d been a normal sim and had the opportunity to live the life you wanted-
Cressida: Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and stop you right there. “Normal,” is not something that appeals to me in the slightest, and I did live the life I wanted. I got go beat a lot of people up, eat unlimited grilled cheese, build a criminal empire, and I had a cute husband who I never saw enough for me to get sick of him. It was ideal. Every minute. I’m sorry you’ve mistaken me for someone with a hidden Suzie Homemaker fetish, but . . .actually, scratch that. I’m not sorry. You’re an idiot. It’s over. Now move.
J: But! I can offer you-
Cressida: Nothing that I want. Bye.

Cressida: Okay, I’m back. What did I miss?
Mallory: Nothing. We’re still waiting on Morris. We all jogged and he decided to stroll. You want to catch up, maybe, Dad?
Morris: Morris Spiffendale moves at a sedate and dignified pace, regardless of the situation. I’ll get there when I get there!
Thaddeus: *sigh*

Cressida: Huh. Looks like kind of a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party sort of situation.
Jalila: Won’t you please join us? There are seats for everyone.

Jalila: Let me be the first to offer my congratulations. You’ve won.

Arianna: Yes. Um, neat. So . . . what is it that we’ve won exactly? I don’t mean to be obtuse, but I’ve been studying the situation for more than a few lifetimes now, and I’m still not really clear on why we were doing all of this.

Jalila: The house, dear. You’ve won Huntington Estates. We’ve poured our lives, afterlives, and souls into guarding the fortune and secrets of the Huntington name, and now you’ve discovered them. Our secrets are now yours, and the role of guardian falls to you. You all are the new Protectors of the Estate.

Morris: I’m sorry. So you’re saying we get to make up our own insane funhouse obstacle course for whomever comes next?
Jalila: Precisely. We have failed to protect the estate ourselves, but we’ve succeeded in finding a group of individuals who can do the job. You’ll have plenty of time to plan. Any other treasure-seekers will need at least eight generations to put together a team, and you’ll find aging is turned off permanently here, so you won’t have to worry about manufacturing ambrosia or any other life-extension methods.

Otto: Wait a sec. If aging is off here, then why are you all ghosts? Shouldn’t you still be alive?
Jared: Well, to be honest, we got a bit bored. I don’t know if you noticed, but we’re actually each a different type of ghost. We just wanted to see what dying was like so . . .
Otto: Dude. Creepy.
Jared: Eh. *shrugs* You sit around the same house long enough you start to crave a little excitement. Nothing’s more exciting than electrocution!
Otto: Okay, still creepy, but next question: Don’t you have to be related by blood to the Huntington family to even make an attempt at getting in? Cressida didn’t have any kids, so who’s even going to try?
Julia: Just because Cressida didn’t leave any descendants doesn’t mean none of the rest of you did.
Pernille: Dad . . . ?
Wendell: What? What are you looking at me for? Typical! Everybody blames the guy in the hot dog suit!
Julia: At any rate, you should find the Estates a comfortable enough dwelling place, and you shouldn’t lack for companionship as the eight-sim household size restriction has been lifted and you’re welcome to invite any of your spouses or friends to join you here. Speaking of which, Morris? There’s a pair of people who’d like to speak with you over by the chocolate fountain.
Morris: *gulp*

Morris: So . . . this is a bit awkward.
Betty: A bit.
Morris: I mean . . .
Diego: Look, I’m nothing if not open-minded, Morris dear. I’m sure we can work something out.
Morris: You think? Betty?
Betty: Well, having had several generations to mull it over . . . yeah, I’m good. Diego seems nice.
Diego: Oh, I am! I’m the nicest. Truly.
Morris: Well, okay then. Um . . .tea?
Betty and Diego: Two sugars, please.
Morris: Coming right up!

Arianna: Well, J, honey. Can you believe it?
J: Not quite.
Arianna: Here we are. Together again, at last.
J: And staying that way, I hope.
Arianna: You’d better believe I’m not letting you go ever again.
J: Hmm.
Arianna: Did you just tense up?
J: What? No! Of course not!
Arianna: Seriously? You’ve been faithful to me your whole life and your whole extended death and you’re going to get non-committal on me now?
J: No! I’m fine! I just . . . I could maybe do with a bath and a massage, but really, I’m good. I’m happy. This is where I want to be.
Arianna: Well, good. Because I think we’re both here to stay.
J: You and me.
Arianna: And pretty much everyone we’ve ever met.
J: Well, let’s just stay you and me by this fire for a bit, okay?
Arianna: You got it, sweetie. Anything for you. We’ll let somebody else have the adventures for awhile.
THE ENDJust wanted to say a quick note of thanks to everyone who’s read this story, particularly those of you who encouraged me to keep on writing it when I failed the challenge. I can’t even begin to tell you how satisfying it’s going to be to finally mark this as Complete! I have loved every minute of writing The Spiffendales and sharing them with you. This community is the absolute greatest place on the internet, and I feel so fortunate to be a part of it. Thank you so much! Hugs for everyone!
A particularly gigantic special thanks to
@sdhoey @MarianT @ilovethesims @Alex @oshizu @tjtemple and
@Playalot for sharing their Hall of Famer sims with me to attend the pizza party! I had THE BEST time hanging out with them, and I’m so grateful to you for going along with my pizza joke! Someday I hope I’ll be able to send my own sims to that party, but I’m sure the pizza will taste all the sweeter for having earned it after a setback. Congratulations again to all of you for your amazing accomplishments! Keep the dance floor warm for me! I’ll go ahead and put the Hall of Fame up on the gallery in case anybody else wants to join in the fun and celebrate. Cheers!