Author Topic: A Black Widower Tale  (Read 18567 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #75 on: October 10, 2015, 11:41:03 PM »
Ok so that's ghost number 3... You need 7 right? But it would only be 6 now with Dakkar in the house? So you're halfway there!

Nooooo... That means the story is half finished T_T

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #76 on: October 11, 2015, 12:25:17 AM »
Technically I only need to outlive 5 spouses to get The Sims 4 'Black Widow' achievement but going to 7 would be possible with no-one else in the house, or for those simmers who like to play longer etc.  :)
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Re: A Black Widower Tale.
« Reply #77 on: October 11, 2015, 01:38:37 AM »
Chapter 22

Chief: So you need to hold a Public Information Session and fast. We can't have half the population of Willow Creek and Oasis Springs panicking about this so called 'Cow Plant' epidemic.

Detective Parker: I don't think I'm qualified to hold a Public Information Session on the Cow Plant Chief, I'd never even heard of it until I saw Moody's one.
Chief: Then you better find some experts and fast.

Parker: Right. Unless you want me to also take a degree in biology as well.
Chief: Experts Detective. Wouldn't hurt to do some research either. Fore warned is fore armed, right.
Parker: On it Chief.

Parker: I would have gone to the university only apparently this library has what I need... it better have. Sheesh, now I'm talking to myself for real. *sigh*

Parker: K, microfiche search...

Parker: Cow Plant, cow plant, cow plant. Yes! Oh wait, no, this is plant sim. Plant Sim? Far out, how weird is that? 

Parker: Hm hmm. Here we go 'Cow Plant or Laganaphyllis Simnovorii  (commonly known as the Cowplant or Cow Plant) is a bizarre, partly bovine form of vegetation that is large enough to swallow a Sim whole'. No kidding. 'The genus name is derived from the words lagana (Latin for cake) and phyllis (Greek for foliage), while the species name means 'Sim eater'.

Librarian: (Pink hair) Detective Parker! I have some very interesting Science Journals on the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii if you are interested?
Parker: *under his breath* Nothing beats living in a small town where everyone knows your business. *Out Loud* Lovely, thank you.

Parker: Lagomorpha, Lagrange...oh dear lawd I so don't want to read that article... Ah! here we are 'Laganaphyllis Simnovorii: The Bovine Sociopath of Our Day'

Parker: Well, this is rather unpleasant reading. I might just take this upstairs away from any children that might come in. Ok with you Librarian?
Librarian: Sure Detective, just bring it back to me when you're finished.

Parker: Cripes. From ancient wall hangings depicting Cowplants being fed by ancient peoples... to Senior Thesis: The Laganaphyllis Simnovorii" by sims in yesteryear universities. Looks like this is ancient information that we somehow have all forgotten or purposely not believed due to it's apparent unbelievable facts! Incredible... and not in a good way. Interestingly though, it appears if the plant is fed special food when the cake is out... keeps it from consuming sims. *Shudder* Good thing we confiscated the thing as evidence. Last thing we need is another death.

Parker: Hmm, this probably points to yet another unfortunate incident in a long series of unfortunate incidents in Kurt Moody's life. Just seems too many to be coincidence... and yet...right back to the station, I've got some serious organizing to do.

Parker: Yep, in about an hour would be great. No, I'll prep everyone before you arrive so that no-one will be too shocked. Yes, errr... no, probably a no to you bringing your...errr... equipment. Hmm. Yep, Ok. Good.

Parker: Right, that's done. One expert organized.

An hour later...

Townie: Look, all I'm saying is before everyone panics let's just listen to the detective and make an informed decision.
Detective Parker: *Clears throat*

Parker: Right. Thank you everyone for attending this Public Information session on the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii ...
Heckler: What the heck is a Laganaphyllis Simnovorii when it's at home?
Parker: A Cow Plant. *Cough* As I was saying...We know they can be leathal. HOWEVER... *crowd settles down* with careful handling and the correct special diet they remain docile and quite harmless. Our goal tonight is to answer your questions and to assure you that we have the only known specimen here at the Police Station literally under lock and key.

Parker: Our special guest is ...well a specialist in this field of research and in the err... resulting deaths. He is a rather eccentric persona so please do not be alarmed as tonight he is here in his capacity as a Cow Pant specialist. Please welcome...

