Author Topic: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 46 (4 March 2017)  (Read 94100 times)

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 10 (20 Oct 2016)
« Reply #45 on: October 21, 2016, 04:11:39 AM »
Thank you for the treat! I love seeing sims 4 genetics at work!
Too bad Iris didn't want to join Sergio for the outing. Meeting all the youngsters might have lifted her spirits a little...
None of the boys look very much like Sergio (yet), but all the kids are great. I laughed that Brittany Rosa got her mother Jade's skinny eyebrows!
Excellent work, Sergio!

I'm excited about Colette and Norman moving into the dynasty house! Looking forward to getting to know them both better!
I was excited to find her, too. Just wish I could have found her sooner. As mentioned, I checked for her nearly every time I travelled - culling isn't really a problem in my game yet, but I wanted to be safe about it.

The kids all look different enough, though a few of them could do with a trip to the closet (if I can ever be bothered. :P).

Ooh! Good plan. "Not in World" parents of cute teens never seem to be around when I want them, so good job locating Colette!
I really enjoyed seeing Sergio's kids, too! Especially Dario Fyres. Yum! I suppose Morgan's offspring tend to be good-looking, though.
Excited to see how Norman fits in to the family!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was so glad when I found her, I momentarily forgot that I needed an adult to invite her into the house. Thankfully she was cooperative enough to travel back to the home lot so Iris could move her in.

Finally caught up!  Sad about Joaquin but oh, what good luck snagging Colette Johnston and son!  Really good writing.  I found it sad Rose had to be so alone but she's turning out well and is quite pretty to boot.
Rose is definitely the only child who spends all her days dreaming about having more kids to play with. Not to worry, the dynasty house will fill up in no time I'm sure! As a teen she had a really unfortunate (in my mind) overbite - her profile just seemed a bit strange. It's evened out as an adult, and she's definitely a fun sim to play! (I'm trying not to be shallow about my sims here. :P Not sure if it's working).
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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 10 (20 Oct 2016)
« Reply #46 on: October 21, 2016, 04:28:02 AM »
Chapter 11 - Hot Dogs

Though Rose was initially overjoyed to have Norman finally living with her and safe under her roof, she was a bit…concerned about some new found evidence that had come to light upon his moving in.

"What do you mean you're not a teen anymore?" she demanded. "When did you have your birthday? Why didn't you invite me to your party?"

Norman just shrugged. "You kept talking about your Mom's ambrosia thing, and then your Dad…I just didn't think it was important."

"Didn't think it was important?"

"Hey now," said Sergio. Iris and Joaquin barely ever fought, and he was wholly unused to being in the middle of lovers' quarrels like this. "I think the two of you need to calm down a bit and just…"

"And what about your third trait, huh? Explain that!" Rose continued.

"So I like my food. That's not a sin?"

"Actually, yes, gluttony is a sin." she retorted.

"Now technically," said Sergio, though he should have realised at this point that Rose wasn't really listening, "I'm materialistic, which may as well be greed, but no one around here ever held that against me. Since when are we religious in this house, anyways?"

"Oh, look at the time. I'd best get to work," mused Norman.

"Work!?!" Rose demanded.

"Yes, work." Norman repeated. "It just so happens that in the two days I've been a young adult, I've made it all the way to the top of the Management career. You're looking at a rather successful Business Tycoon."

This could have been Norman's one redeeming feature, as a clumsy, gluttonous insider (who is also Business Savvy), but it actually ends up being a moot point. And if this was a legacy, I would have happily accepted the freebie 'topped career X' point. But this isn't a legacy, and I'm not as interested in the money he could earn as I am in the career items he could unlock, (if I'm interested in the careers of spouses and helpers at all) But alas, it seems that despite being a Business Tycoon, Norman hasn't unlocked access to any of the Business career rewards, not even after I send him to work for two days.

I'm guessing Maxis tried to nerf the connections + career rewards exploit, and in the process, nerfed the awarding of any career rewards when the promotion hasn't actually been earned properly.

We will have to reconsider Norman's career. He has very few skills, so regardless of what he ends up doing, he will be starting from scratch.

