Author Topic: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 5.8  (Read 115961 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.6
« Reply #120 on: August 05, 2017, 09:22:38 AM »
Wow, sounds like a real challenge playing through the last days of Aria's reign!!  If it makes you feel better about it, it did turn into a delightful update  :=)
I'm looking forward to seeing who Millicent ends up choosing as her spouse.  Of course, she already has that crush on DJ Khaled, so it will be interesting to see if that comes into play.

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.6
« Reply #121 on: August 05, 2017, 11:55:12 AM »
Does Khaled live anywhere? I do sympathize about the plans. I can't imagine playing on less than full autonomy, but sometimes -- especially with this kind of challenge -- I wish I could step in and order them around. Glad that Aria was able to get a portrait of Kason, though.
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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.6
« Reply #122 on: August 05, 2017, 08:02:34 PM »
Wow, sounds like a real challenge playing through the last days of Aria's reign!!  If it makes you feel better about it, it did turn into a delightful update  :=)
I'm looking forward to seeing who Millicent ends up choosing as her spouse.  Of course, she already has that crush on DJ Khaled, so it will be interesting to see if that comes into play.

Yes, it was frustrating but it does make great drama for the story. I know that I am not the most on-top player out there, which is why I don't really participate in the tournament challenges, but I do enjoy this challenge because there are so many ways to succeed, and the ways to fail are very few. There are lots of room for mistakes, and it's possible to make up for a mistake later.

Millicent has found a really nice spouse, and I have spent the whole day redecorating their home. It will be exciting to play in the new huge house. Well, any house will be huge compared to the one she grew up in.

Does Khaled live anywhere? I do sympathize about the plans. I can't imagine playing on less than full autonomy, but sometimes -- especially with this kind of challenge -- I wish I could step in and order them around. Glad that Aria was able to get a portrait of Kason, though.

Unfortunately for Millicent he's homeless. But maybe he can move in an work as a pollinator in the future... Yes I am very happy about the painting. Poor Millicent had to wait a while longer for freedom, but it works out in the end. I think she will be very happy about her future.

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3.7 Spouse Hunting
« Reply #123 on: August 09, 2017, 05:38:18 AM »
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Millicent was finally free to pursue the love of her life. There was only one problem, she didn’t know who that might be. Fortunately, the romance festival came to town, so she was able to go ask the romance guru for advice.

Millie: Mr Guru man, I’m in a pickle. I need to get married, but the only eligible guy I have met just can’t be the one for me. Help!

Mr Guruman: I see love in your future. Keep your eyes out for a tall dark stranger.

Millie: Um, thanks I guess.

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With that vague tip about her future spouse, Millie decided to head back home to Windenburg and to check out the night life. Her idol, DJ Khalid, was playing and she felt in mood for a dance. However, the only dark stranger that was present was a married lady. Surely this was not who the romance Guru had meant?

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As usual most of the sims who showed up were ghosts, her grandmother Tamara Lilly really seems to enjoy getting out of the house more as a ghost than she ever did when alive.

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Just as she was about to give up and go home, she spotted a dark head of hair heading downstairs. She followed him (creepily waiting outside the bathroom until he had finished his business) and pounced.

Millie: So, tell me more about yourself? What is your house like?

Quinn: Um, why do you want to know where I live? I should warn you that my brother is on the force and we have a very good alarm.

Quinn Mitchell, and his brother Randall move to Windenburg in the nick of time. Quinn is a clumsy, bro, bookworm and he’s still a YA. He is also unemployed. Randall is an adult and in the Detective career.

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The next day, buoyed by her success in meeting the unattached townie of her dreams, Millie invited the usual suspect for a house party.

Zack: When are we getting together hot stuff?

Millie: Only in your dreams Zack! There is a new guy in town and I don’t have to marry you!

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Millie took the opportunity to get to know Quinn and her uncles better. Quinn had a taste for flamboyant and stylish clothes, just like her great grandfather Diego, and Millie was even more smitten.

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Since she already had her collection complete, she didn’t let  a day go to waste and invited Quinn on a date at the Blue Velvet.

Millie: I’m so happy you could make it.

Quinn: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

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Quinn: Um, isn’t that your dad?

Millie: Just ignore him, he’s just ghosting around.

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The date heated up, and they soon shared their first kiss.

