Author Topic: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (2/12/13 Outtakes)  (Read 95903 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (11/11/13 - Chapter 54)
« Reply #150 on: November 11, 2013, 03:35:57 AM »
Tad and China are both gorgeous. Congrats to Stone for reaching immortality! I love the shot of China sneezing out her birthday candles, hopefully no one else got her germs.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Turoskel

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 55)
« Reply #151 on: November 11, 2013, 10:52:00 AM »
Chapter 55: Let The Games Begin

China has taken up the guitar, she wishes to have golden fingers to go with her golden tongue, the rate she is learning I'm sure she will.

Tad has already mastered martial arts, as soon as school is over I'm sure he will be rushing off on vacation to take part in the tournament.

Speaking of which you guys will have to get off those tables we need them for the birthday cakes.

I'm starting to think China has a birthday cake allergy, they always make her sneeze.

Tad isn't quite the carbon copy of Trigger his father is but there is certainly a strong family resemblance.

I almost feel disappointed how easily any genetics from the Shallow side got so usurped after Grace had Stone, it will be interesting to see if Trigger's genes live on for yet another generation, but what if it's a girl? a female Trigger, now there's a thought and maybe not a good one.

Tad's discipline has rubbed off on China, I see many sparring matches in their future, and Tad wishes to travel and seek adventure, perhaps he can carry on what his great grandfather started and put Pangu's axe to use.

Speaking of his great grandfather.

"You haven't seen my clothes lying about anywhere have you?".

Tad sees bright things in his future, shame his classmates didn't agree as they voted him most likely to be mediocre, China got voted valedictorian and most likely to get married, no surprises there then.

After the ceremony we took a group picture, Teddy was outside city hall so he joined us, he's working as a paparazzi now, can you believe they make him wear a man suit, how horrible.

With graduation over Tad and China went straight off on a twelve day vacation, Tad really wants to win that tournament, China is also learning martial arts so she can help him with sparring practice.

All the people we knew in China are long gone, Tad's main opponents have all come from the Tsang family, two elderly men and one young woman.

Then the tournament officials decided to throw in a wild card.

"Stop ducking, how can I beat you if you keep ducking."

"Well that's sort of the point China."

She may have lost but she did gain a new belt, I'm sure before long she will be able to beat him.

It isn't easy though, he won 17 matches in a row before he was finally beaten by Lao Tsang.

"Don't worry I'll beat you tomorrow."

"I look forward to it young man."

"So ready for round two?".

And beat her he did, repeatedly, much to the dismay of her relative Kim Chong Tsang.

Not even half way through their trip and Tad is already rank four, by the time he comes home he will have fulfilled his dream already and just barely out of high school too, nothing mediocre about that!

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 56)
« Reply #152 on: November 11, 2013, 10:55:20 AM »
Chapter 56: The Winner Takes It All

It's the last day of the tournament and Tad has just two more opponents to beat.

"I am strong, I can do this."

First up is Kim Chong Tsang who is in fine form this morning and beats Tad in their first match despite his phone going off twice. Something he was less than pleased about.

But Tad made short work of him in their rematch.

Time for a little meditation to calm the nerves.

And after a bit of moral support from China it's time to call in the final opponent.

I guess it's fitting that it's Lao Tsang, she has been his fiercest opponent throughout the whole tournament.

"Ready for the final match?".

"May the best woman win."

With bated breath China watched the match only to see her beloved trounced by Lao.

But Tad was not going to let that stop him from trying again.

"You have been a worthy opponent Tad Broke, I hope to spar with you again someday."

"Woah! Calm down China"

"Oh Tad that was amazing!".

Finally Tad was a  true master of the martial arts, or should that be marital?

"China, will you marry me?".

Tad's a very lucky guy, for him so far life has been a breeze, he grew up with the love of his life, has fulfilled his dream already and pretty soon will only have to wait for old age to arrive so he can eat his ambrosia, here's hoping it's plain sailing for the rest of them too.

The more observant reader may notice for a level 10 martial artist Tad is in the wrong outfit which is my fault, because Tad maxed the skill as a teenager his outfit didn't update to the adult model when he aged up so they all have a detached neck, they also all had dreads as the game decided to change his hairstyle when he aged, this is one of the few I had changed it back on so I left him wearing it. I tried to not get his detached head in the shots but there might be the odd one where you can see the background through his neck.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (11/11/13 - Chapter 54 - 56)
« Reply #153 on: November 11, 2013, 11:05:25 AM »
Lao Tsang is one tough opponent. Congrats on defeating her, Tad.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (11/11/13 - Chapter 54 - 56)
« Reply #154 on: November 11, 2013, 02:13:14 PM »
China is a gorgeous Imaginary Friend made real! I've never seen one like her.
Hey-ho for Stone finishing monster-maker. Did you ever consider just buying 'Best Friends' from his happiness rewards?
Tad is wonderful and the martial arts skill suits him so well. I'm looking forward to his career coice.
Beautiful updates, Turoskel. :)

Offline Turoskel

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (11/11/13 - Chapter 54 - 56)
« Reply #155 on: November 11, 2013, 02:41:04 PM »
You know what, it never even occurred to me *smacks forehead* still he managed it in the end. I've not really used that option do they just get added to the house or do you get the release option still?