Colette does not fare much better. While her traits are Outgoing, Dance Machine, and Good (+Essence of Flavour, though I don't really have time to be bothered with her aspiration), she's so fixated on Joaquin's gravestone that she may as well have the gloomy trait. She never even met Joaquin! She's an adult, less than a week away from becoming an elder. With no time for a career (she came to us entirely unemployed), and no room for her to have a child (as much as I would LOVE to raise one of Sergio's kids myself, we need room for Rose to have 3 kids, and for the eldest of those kids to have a spouse and a child within a reasonable amount of time - I absolutely cannot risk her having twins), her main duties apart from annoying mother-in-law will include keeping the garden alive, and CATCHING. MORE. ANGELFISH.

But her obsession with the fate that befell Joaquin Le Chien, and perhaps the fate that will eventually befall her, has left her a rather downcast sim, who does not embrace her new position as Fisherwoman in Chief with as much enthusiasm as I had hoped she would.

"I suppose they can't all be perfect," I sigh, a bit dejected.

"Cheer up. If every pork chop were perfect…"

I smile. Grin, in fact, from ear to ear. "We wouldn't have hot dogs."

Sergio smiled. "You got it, Watcher, old friend."

"Well then Sergio," I say, "Colette. Also known as Hot Dog Senior. She'll be your new fishing buddy from now on. I hope the two of you become the best of friends!"

"Pleased to meet you," Sergio replies dutifully.

Iris, meanwhile, has finally recovered from her slump after losing her soulmate, and is looking for ways to continue to make herself useful around the house. She never has been, nor ever will be the outdoorsy type*, so unfortunately fishing and gardening are out.

But Sergio's cooking has been well and truly inspirational. While she will continue to work as a Comedian as long as she can stand to (no pun intended), and does intend to supplement the household income with written and licenced songs, as her husband did, she decides it's never too late for a new hobby, especially when you're immortal, and so will take on some of the other household duties Sergio held around the house; mainly cooking meals and repairing things that break.

*If you don't remember, Iris has the squeamish trait. Assigned to her on a whim when I was still kind of going for an airy-fairy personality for her, I am very sorely regretting that momentary lapse in judgement.

For once, Rose was grateful at having gone to school and not found Norman there. It gave her time and space to think. Maybe she had been too hard on him. He hadn't bothered her with his birthday because he thought she was busy enough with other things - he hadn't withheld the truth out of malice. Gluttony was certainly not optimal, but it wasn't unworkable. His rise to Business Tycoon in such a short amount of time seemed to show that he had some drive to success.

This had been her last day of school ever. Tomorrow, Saturday, she would throw her first social event, and finally get down to work on completing her own set of requirements. And she was determined that she and Norman would work out. In a Dynasty house, there was no backing out on helpers - she had chosen Norman, and Norman she would keep. She had liked him well enough as a teen, and so she hoped she could love him as an adult.

In the meantime, she would focus on befriending her would-be mother-in-law.

"I just wanted to say again how sorry I am about the passing of your father. It must be really difficult not having him around anymore," Colette was saying. She leaned in, and continued in a hushed voice "Were you there when it happened?"

Okay, this wouldn't have been Rose's first choice of a conversation topic. "Well, I arrived right at the end, when his soul had already been reaped."

Colette gasped. "Did he die alone?"

"Oh no," Rose replied. "Mom and Sergio were both there when it happened."

"That's one of my biggest fears," Colette continued. "Dying alone."

Well, that explained why Norman didn't want to move in without her.

"Well, lucky you have Norman and the rest of us, right?" Rose replied, a bit awkwardly.

Colette nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, yes. Very lucky. Norman is a wonderful son."

Rose breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to see her smiling.

"But what…what was he like?"

Rose put down her fork, thinking she'd missed something. "What do you mean?"

"Your father," said Colette, earnestly. "What was he like? Handsome? Funny? Talented?"

"Yes," Rose sighed, "all of those, I suppose."

She made a mental note to lock the gate to the cemetery.

"Welcome home, Norman," I say, "how was work?"

"Just fine, thank you."

I frown. "Still no Management Career items unlocked I see."

"Is that a problem?" he asks.

"Yes," I reply. "You may need a change in careers, Norman."

"Rose intends to become a Creator of Worlds. And she's well on her way there. You haven't exactly got many skills. I was thinking, Iris and Joaquin supported one another as entertainers - perhaps you and Rose would like to support one another as writers? How do you feel about journalism?"

