Pippin: When last we joined the Took household, we'd been introduced to young Chantons.

Pippin: Aww, he's fussing.
Izumi: It's okay. He settles right down when I sing to him.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbirdPippin: First off, this household is
way too wealthy to be glorifying the ability to buy something as simple as a bird, and secondly, what sort of horrible present for a baby is a bird? They're gross and carry diseases and they're
Izumi: ...you know it's just a song, right?
Pippin: ...I may have overreacted, yes. Speaking of baby Chantons and things being done for him, Raj and Miko are making sure to provide another spouse or friend option for him.

Miko: Alright! You ready to try again, Raj?
Raj: Just...let me...catch my...breath...a minute...
Pippin: It's nice to see how devoted they are to their role supporting the dynasty.

Abernathy: So, Marissa, my wife used to be a vampire and would drink her food, so I invented this synthetic food that's also liquid.
Marissa: Oh, that's so sweet of you!
Abernathy: Thanks. Would you like to try it?
Marissa: Oh, sure.

Marissa: (gulp gulp) Ooooo, that tastes fine, but it's making me...feel kind of...weird. Did you test this out...?
Abernathy: Doing that right now!

Abernathy: So, looks like it needs a bit more work. Thanks for your help, Marissa.
Marissa: (snore)
Pippin: And New Pollinator Guy continues his new pollinating ways.

New Pollinator Guy: So, Summer, not that we
aren't happy to see you, but Kiana and I were looking for some time alone, so...
Summer: Okay, but seriously Kiana, can you believe that I've been alive this long, eaten all that cake, and still look this
awesome?!?!? Seriously! Just look at this hot bod! I mean, I'm beautiful, right?!?
Kiana: ...I feel so uncomfortable right now...
Pippin: And speaking of beautiful...

Pippin: Gaivan took this photo of Izumi to go with Abernathy's painting on the upstairs wall. Totally just showing this picture for that reason and not anything else.
Izumi: Not because I'm a gorgeous redhead.
Pippin: Psh.
Definitely not. As if I go out of my way to show off beautiful redheads.
Izumi: That's so convincing.
Pippin: Thanks. I think everybody bought it. Anyway, Raj has been getting older, and he finally got that first warning from Grim, so I finally followed through on letting him go visit his family.
Rieko: Because
I reminded you to.
Pippin: Well...yeah...

Raj: Why have I never even seen the door to my wife's apartment before?
Pippin: Less whining, more sentimental interaction!!

Raj: Hey, Gretch! I'm afraid I've gotten my first warning from Grim, so I wanted to...(sigh) I just wanted to make sure you knew how much I love you kids even though I haven't been around that much.
Gretchen: (tries not to start crying)

Raj: Aww, what a handsome little fellow! Grow up to be a great friend to little Chantons, okay? Somebody's gotta take care of the Tooks once your daddy and Auntie Rieko aren't around to do it.

Gretchen: (completely fails to hold the tears back)
Carl: There there, sis. Dad's not gone yet.
Gretchen: (bawls like a baby)
Pippin: Meantime, back at the dynasty house, New Pollinator Guy and Kiana finally got some time to themselves.

New Pollinator Guy: Kiana, you are such a vision. I hope we have daughters who are just as beautiful as you!
Kiana: Oh, Vivaan!
Pippin: Who's Vivaan?
New Pollinator Guy: That's
my name. My
actual name. Not just some random title.
Pippin: Whoa, don't get all worked up. I mean, that's bad for your heart.

Kiana: Whoa!! That was
amazing! Both times!!
New Pollinator Guy: I...don't feel..so good...

Rieko: Oh my goodness! What happened?!?
Kiana: Well, we were...and then he...
Miko: Death by overpollinating?

Grim: Well, Miko, actually, it happens more than you might think. Anyway, sooooooo Kiana, I guess you're single now, eh?
Kiana: Dude!!! Not the time!!!
Pippin: Darned flirty aura room.
Grim: Okay. So....I'll call you tomorrow?
Kiana: ...yeah, that would be fine.
Pippin: We'll miss you, New Pollinator Guy. Sorry for not noticing that negative moodlet, but if a pollinator has to pass away, that's how you do it with style. And on the same day that New Pollinator Guy passes...

Pippin: Woot!! Happy birthday, Rieko!! You didn't want a party?
Rieko: I really don't want people to see me as an old and brittle woman.

Rieko: OWW!! My back!!
Pippin: Hey, bad back or not, you're still the backbone this dynasty's built on.
Rieko: Aww, thanks, Pippin.

Rieko: Being healthy. Want to see Chantons age up at least to child if not teen.
Pippin: Fingers crossed
so hard! And speaking of Chantons aging up...

Pippin: Awww, another little redhead!
Izumi: Let's hope he gets my nose...and good looks.
Abernathy: Hey, what's wrong with
my nose?
Izumi: It's a bit, pointy...which is like saying a whale is a bit large.
Abernathy: Psh, it's dashing and sophisticated.
Izumi: Just enjoy that I love you despite your nose.
Abernathy: Not
because of it?
Izumi: No. Definitely no.
Pippin: That little toddler is going to be spoiled, not unlike someone else who lives in this household.

Rieko: Oooooooooo yeah. That's the spot.
Gaivan: And I'm....cause you...and so happy that...because...and still....that you have...such beautiful...
Rieko: Awww, thanks, baby.
Pippin: That was probably really sweet.

Johnny: So, when you grow up, you can be anything you want. You could even be a famous comedian like good old Uncle Johnny.
Chantons: (hums to himself)
Johnny: You know, you could even be my son-in-law. I mean, there are lots of options if you decide to go that way.
Chantons: (hums another tune)
Johnny: You're one of the better conversationalists in this house, really. Most people would have already gone off to do some sort of skilling or points-grabbing or mood maintenance by now.
Izumi: Alright, Johnny, thanks for filling up Chantons' social needs. We need to go do some potty training now.

Johnny: ...I feel so lonely now. Think I need to call Navya over.
Pippin: Darn right you do! You two
and Raj and Miko had the nerve to have sons instead of daughters!

Pippin: Oh. I guess Raj and Miko have already addressed that issue.
Miko: My bloodline is
so going to marry into this family!!