Parker: Mr Grim Reaper.
Grim: Nice intro Parker.
Parker: Thanks. The floors yours.
Grim: Umm... could I just sit instead? Lying down makes me sleepy.

Grim: Right... *clears throat*

Grim: Just a few rules to help this Information Session along. Please raise your hand if you have a question and do not call out or interrupt. Common curtesy goes a long way to ensuring a pleasant learning environment and we are all here to learn today.

Grim: Now, the Cow Plant is one of THE best creations created. It's AWESOME! I get so much business out of this plant that at one time I actually was considering starting up a Cow Plant hothouse and supplying every new born nooboo with their own little cutsiy itisy bitsy baby Cow Plant. However, once my accountant looked into it he soon discovered that the taxes were an obstacle to wealth.

Grim: Probably the Cow Plant's most outstanding feature is its.... Oh! Sorry, my phone, my bad. I forgot to put it on silent. Wait a minute.

Grim: Right, where was I?
Townie: Telling us it's most outstanding feature.
Heckler: I don't see how this is helpful actually.
Townie: Shhhhhh

Grim: Right.... it's most outstanding feature is it's ability to become a loving household pet as long as you... One: feed it as soon as the cake is produced. And Two: Remember to never let a hungry sim into your home when the cake is out and for some reason you haven't got around to feeding it yet.

Grim: Right, because if you do that... you'll be getting another kind of visit from me. Hahahahhhaaaa ha *cough*

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Offline Playalot

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #78 on: October 11, 2015, 01:38:56 AM »
Chapter 23

Kurt: So how long am I going to be kept in here?
Parker: Until I get to the truth of all these deaths.
Kurt: But I've told you the truth!
Parker: Look on the bright side. If something else happens and you're in here then we will know that you are innocent. Right?
Kurt: That's such a ray of sunshine, that thought.

Kurt: I keep telling you Detective Parker, it wasn't me. I could never, ever do anything terrible to anyone, let alone the people I love.
Parker: You've admitted openly you have a temper and suffer from over whelming jealousy Kurt. It doesn't make for pleasant reading.
Kurt: *deep sigh* I was only being honest.

Parker: Look Kurt, I have to get right to the bottom of your life and then go back and dissect it all. It's not a quick nor easy thing to do.
Kurt: I still don't see why I can't go home to my boy.
Parker: He's being cared for. I'm keeping a close eye on him myself too.

Parker: You might as well face facts, you're going to be in here until proven innocent... or guilty. Either way Kurt.
Kurt: *Glares* I'm innocent I keep telling you that.
Parker: Then you have nothing to fear.
Kurt: I'm not afraid, I'm sad. I want to go home to my boy.

Parker: O.K. I'm not repeating myself again. Get some sleep. I'll be back in a while and we can continue our chat then.

Parker heads back to the conference room....

Parker: Thank you very much Mr Grim for sharing your expertise with us all.
Grim: You're welcome. Oo that's some handshake you got there Parker.
Parker: Opps, sorry, don't know my own strength. *snort*

Parker: Right, I appreciate that it is getting late but are there anymore questions?
Bella: Yes. I have a question. What about these reports that children are fishing up cow plant seeds from our local parks? What happens if someone takes one home and plants it not realizing what it is?

Parker: We have placed signs all through the neighborhoods, are doing a pamphlet drop tomorrow, holding education sessions in all the schools as well and all our park employees have been drilled and will be talking to people in the parks each day.
Redhead townie: See, I told you all that Detective Parker would have it all sorted. *Fluttering her eyelashes*

Elderly Townie: What I want to know is what is going to happen to the monster that killed his wife this way? It's all too shocking to cope with.
Parker: This case is still under active investigation however I will share with you that it looks as though this was a terrible and unfortunate incident.

Parker: Right, well if you will all follow me I will take you to see the plant. Umm.. Bella? Behind me please.
Townies: We still have questions.
Parker: I'll answer them as we go.

Parker: As you can see the plant is securely locked up and has four live feeds monitoring it's every move. There is always an active officer in charge of the plant and only a few officers have the key to the cage. Quite secure.
Heckler: Hmm, that's quite impressive actually.

Parker: As you can see, feeding the plant is easy and once fed it becomes quite docile.
Townie: *shudder* Rather you than me.