"Journalism? Like, newspapers and stuff?" I take a deep breath, figuring I may have to speak a bit more slowly with this one. "Yes, like newspapers and stuff. Do you think you could be a Scribe of History one day?"

"Oh ho, you bet I can!"

Well that makes one of us.

"Aren't Rose and I going to complete the Soulmate aspiration so I can get the connections thing?" asked Norman.

"No, I don't think so." I tell him. "Rose has straight As in high school, meaning she'll start at level 3. If you get connections, you'll start at level 4. And if career rewards are working the way I think they're working, that would mean neither of you would unlock the computer or the painting. Also, I don't know what kind of cheats you had access to in the Out-of-World Trailer Park, but in here, we do things by the book. You start from square one."

"This 'watcher' thing is definitely overrated," Norman muttered.

"Now get back to your book."

"Not going so well with the new recruits?" asked Sergio.

"What was your first clue?" I grumbled.

"Eh, I was less than enthusiastic about the whole thing myself in the beginning. I'm sure they'll come around."

I can't help but smile. "I'm glad you're still around, big guy."

He shrugs. "An active lifestyle, I suppose."

"Can I count on your help for Rose's birthday party tomorrow?"

"Sure thing," he smiles.

About then, Iris arrived home from work (with a raise, no less). I'm grateful for some more familiar company.

Iris is still getting over losing her soulmate, I think, but I can forgive her being mopey. It seems fair enough considering all that she and Joaquin went through.

So she and I were both delighted when good old Joey made a guest appearance in the house.

"Joey, is that you?"

"You'd better believe it, Iris, old girl. Can't keep me down that easily."

"Oh, Joey, I've missed you so much! It's so good to see you again!"

"I've missed you too, Iris. I'll come right back, I promise, but I'd like to say hello to Rosie, as well. There's something I want to talk to her about."

"Of course," Iris replied.

"Oooh," yawned Rosie as she stretched - it was really getting late and she was really getting tired, but she tried to focus on her father's words as much as possible.

"I'm sorry it's so late, but I can really only come out at night," Joaquin began.

"Uh-huh. Sure dad. What was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Well, Iris, I wanted to talk about your mother. Obviously I still may not be around forever, but you will be. Look after her for me, okay? She never was too keen on this immortal thing. She keeps going on and on about…"

"The Immortal's curse," Iris repeated.

Joaquin nodded. "Keep her out of trouble, and keep her spirits high. I know the two of you will be wonderful as long as you have one another's support."

Rose felt like rolling her eyes. Was that all? Of course she could look after her mother. It was the others she was worried about.

But she smiled and nodded dutifully. "Sure dad," she said, "I'll look out for her."

"Now, tell me about these new sims you've moved in. I'm not sure I ever had the pleasure of meeting Norman."

Rose shrugged "They're alright, I guess. Norman has kind of terrible traits, and his Mom is…weirdly obsessed with you, actually. I mean, I thought I was sure, Dad. I thought he was the one I wanted to be to me what you were to Mom. But I'm really not sure anymore."

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry you feel that way. You know, you don't have to settle for him if you don't want to. There's plenty of time for you to find someone else."

Rose sighed. "I guess."

"And you know, the potential of a sim is not limited by their traits. Look at your Uncle Sergio: an Active, materialistic, business-savvy child-hater. Not exactly a genius outdoors-loving foodie, and yet look at his pristine garden, his top-tier meals, his 9 children,"

"10 children. With three more on the way," Rose interrupted with a giggle.

"Wait, really?" Joaquin asked, bemused.

She nodded. "Really really."

"Well then…thirteen children. Plus just how supportive he's been to you through your formative years. Any sim has potential, they just need the right kind of support. Don't give up on Norman and his Mom just yet, okay?"

"Okay, Dad. I'll give them another shot."

Joaquin smiled proudly. "That's my girl," he said. "I love you. Now, off to bed with you."

"Now then, Iris honey. Where were we?"

Iris grinned. "Oh, I think I have a fair idea."

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 11 (21 Oct 2016)
« Reply #47 on: October 21, 2016, 11:21:54 AM »
Don't despair over your new household additions! I loved Walking the Dog's return to share wisdom about accepting less-than-perfect sims.

