Author Topic: The Return of Brooks - The Final Chapter 01/08/17 Updated *COMPLETED*  (Read 666156 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family and friends Pt 1,2 Updated 07/01/16
« Reply #1306 on: July 01, 2016, 10:02:34 AM »
Is Tony also a man of constant sorrow?

ROTFLMAO!!! I acts like it sometimes. I was wondering if someone would catch that. LOL 

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Offline sdhoey

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Tony: Hey little dude, what's up?

Terrence: Nothing much, didn't know anyone was up here this late.

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Tony: Well, I'm not just anyone, I'm secret keeper man. *puffs out chest*

Terrence: Good one dude.

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Terrence: Can I tell you a secret?

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Tony: Sure, you should know by now that I will not break your trust.

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Terrence: I can't swim.

Tony: WHAT? No way dude?

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Tony: Now that is something I'm good at. I can teach you if you want? The back stroke, the breast stroke. Well that should come later, waaay later.

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Terrence: You mean it Tony? You'd do that for me?

Tony: Sure little dude. I know what it's like to need to learn something. Your afraid to ask. Lets get in the water in get started okay?

Terrence: Sure, this is gonna be cool.

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Terrence: Where do all these bubbles come from Tony?

Tony: Frog farts.

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Terrence: *splashes* That's just gross man.

Tony: *blocks* Hey it's true. *laughs*

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Terrence: *splashes alot* I am liking this more. *giggles*

Tony: *splashes back* You win, you win..

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Terrence: I'm scared Tony.

Tony: Just breathe and relax. I'm righ there. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.

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Terrence: Okay. *smiles* lets do this.

Tony: *nods*

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Tony: Now just doggie paddle around the pool until you feel comfortable and we will work on the next move.

Terrence: Doggie paddle is the deal.

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Terrence: Hey look Tony, I'm doing it. I'm swimming.

Tony:You go son. You'll be getting the mermaids before you know it.

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Terrence: I like swimming at night. It's quiet and no one is around. No one to make fun of me.
Tony: If anyone, and I mean anyone makes fun of you,call me and I'll handle it.

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Tony: *farts* Ahh now that felt good.

Gross, your nasty.

Tony: Go away woman.

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Terrence: Hey you are now one of my good friends Tony. Would you show me some dives?

Tony: Sure, and you one of my good friends.

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Tony: Okay, watch this now. It's so dark here.

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Tony: Wow, I didn't realize the water was so dark at night.


Tony: Hush..

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Tony: Strike a pose, brace yourself.

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Tony?? Where are you?

Terrence: who who is that taking?

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Tony: Wow, that was one wild wild.

You need to explain to Terrence about me.

Tony: Great.

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Terrence: Tony, is there someone else here? A girl?

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Tony: Sort, she's my watcher, she show's up when she's not wanted.

This coming from a guy who was crying for his watcher a few post back.

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Awww. What a great scene between Tony and Terrence. Makes me think Tony would be a great Dad. Fun, and gross enough to relate to the kids. :)

Offline sdhoey

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Awww. What a great scene between Tony and Terrence. Makes me think Tony would be a great Dad. Fun, and gross enough to relate to the kids. :)

That he could be. Who knows what the future holds for this young man after this is all over.

Offline Joria

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Ok, please don't ever tell him I said this, but that thing with Tony and Terence was actually sweet.  I think deep down he has a heart of gold, just like his Pops.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline sdhoey

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Tony: shush woman, I was having low sugar problems that time.

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Tony: Who wants to see a back flip?

Terrence: I do I do!!

Oh I'd love to a see "rear" flip and so would have the ladies of the forum.

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Tony: Well I am to please. *shakes arms to loosen up*

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*slowly turns*

Tony: OMG!! What have I gotten myself into?


And he turns around. Preparing for the back flip. Can he do it?

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He bends, and jumps into the air. Will he clear the board?

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*big splash*

*gasps for the crowd*

Terrence: I'm the only one here.


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Tony: That hurt, but was fun..

Hurt what? Your pride? heheh

*yelling as he left*

Terrence: I'll see you later Tony.. Thanks for the help..

Tony: Anytime dude.

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*starts a bonfire*

If you put some clothes on, you wouldn't be cold.

