Author Topic: Mission Unannounced  (Read 11667 times)

Offline ve1ocity

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Mission Unannounced
« on: July 21, 2013, 06:59:14 AM »
Are you a fan of that never-ending night? Of vampires and spies? Of high living and low lies?

---Hi there! After a long hiatus, I'm taking a shot at a short, highly focused novella. I've only started playing with Bridgeport recently, and am in love with the original townies. This will be a text-heavy yarn as I am notoriously bad with screenshots.

Please do leave your comments. They really motivate me to keep writing!---

The Queen

She gazed down blankly at the chess pieces, her long slender fingers smoothing an imaginary wrinkle on her flawless ivory skin. She was beautiful, brilliant, charming, irresistible. And she knew it. Yet the oldest and most powerful vampire of Bridgeport felt helpless as never before.

A throng of passionate youngsters were taking the city by storm. Their new fangled ideas were gaining immense popularity among her once faithful cohorts. Day by day, she felt the power that she had once swayed over the city, slipping through her very fingers, as she watched on in shock and dismay.

Who had ever heard of plasma orange juice? And who ate plasma fruit out of all things unless there was no human prey for miles around?

But no, these new breed were talking of peaceful co-existence. And it was said that the Talon girl abstained from drinking her own lover's blood, because she loved him, out of all absurd reasons.

Distressed as she was, Elvira, who knew enough of passion and love over centuries of existence, could not help but smirk at the very notion.  What was love if one had not, in the throes of passion, gently nipped the most sensitive neck and sipped in the very life blood of one's most beloved?

Obviously the Talon girl knew nothing about love. She was a fool.

But this had not prevented her steadily rising up the ranks. And what rankled deepest was the news that the husband of her most faithful subject, Morrigan, had joined their ranks.

It was time for a gathering.

Vampires were creatures of the night, and Elvira, a strict adherent to the ancient protocol, was unwilling to conduct a gathering, however much critical, at the unholy hour of dawn.

And it was not that she had no other much more savoury tasks at hand...

Elvira had long since been eyeing the name around town, Matthew Hamming, Striking up a friendship with the aloof superstar had been harder than she had anticipated. Now that she had broken through the barriers to the ultimatum of best friend terms, she sensed-with ample application of her mind reading powers-that Hammings was impatient to spend some private time with her. After all he was Hammings, the conqueror of hearts.

And she was thirsty, very thirsty.

"Hey Matthew, its me Elvira!"

"I know that of course." his warm laugh made her heart lurch, just a bit.

"Care to come over?" She felt like a teenager.

"Of course. I was dead bored."

She knew that the last statement was completely untrue and her heart beat faster. She may be centuries old, but who could deny the charms of Matthew Hammings of all people?

Thing moved as quickly as she had anticipated.

"What a quaint, gothic place, Elvira."

"Welcome to my penthouse, Matthew."

"It is as beautiful as its owner." he dared muster.

He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met, and had been somewhat taken aback at her prior insistence of sticking to the friend zone. After all, which woman would resist the famous Hamming charms?

Elvira, with centuries of experience, just knew the perfect timing better than him.

"So you have a perchance for Gothic maidens, eh Matthew?" she drew just a bit more closer.

"Indeed, 'Vira. May can call you Vira?"

Elvira giggled giddily, mindless of centuries of schooling on the fine art of seduction.

"I'm your Vira, Matthew."

It did not take long for Elvira's neat bed to be rumpled up.

And later...

"Matthew, I love you."

"I love you too, Vira."

"Aww you must have told it to all your fan girls." she pouted.

"Of course not Vira, you, you are special. I'd do anything for you."

"Ohh darling... I love you so much!"

It was the perfect moment to sidle up for a little kiss on the neck and nip just a bit deeper.

"Vira, I... I feel faint."

"Just don't mind darling. You'll get used to it and your blood is super yummy."

"Lets go back to bed, honey."

Elvira was enjoying herself so much that she felt annoyed when Morrigan called her asking to buzz her in.

"Aww Morrigan..." she groaned. "Why do you have to disturb me at the best of times?"

"Elvira," Morrigan gasped. "Do you mean to say you are dating Hamming? Matthew Hamming of all people?"

Elvira hugged her friend dizzily.

"We just started dating, darling. And" she beamed. "He has such yummy blood."

"Elvira, wow!" Morrigan rallied her friend. "You have finally fallen in love!"