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Nothing really tops the awkwardness of your date breaking of your first kiss on your first real date because he claims your dead dad is giving him the evil eye. Maybe there was a point in keeping displays of affection private after all, just like her mother had always said.

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Agreeing to see each other the next night, Millie dragged her mother out of the house early to get all the photos for the museum done. This was the first time the household was so small, and it was almost sad to have so few photos to start out with, Millie didn’t think her mother would enjoy living by herself.

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The selfie gallery, on the other hand, was coming along nicely.

Millie: I can’t believe that my child will be number 5 – we are halfway there now!

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With all t’s crossed and all I’s dotted, she took Quinn out for dinner in Magnolia Promenade.

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She didn’t know it was a restaurant staffed exclusively by elder sims until they got there, hopefully no one dies and ruins the mood.

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After a golden date, she asked for Quinn’s hand in marriage.

Quinn: Sure! I would love to marry you!

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Millie and Quinn had a private ceremony in Magnolia Park.

Millie: Yoohoo! It’s my wedding day!

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Millie: I promise to love you always, let you have lots of books and help you keep your house despite our low funds.

Quinn: I promise to give you babies and always give you a good time, if you know what I mean.

Millie: Quinn! My mom is here!

Quinn: Ops, sorry Mrs. Caliente

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Aria was the only guest to the wedding, she cried a lot! But she consoled herself with her daughter living close by, she was staying in Windenburg and they could see each other a lot.

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And so, the new bride arrived at her island home. The view was amazing, she could paint the ocean for hours.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.7
« Reply #124 on: August 09, 2017, 08:39:26 AM »
Looks like we're gonna have more curly-haired kids!
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.7
« Reply #125 on: August 09, 2017, 10:30:54 AM »
Loved the humor in the comment about all the elder staff at the restaurant and hoping no one died and spoiled the mood. 
It could have gotten really funny and given you plentiful writing opportunities if she had ended up stuck with Zack (and probably seeing DJ Khaled on the side), but I'm happy for Millie that she found a spouse she actually wants to be with instead of settling.

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.7
« Reply #126 on: August 09, 2017, 10:50:43 AM »
Congrats! So glad that Millie found someone other than Zack. I'm looking forward to seeing which house they're in -- is it the  one between Joaquin's and the Bjergsens? I really like that house when my Sims had it.
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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.7
« Reply #128 on: August 09, 2017, 11:01:32 AM »
Loved the humor in the comment about all the elder staff at the restaurant and hoping no one died and spoiled the mood. 
It could have gotten really funny and given you plentiful writing opportunities if she had ended up stuck with Zack (and probably seeing DJ Khaled on the side), but I'm happy for Millie that she found a spouse she actually wants to be with instead of settling.

Millie is rather happy that she didn't have to spend the rest of her life in a stained marriage. Now she can hopefully have a little fun in between all the other business of getting points and raising kids.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 3.7
« Reply #129 on: August 09, 2017, 11:03:13 AM »
Congrats! So glad that Millie found someone other than Zack. I'm looking forward to seeing which house they're in -- is it the  one between Joaquin's and the Bjergsens? I really like that house when my Sims had it.

It's the Bjergsens house actually, I have never played in it but is is very nice indeed. If we hadn't been constricted in how it was to be remodeled I would have loved to redo it more drastically. As is, I spent way more time redoing it than I have in the last couple of generations.

Offline saltpastillen

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4.1 To the Lighthouse
« Reply #130 on: August 09, 2017, 11:41:05 AM »
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Millie was overwhelmed with the huge house they would be living in. She was ecstatic about all the space, but it did feel a little weird.

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This is how the new inside looks like. I also removed some of the outside foliage at a later stage, but no outside structures were removed. The house is pretty large, and I worry a bit about the bills. Aria’s never got over 1,500 simoleons and Tamara Lilly’s were in the 3,000 range – I wonder what this will end up being.

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As soon as she moved in, Millie took Quinn over to the Romantic Garden spot where Nina had once gotten married. Here she maxed out her photography skill (2 points) and made a wish for a child at the Wishing Well. Her wish was granted (3 points), and they went home to try for baby as the Well suggested they should.

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With the Well’s blessing, they were soon pregnant.

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Since they now had a pool at the house, Millie invested in a few new swimsuits. I am so happy I now have a reason to use all my swimsuit cc!

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Quinn didn’t really need a makeover, just an update to some of his more frequent styles.

