@oshizu , gimme a chance to post the next chapter, will ya?

Chapter 34 - Can We Do It All Again?
There, you did it again!" I exclaimed.
"Oh ho, Watcher, why are there sparkles?"
Norman, why you do insist on doing whatever you can to annoy me? My first alien abduction pregnancy in the Sims 4 and…grr!"
Yes, pregnancy, Norman. Well if this doesn't put a spanner in the works…"
"What will my wife say?"

"So ever since aliens of Sixam found us, they've been monitoring our activity, I'm sure of it. I'll get Edith out in the new telescope tonight to see if she can find anything suspicious, but you mark my words, Gerald, there is definitely something the aliens want from us."

"I still don't understand what any of this has to do with my father, Harley," sighed Gerald. "Or with the two of us taking over the world."
"We could harness alien powers if we could keep that baby," Harley continued.
"Baby?" asked Gerald.
"Yes," replied Harley, "your father's baby."

"My father doesn't have a baby. Edith's the youngest, and she became a teen a couple of days ago," said Gerald.
"No no, I'm pretty sure Edith's a human sim. The other baby. The one he hasn't had yet." Harley continued.
Finally, Gerald realised he was fighting a losing battle. So he just smiled and gave a little nod. "Sure, Harley," he said, "whatever you say."

But Gerald's nonchalance just annoyed Harley, so she went off to try to find someone who would listen. She decided to approach the family matriarchs - without so much as a 'how do you do?', she sat them both down in the lounge room and began explaining her concerns.
"Aliens from Sixam have been monitoring us," she began.
Rose blinked. "That's nice, dear."

"No, it's not nice! You don't understand!" she insisted. She turned her attention to Iris. "They want something from us. I think they're confused about human reproduction. They're trying to replicate it, but they think our males look more like their females. Or that our males are females. Or, well, something. They're confused, okay?"
"I've heard of that," Iris nodded thoughtfully. "But why are you telling all of this to us, dear?"
"Arrrgh, you people are so dense!" Harley nearly screamed.

"Um, Harley, sweetheart," Rose began.
"There's a limit!" Harley continued. "And we've reached it. And the Watcher knows it. And she doesn't want to but because of the stupid…oh, forget it."
But Iris just nodded. "I know about the limit. We're very close."
Harley paused. Was she actually getting through to them?
"Norman," she said. "They've done something to Norman."

"That's good," said Iris, "slow down and take some deep breaths. There we go. Now, you were saying? The aliens of Sixam have done something to Norman. Do you think they've pollinated him?"
Harley eased. She scratched her head.
"I…think so. Yes," she said at last.
"And this is going to create a problem for us because we're very close to the limit."
"Yes," Harley repeated.
"Because the last space in the house is meant to be for your baby, not for Norman's," Iris concluded.
"Err, well," Harley squirmed, embarrassed now.

"See, Rose, just a little bit of patience goes a long way." said Iris.
Harley looked at Rose smugly.
But Rose only managed a weak smile. She wanted to pin this down to the ravings of a lunatic, but, well, could it be true? She doubted Norman would handle it well if it was.

Edith was still trying to (mostly) stay out of the way of the 'typical family drama'. But one thing she was grateful for was that the family had finally purchased a telescope. She positively jumped at the chance to be the first one to use it (for its intended purpose - she tried not to think of what Henry would do to this beautiful, delicate piece of scientific equipment if he ever got any of his girlfriends around to see it).
In all honesty, she doubted the stars would have anything to say about the now increasingly likely pollination as a result of her father's abduction, but she wasn't about to turn down an opportunity to find out.

Rose, for her part, went to track down her husband to find out what she could. When he greeted her with a poetry recital, she knew immediately that something was up.

Though it certainly didn't take long for her suspicions to be confirmed, either.
"Dear plumbob," she sighed, gazing upwards, "what in the name of all things Simlish are we going to do."

"I've been looking for you."
Henry looked up. He didn't really like Harley's tone - it sent a shiver down his spine.
"Oh, uh, hey Harley," he greeted her. "I've been meaning to talk to you actually."
"Oh, that's excellent," Harley replied, "but first. Here, take this." She extended her hand, as if to pass something to him.

"ACK!" shouted Henry in surprise.
Harley cracked up. "That was pretty good, wasn't it? See, that's why you should trust no one. Especially me."
"Right. Got it. Message received."

"So what was it you wanted to talk about, Henry?" Harley asked.
"Oh, I was just going to check-in in with you, find out how you were getting on, that sort of thing."
Harley suddenly became disinterested. "Oh," she said, "that's nice."

