Author Topic: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.04 Round 2, Part 1 (6/2/24)  (Read 19026 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.03.5 Rose Ceremony #1 (5/31/24)
« Reply #240 on: May 31, 2024, 11:37:37 PM »
I loved learning Ivy's impressions of each bachelor in a little more detail.
All six bachelors look so dashing in their formal wear.  How will Ivy ever choose just one!
(LOl, I'm suddenly reminded of the opening theme of "The Highlander" TV show: There can be only one!)

Back to Ivy, couldn't each Rose Ceremony get its own mini-update?
That would be such a treat for your readers as well as a break from all the micro-managing for you, Watcher. :D

Congrats to the five remaining bachelors.
Nathan was quite gracious about being eliminated.  Where does he live now? In Willow Creek?
Great update! (Sorry, Zyaire, but I really, really like Andrew, too!)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.03.5 Rose Ceremony #1 (5/31/24)
« Reply #241 on: June 01, 2024, 12:03:11 AM »
I loved learning Ivy's impressions of each bachelor in a little more detail.
All six bachelors look so dashing in their formal wear.  How will Ivy ever choose just one!
(LOl, I'm suddenly reminded of the opening theme of "The Highlander" TV show: There can be only one!)

Back to Ivy, couldn't each Rose Ceremony get its own mini-update?
That would be such a treat for your readers as well as a break from all the micro-managing for you, Watcher. :D

Congrats to the five remaining bachelors.
Nathan was quite gracious about being eliminated.  Where does he live now? In Willow Creek?
Great update! (Sorry, Zyaire, but I really, really like Andrew, too!)

The next couple of Rose Ceremonies will get their own min-update - after that, we'll see - with fewer bachelors remaining there won't be as many screenshots to include, both in the Rose Ceremony and in the actual posts - so it might flow better to include them in the regular posts. But going from 5 to 4 and 4 to 3  - those at least I plan to have in mini updates.

Nathan is in Newcrest.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.03.5 Rose Ceremony #1 (5/31/24)
« Reply #242 on: June 01, 2024, 11:46:03 AM »
Aw - called it! Nathan was hardly ever a serious option but it's nice that they can be friends. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how Ivy moves on at the end with all 5 hopefuls still in her Simverse. It could be entertaining!

I really enjoyed the Rose ceremony. I might, just might, be taking notes!!!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.03.5 Rose Ceremony #1 (5/31/24)
« Reply #243 on: June 01, 2024, 12:30:23 PM »
Aw - called it! Nathan was hardly ever a serious option but it's nice that they can be friends. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how Ivy moves on at the end with all 5 hopefuls still in her Simverse. It could be entertaining!

I really enjoyed the Rose ceremony. I might, just might, be taking notes!!!

Yes, I was expecting Nathan to be a strong contender, but it just didn't go that way. It wasn't hard to see him leave, but I think it will get more difficult to move guys out as we go on . . . knowing they'll be in the simverse and offspring may yet find their way into the family gives me hope for all of them.

One thing about the Rose Ceremony - at this early stage, the "Offer Rose" interaction isn't available, so I used "Give Romantic Gift" and that gift was a rose she had in inventory. I didn't expect them to give a gift a back, but they all did, and I liked the dynamic of that - in each case, what they gave back was a rose, but then they still had the rose she gave them in their inventory. I thought the interaction would cause her to give them a box, but was pleased to see she actually handed them a single rose.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.04 Round 2, Part 1 (6/2/24)
« Reply #244 on: June 02, 2024, 05:53:51 PM »
5.04 Round 2, Part 1

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Ivy and the bachelors spent a day in the Game Room. Ivy played a game with each of the bachelors (randomly assigned and in random order). All other interactions were autonomous. Ivy won some games and lost some games and got to know our bachelors a little bit better. That was followed by 1:1 dates with each of the bachelors. The date activities and locations, as well as their order, were randomly assigned. By the end of the round, most of the scores were fairly close, but one bachelor lagged behind the others and wasn't able to make up the deficit. In the first Rose Ceremony, Nathan Beck left the mansion and moved to Newcrest, returning to his career as a doctor.

Ivy: After returning from my date with Nathan, I went to get leftovers from the fridge and sat in the dining room to eat. Tyler was already there, and Zyaire joined soon after. I don’t know why I flirted with Zyaire right in front of Tyler, but I suddenly found myself Impressing him with my Video Game Prowess. He responded by talking of Marriage, and Tyler responded by adding the Jealous trait. I guess it was inevitable that it would eventually happen with someone. I wonder if he’ll be the only one?