Norman: A gluttonous sim looks like a slob when eating, but the trait isn't otherwise that negative. Even if he can't use Connections like before, using Soulmate to buy him more reward traits is still a good thing!
Collette: If she's too old to complete a career, what about having her do the first three levels of various careers just to earn the career reward objects you seek, like the Writer's level 2 computer or the Chef's kitchen counters? Lol, smart move to lock up the family cemetery.

Also, I forgot to mention that I second the angelfish fishing spots suggested by @reggikko
And have I already said that Rose is really adorable? She is!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 11 (21 Oct 2016)
« Reply #48 on: October 21, 2016, 12:50:19 PM »
I'm really enjoying Colette's morbidity. I totally understand any frustration you are having with autonomous mourning. It's a constant struggle for my Dynasty, and even locking gates doesn't really work, because they can mourn through fences. It's super annoying, but I really like the ghosts, so I put up with it. Still, I think making an obsession with death part of Colette's personality is brilliant.

Oh, Norman. Try to exert yourself a bit, can't you? I mean, I'm very impressed about him becoming an executive in a just a couple of days, but what we really need is a little romance and personality. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he and Rose warm up to each other.

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 11 (21 Oct 2016)
« Reply #49 on: October 22, 2016, 08:24:08 AM »
Don't despair over your new household additions! I loved Walking the Dog's return to share wisdom about accepting less-than-perfect sims.

Norman: A gluttonous sim looks like a slob when eating, but the trait isn't otherwise that negative. Even if he can't use Connections like before, using Soulmate to buy him more reward traits is still a good thing!
Collette: If she's too old to complete a career, what about having her do the first three levels of various careers just to earn the career reward objects you seek, like the Writer's level 2 computer or the Chef's kitchen counters? Lol, smart move to lock up the family cemetery.

Also, I forgot to mention that I second the angelfish fishing spots suggested by @reggikko
And have I already said that Rose is really adorable? She is!
Haha, thanks for the encouragement (and the great suggestions!). I remember playing a glutton before who I couldn't leave to free will too much lest they were grabbing food from the fridge without even being hungry. But maybe that's been fine-tuned out, because Norman doesn't really seem to be doing that.

Norman and Rose will still be doing Soulmate for sure, but I just didn't see the point in spending those points on the connections perk for him. Although, while I'm quite happy having Colette not working and just being my utility sim for a while, I loved your idea of having another sim just working and earning the levels 1-4 career rewards. I might have to do that with another helper a bit later on. :)

I'll definitely have to investigate for more suitable Angelfish stops - I'll for sure check out the ones Reggiko mentioned. I just find travelling more annoying in the Sims 4. I either take everyone with me, or leave them to their own devices and neither make for terribly effective time/task management.

I'm really enjoying Colette's morbidity. I totally understand any frustration you are having with autonomous mourning. It's a constant struggle for my Dynasty, and even locking gates doesn't really work, because they can mourn through fences. It's super annoying, but I really like the ghosts, so I put up with it. Still, I think making an obsession with death part of Colette's personality is brilliant.

Oh, Norman. Try to exert yourself a bit, can't you? I mean, I'm very impressed about him becoming an executive in a just a couple of days, but what we really need is a little romance and personality. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he and Rose warm up to each other.
Yep, I did learn that they can mourn through fences. Ugh. For Colette, it was the very first thing she did when she joined the household, so she really didn't develop much more of a personality beyond 'ugh, why are you so obsessed?' And I agree, having the ghosts around is  a lot of fun. I'll see how long I can stand an outdoor cemetery, but I just may building an indoor Mausoleum instead (I assume they can't mourn through walls?).

I was definitely impressed with the whole "Business Tycoon" thing, for sure! But yeah, everything else was a bit, meh. He's growing on me, though.
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 11 (21 Oct 2016)
« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2016, 08:57:46 AM »
Chapter 12 - Growing Up

"Oh. My goodness. Hello? You must be the ghost of Joaquin Le Chien. I noticed your gravestone. I'm Colette Johnston, Norman's mother. It's good to meet you! Oh goodness, you appear to be very uncomfortable. What's got you so down?"

"Um, hi," Joaquin replied. So this was what Rose had meant by her being obsessed with him.

"Oh, no wait, I know. What is it like…being dead!" she asked, with far too much enthusiasm to be normal.

"Uh, it's pretty similar to being alive, actually. Apparently I can still get strenuous activity moodlets even though I'm not actually alive anymore," Joaquin replied. "And I also still get thirsty. I think?"

