Author Topic: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Departure (Complete)  (Read 104926 times)

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 74: Ia Accomplishes Things
« Reply #360 on: July 08, 2014, 09:17:03 AM »
OH, I have and idea for another dynasty, well a legacy actually. So, Raven the Raven is always ragging on how boring immortality is, but what if he was turned into a human? Raven the Human could give mortality a try, as a human! It could be his legacy ;D

That sounds like a very fun idea! I've never done a legacy.

The Sheos!  It's the Sheos again!  *does happy dance* Ahem... sorry, got excited.  It's great to see them again, though I can't believe how close you are!  It's fantastic and sad at the same time.  You've worked so hard, but I'll be very sad to see them go :(

Thank you! I can't believe how far I've made it!

Hysteria's Birthday

It was finally time for my birthday. Which is nice, because Ron has already aged to young adult.
Yeah, about that, Hyst, why do we have to date him? He's boring. Bright green eyes aren't the same as pink or purple or red or yellow eyes.
Stop being mean, Teri. He's my boyfriend and I think he's awesome. Besides, he has bright blue-green eyes. Kind of sea-foamy. Shouldn't that be interesting enough for you?

Raven (the Raven): The whole family gathered for Hyst's birthday. Well, aside from Demi. She had to go to work and couldn't stay. It's weird, a whole room full of sims arguing with themselves.
I love my family. They are all so nice and fun.

It's great having everyone around to cheer while I have my birthday! Though it's probably not so great that it means everyone will get to see whatever awful stuff I age up into. I don't like that all.

Maybe I'll wish to age up into nice clothes.
Really, Hyst? That would be a waste. Why don't I wish to meet someone with pretty eyes? That'll be more fun.

Look what you did, Teri! I forgot to wish for anything. You are mean.
Raven (the Raven): Maybe I should figure out a way to label which of them is talking? That might make things simpler for me. And other people. But mostly me.

This hair will not leave me alone! I must go and fix it. And also find some nice black clothes, because this is not at all what I like to wear.

Now to pose for statues! My great-granny Nightmare is a very good sculptor. She likes to use the chainsaw to sculpt. I don't know how safe that is, though. I love my new clothes. Also my new, futuristic hair!

Hmm, maybe I should clean myself. Cleanliness is important.
Raven (the Raven): Another thing about insane sims. They act like cats, dogs, and horses. At least they don't do it often. But it's weird!

I have much better fashion than Hyst. So I will pose for our sculpture as well and mine will be better! And so I will go in the museum and not her.
Teri, that's your everyday clothes. They don't look like everyday clothes.
And your formal clothes don't look formal, Hyst. So stop arguing. Whoever gets a better sculpture will go in the museum.

Same for the painting. I'm sure I'll win both. Because I look better than Hyst.
We're the exact same person! You just have different clothes.
And mine are much better, therefore I look better.

I invited Ron over so we could visit now that we are both grown up! He's very nice. Well, I don't really know that much about him even though we've been friends a long time. I think he's family oriented though. I'm very sleepy though. Maybe I should not stay up all the time.

Moodlet managers: very handy for when you want to be awake. This is Ia, by the way. Teri and Hyst are gone for the time being. They were too sleepy and so now I'm in control. And who is this person dressed up as a robot? Hyst's boyfriend?

Not for long. I refuse to date anyone that I do not want to date. Whatever Hyst and Teri think, that's their problem. I'm breaking up with Ron.

Raven (the Raven): I think you upset him.
That was the idea. There are better people out there than Ron the babysitter whose last name no one remembers. And I'm going to find one of them.

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 75: Hysteria's Birthday
« Reply #361 on: July 08, 2014, 03:01:39 PM »
I like Ia's taste! Well, if she's really aligned with what I want her to do, that is. ;) We'll see what side of her wins.