The mood became much more official when Fangmann turned up.

"Where's Schlick?" he demanded.

"He said he was having a bad time with some mismatched blood. He won't be able to make it today" Elvira said through pursed lips.

"He refuses to attend a meeting!" Morrigan fumed. "How dare he?"

"We can't afford to lose him." Fangmann cautioned. "He's just playing it safe. No great danger at the moment."

"How dare he?"Morrigan repeated, her eyes blazing. "Why I, I refuse to leave Elvira despite my husband's failings."

"I wanted to ask about that." Fangmann's eyes glinted. "I hear your husband has changed side."

"No, he has not." Morrigan flamed. "He's just in no mood to take sides."

Fangmann opened his mouth, but Elvira silenced them both by raising her hand.

"We have to talk," she said in her soft, deadly voice. "And we have to remember to be honest to each other. We have only ourselves for survival."

The others nodded in unison. Neither of them could explain their devotion to her magnetic presence.

"Morrigan, tell me about your husband."

"My husband is divided, Elvira." Morrigan said sadly. "He is too proud to support the Talon girl, but he oppose you on the blood-only issue."

"And why so?" Elvira's voice was deadly. She could see Morrigan flinch ever so slightly.

"He believes it is dangerous to hunt in these times. He says that he has a dangerous job and cannot risk being noticed."

"And what is that dangerous job?" It was Fangmann this time.

"That's not required here, William." Elvira said sharply and Morrigan threw her a grateful smile. They both knew that William took his job as a defender of the law a bit too seriously.

Morrigan's smile was soon waned as Elvira asked her next question.

"And I hear you grow plasma fruit at home?"

"Yes, no, yes we do Elvira. Its... its Belisama. I'm afraid what will happen to her because Wogan hates to hunt."

"William will help you uproot them tomorrow." Elvira's words was final. "Its time Belissima learns to fend for herself."

Morrigan opened her mouth but was silenced by Elvira's soft smile.

"Morrigan, try to understand." she reasoned. "Belisama has the rare privilege of being born to two vampire parents. She will be a very powerful vampire in ages to come. It is essential to school her in the old ways. I am
her godmother, the one who gave you the permission to breed, and I insist."

Morrigan blinked back tears. She knew Elvira was right. Belisama had a very ancestry and with Elvira's patronage, had the potential of being the next vampire leader.

"The power of ancestry." Fangmann reasoned. "That's why the Talon girl has risen so much."

Elvira gritted her teeth. It was her sole weak spot. Elvira had been born a human. Turned by a powerful lover many centuries ago, her power and respect had been derived more by her beauty and hard work than by mere

Vampires breed very irregularly. They had an extremely long life span and the ancient laws had cautioned against unplanned births. To have a child, one had to get the approval of the High Vampire. The only child born within this century had been Belisama. 

Due to the lack of breeding, any vampire with vampire parentage was extremely renowned. The quick rise of popularity of Jessica Talon had been due to her mother being a vampire.

"We can do nothing for that." Elvira sighed. "What we have to do is strengthen our ranks. "Who are those who have not pledged there allegiance to the Talon girl?"

"Beau Merrick has." Morrigan said. "I intercepted him today and he refused to change. We are now enemies."

Elvira nodded approvingly. She was certain that Morrigan's husband had changed his allegiance but she knew that tackling Morrigan should be done subtly. She did not want to have both Belisama's parents rebelling against her.

"What about your husband's sister Brigit?"

"She and my husband are enemies since long ago, Elvira. We barely have contact" Morrigan replied.

"Find her and ask her to join us." Elvira ordered. "What about the Talon girl's mother?"

"As far as I know, Jessica was given to be raised with humans when she was small and has not been in contact with her mother though she is desperately trying to find her. I hear she moved to Bridgeport solely to get back in touch with her mother." Fangmann said.

"Then its your job to find her before the girl does." Elvira said and sat up straight. "And... it is time to turn the town."

Fangmann and Morrigan gasped in shock and surprise. Turning a human to a vampire was rarely done these days. Not only was there high potential to be discovered, but also to be eliminated by the much more braver humans.

"Don't be scared." Elvira's smile was queenly. "I have a solid plan."

"Tomorrow, we begin our hunt. "

Next Chapter

What will happen to the feud between the passionate Elvira and the idealistic Jessica? Who will be team Elvira's next target?