"That is so interesting. You are such an inspirational sim. I hope to be half the sim that you were one day."

Okay, thought Joaquin, this was just getting weird. Sergio needed to give this woman a new hobby stat.

Sergio, however, was a little bit busy. Today was Rose's young adult birthday, which meant a party, which meant cake. And for cake, a working stove was required. (I really should invest in a better stove at some point).

Rose was feeling much better and much more like herself this morning. The events of the last few days aside, she was in a pretty good mood, and a good nights' sleep had left her feeling much more optimistic about the days ahead. After mostly keeping to herself while Iris had focused on her own Ambrosia requirements, now it was Rose's turn in the spotlight, and she could hardly wait to properly get started.

And so after Sergio had fixed the oven and baked her favourite cake, she was more than ready to get down to business.

She sent a couple more books off to the publisher before calling all of her friends to invite them over for yet another beautiful birthday bash.

Iris, who was steadily improving at her piano skills, would provide some of the unofficial entertainment for the day.

While Sergio kept everything under control in the kitchen.

This gave Iris plenty of time to socialise with and hang out with her friends. (Here's a much better picture of Kori Patel, if anyone's still interested. :) ).

But of course, Joaquin had to make an appearance at his only child's adult birthday party, and so he was 'hired' to provide the official entertainment, on his number one instrument of choice, the beautiful violin.

In fact, it seemed like everyone was having such a wonderful time in the living room, dancing and listening to Joaquin's music and just all about hanging out,

So that no one actually noticed when Rose slipped away to blow out the candles on her cake.

She didn't mind too much. It was a moment she wanted to savour, and it was a moment best savoured alone, it seemed. This was what adulthood would feel like - to finally be responsible for herself and her own decisions, and to be, in many ways, the leader of the family for a short while.

Besides, it had been a gold medal event. That was all she really needed, right?

"Thanks so much for coming dad. It was really wonderful to have you here, and to hear your beautiful music fill the house again." Rose embraced the ghostly figure of her father when most of the party guests had already cleared out of the room.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world, Rosie, you know that," Joaquin replied, returning the hug as warmly as a ghost possibly could.

"I'm about to go ask Norman on a date, Dad," Rose confided. "Wish me luck, okay?"

"Go get him, big girl," replied Joaquin with enthusiasm.

"Look, Yuki," Sergio was saying, "I know it's my kid, all the kids in this town are mine. But I really actually hate children and would rather not feel your belly. Give me a call when you give birth and I'll send you a check in the mail, okay?"

"A rose for my Rose," Norman beamed, as he revealed the flower he'd trimmed from Sergio's garden. "Oh ho," he chuckled, "I thought of that one myself."

"Oh, Norman," Rose shrieked, "It's beautiful!"

"Look, I'm sorry I got so mad at you yesterday. I guess I just had all these dynasty requirements running around in my head and was a bit stressed and I just sort of…lost it. The truth is I actually do really like you, and I really hope that the two of us can work this out."

"Hey, no worries, Rose. You know I can't change parts of who I am, but that doesn't mean I can't work hard."

"Come here," said Rose. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like you weren't good enough. I guess, when we couldn't flirt when we wanted to, frustration came out instead."

"Oh ho," Norman chuckled, "it's okay. I kinda like you a lot, too, and I kinda do hope this all works out."

"Say there Rose," he continued, "I've got something for ya, but you have to come around to behind that wall there to get it."

"Oh really? What is it?" asked Rose.

Norman smiled. "It's a surprise."

"Alright, I'm here," said Rose. "What is it?"

Norman held his hands behind his back, and searched her face for the encouragement he needed. Finally, he leaned forward.

"Um, actually," he said.

"It's this."

"Oh Norman," Rose gulped. "I, uh, I…thank you." Still being a little bit of a teenager, she quickly whipped out her phone. "Shall we make it official?"

"Uh, what?"

Rose giggled. "Silly, I'm asking if you would like to be my boyfriend?"

Norman's face brightened. "Oh! Uh, sure, Rose. I'll be your boyfriend!"

"You're silly. Come on, selfie time!" Rose enthused. "Now, say Angee!"