And wow, I love her new wardrobe.
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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 75: Hysteria's Birthday
« Reply #362 on: July 08, 2014, 03:41:56 PM »
I've been slowly catching up on everybody's stories and just have to say this one has kept me very entertained!  In particular, the hair and clothing!  You have quite an imagination and sense of style.  Not at all anything I would ever do, (I'm a 75 yr old stick in the mud), but maybe that's why I'm loving it so much.  I love the rebellious teen agers as well having just experienced one who is now a YA in rl.  It will be sad when it all over but congratulations for all you've done!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 75: Hysteria's Birthday
« Reply #363 on: July 08, 2014, 03:54:00 PM »
Is that robot costume from ITF?

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 75: Hysteria's Birthday
« Reply #364 on: July 08, 2014, 04:04:59 PM »
LOL!  Oh my, the fight about which personality's piece gets put in the museum was great!  It was a much needed laugh after today.

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 75: Hysteria's Birthday
« Reply #365 on: July 09, 2014, 07:45:58 AM »
I like Ia's taste! Well, if she's really aligned with what I want her to do, that is. ;) We'll see what side of her wins.
And wow, I love her new wardrobe.

Thanks! Quite soon we shall see what decision Hysteria comes to.

I've been slowly catching up on everybody's stories and just have to say this one has kept me very entertained!  In particular, the hair and clothing!  You have quite an imagination and sense of style.  Not at all anything I would ever do, (I'm a 75 yr old stick in the mud), but maybe that's why I'm loving it so much.

Thank you! Their clothes do tend to be extremely bright and a bit odd, so I am quite happy that they are entertaining.

Is that robot costume from ITF?

I think it probably is, I'd never seen it before he suddenly decided to wear it. It was quite unexpected!

LOL!  Oh my, the fight about which personality's piece gets put in the museum was great!  It was a much needed laugh after today.

I am happy to have been of help. :)

Naomi Passes On

Now that I'm an adult, I can repair as much stuff as I want! Though I've almost mastered handiness and only need to do about eight unique upgrades to finish all that. That's what Ia says, anyway. She pays the most attention to what we are supposed to be doing and since I don't want to let everyone down, I listen to her.

Although right now, Ia and I are not on the best terms. She broke up with my boyfriend! And didn't even bother to tell me. Now he's mad at me, because he doesn't seem to understand that there is a difference between Ia and I. Maybe he wasn't the best choice if he doesn't understand me at all. I'm making my sink-nemesis unbreakable! Now I shall no longer have to repair it.

My dad decided to invite a bunch of supernaturals that the family knows over. Then cured them all. Mostly werewolves, I guess because they seem to be even more immortal than our own family immortal.

This is Jacques Lancaster. He's my great-granny Chaotic's half-brother, so we're related in a really distant way. Now that he is no longer a werewolf, maybe Chaotic will outlive her last sibling. That seems kind of sad to me. I'm happy that I'm close to the end. I can't imagine being immortal for so long.

Yeah, be quiet Hyst. I'm way more interesting than you. Hey, Teri here. I've been working on upgrading things around the house. Soon there will be no more breaking! That is going to be so nice. I won't have to get up in the middle of the night to fix broken sinks anymore.

That's Kinslee Hudson. I think is how you spell her name. She's known great-granny Nightmare forever. They work together at the criminal place. She got cured of her werewolf-ness when she came over to visit because my dad was still throwing potent cures at every supernatural out front.

This random paparazzi vampire also got cured. I guess he had a lot of potent cures and nothing to do with them. I should probably get some potent friendships from my dad at some point. Having to actually go and spend time socializing with six people sounds way too time consuming for me.

Well, I got the statue anyway. Apparently Hyst had the more valuable painting though. How is that more valuable? She's only half in it! I had a much nicer picture. Since when did anyone care about the value of our museum pieces, anyway? Most of them aren't even brilliant.

I may not go one about how I love my family, like Hyst. But I do. I love my mum and dad. They're really nice. I think they like me best, out of the three of us. Although now I think of it, they may be totally unaware that I'm also Hyst and Ia.