I had it all mapped out before I started, gen 1 painting, sculpting and photography, gen 2 cooking, gen 3 should have been gardening but when Stone came along it just didn't fit him at all, then Tad was going to be athletic and military with martial arts secondary but he chose martial arts.

Then after I gave him that hair as a teen I just couldn't imagine him with that military cut so I thought I'd leave it up to him to decide, within reason, and well he didn't pick military but something more ancestral and rather fittingly China picked a job that went along with it.

Plans, sims really don't care about them.  ::)


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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (11/11/13 - Chapter 54 - 56)
« Reply #156 on: November 11, 2013, 02:49:27 PM »
Do they just get added to the house or do you get the release option still?

Plans, sims really don't care about them.  ::)

This is a good question! I can't rememer off hand. It doesn't really matter, I think, as long as they move out at once. But it's worth checking out with the challenge moderators.

Hehe! Plans... I commisserate.
But you did great, and I so like much of the fluency throughout your game. :)

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Offline Turoskel

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 57)
« Reply #157 on: November 11, 2013, 03:17:35 PM »
Chapter 57: Reincarnation

"Can't you two talk somewhere else, I'm trying to sleep here" best let China get her beauty sleep, we don't want a grumpy sleep deprived Bridezilla on our hands.

Nadia just can't contain her excitement about the wedding.

Tad seems quite relaxed about it, as for China well I've never seen such a serious looking bride.

The ceremony was lovely, I even felt the presence of Puzzle in our midst, Holly was one of my daycare toddlers who chose to come in swimsuit and flippers carrying on the crazy fashion sense Puzzle started.

I still don't know who sends us these dolls but whoever they are I'd like to thank them for sending Tad his dream girl.

Trigger put in an appearance later that night, Stone couldn't wait to tell him about the wedding, his father may be dead but he has still managed to become best friends with him.

Dallas and China on the other hand are not getting on too well, I feel it may have something to do with Dallas' missing clothes, he does eventually find them again though.

Tad's portrait, photo and sculpture are all done, trying my best to stay ahead this time.

A couple of days after the wedding China had a surprise for me.

"I'm pregnant!".

"Already? that's fantastic."

Following in his grandfathers footsteps Tad has signed up with the Llamas, he came home today wearing a baseball cap, I have never seen him look so much like Trigger as he did wearing that hat, took me right back to my teenage years for a moment.

Pregnancy hormones do weird things to the ladies in this house, they make them very cuddly, but trying to hug your new father-in-law doesn't go down too well.

Thankfully that time is almost over and China's hormones can get back to normal.

It's a girl, they named her after her great grandfather, no not Zebulon but his family name, Kelly.

"There you go sweetie, don't mind Grandad he's just sleeping."

"Can't you sense it Grace?"

"You're being silly mother she's a baby how can she be evil?".

But when you've spent as long as I have around evil people you get a sort of sixth sense.

It wont make any difference in the long term, it never stopped me from loving Dallas it wont stop me from loving Kelly either.

She's like June reborn, not only is she evil she's also a light sleeper, but Grace finally manages to get her off to sleep with some gentle rocking.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (11/11/13 - Chapter 54 - 57)
« Reply #158 on: November 11, 2013, 03:43:23 PM »
Welcome, Kelly. China looks stunning in her wedding dress, and a great pose too.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (11/11/13 - Chapter 54 - 57)
« Reply #159 on: November 11, 2013, 07:42:15 PM »
So, many updates! *squeal* Gotta read 'em all  ;D

Yeah, it's so sad to see old face looking at you for Ambrosia like that. But, due to rules we can't do anything about it until the challenge itself finished.

I liked all of the fighting scene that you captured! More earlier, more better! Go, Tad!

I really loved to see China cameo appearance in Tad fighting scene, also I liked the line "May the best woman win", lol. That was hilarious!

Welcome, Kelly! Haha, so it's the time for Shallow to rise and shine again to restore their former glory?