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 12 (22 Oct 2016)
« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2016, 11:05:09 AM »
Collette is quite a pretty sim. It's a wonder Sergio hasn't noticed her yet. Unless, of course, Colette herself is less interested in the living.

I laughed over Sergio not feeling Yuki's belly, then felt bad for her (one of my very favorite sims) as he mentioned sending a check in the mail. Poor Yuki! She'll have a gorgeous kid!

It's wonderful to see the pieces falling into place for Rose--young adult birthday and now her relationship with Norman. Her violet eyes are lovely!
I'm so curious to see what you decide regarding what roles Colette and Norman will play in your dynasty.

Sergio, please don't go!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 12 (22 Oct 2016)
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2016, 03:28:19 PM »
Having a Sim obsess over a dead Sim that they didn't even really know is VERY annoying!  I had to lock the gate to Dina's grave to keep Dax out or he'd spend hours mourning her and being gloomy all day, so I feel your pain.  Just lock up the grave and keep Colette out and all will be well.  I hope it works out for Norman and Rose.  I think they are a cute couple.

About the Connections thing.  It's not something EA fixed in an update, it's just a glitch or something broken.  I keep all of Crin's messages in my inbox and looked up the last three updates and it wasn't mentioned at all.  So whether it was a deliberate "fix" or not, it's still broken which is VERY annoying and even more annoying when a Sim earns the rewards the hard way, by working for them, and doesn't get them!  I don't know if a bug report has been made on that one or not.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 12 (22 Oct 2016)
« Reply #53 on: October 22, 2016, 05:21:12 PM »
I read your comment about a Sim not receiving a career reward object that was earned through a "real" promotion and got very worried.
But I just checked my family inventory and my sim who just got promoted to level 5 tech guru did receive his career reward (the hipster sofa).
Have non-Connections promotions stopped working for you?

(Sorry for hijacking your wonderful dynasty thread, @Whirligig )

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 12 (22 Oct 2016)
« Reply #54 on: October 22, 2016, 05:30:17 PM »
Aww. Great date between Rose and Norman. Sweetly awkward, but sincere and you can tell they have real affection for one another. You two crazy kids are going to be okay!

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 12 (22 Oct 2016)
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2016, 08:10:37 AM »
Collette is quite a pretty sim. It's a wonder Sergio hasn't noticed her yet. Unless, of course, Colette herself is less interested in the living.

I laughed over Sergio not feeling Yuki's belly, then felt bad for her (one of my very favorite sims) as he mentioned sending a check in the mail. Poor Yuki! She'll have a gorgeous kid!

It's wonderful to see the pieces falling into place for Rose--young adult birthday and now her relationship with Norman. Her violet eyes are lovely!
I'm so curious to see what you decide regarding what roles Colette and Norman will play in your dynasty.

Sergio, please don't go!
I keep thinking Colette is so pretty! I wish she could have another child! (turns out I think I did my maths wrong so she may have been able to, but she's an elder now in game, so unfortunately it's too late).

I only caught a glimpse of that interaction in the corner of the screen, and admittedly, I felt sorry for Yuki, too. I wish I'd caught a better photo of it, because of course it was all completely autonomous.

I'm looking forward to seeing how long Iris' violet eyes will carry on through the dynasty - they are absolutely beautiful!

Having a Sim obsess over a dead Sim that they didn't even really know is VERY annoying!  I had to lock the gate to Dina's grave to keep Dax out or he'd spend hours mourning her and being gloomy all day, so I feel your pain.  Just lock up the grave and keep Colette out and all will be well.  I hope it works out for Norman and Rose.  I think they are a cute couple.

About the Connections thing.  It's not something EA fixed in an update, it's just a glitch or something broken.  I keep all of Crin's messages in my inbox and looked up the last three updates and it wasn't mentioned at all.  So whether it was a deliberate "fix" or not, it's still broken which is VERY annoying and even more annoying when a Sim earns the rewards the hard way, by working for them, and doesn't get them!  I don't know if a bug report has been made on that one or not.
Yeah, the grieving has been annoying. Rose has been just as bad about it, but she at least knew them so I could almost let her.

It's good to know that it's not meant to be working like this - it is still an annoyance though.

I read your comment about a Sim not receiving a career reward object that was earned through a "real" promotion and got very worried.
But I just checked my family inventory and my sim who just got promoted to level 5 tech guru did receive his career reward (the hipster sofa).
Have non-Connections promotions stopped working for you?