My mother never got to spend a lot of time with me, though she did when she could. She wasn't the most interesting person, but she did have lovely red eyes. I wish I'd inherited those. Hyst doesn't care, but I think Ia agrees. Then again, she thinks we have a boring face and said she would get plastic surgery if it were allowed.

Anyway, the time finally came for my mother to leave us. She was ninety-six. It was sad. I didn't think she's ever go. I guess that was silly, though.

My dad was really upset too. He's known Naomi for a really, really long time, so I guess that made it even sadder.

I was upgrading stuff and I didn't get to morn my mother. Mean Ia. She promptly bought herself a stone hearted thing. I guess she doesn't have time for grieving. But I do. And so does Hyst and my dad.

My dad didn't want Naomi to leave and immediately wanted to resurrect her. But he knows we aren't allowed to do that. Maybe if we manage to get all the way through, to finish this immortality thing, my mum can come back.

She didn't seem to mind seeing Mr. Reaper though.
Raven (the Raven): Yeah, I think her exact words were "What took you so long? I've been waiting. You've been holding up the whole immortal dynasty, so let's get going."

My dad took her tombstone to the cemetery and put it next to my granny Angela's. I'm going to miss my mother. But I need to focus on the immortality stuff. Plus, I looked on the online dating site. There is no one in this town with interesting eyes.
Raven (the Raven): You do realize not everyone in town is on there?
Really? Do I have to go and actually met people? But then Ia might just break up with anyone I meet anyway. She's mean. Hyst and I agree on that.

I'm at least getting somewhere with all these upgrades. After I master handiness, I'm joining the army. That's my goal. I want to serve my country. And mostly be an astronaut and get to go in space.

Kinslee invited my dad on a date the day after my mother died. It was a bit odd, I think. Then again, maybe great-granny Nightmare's evilness has rubbed off on her. And I guess she kind of thought that Nightmare should have introduced her to my dad back when he was supposed to get married. Apparently Nightmare forgot she was still alive even though they are best friends. So, complicated-yet-simple reason as to why Kinslee is not my mother.

I finally got a handiness commission-thing. Mr. Claremont asked me to upgrade his stereo and said he'd pay me. So obviously, I'm going to do that. His daughter Tabbi is still around, she's a werewolf. Maybe I should invite her over so my dad can cure her too.

Okay, what has Hyst been eating? Because I certainly don't eat food that's gone bad.
I would never do that, Teri! It must have been Ia. She's weird. Hey, I'm in control again! That's fun. Yeah, Ia causes lots of trouble. I bet she ate some of that old spaghetti that was in the fridge.

My great-granny Chaotic has been practicing magic again. And unfortunately, she's been ice blasting all the toilets in the house. And I'm the only one who can fix them! I wish she would stop. It's inconsiderate.

Wait a moment... Teri! What did you do?
Why are you talking to me? I did nothing! Well, I did want to break up with Ron. Wait, did you go and apologize to him and make up while I was gone?
No. That's why I'm asking you. Did you go find a colorful-eyed boyfriend while I was gone?
Ia. I blame Ia. Why does she refuse to talk over important life decisions with us? We are the same person, we should discuss things like this!
Yes. Yes, we should. And after we tell dad, let's have a good talk with Ia.

Raven (the Raven): For whatever reason, Obe decided to wander into the room while Hyst and Teri were arguing. He's totally happy for his daughter. Who he probably doesn't realize has three personalities. Maybe there's some way to make them into one? I don't know. I'm going to think on it. Until next time.

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 76: Naomi Passes On
« Reply #366 on: July 09, 2014, 08:03:26 AM »
That sneaky Ia! Making a nooboo behind everyone's back.

I didn't know you still had original townies that weren't Morgan hanging around.
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Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 76: Naomi Passes On
« Reply #367 on: July 09, 2014, 08:13:16 AM »
I think Tabbi and Kinslee, along with Jacques and Jaoquin Lancaster are it now, aside from Morgan. Jaycen Hendrix was a vampire and stuck around a long time, but was rude enough to die before Dementia could marry him. I'm rather sad now I didn't think to cure some of the others earlier, I probably could have had most of the heirs marry an original townie if I had. You have given me an immense fondness for original townies. :)

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 76: Naomi Passes On
« Reply #368 on: July 09, 2014, 02:14:23 PM »
LOL!  Wow, talk about a shock... pregnant and have no idea with who XD  *Ricki Ricardo voice* Ia's got some 'splainin' t' do!

