And The Winner Is...?
Hey NJ,
I must say I'm not at all surprised (though absolutely thrilled) with the voting results. Poor Alex only got two votes. Hang on, I felt something cold walk past me. Hmm, nothing there.

I called Alex and broke up with him, to be honest I look more upset than he does, don't you think? Anyway, we remain good friends and we're family now. Or we will be in the near future - his sister Jacqueline is J's daughter with Bella.
Go away or someone's getting tasered, I said.Just 'cause they can't have any more babies doesn't mean they need to have a snogfest to be included in my e-mail. Some people!

Jaime came over and when we were about to promise ourselves to one other, who shows up? Oh, Uncle Geoff, you know me so well you have to butt in during the best parts! Things became a bit awkward. Jaime didn't like Uncle Geoff's presence and Uncle Geoff made clear what he thought of Jaime by haunting the TV and breaking it.

Soon it was my young adult birthday. I didn't host a party, knowing full well it would be a failure so it was a private affair and Jaime was still at school so I didn't feel like celebrating.

Just a few days later though, he aged up and was moved in pronto. Shock! Horror! He has the non-committal trait. Face-palm. Well, that's another thing he takes after his Dad.
Yo, Plumbob.Aw, he's soo cuute.

I don't want to start working yet so I arranged a weekend away to Granite Falls for myself, Jaime, Colten and Olivia. We rented Lakeside Retreat as we had plenty of money and it had two double beds in case, you know, things go according to plan.
I can't get over how gorgeous Jaime is, I've totally forgotten my crush on J (good luck to Mum with that). Though he doesn't want to settle down yet he is at least being the perfect boyfriend. (I think I can get used to holding hands for now!)

Colten made lunch with fresh fish and spring asparagus. He took to Jamie right away after finding they both have a love for the outdoors and were chatting away like old friends.

Olivia and I indulged on girl talk. Meaning I asked if she and Colten had sealed the deal yet but she wouldn't give anything away.

Our evening was spent warming ourselves by the fire and again the boys pretty much were off in their own world. Olivia told me a ghost story, little did she know I'd already met my first ghost so it wasn't as scary as I thought it'd be.

On Sunday we broke off into our couples group. Colten and Olivia made new memories and, judging by the smell permeating from the downstairs bathroom later, they were also creating new life.

Jamie and I went hiking. We didn't see any bears but there was a HUGE mascot statue in the middle of the camping ground - it actually reminds me of Chopper.
Hmpf!I totally get what Malcolm and Cassie find so appealing about kissing.

After we got back home Colten had all but forgotten about his other female acquaintances. He looked so dumbfounded when Jacqueline announced her pregnancy but he soon warmed to the idea of being a father. He would have to as his kids would be born around the same time.

His one true love was Olivia though. She stayed over almost every day and Colten waited on her hand and foot, giving her massages, preparing gourmet meals he'd learned from Malcolm and babbling nonsense to his unborn baby.

Uncle Geoff had left the spirit world to visit us often but the first time Aunty Nance ventured out, Malcolm was waiting for her with a hug and she didn't leave his side until early the next day.

That's all for now. Hugs and kisses from Elysium.