(Sorry for hijacking your wonderful dynasty thread, @Whirligig )
No worries about the thread-jacking, I'm very interested in the answer myself, though I thought Joria was talking about Norman working and still not getting the rewards.

Aww. Great date between Rose and Norman. Sweetly awkward, but sincere and you can tell they have real affection for one another. You two crazy kids are going to be okay!

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I was worried about them at first, but I think you're absolutely right. :) Norman is definitely growing on me, too.
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 12 (22 Oct 2016)
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2016, 12:14:11 PM »
Chapter 13 - Whims and Angelfish

On the bright side, I never have to sit around urging Norman to 'hurry up and finish eating, for plumbob's sake you're going to be late for work'.

He's a growing boy who seems to inhale his food before you can blink.

The main challenge will, of course, be keeping the food off his thighs. Though he's not overjoyed about being asked to work out when he could be doing other things, he doesn't complain.

He does tend to fall a lot though.

"Oh ho, you just gotta get back up and keep on going."

Also, apparently a locked gate isn't enough to keep Colette from mourning the tragic loss of Joaquin Le Chien. I'm going to have to build a Mausoleum instead, aren't I?

Or I could just do this. Aha! Now try mourning Joaquin!

Apart from this mishap, Colette does embrace her new role as gardener/fisherwoman with a little bit more enthusiasm in the upcoming days.

In the first couple of days she spent fishing, she didn't catch much. She was mostly learning the ropes, trying to get a solid grasp of the basics of the skill.

She and Sergio continued to remain hopeful, but the angelfish seem to be taunting them.

Sergio is still very much alive and well. He's been less busy with the ladies as of late, opting to slow down and take it a bit easier these days, but Yuki Behr gave birth not long ago, so now he was eagerly awaiting the arrival of a Bjergsen baby.

Er, make that two Bjergsen babies.

"You cheated on me? With my own sister? You idiot!" fumed Sofia when she discovered the truth.

"Er, well, actually ladies, I might just leave you both here to listen to music on your own. I hear the pop station is pretty good. That Jutsim Beaver or whoever probably has a new song out. I'm going to, uh, make myself scarce, as it were."

"Ugh, pregnant women. All a bloke wants to do in his old age is fish, and they keep coming around with more kids. Am I right, Colette?"

"Sounds miserable," Colette muses.

"Sometimes I wonder how life would've been different if I'd stayed in that house just behind us, rather than moving to the top of the hill."

"Maybe a bit more peaceful," says Colette.

Sergio shrugs. "Definitely peaceful, but probably not half as exciting."

To be fair to the Bjergsen girls, they don't seem to let the fact that their babies will be simultaneously cousins and half-siblings get in the way of their having a good relationship with one another.

"Is this the one we're looking for?" asks Colette, holding up a little blue one.

Sergio jumps. "Yes, actually. Yes. That's the one. Good on you, Colette!"

And with that, the dry spell seems to have ended. Sergio and Colette fished all through Sunday afternoon and well into the night at catch 3 angelfish each! I am so relieved! Here's hoping there will be plenty more…

And here they are! Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?

"Off to work today, Norman?" asked Rose at 'breakfast' the next morning.

"Yep! I got a promotion in just one day yesterday!" he mumbled through bites of spaghetti. "Oh ho, Rose, I'm going to get another promotion today! Just you wait!"

Rose nodded, still trying to avoid the mess. "Well, good luck honey!" she smiled. Nope, she thought, honey's not quite right.

"N'aww, Rose, I don't start until 11. I have a few hours to kill."

Rose, on the other hand, decides to spend her day focusing on another task. Mainly, the various emotional whims she must complete to collect. It wasn't that she hadn't been working on those beforehand, it was more that the watcher simply hadn't been paying attention.

She starts off with a happy friendly hug for Norman.

Freeing him up to go and enjoy a dip in the new swimming pool out back before heading off to work.


Rose finds Uncle Sergio to help her with her next set of whims. After psyching herself up in the mirror, she rather confidently tells him an unbelievable story.

Next, she goes into Iris' room to roll a playful whim. Sergio again helps out with the 'flash crazy eyes' whim.

And an inspired cook a group meal garden salad for everyone.