Again, looking forwards for your comments!
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Dusk upone Bridgeport
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 07:23:49 AM »
This is really interesting and well-written. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Dusk upone Bridgeport
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 08:41:20 AM »
I haven't played Bridgeport in a long time, but you've got me interested again.  This is a really captivating beginning.  I'm really looking forward to this story.
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

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Offline ve1ocity

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Re: Dusk upone Bridgeport
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2013, 04:55:51 AM »
This is really interesting and well-written. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you for your kind words Gogowars :). Hope you enjoy the next chapter:).

I haven't played Bridgeport in a long time, but you've got me interested again.  This is a really captivating beginning.  I'm really looking forward to this story.

Actually, neither had I and when I opened up a file after a long time, I was totally immersed. Hope you enjoy the next installment as well :). I'm a huge fan of your Lady Valerie!
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
Yes, its the Greek Gods! Read their antics!
The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

Offline ve1ocity

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The Warrior
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2013, 04:56:11 AM »

The Warrior

Contrary to popular belief, Jess Talon did fantasize tasting her lover's blood.

It was just that she had much higher ideals than deceive the her soulmate.

Someday, she mused, she would tell him. And then, when he begged her to feed on his warm blood, she would comply. But first and foremost, he should consent and consent without any foregoing. For that was the True Way.

The toddler Jess had been sent by an over-protective mother to be mentored by the powerful Van Gould family of Moonlight Falls. When the buzz of city life took its toll on her, she would escape to the memories of magical groves, whispering woods and misty peaks. She fondly remembered Ayden passionate love letters to a married fairy, Emelie's furtive glances as she snuck out to meet the Wolff boy and Tristan's blush as he groaned that the scent of Bailey Swaine's blood drew him crazy.

She marveled how so many supernaturals could have lived together peacefully (the name calling between the Van Goulds and Wolffs didn't really count), while the vampires of Bridgeport were constantly at each others throats.

Of course, things had changed at Moonlight Falls. That was what had brought her back to Bridgeport in the first place.

Tristan had been struck by the 'craze'. 

The Van Goulds fed on plasma fruit, with the luxury of animal blood on special occasions. But Tristan, after a visit to Bridgeport, had come back with queer notions of feasting on human blood. Now that was totally unheard of and Tristan had gathered an enthusiastic bunch of young vampires to 'hunt' with him.

Jess had found it exciting at first. Then it started to seem meaningless, then plain disgusting. It was savage, she thought, to befriend humans merely to feed on them and later abandon them when they weakened. And with the idealistic belief of the young and headstrong, she had rebelled openly. The uproar against her was instant. There was nobody in her defense. Ayden had gone on an expedition to Egypt and Emelie had eloped with the Wollf boy.

She remembered a blurry vision of a Crumplebottom sister flying her across the countryside. She had asked to be dropped down on Bridgeport because she knew her mother was there. She remembered cuddling up into a tiny ball under the bridge to save herself from the sunlight. Finally when night fell, she had stumbled out, her lips parched with thirst and her skin rashed and red. Lost, she stumbled around, tentatively searching for a stray dog to feed.

She had been amazed when she had caught sight of the luminous red orb of plasma fruit lying on the ground. She pounced upon it and bit in greedily.

Only afterwards did she realize that she was being watched. She braced herself, preparing for a potential attack.

"A new vampire." The man in the shadows said quietly. "And a born one, not a turned one."

He was a vampire too, she saw. And he had no idea who she was, at least for now.

"I was hungry and just saw the plasma fruit." she said awkwardly.

"It was best you did," he replied. "I just realized I had lost one and came searching for it."

"But I ate it." She felt even more awkward. She knew that the plasma fruit common in Moontlight Falls was a luxury in Bridgeport. "And I have no money to pay you back."

He laughed dryly.

"A born vampire feeding on plasma fruit when there are so many living targets?" he asked suspiciously.

"I only feed on animals and plasma fruit." she said and then clasped her mouth in horror.

"Well so do I." he replied. "But we're safer not announcing it here."

Jess surveyed him suspiciously.

"Orange plasma juice?" He asked, pulling out two bottles.

She grinned as they clinked the bottles together. Only the most 'vegetarian' of vampires could stand the taste of orange plasma juice.

A fellowship was born. Jess made fast friends with Wogan Hemlock. He found her a place to stay and a job in the military. He cautioned her against the powerful Slayer clan, including his own wife.