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 76: Naomi Passes On
« Reply #369 on: July 10, 2014, 11:00:48 PM »
That was probably not one of Hyst and Teri's best days. :) Quite surprising for them.

Ia's Boyfriend

So, this is Ia. Apparently I'm supposed to contribute more to this whole document thing. One minute Teri and Hyst want me to help and do all the dynasty stuff, the next they say I shouldn't be involved. That's why I always just try to do my best. I'm a genius, I should be able to figure this out! But apparently I managed to upset both of them. It started the other day.

While my father was curing supernaturals, Morgan Claremont came over to visit. Since I had some left over elixirs, I decided to help out and turn him into a witch. After all, being a witch is fun. You can... do magic or something. I don't really know even though I am one.

For some reason I do not understand, we suddenly decided that we liked each other. It was very strange and mysterious. I don't really trust that kind of thing.

But on the other hand, Morgan is way better than Ron the babysitter. He's very nice. Hyst and Teri don't like him all the much, but they are just mean to werewolves. And he's not even a werewolf anymore. So they really shouldn't have a problem with him.

Although Hyst may not be over me breaking up with her boyfriend yet. Ah well. I like Morgan. It'll take Hyst and Teri far too long to ever agree on anything. That's why they need me.

So today I told Hyst and Teri that they could meet my boyfriend. Provided they aren't rude to him. Luckily, they know better than to upset me.

Oh, look! That paparazzi with bright pink eyes who stays near our house came over here! Can we talk to her? Please?
No. We are not here to talk to the paparazzi, Teri.

Hyst talking. Wait, the werewolf guy who taught us how to drive? Really?
Raven (the Raven): Yep. Him. Because let's be honest, as soon as Obe started working at the business place and it turned out Morgan was still around, this was what was going to happen. Angela and Naomi hadn't even moved in yet. So not a surprise.
It is to me and Teri.

Raven (the Raven): Well, apparently only Ia is the genius of you three. You do not share your traits evenly, Hysteria. I'm going to come up with a way to make you into one person or I will lose my mind.

Whatever you want to do, Raven the raven. Teri and Hyst can do what they like too. I'm happy. And I'm stone-hearted.
Raven (the Raven): You realize that only affects tragedies?
Oh yeah. I have that reward thing. I forgot about that.

Raven (the Raven): Okay... on a happier, slightly less insane note, Chaotic has been changing the unbreakable appliances into self-cleaning ones so she can ice blast them. For some reason, she started using magic a lot lately. It's been quite a while.

Also Parry has been cooking a bunch recently. The fridge ran out of food again. They lost the special fridge when it had a weird issue and no one could open it. I don't know why that was. I can't move at all. 

I just wanted to fix the computer. Now I'm going to have to think about wanting to fix it until I get back. That's going to haunt me. Great, I'm getting more like Hyst all the time.
Ia, be quiet and let's go to the hospital.

Raven (the Raven): So Hysteria went off to the hospital. Obe didn't really seem all that alarmed. But then again, he was in the middle of working from home. It's pretty much all he ever does, aside from sleep and go to work. He was boring before, but now... well, I'd almost rather be stuck with Hysteria.

This is my son! We argued a while, but finally decided on a name for him. Teri wanted to call him 'Phobia', but that would just be strange and he'd need a nickname like great-grandpa Parry. Ia wanted to call him 'Fear'. That would also be strange. So I came up with a great intermediate decision!

This is little Phobos. Nicknamed Fear, because Ia wouldn't agree otherwise. She wanted our family names to go together. I guess it already bothers her than 'Chaotic' doesn't quite fit. She would like it if we were Nightmare, Chaos, Paranoia, Mania, Dementia, Obsession, Hysteria, and Fear.