At this point, Rose is far too happy for any of the negative emotions to trigger (I apparently forgot about energized). I tried mourning Joaquin, and having Sergio walk in on her in the shower, but the happiness was just too strong. Not to worry, this is an easy requirement, I can finish it later).

Besides, Norman is home from work (without a promotion. Grr), and he and Rose apparently have plans involving Colette's closet.

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 13 (23 Oct 2016)
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2016, 09:03:28 PM »
I chuckled while reading about the battle of wits between Collette and the Watcher. One point for the Watcher!

What great news about the recent influx of angelfish! I never even realized they could be caught in the sea. I'd always assumed they were fresh-water fish. Who knew? (I didn't!)
And yes, your aquarium filled with angelfish is a lovely sight! :-D

And how wonderful that Rose has warmed up to Norman--premarital closet shenanigans for the win, lol.
You'd mentioned a few updates ago that Normal would start a new career--which career did you/he choose?

Oh, oh, oh! Nooboo incoming! I can't wait! I really can't!!!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 13 (23 Oct 2016)
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2016, 01:36:21 PM »
That picture of the leaping angelfish is just stunning! Makes me think we should have a Sims Photography competition on this site or something. Simtography? Anyway, it's gorgeous. Nice one!

Glad the angelfish are rolling in. They are a constant struggle for me at this point. Every other day is a fishing day and we tend to get between 3 and 5. Your full fishtank is lovely and comforting, I'm sure!

You have a good point about never needing to tell Norman to hurry up and eat. I do hate watching them chew while the clock ticks away, making them late for work!

So glad Rose got to use the closet herself this time!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 13 (23 Oct 2016)
« Reply #59 on: October 25, 2016, 12:58:23 AM »
I chuckled while reading about the battle of wits between Collette and the Watcher. One point for the Watcher!

What great news about the recent influx of angelfish! I never even realized they could be caught in the sea. I'd always assumed they were fresh-water fish. Who knew? (I didn't!)
And yes, your aquarium filled with angelfish is a lovely sight! :-D

And how wonderful that Rose has warmed up to Norman--premarital closet shenanigans for the win, lol.
You'd mentioned a few updates ago that Normal would start a new career--which career did you/he choose?

Oh, oh, oh! Nooboo incoming! I can't wait! I really can't!!!

Colette was sent to test my patience, I swear. I spent a sim-week looking for her while Iris was working on the sugar skulls, but she was nowhere to be found! If she'd just been around, I could have given Norman a better 3rd trait, but when we do find her, it's too late. Then she tries mourning every 3 seconds, it's so frustrating. She's definitely one that needs micro-managing.

I wasn't sure that they could be caught there either, but if you can see the fish leaping there, they can be caught there. Definitely a relief. I tried doing a Dynasty on the Oasis Springs lot once. It was before that patch that made everything in the game 10x easier, and I failed to top the career before my founder died, but would have driven myself crazy having to travel every time I needed to fish - never again.

Oh! I thought I said in that chapter that he would work on Journalism. I thought it was cute that Joaquin and Iris both worked the entertainment career, that I thought unless I have good reason not to, I'll try to do that with all the spouses. I realise now that Science is probably a good career to do early, but he didn't really strike me as a scientist, so I'll leave that for one of the Gen 3 spares.

Yay for nooboos! :D

That picture of the leaping angelfish is just stunning! Makes me think we should have a Sims Photography competition on this site or something. Simtography? Anyway, it's gorgeous. Nice one!

Glad the angelfish are rolling in. They are a constant struggle for me at this point. Every other day is a fishing day and we tend to get between 3 and 5. Your full fishtank is lovely and comforting, I'm sure!

You have a good point about never needing to tell Norman to hurry up and eat. I do hate watching them chew while the clock ticks away, making them late for work!

So glad Rose got to use the closet herself this time!
I'm glad you liked that shot. I'm not much of a photographer in real life, but I enjoy it in the Sims. A simtography competition would be a great idea!

Haven't had much luck since that day, unfortunately, but I hope it picks up. The full aquarium was definitely comforting, but it didn't really last super long before I had Sergio turn them all into Ambrosia before he, well. Yeah.

I try to find a silver lining with everything! The eating thing drives me crazy.

I was glad too, but strangely enough, even though I told them to use her closet upstairs, she and Norman decided to use the closet in Colette's basement bedroom. Sims are weird.
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