General Chat: Well, I certainly feel a lot safer now./ Yes, I agree.
Bella: I'm still concerned about the seeds.
Parker: *From inside the cage* We have that situation covered Mrs Goth, I can assure you. Well, that's it for today folks. Anymore concerns you all know how to get hold of me.

A little later once all the townies had been shown out and the station locked up for the night shift...

Parker: Well, Moo... that was some day.
Moo: Snuffle.

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #79 on: October 11, 2015, 03:02:02 AM »
I love Cow Plants, they look so cute! Plus you get the bonus of them geting rid of all those pesky visitors when you just want to be left alone!

@Playalot are you actively causing the deaths? Or are so many Watched Sims really that stupid? Sorry, if that's going to take the mystery out of the story, please PM me because I am honestly curious as to whether that would be breaching the rules of the challenge!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #80 on: October 11, 2015, 03:19:08 AM »
I've PM-ed you Magpie. What I'm doing isn't breaching the rules.  ;)  Link here to the rules. I have met all the requirements each time for the death of a spouse to occur. The scenes with Parker are in another file that is not part of the challenge.  :)

There are a few layers to this challenge with the toughest one probably getting to the point where you can grow a death flower because of the restrictions on the number of planters you are allowed in your game and because it is only the ghosts that can garden.  Growing a death flower involves a few grafts from a few different plants. Hard to do if you only have one or two planters. And the plants take quite some time to grow in The Sims 4. Your widower must also have the skills and ingredient to make ambrosia by the time the last spouse is a ghost and the more jealous ghosts there are in the house the more difficult it becomes to get your widower/widow to complete tasks as the mechanics of the jealous trait makes sims stop what they are doing when a sim they are romantically involved with even talks to another sim. With the ghosts on free will, and not being controlled, the chaos can be quite full on. You'll see that more later in the story.

PM me back if you have any more questions.  :)
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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #81 on: October 11, 2015, 03:38:25 AM »
Thanks for giving me a snapshot into your devious mind XD you are a genius! It is a pleasure to watch a Master at work! I knew you had all the reqs in place but I wasn't sure whether actively causing a death was cheaterish or whether you had to play more of a passive role... I love that you have 2 files for this, it shows your dedication to the rules as well as the story!

MOAR please :-D

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Offline Playalot

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #82 on: October 11, 2015, 03:43:04 AM »
It's totally cool. It hard to see what I'm doing in the background this time around as there is a lot going on that I just slip into the story without really bringing it to the reader's attention. You know... I'm kinda enjoying being a devious simmer. I can see why some people play that way now that I've stopped 'babying' my sims. lol   :)

Thanks for your comments as always Magpie.
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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #83 on: October 11, 2015, 04:16:51 AM »
You're definitely up there with the likes of @Trip for this one ;-) and if you get a chance, I would suggest you read a blog on WordPress called Light the Way to Heaven! It is one of my all time favourite ongoing sims stories and well worth the read (I hope I'm not breaking forum rules by mentioning it here since it does have some non-PG violence and language - please delete this part if it is in violation)

I know I keep saying this, and I'm gonna be so bummed when this comes to an end, but MOAR please

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #84 on: October 11, 2015, 08:03:33 AM »
All I have to say is that you need to stop giving me all these new challenges to play LOL

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #85 on: October 13, 2015, 11:44:05 AM »
A public information meeting with Grim speaking..Neat. Who else would be a specialist in something that could kill a sim haha

I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #86 on: October 13, 2015, 10:29:05 PM »
I'm interested to see if he will get a happy ending or not. I adore Grim in your stories!

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #87 on: October 15, 2015, 01:38:06 PM »
Brought here after I got mentioned...what bothers me a lot about other "black widow" storylines is that the police don't seem to care at all. At least Kurt is viewed with (let's be real, justified) suspicion.
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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #88 on: October 17, 2015, 12:18:37 PM »
@Trip yeah sorry about that *so not sorry* but you have to admit it was a good thing right :-D
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: A Black Widower Tale
« Reply #89 on: October 20, 2015, 02:54:13 AM »
Thanks for all your comments as always everyone. Just letting you know I'm having a short break from playing The Sims just now. I'll be back soon to continue the story. :)
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