Henry squirmed. When he'd envisioned their having this conversation, this hadn't exactly been the time, nor the place, nor the attire, he'd pictured himself in. But, well, here they were.
"Can I ask you something, Harley?" he began.
"You're going to anyways," she replied.
Henry thought that was a yes, so he continued.
"Are you happy here?"

"I am not unhappy," Harley answered.
"But do you love Gerald?" Henry pressed. He needed to know if he had made the right choice.
"Do you think your parents were in love when your father moved in?" Harley asked.
Henry hesitated. He hadn't been anticipating that question, exactly. To be honest, he hadn't really thought about it before. Of course, his parents have always been madly in love…haven't they?

"They haven't always been the perfect couple, Henry. And it's about to get worse. I can do better, of course, but better isn't always best."
Henry's heart sank. What did she mean, his parents were about to get worse? And he had hoped to find
the best for Gerald. Now, it seemed like it was too late to reconsider.
"I know what you're doing Henry," Harley said.
"So you keep telling people. You know? I wish I could say the same myself." Though he tried to be as calm as possible, there was an underlying bitterness in his tone.

Harley looked at him. The same piercing, analytical look she got sometimes; the one that gave Henry the creeps. She seemed to speak so cryptically all the time, and always in a way as if she knew better than everyone else. It was like living with a young, blond yoda some of the time - he half expected her to pick him up with her mind and hurtle him across the yard.
Finally, she turned to go back inside.
"All will be well, Henry," she said. "Thank you for bring us together, but there is no need to worry about us further."
There was a finality in her tone, and Henry knew the conversation was over.

The following morning, if anyone had any doubts about Norman's impending, er, motherhood, they were more or less squashed.
"You really did it, huh?" mused Rose. "You really went and got yourself alien pregnant."
"Isn't this great?" Norman enthused. "I've missed having all the nooboos! Now we get another one!"
"Norman, we're close to being grandparents! You think I want us to do all that again ourselves?" Rose asked.
"Sure!" said Norman. "It'll be fun!"

Before Rose could stop him, Norman was downstairs at the breakfast table, getting ready to tell his other children.
"Oh yeah! I'm eating for two! Now the watcher can't possibly say no to my having seconds of lobster thermidor!"

"Oh ho, Edith, have I got some great news for you."
Edith smirked. As if it wasn't completely obvious what his great news would be.
"You know how you've always wanted a younger brother or sister?"
"No, Dad, pretty sure a screaming, wailing poop machine was never a thing I ever asked for," she replied dryly.
"God, Nana's cooking keeps getting better and better!" Gerald enthused, oblivious.

"Well, you're in luck, because I'm going to have a baby!"
Edith gave her father a quizzical look. "Aww, that's so cute Dad!" she said, finally, "they haven't told you yet!"
"Told me what?" asked Norman.

"Oh, nothing," Edith sighed, turning her attention back to her sandwich.
"You're right Gerald," she mumbled through a mouth full of food, "these are delicious."
"I know, right? This sandwich is lit!"
"Oh yeah," Norman muttered to no one in particular, "having another baby around is going to be so cool!"
Gerald paused, suddenly hearing the b-word for the first time. "Say Edith," he asked, "did Dad just say
he was going to have a baby?"
Edith rolled her eyes.
Men, amirite?
Rose, meanwhile, spent Monday morning frantically searching the simnet, for any possible solution to her predicament.
It seemed, however, that the rules were pretty clear.
Norman would either give up his alien child to be raised by his parents in another world, or delay the birth of the fourth generation heir, the only grandchild he would ever have the opportunity to spend any significant time with, until
after his death.
She still wasn't quite sure which solution was preferable.
Writer's NoteSo this is where I'm up to, guys. I am actually really, really torn between the two options. Suggestions? Advice? What should I
I could keep the baby, but as Rose said, there wouldn't be any room for the heir until after Norman dies (his age bar is bubbly because he's pregnant, but I think he's about halfway through adulthood? I might have a recent-ish backup somewhere so I can check). And then, there won't be any room for the spouse/next generation until after Henry or Harley dies. And dammit, Harley just moved in and Henry's still a teen (who I was thinking of giving the 'active' trait to because I love him so much!), I don't want to think about them dying. But on the other hand, I've run through the story-possibilities for taking Norman's baby and the social worker in me hears Norman saying 'Please don't take my baby!' and…I can't do it! Ugh, why game?
Goddammit, Norman!