Awesome updates ;D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Turoskel

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 58)
« Reply #160 on: November 12, 2013, 03:35:38 AM »
Chapter 58: Resistance

Tad has been asked by his coach to muscle up a bit, personally I didn't think he needed it.

He seems to like it though.

China wants to be a sports agent, but for now she's just happy being a mother.

City Hall have awarded Stone with yet another award for his inventions, he's a bit of a hero round here, this time it was the Inventors Accolade.

His contraptions still sell well down at the consignment store, Blair Pence one of my original playgroup kids runs the store now.

"Hmm those eyebrows look familiar."

Work has kept Tad busy so he hasn't been able to spend much time with Kelly but he gets in a quick play before her birthday.

I can already see she has her fathers tanned skin, but what about the rest.

Well it seems she has her mothers hair and her dad's eye colour, another genetic mix, will she be a female Trigger? time will tell.

Tad's boss wanted him to go to China and win the tournament, when told he had already won it his boss said "Well go defend your title then", so he did and took China with him.

Time is moving on, Nadia is nearing her ninetieth birthday, I think that was one of the reasons Tad and China started a family so quickly, so that Nadia could meet her grandchild.

She spends as much quality time as possible with her husband, making every moment count.

Tad finally has a bit of free time so he spends it teaching Kelly to talk.

Dallas surprised me once again by picking Kelly up.

But not only did he pick her up he put her in the high chair as well.

But then he wandered off leaving a very stroppy little girl screaming for somebody to feed her, Grandad to the rescue.

If I'm honest Dallas is concerning me a bit, sometimes he seems very alert and with it, at other times he seems lost, twice I have found him upstairs with the rest of the ghosts weeping.

"Oh Dallas, come on it's okay, don't cry."

It's moments like this that make it so much harder to resist the urge to just bring him back and be through with it all, but that is a selfish thought and one I must continue to resist.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (12/11/13 - Chapter 58)
« Reply #161 on: November 12, 2013, 04:04:01 AM »
Happy birthday, Kelly. I love when kids have both parents genetics, Kelly has a good mix.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Eldridge

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (12/11/13 - Chapter 58)
« Reply #162 on: November 12, 2013, 04:16:30 AM »
Happy birthday Kelly! She looks a lot like her parents! I'm sad when I see ghost of previous family member lurking around :(
I wonder what will be her supermax, her future candidate, her... hehe. I think I will just wait for the upcoming chapters! Keep it up!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Turoskel

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 59)
« Reply #163 on: November 12, 2013, 10:26:21 AM »
Chapter 59: Unsung Heroes

China has started another unstoppable tide in our house and Stone has taken to it like a duck to water.

"Gerbits, gerbits, voooooooooo gerbits!"

As much as I love my new job at the school I do miss the little ones so it's wonderful spending time with Kelly.

Trigger has been about quite a bit lately, Grace enjoys seeing him a lot.

I think in some ways it gives Stone a bit of hope, death is not necessarily the end just another state of being.

But that doesn't make it any easier when the time comes, ever since she was a little girl Nadia has spent most of her free time fishing in the pond so Stone knew just where to find her, but when he gave her that last kiss he never dreamt he was actually kissing her goodbye.

Like her mother before her Nadia has helped to ensure the continuation of this dynasty, she carried on where Puzzle left off growing the life fruit and death flowers, and her lifetime of fishing has left us with over seventy deathfish, they are the true heroes of this tale, working selflessly to give us the gift of immortality knowing they would never have it for themselves.

Once again I wonder if it is worth all this grief we have to bear, watching our loved ones go while we carry on, but with the birth of Kelly we are on the home stretch, to stop now would be to make a mockery of everything they did for us, we have to see this through no matter what.

Understandably Stone retreated to his workshop, but when I went to find him he wasn't there.

"Oh I hope he isn't doing anything silly."


"I couldn't help her Gran, I thought maybe if I went back I could stop it instead I just watched her die all over again."

It seems even the power of the time machine cannot change Grim's agenda, I can't say the thought hadn't lurked in my mind after Stone first invented it, what if? but no, that hope is gone now, for both of us.

But they are not completely gone and that is some comfort.


"Ughhh no Stone, last time you kissed me I died."

"But.....but Nadia that wasn't my fault."

"I know you big silly, I'm just teasing you."

"Well I guess if it works for Mum and Gran it can work for me too."

It's not the same as having them alive by any stretch of the imagination but it does help to heal the wounds.

Offline Rikki8528

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Re: For Eternity ~ A Shallow Immortal Dynasty (12/11/13 Chapter 58 - 59)
« Reply #164 on: November 12, 2013, 10:34:26 AM »
RIP Nadia  :(