At the Rose Ceremony we said goodbye to Nathan. We arrived at the Via Romanza Rec Center around 10 am, giving us plenty of time for the day’s activities and flirties. This would be a fun and relaxing day. Or so I thought.

Ivy: My first activity was a Don’t Wake the Llama rematch with Zyaire. This was my chance to even the score. But, it didn’t turn out that way. Still, it was fun. And Zyaire is a good sport. After what happened with Tyler, I decided to keep the activities just friendly, and then once they were done I could pay more attention to who was in the room when I acted on my flirties - I wanted to try to catch each guy alone to prevent more jealousy.

Ivy: My second activity was to play cards with Andrew. I moved to a different table while Watcher called him over. But before we could even get started, Zyaire sat down at the table, talking to me.

Watcher canceled Zyaire’s action, but he just pulled out cards and joined our game! He was grinning the whole time, and I couldn’t get mad at him. Watcher canceled him again and sent him off to practice yoga.

Ivy: My next activity was Sabacc with Henry. Watcher called him in from another room, but while he was changing the game to Sabacc, I queued up an autonomous Kiss with Chris, who had been dancing nearby but just left the room. I caught up to him just before he went upstairs.

Ivy: I’m not very good at Sabacc either I guess, because I lost again. It’s too bad Watcher missed the shot of Henry raking in all the chips.

Ivy: Next was my only activity away from the game tables - the sauna with Chris. I considered doing my flirties with him then and there since we were the only ones in the sauna, but decided to stick to my original plan since doing them now would put them out of their intended random order. Looking back, I wish I’d made a different decision, because this one just led to more jealousy.

Ivy: My last activity was to make a puzzle with Tyler. It was convenient that he was last, because for flirties, he was first. But, look who was hanging around keeping an eye on us. I wanted to flirt without any of the other guys seeing it if possible, but there always seemed to be one right there in the room. This could be tricky.

Ivy: Just as we finished the puzzle, Zyaire left the room. Perfect! I could Flirt with Tyler and Blow a Kiss to him in relative safety. He got up rather abruptly after that, but then I realized he was hungry and wanted to Grab a Plate of something someone had grilled.

Ivy: Luck was with me, because just then, Andrew came and sat down. It was lucky because he was next in line for flirties. I flirted with him and Blew him a Kiss, and just then, he discovered that he likes flirtation, and I discovered that I’m a Romantic. Hmmmm . . . will this new trait of mine be helpful or harmful . . . . ?

Ivy: Zyaire was next on my list. I found him upstairs. He wasn’t alone in the room, but none of the other bachelors were there, so I queued up my Flirt and Blow a Kiss actions. And he walked away and went downstairs! I followed him to the dining room, which was full of Sims. He started talking to them and ignored my attempts to flirt with him. I called on Watcher for help and she directed us to another room, but again he ignored my attempts to flirt and went back to the dining room!

Ivy: I temporarily gave up on Zyaire because we were running out of time and Chris was in a nearby room alone. So I decided to flirt with him first even though it was out of order. I should have just flirted with Chris in the sauna. When I went into the room to flirt with Chris, I had to wait a bit while he played his video game. And then, for reasons unknown to me, I went back into the dining room, which was thankfully empty by then, and Flirted and Blew a Kiss over a half wall and through the back of the desk! Not sure how that worked, but it disrupted his gaming and caused him to queue up a Dancing action. And I queued an autonomous Kiss with Zyaire. I went to kiss Zyaire, and found him near the stereo that Chris was heading for, but Chris came in, saw us kissing and just started dancing. He wasn’t bothered by it at all. What a relief!

Ivy: Zyaire went off for a Disco Nap, so I went out to the grill where Henry was cleaning up dirty plates and Flirted and Blew a Kiss at him. But this interrupted his cleaning up, and he was too uncomfortable with the dirty food plates for any follow-up. I helped him clean up the dirty plates and then went looking for Zyaire.

Ivy: Zyaire was just waking up from his nap in the room adjacent to where Chris was dancing. I thought we’d be fine there since Chris had his back to us, but he turned just as I was Blowing a Kiss at Zyaire, and this gave him the Jealous trait! I’m not sure why us actually kissing didn’t make him jealous but me blowing a kiss from a few feet away did. Maybe it was too much too fast. So now we have two Jealous bachelors. And it was time to go home. Frankly, I was exhausted and just wanted a nice long soak in the tub.