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Randall got some new clothes as well, since he had a very bad accessory addiction.

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The first day at her new and improved house was coming to an end and it was so nice to share a kitchen with your spouse and cash in on some satisfaction points from cooking at the same time.

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Due to the pool, Randall felt the need to constantly walk around in his swimsuit.

Millie: Can you at least put a shirt on at the table?

Randall: Why?

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An exhausted Millie headed upstairs for a bath, and she fell asleep in the bathtub. When Quinn was checking on her Randall walked in.

Quinn: Ran! You can’t just walk in like that, Millie is in the bath!

Randall: But she’s got that blur thing covering her, I can’t even see anything, why do you care?

Quinn: Listen, now that I am married you have to tone down on the skin on display – Millie doesn’t know you and she might not be comfortable with it like you and me.

Randall: What a drama king getting married has made you – the sims I arrest don’t make this much of a fuss!

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Randall was upset as he was shooed out of the bathroom, but he consoled himself with hot coffee and the thought that once everyone got more comfortable around here he would not be the only one walking around in a swimsuit.

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Millie decorated her new home with her photographs, maybe not the best way to keep the bills down, but a great way to make every room feel homier.

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She painted the view from the balcony, and maxed the painting skill (5 points).

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As soon as she entered the second trimester and her belly ballooned she asked her mother to come over and feel the baby kicking.

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Knowing she wouldn’t have a lot of time for skilling once the baby arrived, she worked on making pug-ins and programming, gaining level 4 (9 points) and gaining her first 1,000 satisfaction points (10 points).

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The first free day didn’t arrive a moment too soon, she was just popping downstairs to have some food when the back pain kicked in.

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At the hospital, she was check in by Dr Emma who had delivered her grandmother to the world.

Millie: Are all the doctors here ghosts?

Emma: Not all, just the once who aren’t vampires. What supernatural type of doctor would you prefer? I would recommend a ghost, since we don’t get side-tracked as easily. And if there is blood vampires…

Millie: A ghost please!

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So here we are again, girl or boy – who knows!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.1
« Reply #131 on: August 10, 2017, 11:55:49 AM »
Leaving us on a cliffhanger, eh?  Okay, I'll admit, I'm excited to see the nooboo!
Looks like Millie is off to a great start on her leg of the journey.  Woot woot!!

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.1
« Reply #132 on: August 10, 2017, 04:09:43 PM »
Leaving us on a cliffhanger, eh?  Okay, I'll admit, I'm excited to see the nooboo!
Looks like Millie is off to a great start on her leg of the journey.  Woot woot!!

I didn't actually mean to, but it took me longer than anticipated to write up the next chapter. I will try to get it up today though, as I am going away for a week and a half tomorrow and wont be able to play the game (the only sad thing about going on vacation).

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4.2 A Son is Born
« Reply #133 on: August 10, 2017, 04:53:04 PM »
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Millie: It’s a boy! He screams rather a lot. I hope we will become great friends and that some girl moves in to a house you can move in to as well someday.

We welcome Jonas Mitchell to the family. He is the first male heir and I am interested in finding out if having a female or male controlled sim will be easier in this challenge.

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Quinn: Hey Randall, have you seen Millie?

Randall: Have I seen Millie? I just got home from working! Since you are not, you should be able to keep track of your own wife.

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Quinn: Hey babe, where have you been?

Millie: Look! We have a son!

Quinn: You went to the hospital without me?!

Millie: I couldn’t find you, and you would have been creeped out by the ghosts anyways. Look at your screaming son, I am sure he wants to hang out with you for a bit while I go work on my app. Have fun!

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Quinn was not overly enthusiastic about caring for the baby. He would walk away from Jonas as soon as he was quiet or asleep, but somehow the cot magically appeared wherever he went. He would leave it downstairs to go and sleep in the bedroom, and then, in the middle of the night, he would wake up to a screaming baby! He cursed the day the watcher came to his home.

But, he still had some decent parenting skills and kept Jonas fed and changed while Millie worked on her programming skill, she is not level 6 (2 points).

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To make Quinn a bit happier Millie would invite her mother over. Aria was happy to take care of her grandchild, and freed up a lot of Quinn’s time. Time he used for swimming in the pool and watching comedy tv. 

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Now, don’t get the idea that Millie didn’t take care of her baby. She did, and she soon became good friends with Jonas (3 points).