Chaotic and Phobos mean practically the same things, though, right? So Ia should be content. At least I have gotten over her breaking up with Ron. He didn't really understand us, anyway. I don't think Morgan does either. We should really find a fellow insane person.

Raven (the Raven): As far as I can tell, Kinslee Hudson is determined to outlast even this immortal dynasty thing. I ought to go tell her that immortality is overrated and boring. I should know. I'm immortal and I didn't even get a choice.

Well, things are back to normal around my home. I finally got to join the military! So I've been working at getting fitter. 

This is one of those calm times where there really isn't much to talk about. I wonder what Phobos will look like when he gets older? He is very precious.
Hyst, I'm surprised that you are not family oriented.
Leave me alone, Ia. I'm just being happy, like you. Only I'm nice.

Raven (the Raven): Maybe there's an alchemy elixir for this? A combine-multiple-personalities-together elixir? I kind of doubt it. But I'm going to check anyway. There must be a way to be freed from Hyst, Teri, and Ia and have just Hysteria.

Raven (the Raven): Then again... do I really want to find out what happens if you put all of them into one? Well, it would have to be less confusing at least. I miss the older immortals. Even Mania, and she rarely talked to me.

Rven (the Raven): Ah, the talking to trees. Seems so sane after Hysteria. Which I guess it technically is, because she does it since she likes plants, not because she's crazy. Weird technicality. I think she was asking the money tree what it thought about her decision to grow only death flower bushes in the planters. Well, that's it. Bye.

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 77: Ia's Boyfriend
« Reply #370 on: July 10, 2014, 11:19:15 PM »
Immortality might be overrated, but Kinslee gets to keep her youth, so she's getting the better immortality deal.

Welcome Phobos! I love his nickname too. And is that a picture of Hysteria exercising in her proper athletic gear? Madness!
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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 77: Ia's Boyfriend
« Reply #371 on: July 10, 2014, 11:21:43 PM »
lol!  Oh my.  Can't wait to see Phobos all grown up!  I love Ia, Hyst, and Teri XD  Their clashes are just so much fun!

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 77: Ia's Boyfriend
« Reply #372 on: July 11, 2014, 04:34:30 AM »
Yay for Phobos and his original townie father!

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 77: Ia's Boyfriend
« Reply #373 on: July 12, 2014, 04:22:01 PM »
Immortality might be overrated, but Kinslee gets to keep her youth, so she's getting the better immortality deal.
Welcome Phobos! I love his nickname too. And is that a picture of Hysteria exercising in her proper athletic gear? Madness!

Kinslee has definitely got it better! Wow, that is Hysteria's proper athletic clothes! I'm so used to them wearing whatever they want, whenever they want, that I didn't even notice.

lol!  Oh my.  Can't wait to see Phobos all grown up!  I love Ia, Hyst, and Teri XD  Their clashes are just so much fun!

Yay for Phobos and his original townie father!

I'm really enjoying Phobos and also looking forward to seeing him grown up!


Time for Phobos's birthday! I love birthdays. They are fun and they have cake. Although I see something that looks like Mr. Reaper outside and that's kind of scary.
Raven (the Raven): That's Chaotic. She doesn't look like a Grim Reaper at all. But someone did abandon some cooking out there.

Raven (the Raven): I'm actually really happy about this birthday too. Because we're finally to the birthdays counting down to when these crazy people leave and I get to... I don't know. Do stuff without them. I don't know what I'll do, but it'll be nice.

It's nice you have plans, Raven the raven. Are you sure you don't want to come with us? You are a long-time family friend! We would miss you.
Raven (the Raven): That's nice, but I'm not going to miss you at all.

Why does my son look just like my mother? It's kind of strange.

But he is adorable!
Yeah, okay Hyst. But if he turns out boring like us, I'm going to be very disappointed.
Ia, you are so mean. To your own son!