When we got home I decided to invite all the bachelors and Anna to the Sandoval Club. Rallying the Troops would be so much easier than constantly casting CopyPasto on Potions of Plentiful Needs and making sure everyone drank them when they needed to. Then we spent three hours welcoming each other to the Club. I thought I should just let that happen now so it wouldn’t keep interrupting us later. By the time everyone started heading inside, the sun was up and it was nearly time to start the new day’s activities. So much for my long, hot soak, but at least we could Rally the Troops!

Ivy: I stopped to get the mail on the way in, and Zyaire came back down from where he was playing piano and back outside to Kiss me. It surprised me, and I quickly looked around and was glad to see that no one else was still outside. Watcher must have sent them all off to take showers and get ready for the day.

Ivy: Watcher locked us all in the Arts and Music Room at 8 am, with the promise to unlock the door for each of us as soon as we completed an autonomous Creative Activity. There were no Watcher-directed actions allowed. I kicked it off by singing. Well, it appeared at first to just be singing, but actually, I was Serenading Zyaire. I’m not sure that was smart in such a small room with everyone there. I wonder if Watcher would have stopped me if she’d realized I wasn’t just singing.

Ivy: Chris was the first to pick up a guitar, followed by Andrew. They were both new to the guitar, so they didn’t sound great.

Ivy: But when Zyaire came over to Kiss me on the cheek after the Serenade, I was glad their backs were turned. Tyler was painting by then, and Henry was rocking, so their backs were to us as well. Jealousy averted for the moment!

Ivy: The door was unlocked for Chris and Andrew as soon as they finished their guitar playing, but they didn’t leave. Instead Chris started a Cross-Stitch and Andrew sat at the Pipe Organ. I thought Zyaire was going to play guitar, but he chose singing instead. Was he trying to support the impression that what I did was just singing as well?

Ivy: I thought Henry would pick up a Cross-stitch from the basket near his rocker, but instead he went and picked up a guitar. He didn’t have any previous guitar experience either, but by then we were all used to the sounds of beginning guitarists.

Ivy: As soon as Henry got up, Zyaire took the rocker and just kept looking at me. I pretended like I didn’t notice, but he just didn’t stop. I hope no one else noticed.

Ivy: By this time the room was unlocked for everyone. Andrew was the first to leave to go work out. Then Henry and Zyaire went out. Tyler, Chris and I chatted a bit longer while Chris worked on a Cross-stitch, and then we all went to get ready for the Romance Festival.

Ivy: Romance Festival, here we come!
(L to R: Henry Banwell, Tyler Larkin, Ivy Sandoval, Andrew Cruz, Zyaire Mistura, Christopher Steel)

Watcher's Note:
There was a request to add Traits and Likes/Dislikes to each post for easy reference, so I've added that in the spoiler below.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.03.5 Rose Ceremony #1 (5/31/24)
« Reply #245 on: June 02, 2024, 06:51:15 PM »
Another fantastic update, Watcher!

Ooooh, the bachelors are self-discover the Jealous trait!  What pandemonium!
I giggled at how Ivy became about trying to do her flirties with each bachelor without the others witnessing it.  Very sneaky.
Ivy's gonna need her own "Flirt Room" with a lockable door where she can take her bachelors one at a time for the flirties, lol.
Can't wait to see how the Jealous trait plays out in future activities.

I literally laughed out loud at what a trouble-maker Zyaire has become.

The bachelors' persistent love of cross-stitching amazes me. Henry looks great playing the guitar!
Lucky Henry! He's maxed out for self-discovery so will never get the Jealous trait. 
How sad that the dirty dishes made him too uncomfortable to enjoy flirting with Ivy.  What a sensitive, nice guy! And he's such a cutie, too!

The game is so weird! Chris is too "at one with gaming" to let Ivy flirt with him, until she goes to the next room and does her flirties through a wall.
That really got his attention, I guess.

I'm curious whether Chris's Great Kisser trait  makes sims around him more attracted to him or if the trait mainly functions to boost Chris's Charisma whenever he kisses.
(Ivy does seem to enjoy kissing Chris.) Speaking of kissing, Chris is SUCH a gentleman!
He gets alone time with Ivy in the sauna but doesn't initiate any hanky-panky? Get that sim a halo!

Eagerly anticipating the gang's visit to the Romance Festival and more.

Also, thanks so much for adding each sim's traits and preferences. I really enjoyed reading through them.
May we assume that only traits/preferences to the right of a "+" sign were acquired after arriving at Ivy's challenge?
Wait, what? Nobody "Likes Cross-Stitch"?