Those had been good days.  Jess, Wogan and another dissident, Beau Merrick hung out together, exploring the city at night, clinking glasses at the the seediest of clubs and discussing philosophy with the most obscure of humans. The Slayer clan were too busy partying at their exclusive clubs to notice the absence of the former loyalists and the presence of the newcomer.

Beau's antics with his hopelessly romantic roommates was an endearing thread of amusement.

"My, if those three girls had fangs, they would have torn each other apart!" Wogan hiccuped as Beau related his latest antic.

"Seriously, who do you prefer?" Jess asked.

"I like them all. I am a true romantic."

"Hmmph, you are a true playboy!" Wogan snorted. "Man, you don't know love."

Beau winked at Jess. "Wogan is head over heels in love with Morrigan though she stinks of her human prey."

"I can't help it. That's love." Wogan said dreamily.

"Well, I don't understand love then." Beau grinned cheekily. "What about you Jessie?"

"Never been in love." Jess replied indifferently.

At that very moment, the glum kid drawing a slow wail on his screeching guitar suddenly struck up a torrid beat. Several hipsters jumped onto the bar, reveling in the sudden change while astonished bar patrons clutched their glasses in midair.

"Its a revolution, a revolution, a revolution..." The hipsters chanted, spinning on the bartop and rallying up the now beaming barman.

And life as Jess knew it changed forever. Blinking against the neon lights she caught the eye of an energetic young men clicking his heels atop the trembling bar.

Jess knew it was love at first sight.

The following week was a blur of philosophical discussions with Joanna, the barmaid and the young man who turned out to be her assistant. Beau and Wogan yawned politely alongside, rallying her up. Finally she gripped up her courage to ask him out.

His name was Raphael Striker. He was the less renowned brother of the famous Richie Striker. However, he had a luxurious penthouse, and to her surprise, Jess found that he had been drawn to her as well.

Watching him sleep, the first night they made love, Jess felt a unexplained pang of guilt washing over her. She dared not confess being a vampire. Neither had she any intention of drawing blood from him. Of course the scent of his blood was irresistible, but well, she could control herself. What hurt her most was that their days together were numbered.

Whatsoever, she felt strangely complete. And it was this sudden change, more than anything, that prompted her to lead what would be a popular uprising against the Slayer monopoly. It was the start of a journey that had no turning back.

A dismissal of the old ways, a shout for new reforms, a plea for co-existence...

She was surprised when the reaction of the city vampires was the opposite of Moonlight Falls. They were enthusiastic to embrace her 'True Way' and dismiss Slayer's pronounced 'Old Way'.

She was not surprised that she had made many enemies. It was just worth it. In the name of love, in the name of humanity, in the name of the immortals.

All those thoughts rumbled across her head one fateful morning as as she fondly watched Raphael dig into his bread and jam.

"Jessie, I've made a big decision that will change our lives, my love." He said suddenly.

Jess felt her heart lurch. What could it be? Had he discovered her secret?

"I am quitting my job."

"Oh, " Jess said, the blood flooding back to her face.

"I'm gonna start my own bar." He said proudly and Jess felt herself paling again.

Bars were the heartbeat of all vampires. By positioning himself at the center of attention, Raphael was bound to learn her secret and worse yet, be a prime target to her enemies.

Before she could reply, both her phones rang.

"Jess," It was Beau Merrick. "I found your mother. She has joined them."

Jess groaned. It was something she had feared for a long time.

But nothing prepared her for Wogan's call on the next line.

"Jess, " Wogan was hysterical. "Morrigan has turned her first victim."

Jess felt her eyes blurr as she crashed onto the floor.

What will Jessica do to thwart the powerful uprising against her? How will she deal with her own mother joining the opposition?

As usual, all comments are highly appreciated. :)

And peeps, Team 'Vira or Team Jess?
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
Yes, its the Greek Gods! Read their antics!
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Danielle Haydis

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2013, 11:00:23 AM »
Oh, I am absolutely loving this story! I've been a vampire fan ever since I read Dracula. I love the fight between the new and the old ways.
I'm with Elvira on this one. I don't believe that vampires can't not feed on humans.

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2013, 11:18:10 AM »
I, too, have always been intrigued by the dynamics between the vampires in Bridgeport. I'm very curious to see how this turns out.