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Millie: Randall, I know we didn’t get have the best start to our relationship, but I really need your help. The bills arrived today and they are 600 simoleons more than we have on hand. That means that I really need you to keep working even if you are an elder now.

Randall: Don’t worry Millie, I love my job and they will have to force me out.

Millie: I also would love if you could have a chat with your brother and tell him all about how to be a more involved dad. He’s told me that you helped raise him when he was little, and I know he looks up to you. Do you think you can have a talk with him?

Randall: I will try, you know one of the reasons I was so surprised about your hasty marriage was that I didn’t feel like Quinn was ready for a family. But now he is a dad, so he’s got to step up. Maybe if I hint about him starting a job as well?

Millie: I would love that, thank you Randall.

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Jonas aged up into a precious little angelic toddler. He’s got his mother’s fair skin and his father’s dark eyes.

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He always cries after using the potty the poor dear.

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Millie had hoped that Quinn would be more involved with him as he grew up, so that she might have had a chance to start her career early, but Quinn seems to be less interested in him now. So, she has decided to put her career on hold until he is a child. That will also make it easier to have him level up his skills which will be good for the points.

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Millie maxed the cooking skill (5 points) and has now started the journey to becoming a gourmet cook.

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Quinn is happy to hang out with Jonas when he’s eating, so at least he helps him improve his speech. However, as soon as he has other needs he’s been absent.

Quinn: …and the banana said to the doctor “I’m not peeling very well”. Isn’t that funny!

Jonas: Daddy, why you so strange?

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Randall: What are you doing there squirt?

Jonas: Ran Ran, come play with me! I am Llama man!

Randall: Hello Llama man, I am officer Big Bear, time to interrogate the suspect!

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After Randall had a talk with Quinn he tried harder. Honestly, I was surprised that he was so uninterested in his child, and that Jonas was equally as uninterested in him. All other kids so far have run after their dads all the time, maybe since he’s home all the time he is not as interesting? Randall on the other hand, is Jonas first call when he wants to watch someone or have someone to play with.

Randall: See, that’s nice, isn’t it?

Quinn: Yes, it’s nice. Hey kiddo, wanna watch some TV?

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On second thought, maybe introducing Quinn and Jonas to each other wasn’t such a great idea, they now spend a lot of time in front of the TV. However, sometimes Quinn does make the effort of helping Jonas to skill a bit. The dollhouse is a second favourite to the TV.

Jonas: I am Llama man!

Quinn: I am the amazing space explorer Quinn McQuinnston.

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Jonas room has been decorated with some photographs of his toys. I have been having a lot of fun with taking photo’s this generation as it provides a nice income when the bills are due. It’s a shame it requires so much micro managing though!

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In-between skilling, helping Jonas and making money, Millie has been working on getting to know her uncles better. She is now friends with both, but so far hasn’t managed to become good friends. Anton is still an Adult and was very taken with Jonas. Elmer is a loner, and always seems to avoid any area of the house where anyone else is when he is visiting. I think Millie will have to invite him somewhere quiet to become his good friend.

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Aria has become an elder, and she mostly hangs out with Quinn and Jonas in front of the TV when she visits. At least Jonas has started to turn on the child channel now that he’s a more involved parent.

I miss the dressing up function of sims 3, I hope the new toddler pack will bring some nice features to the game, if not a dressing up chest so at least some more funky clothes.

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Even after maxing the potty skill (7 points) Jonas was still sad he had to go on the potty – so Millie gave him a bath to cheer him up.

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We are also working on having him max two more skills and reaching level 3 in the other two, I have come to accept that I probably won’t be able to get a top-notch toddler on this lifespan, but I don’t want my sims to miss out on the faster skilling being a happy toddler brings.

Jonas has almost 3 days left (depending on when in the day I age him up) so we might just be able to do it. His skill gain has been slow since Millie has to spend at least a couple of hours of productive time each day painting to pay the bills.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.2
« Reply #134 on: August 11, 2017, 11:22:51 AM »
Wow, Quinn really dropped the ball on the whole daddy thing!  Maybe Millie should have married Zach after all...?
Randall seems like an excellent support Sim.  Thank goodness he came with the house  ;=)
Little Jonas seems just adorable!!  I can't help but wonder if the LlamaMan fascination will continue into his adulthood.