Raven (the Raven): And that is his toy, Ulamog. I don't know how a toddler who doesn't even know how to talk yet can name a toy. Speaking of which, these imaginary friends have weird names. 'Ulamog', 'Kozilek', 'Emrakul'. One more I can't think of at the moment. Iona and Amaterasu are the most ordinary of the whole group.

Look how sweet Phobos is!
Raven (the Raven): Oh, look. It's me! Also Ia didn't throw out the prom picture of Hysteria and Ron. So... that was nice of her, I guess.

Raven (the Raven): After so many of them, these toddlers are boring. They all do the exact same things.
Phobos isn't boring! He's precious. I wish I could spend more time with him, but my job at the army base takes up a lot of time.

Chaotic is getting very good with her magic. I wish I could be that could! But I don't have the time to practice right now. Maybe some day. Only sometimes now she cleans the whole house when I really want to clean things. And then I can't, because they're clean.

Raven (the Raven): Oh look, it's Nightmare. And for once she's working from home instead of being evil. Well, I guess that still counts as being evil, since she's the emperor of evil and all that.

Little Phobos's toddlerhood went by so fast!
Raven (the Raven): 'Toddlerhood' is not a word. Just so you.
It should be. It's like childhood. That's a word. Anyway, it's already almost time for him to have his birthday.

Nightmare got to take him to the cake. I was supposed to go to work, but I stayed just long enough for his birthday.
Raven (the Raven): Apparently stealing all the toddlers candy has never made them dislike Nightmare. They always get along with her when they're little.

Raven (the Raven): Yay, the toddler time is over! Now on to being a child. And then a teenager and then... this is still going to take a while, isn't it? Maybe someone will get smashed by a meteor and I can get on with my life.

 It was worth having to work hard for a couple hours to make up for missing some of my work in order to be there for his birthday!
No, Hyst, it wasn't. We need to reach the top. Soon. I want to be an astronaut.
I know, I know. That's why you keep inviting our boss over and asking for promotions. I didn't even know you could do that.

I love my son, a lot! But I kind of wonder about the new look he gave himself...

Raven (the Raven): He said he didn't want to go through life with pink hair. Because green is his favorite color, not pink. Also he said something like 'Do not come between the child and his hair-dye.' So no one did.

Raven (the Raven): And about Phobos's room... it's been the bathroom. For all the previous generations. So I guess their going to have to do something about that. Right now.

Raven (the Raven): I seem to have been left to narrate this on my own. But I'm okay with that. It means more sanity! Or at least, as much as there can be when I'm talking about Phobos. You know, maybe I'll just call him Fear. That's shorter. I have no clue why he has claw-nails. Only with that outfit, none of the others.

Raven (the Raven): And apparently he also has no theme whatsoever. Well, unless 'crazy jumble of everyone else' counts. Well, he's definitely as crazy as the rest of them. At least he'll probably be more fun to spend time with than Hysteria.

Raven (the Raven): Then again... he just claimed that he's Dionysus. I guess that explains the grape pattern. Maybe he's even worse than Hysteria. Well... I'm going to find out eventually.

I don't know about the green hair, but I have decided that Phobos is adorable.
Hyst, we know. Now I, Teri, shall get a moment in the spotlight! Because I've been woefully absent from this lately.

That's my son. He has bright red eyes, so I like that a lot. Also, I'm fine with the green hair. I wanted orange and black hair, but Hyst wouldn't stand for it. She said it would be too much.

He's already getting familiar with his room in the skill building. It used to have my mother's science device, but that was sold when she died. Since no one was using it anymore.

I'm way ahead of where I need to be in my fitness for work, but I want to master it. I like exercise. It's fun. Plus, I don't really have any repairs or upgrades to do anymore.

Raven (the Raven): Hmm. He looks so peaceful.
Yes, he does. I am quite fond of him.

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Re: Sheo Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 78: Phobos
« Reply #374 on: July 12, 2014, 07:11:17 PM »
Oh my... why is Phobos dreaming of urns?  I love the green hair!  Looks great on him!