I'm personally going to have to side with Jess here. Vampires may have been the top of the food chain in the old days, but if they stick to their traditions too blindly, they might find that the hunters will become the hunted.

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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2013, 02:19:31 PM »
I love this! In a world of lame vampire stories, it is nice to see one with some real punch and lore.

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2013, 04:56:52 PM »
I'm looking forward to seeing more. As a vegetarian myself, I have to go with Jessica.
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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2013, 05:01:50 PM »
Team Jess for me.  This story is really shaping up to be very interesting.  Great update ve1ocity!  ;D
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2013, 05:45:19 AM »
I'm Team Elvira, probably because she's one of my favourite sims in Bridgeport. Can't wait for things to heat up a bit between the two groups.
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Offline ve1ocity

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2013, 12:36:11 PM »
Oh, I am absolutely loving this story! I've been a vampire fan ever since I read Dracula. I love the fight between the new and the old ways.
I'm with Elvira on this one. I don't believe that vampires can't not feed on humans.

Thank you and so happy to see you are enjoying the story! Glad to see Vira has a supporter! Lets see what happens!

I, too, have always been intrigued by the dynamics between the vampires in Bridgeport. I'm very curious to see how this turns out.

I'm personally going to have to side with Jess here. Vampires may have been the top of the food chain in the old days, but if they stick to their traditions too blindly, they might find that the hunters will become the hunted.

Absolutely loved your 'hunted will be the hunters' muse:)! Jess has a supporter! Yayy!

I love this! In a world of lame vampire stories, it is nice to see one with some real punch and lore.

That is very high praise! Thanks so much:)! Hope you'll find the next chapter engaging too!

I'm looking forward to seeing more. As a vegetarian myself, I have to go with Jessica.

You too :D? Me a fish-terian, and going to go all vegies as soon as break is over :D.

Team Jess for me.  This story is really shaping up to be very interesting.  Great update ve1ocity!  ;D

Thanks Magz :D. Glad to see Jess has so many supporters! Hope you love the next update too!

I'm Team Elvira, probably because she's one of my favourite sims in Bridgeport. Can't wait for things to heat up a bit between the two groups.

Elvira is one of my favourites too, though she's the antagonist here. It somehow makes it easier to write her:D!

So the final count...

Clan Vira  : 2
Clan Jess : 3

Lets keep the voting going :D!
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
Yes, its the Greek Gods! Read their antics!
The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

Offline ve1ocity

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The Outcasts
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2013, 01:12:14 PM »

The Outcasts

Polly opened her eyes slowly, her mind disoriented, her body numb and her head throbbed ever so gently. She could feel the warmth of sunshine on her face, the soft blankets around her and wondered where she was. The moment the memories of that terrific night came flooding in, she wished it all was just a dream.

How long ago, it had been, she had no idea. It all seemed so unreal, just like the vast, empty city all around her.

Polly had been born and bred in the remote Appaloosa Plains. Her family had lived in genteel poverty, but on
feast days her grandmother would recall how the proud Maloneys once ruled over Bridgeport.

As a young adult, Polly had returned to the city of her ancestors. The Maloney Towers still stood strong in its midst, but its glory was eclipsed by the fashionable skyscrapers towering over it.

It was not long before the harsh realities of city life slapped her in the face. She somehow managed to get a
basement apartment that her great-grandfather had probably intended for the housekeeping staff. Jobs
were even more scarce and Polly had to be satisfied with a meager income of a cash register 'specialist' at
the local grocery store.

Polly did not 'get' the city life. The people of this city, they were so superficial. She always smiled to the people she met on the street, but just one look at her shoddy dress and they'd walk past as if she was invisible.

It was almost impossible to believe that her ancestors had once reigned over this huge city.

She had been extremely lonely at first. But soon, she managed to make a small circle of friends. There was Delicia, the local maid; Buster, a shoddy wanna-be musician, Matty, one of those artsy types.

And of course, there was Harry. They had met at one of Matty's art shows and a slow but steady friendship had culminated in him asking her out. Polly was very happy with the man in her life. Harry was a member of the local city council and his co-workers and superiors were full of praise for his dedication and hardwork. 

Despite the blooming romance, Polly's daily routine was fixed. She'd wake up around nine in the morning, having stayed up throughout the night with the thriller, work at the grocery store and then window shop for some time and return to her basement apartment to curl up with a book. On weekends she'd go with Harry to see Buster or Matty at one of their 'arty' shows, or budget shop with Delicia, hoping for a thrifty deal.