Tony: But then you wouldn't have anything worth looking at either.

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What are you doing?

Tony: Dancing. Showing off my beautiful bod.

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Don't hit that huge ego with that fire, you migh burn yourself.

Tony: *sings*

I fell into a burnin' ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, the ring of fire

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Your so funny.

Tony: Hey Johnny Simcash is the man.

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Tony: Check out these moves.

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Tony: Blinded by the light..

Please, stop..

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Tooth for tooth, eye for an eye
Sell your soul just to buy, buy and buy
Beggin' a dollar stealin' a dime
Come on can't you see that I
I am stranded, caught in the crossfire
I am stranded, caught in the crossfire

I didn't know you liked Stevie Ray SimVaughn.

Tony: He's the best. They way he plays that guitar is awesome. 

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Tony: I'll put it out. I might burn something important anyways.

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Tony: This fire is to boring. Why is it always red?

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Tony: I'm gonna make it green.. Cool beans man.

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Tony: A little more of this and it should be good to go.

*squeeze light fluid*

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Tony: Now I'm all nice warm and toastie.

Your crazy and insane. You should have had those traits.

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Are you sure your okay? I mean, your acting weird.

Tony: I'm fine. I got moves.

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Tony: I'm gonna boogie all night long..

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Tony: Shake your groove thang.. shake shake shake

Shake it but don't break it. *snickers*

Tony: I knew you where looking my rear..

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Offline sdhoey

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Ok, please don't ever tell him I said this, but that thing with Tony and Terence was actually sweet.  I think deep down he has a heart of gold, just like his Pops.

I won't tell him, but he does read the forums. hehehe

Offline Magpie2012

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Tony would make a really awesim dad! and a really HOT one too! But, then, from the whatsapp messages, you totally know I'm crushing on our Tone-Tone! Sorry, Colt, but there's a new hawt Brooks in town!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Nettlejuice

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Aw! Tony and Terry are too adorable together. if only Tony was his dad or something, that'd be a whole lot better =D Glad to see you back, Shan <3
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family and Friends Day 2 Pt 1 Updated 07/02/16
« Reply #1315 on: July 02, 2016, 09:06:52 PM »
*looks around*

Tony: Good no ones around. Finally I can swim the way I want to.

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Tony: Much better. Free as a baby..


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Tony: Yes?

That was more then I wanted to see.

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Tony: Yeah but you enjoyed it and so will my sweet magpie..

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Tony: Time to enjoy some alone time in the water. Lee will be here soon.

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*I thought this was a pretty shot*

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What are you doing? Tony??

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Tony: Hush woman, I need to do something.

But but, your..

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Tony: Ahhhh, this is better. Sooo much better.

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OMG!! Your worse then my brothers. I swear!!

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Tony: Well a guy has to go when nature calls. These bushes make it so much easier.

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Are you blushing?

Tony: No

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Tony: Oh look a call from Lee..

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Tony: Hello? Oh your here and you can see my rear and you want me to put my pants on. Sorry dude.

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Lee: Huh?? Dude, I don't need to see all that. Put your pants on.

Tony: Don't be hatin. I can't help it, I look good.

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Tony: There is this better?

Lee: Much better. Thanks.

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Tony: So you wanna do some cloudgazing?

Lee: Sounds good to me.

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Lee: So my sis said you have been up here since yesterday.

Tony: Yeah, just working on my freinds requirements for my dynasty stuff.

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Lee: My sister also wants to know if your into guys?

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Tony: Really?

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Lee: Well, she says everytime she see's you, your with the guys and you never date anyone.

Tony: Look, right now, I can't afford any distractions. Especially a female. I'd never get anything done.

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family and friends Day 2 Pt 1 Updated 07/02/16
« Reply #1316 on: July 02, 2016, 09:31:03 PM »
OMG! Tony Brooks *blushes* I have never been more glad for pixelation lol but, I still have to agree :-) I did enjoy that ;-) such a smexy man! To quote @LivvieLove you really do have some fine *cough* achievements *cough* I think you might have shocked a few people here on the Forum though ;-) *swoon*
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family and friends Day 2 Pt 1,2 Updated 07/02/16
« Reply #1317 on: July 02, 2016, 10:07:31 PM »
Tony: So Terrence, why didn't you call me and tell me where having a birthday?

