Pippin: We return to the Took household where Wade is busy securing votes.

Wade: And so, Kelsi, with my new taxation plan, unwatched Sims would receive no bills!
Kelsi: Wow, that sounds amazing!
Erik: Umm, we don't get bills now, so...
Wade: Erik, it's impolite to interrupt. So, Kelsi, do I have your vote?
Kelsi: Umm, okay!
Wade: Great!
Pippin: Oh, he's good. So, Wade continues to work on that political career and gets home from work..

Pippin: just as his bride-to-be gets home from high school.
Amelia: Alright! So glad to be home!
Wade: Still you teen are not adult.
Amelia: It's just for a few more days, sweetie.
Pippin: And speaking of days passing...

Pippin: it's finally time for the third immortal to have ambrosia.
Strange brew
Look what's inside of youGaivan: And that...because with immortality...and we have...that all of...because three.
Abernathy: ...I can't wait for Wade to become an immortal so I can actually understand someone.

Wade: So, cousin Lacy, can I count on your vote in the upcoming election?
Lacy: It's actually great-auntie Lacy, and I'll vote for you so long as you support my bid for supreme empress of the Simverse.
Wade: Uuuummm...okay...?
Lacy: Done!
Wade: Why do I feel like I just sold my soul...?
Pippin: Anyway, time passes and we finally reach Amelia's birthday.

Amelia: Are you excited, doofwad?
Wade: I'm for words are not speak!
Amelia: (blows out candles)

Pippin: Well, that escalated quickly.
Wade: We're trying for baby fifteen times!
Amelia: Make it twenty just to be sure.
Wade: I love you!
Amelia: I know.
Pippin: And in between sessions of trying for baby,

Pippin: they proved that true love is stronger than the known (but previously unknown to me) promise ring glitch.
Wade: Will you make me the happiest Sim in the history of all time?
Amelia: Oh, good heavens, that ring is blinding me so much I can't even tell how out of your league I am, so yes.
Pippin: She's so smooth!

Pippin: Alright, so I'm lingering here for the mushy moment. Look how cute they are! Can you blame me?
Myla: Alright, people, wedding party time! Let's make this a gold medal and finish the party requirements!
Pippin: Myla, you are wonderful!
Myla: I know.

Pippin: They never spun into wedding attire.
Wade: Well, she's perfect just as she is, and she's willing to accept me just as I am.
Amelia: Aww, you're so sweet, doof.
Pippin: Alright, let's get some cake!

Lilianna: Haha! The lady put her face in your shoulder!
Myla: I thought biting the groom's shoulder was good luck? Isn't that some sort of Swedish tradition?
Pippin: Smooth, Myla. Smooth. And speaking of smooth, or the lack thereof, Alexandria's become kind of a stalker.

Alexandria: Look, Ab, we dressed just alike!
Abernathy: Don't call me Ab.
Alexandria: Teehee, you're so silly.
Abernathy: I don't want white-haired babies.

Alexandria: Oh, sweetie, it's so great how much time you invest in me. Wanna woohoo after this?
Abernathy: No need. You're already pregnant.
Alexandria: Maybe it could be practice for next time you "experiment" with me?
Abernathy: ...please leave. Pippin, can we create a Simlawyer with the "create restraining order" interaction?
Pippin: Sorry, big guy, guess you're just gonna have to deal with being irresistible.
Abernathy: ...you're enjoying this, aren't you?
Pippin: Yep!
Lacy: Hey! Guess what
else is enjoyable?

Lacy: Jakob aged up and is
way less awesome than me!
Jakob: (sigh) Yeah, this is probably going to be how the entire rest of my life goes.
Lacy: It sure is!
Pippin: Well, Jakob, at least you
did get your wish and you took (no pun intended) after your mom.
Lacy: Yeah you did, loser!
Jakob: (sigh)

Pippin: Here's Amelia telling Wade that they're going to have a baby. Where's Wade, you might be asking? Well, he wasn't nearly as cute, so I zoomed in on Amelia.
Amelia: You get me, Pippin. You really get me.
Pippin: Meantime, our proud papa-to-be hits the gym to keep working at maxing fitness.

Pippin: Oh look, Jakob showed up, and looks really awkward and weak.
Jakob: (sigh)
Lacy: Umm, better scenery over here, Pippin.

Pippin: Lacy, you are rocking those glasses!
Lacy: Hey, I want to make sure everyone remembers that I'm brawn
and brains!
Pippin: Yeah you are. Meantime, Amelia is very pregnant.

Amelia: Yep. I'm basically living the Robyn lifestyle right now. Painting, sleeping, and watching TV.
Robyn: Welcome to the Dark Side!
Pippin: Meantime, Wade had to give an inspiring speech downtown.

Pippin: I had never done the political career before, and didn't know how it worked. Thanks to Oshizu for suggesting getting him in an inspired mood and using the energized inspired speech interaction that showed up then. Totally worked. It also convinced me not to have him work from home anymore (at least not until after he finishes maxing his career).
Amelia: Look how cute my doofy politician is.
Pippin: Yep, he even formed a group and dragged those poor gym members away from their workouts just to help stage this shot.
Wade: Dude! That was supposed to be secret!
Pippin: ...oops...anyway, Alexandria only has one child, a son, so she and her sweetie pie Ab...
Abernathy: Don't call me that.
Pippin: tried again. Then, this happened.
Abernathy: (zap)

Abernathy: Why, Jayden Gupta, you look absolutely stunning as a blonde.
Jayden: Oh, you're just saying that. I know I'm not as pretty as my grandma was and I'm certainly not on par with Wade's Amelia.
Abernathy: No, you're really quite stunning. You know, my poor, deceased wife did say that I could take up with a mistress after a sufficient period of mourning.
Pippin: Dude! That is not smooth
at all!
Jayden: Really? I mean, you really think I'm pretty enough to be your mistress?
Pippin: I...I give up.
Abernathy: Indeed you are. In fact, I'm going to have you step into the closet so I can give you a makeover and then gush about how appealing you look in more revealing sleepwear.
Pippin: Ugh.
Jayden: Oh, Abernathy, you're the best!

Izumi: I taught him so well.
Pippin: Yeah, I guess.
Izumi: And I
may have nudged Jayden in his direction.
Pippin: I
knew he wasn't actually smooth!
Jayden: Umm, are you sure I look alright?

Abernathy: My dear, you look positively experiment-worthy!
Jayden: (swoon)
Pippin: Not smooth. Anyway, Jayden still had her original hair and eye color when she was in create-a-Sim and despite having purple hair at the time of giving birth, Alexandria had a blonde son. Results do not look good for the experiments.
Abernathy: I think Jayden and I should keep trying anyway.
Pippin: I'll bet you do. But speaking of babies...

Wade: I'm she are and baby we have!
Amelia: Easy there, doofblossom. I'll do all the work, you just stand there and look like you're running for office.

Wade: My fellow Simericans...
Amelia: Well done, doofbuns. Now, say hello to your son.

Pippin: And the Took household is proud to announce the birth of young Milo, generation 5 immortal.
Amelia: Hush, Pippin. Don't put such pressure on him yet.
Pippin: My bad. Anyway, Wade has finished everything other than his career, his collection, and reaching the elder lifestage. Things are going well for the Tooks!
Lacy: Hey, Pippin, you only used 24 screenshots. I think I can help you fill that last spot!

Lacy: Brawn
and brains!
Pippin: Way to upstage your great-great nephew, Lacy.
Lacy: Thanks!