That day was no different from others and Polly huddled up in bed with a good book, losing herself in the romance of 'Walls between Us'. It was a call from Delicia that woke her up.

"Polly I barely hear from you. You didn't answer any of my calls. Are you still in Bridgeport?"

Polly had only been able to pay the phone bills with her latest earnings. She braved the annoyance in Delicia's voice.

"Hey Delicia, wanna hang out? Lets go visit the summer festival. Its just a bit late though."

"Oh dang the summer festival, girl. Lets go visit some hip bar."

"Err...Harry's out of town."

"No errs and no Harry's. Its a strict girls night out. Time that I got a man in my life too."

Polly was highly apprehensive of the blaring clubs dotted all over Bridgeport. But she didn't want to lose Delicia,
and who knew, it just might be fun.

Delicia's choice was Eugi's. It was not too run-down, she said, to make them feel like tramps, nor too posh to have bouncers throw them out at first sight.

Polly gritted her teeth as she surveyed the drabness of her best coat against Delicia's city slick wear.

Barely had they set foot outside Eugi's, a handsome muscular guy approached them.

"Hey there, I've seen you somewhere." He greeted Delicia cheerfully.

"Uh huh... I happen to be the local maid." she said.

"I happen to be the local policeman." he replied cheerfully, twirling his cap around.

They seemed to click off instantly and Polly felt a wave of loneliness sweeping over her as she merged with the background.

It was dark and chilly and she wished Harry was there.

"Hi there," the soft voice nearly made her jump out of her skin.

"Has William here turned his charm on your friend and forgotten all about you?"

Polly whirled around. The man was lean and well-build. An allure of mysterious charm enveloped him and Polly wondered what he was doing at Eugi's. 

"I am Vladmir. Vladmir Schlick." he said. His smile was entrancing.

"Polly Maloney." she said awkwardly.

"What, a Maloney?" He looked surprised. 

"Err... yes my great grandfather made Maloney Towers." Polly said awkwardly. "But I had no idea anybody knew about them."

"Charles Maloney?"

Polly blinked, feeling a bit disoriented.

"Its on the towerplate of Maloney Towers." Vladmir laughed. "Hey Will, lets go in for a drink!"

Polly followed behind the group, wondering why she had never noticed a towerplate at Maloney Towers.

Delicia got giddier as the night passed.

"I think he's the one." she giggled in Polly's ear.

Polly, however, just wanted to go home. She liked William but there was something slightly eerie about Vladmir. He did not press her after he got to know that she was in a relationship, but he was constantly persuading her to have an extra drink and seemed to be an expert on her family history.

"Why Lotta was Charles girlfriend." He exclaimed when Polly said that her second name was Lotta. "Charles was quite the man for pretty women. He gave his poor wife quite a miserable time."

That was something Polly had never known! Was this man an expert on Bridgeport history or had he been stalking her?

The night seemed to drag on and Polly gave up trying to persuade Delicia to leave. Delicia simply wouldn't listen, she was so entranced with William. Polly tried to keep herself amused by sipping at the drink and trying to get Vladmir to talk about himself.

Finally, it was closing time.

"Time's up people." Margherita shouted over the din.

"Wanna come over?" William cooed to Delicia.

"Of course," Delicia giggled.

"We'll give your friend a lift." Vladmir said.

"No I can walk over." Polly replied quickly.

"Don't be silly," Vladmir laughed and placed a hand on her arm. "Lets get going."

Polly shook her head firmly.

Then everything started going terribly wrong. Vladmir nodded his head reluctantly and suddenly Polly felt nauseous as he looked directly at her.

Before she knew what was happening she found herself in the car, squashed in between Delicia and Vladmir.

"We are taking the wrong road." she exclaimed, but nobody seemed to hear her. Fatigued, she felt herself drifting off to sleep.

She woke up with a jolt to find that Vladmir was roughly helping her out.

Excperts from her favourite thrillers flashed across her mind. Where were they? Had these men kidnapped her? Were they serial killers?

Her mind fuzzy, Polly tried to disentangle herself from Vladmir's grip, only to find herself turning numb again as he turned to glare at her.

Delicia, on the other hand, was cheerfully chatting away with William, oblivious of her friend's discomfort.

They were outside a huge, decrepit house. Bright lights were shining out of all the windows, flooding the driveway.