Terrence: I didn't want anyone making a big deal about it.

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Terrence: Well I'm off to school Tony. I'll let Liz try to beat you in chess.

Tony: Be good and study. I'll talk to you later.

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Liz: Terrence is such a good a kid. He really looks up to you.

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Tony: Really? Well, he's a really cool kid. I've known him since he was a child. Taught him how to swim.

Liz: Yes, I know. We meet here almost everyday to play chess and he was so excited that almost passed out telling.

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Lee: Man do you ever go home?

Tony: Sometimes. I have a couple of days off. Want to hit the bar?

Lee: Sure, if your paying. LOL

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Lee: Bartender, I'll have a juice please.

Tony: I'll have a dim and gusty.

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Adan: Hey guys, what's up?

Lee/Tony: Hey..

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Tony: So where have you been? I've been calling.

Adan: Sorry Ton, it's been crazy with work and my mom turning elder.

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Adan: Have you guys heard the news? We got some new resturants opening up in the near by towns.

Tony: Really? Cool, I can't wait to try them.

Lee: Cool

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Lee: Hey Tony, could this mean more work for us at the warehouse?

Tony: Maybe, who knows.

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Lee: I hope they do a better job of cleaning then this place is.

Tony: I know this is gross.

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Tony: Hey, I'm glad to say that it's been a pleasure having you as my right hand man all this years.

Lee: Being your best friend as never been dull. It's been my pleasure.

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Tony: Okay, enough of that now. lol

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Lee: Boo yaa

Tony: Boo yaa

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Back at the house. I found this.

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Working off that hang over?

Tony: Funny..

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Tony: I don't want to be a bean pole.

You will always be a bean pole. No matter what.

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Tony: Go bug the old folks..

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Hmm they look fine to me. They are bothering anyone.

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Colt: Like what you see?

Maybe. I know I have enough pics of you.

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Tony: How can I get so dirty just from jogging?

You dirty dirty little boy.

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Tony: Not funny..

I thought it was. You stink..

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Tony: Do you have to watch me take a bath?

Maybe. It's my job to make sure you don't drown.

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Tony: It's your job to watch, Not be a peeking Tom.

My names not Tom..

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family and friends Day 2 Pt 1 Updated 07/02/16
« Reply #1318 on: July 03, 2016, 02:03:25 AM »
LMAO! Tony Brooks, you may be a "beanpole" but, you are one smexy beanpole! don't be so quick to change that!!!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family Dinner Date Updated 07/03/16
« Reply #1319 on: July 03, 2016, 04:09:47 PM »
Colt: Just where in the name of Metro are we?

Tony: They built a burger stand here pops. I thought we could eat out tonight as a family.

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Hostess: Welcome to Hogan's Burger Bar. How many in your party Sir?

Tony: We need a table for eight please.

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Hostess: Wow, let me see what's available.

Tony: Mom, you have to wait to be seated.

Gia: I wait for no one son.

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Tony: You have to excuse her. She doesn't get out much.

Hostess: No problem. I found a table for you that seats eight.

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Hostess: Follow me please.

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Colt: This reminds me of Hogan's back in Sunset Valley. I wonder if it's the same family?

Tony: Well, order whatever you all want I'm paying.

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Colt: I'm used to a actual place to eat out at.

Gia: We should look into owning one pops.

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Tony: I'll have the hamburger with fries. But can you make mine to go? Need to be heading to work soon.

Waitress: Sure hun. Your orders will be right up soon.

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Waitress: You ready for this? It's a huge one.

Chef: Go on

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Three minutes later:

Chef: Dang woman, are you sure that's all?

Waitress: Yeah and that last burger is to go.

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Tony: I'm gonna grab my order and head to work guys, but the ticket is taken care of. Enjoy it and I'll see you all later.

Gia: Well isn't this nice of him?

Colt: You did something right Gia honey.

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Rory: Wow, look at this food. It smell great and we didn't have cook it.

Skye: Well no one cook better then  your mother Rory.

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Zoey: Mom, I have to agree with Rory, this is great.

Gia: Yes it is grandmother.

Kale: We need to do this more often.

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I still can't believe that they are all sitting and eating at one time.

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