Vladmir led her through the huge double doors.

Polly blinked in surprise, amazed at the sight before her.

They were in a huge room, lit by chandeliers full of candles. At the center was a ancient red recliner flanked by
stone seats. But most astonishing was the white stone altar in front of it, lit all over by candles. A beautiful women was sitting on the sofa, silently watching them walk in. Another woman in black pored over a crystal ball in the centre.

Vladmir led her to a stone bench and Polly felt her feet buckling as she sat down. Vladmir slipped his arm around her shoulder. William was holding hands with Delicia on the opposite seat, beaming happily.

"Good work, William." The woman in black said. "I'm glad you have decided to join us Vladmir." she added with a cursory glance at their side. "Shall we start the ceremony, my Queen?"

Leaning numbly against Vladmir, Polly saw the other woman nod. She watched, as in a dream, William leading Delicia before the lady in red. Delicia bowed down kneeling.

"Who are you, mere mortal?" The woman in red asked.

"Delicia Hoover, my lady."

"Delicia, do you wish to join Clan Slayer?"

"Of course, my Lady."

"Fangmann, draw her blood."

Polly stared numbly as William bent over and nipped Delicia on the neck. Delicia shuddered a bit but kept smiling.

"I hearby accept you to Clan Slayer, rulers of Bridgeport." The woman said ever so softly. "Fangmann, you may turn your target."

Suddenly from far away, Polly could hear her grandmother's voice. "Far yonder in Bridgeport there are creatures of the night who live by your blood and rule your minds."

Perhaps it was the memory of the voice, but Polly suddenly felt a burst of energy and pulled away from Vladmir.

"Now for the other girl's turn." She could hear the queen say.

Vladmir grabbed Polly by the wrist and dragged her over to the altar.

Far away, she could hear her grandmother telling her story.

"And a few sims were as brave enough to beg as to be turned, but there were very few so. And as it was against the ancient rules to be turned by force, the vampires dwindled and died."

"Ah a Maloney girl, how could I forget that hair! What irony!" she could hear the woman's voice. "Girl, so you wish to join Clan Slayer?"

"No," Polly screamed at the top of her lungs, gathering up all her energy.

The queen gasped and the other woman dropped the lamp she was holding.

"Vladmir!" William yelled. "Do you mean you hypnotized her to bring her here?"

"Of course not." Vladmir said sheepishly.

"Yes!" Polly screamed.

The women glanced in shock at each other.

"We can't turn her." The queen said. "Its against ancient protocol."

"But we can't let her leave." The other woman said.

"I'll take her to the turning room." Vladmir said. "She'll agree in due time."

That was all Polly remembered as she felt Vladmir's eyes boring into hers.

Polly looked around. She was all alone in a little room. She was on some weird looking bed and there were flowers and candles all around her.

It was unreal. It was like attending her own funeral.

She pinched herself. Unfortunately, it was no dream after all.

At the very moment the door open. Polly shielded herself but was pleasantly pleased to see it was Delicia.

Her pleasure ebbed off as she saw that Delicia was eerily pale.

"Polly, I'm so glad you've woken up." Delicia said.

"How are you Delicia?" Polly asked, trying to sound as if nothing was amiss.

"Not feeling too good. The queen said it was natural and that my transformation would be complete in another day."

"Transformation?" Polly turned white.

"Yes Polly, I am so excited. Please do consent soon. The queen is eagerly waiting for you to join us."

Polly stared at Delicia in horror, wondering what her chances were of escaping this this trap between what was neither life nor death.

Hi my dear readers,

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! It was pretty scary for me to write lol! And taking the screenshots was even harder, though I think I'm slightly improving.

So I have a question for you all: what Bridgeport celebrity would you like to see as a central character in the story? The only criteria is that they shouldn't be mentioned so far-even by name-in the story.

I love reading your comments, so please do comment with your constructive criticism as it keeps me going. Also do chime in your votes for Vira and Jess!


Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
Yes, its the Greek Gods! Read their antics!
The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

Offline Audren

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2013, 01:22:39 PM »
The last two screenshots don't seem to have any image links, just the tags. They look like this.


I would be curious to see Katelyn Missoni show up in some capacity, since she's one of my favourite Sims, Bridgeport or otherwise.

Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: Mission Unannounced
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2013, 01:42:49 PM »
You're missing a couple images, but I'm team Vira!

Squirt's Super Submissions
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