The Pains And Joys Of Motherhood
Hey NJ,
Excuse me if I stop to go find the nearest toilet to throw up. This pregnancy thing isn't as great as I thought it'd be. Sure, I'm excited about creating a new life with my darling husband but my back aches and my feet feel like they're on fire all the time. I can't sit still for a minute. Jaime was learning all the secrets to mixing the perfect drink from his Dad.
Shake it. Shake it like a Polaroid picture, J advised.
I sat with them for a while and after one too many juices I headed for the bathroom again.

Dad and J have become inseparable the past few days. They know it will be their time soon and it's so cute to see their little bromance develop now they were going to be grandparents. It's hard to imagine when Mum first arrived they were only roommates!

Jaime is enjoying my pregnancy (glad one of us is) and he turns gooey the minute our baby kicks. I've thought of boy and girl names but secretly I'm really hoping for a girl - don't tell anyone!

Colten is bonding with his children whenever they're out of school. Here he is with Caiphus Caliente. From what I can tell he has Colt's hair and Shanice Caliente's brown eyes.

My contractions started just as Uncle Geoff came to visit. Of course, he was blocking the way and I couldn't move and started screaming at him and Jaime. You do not want to mess with a woman in labour.

Somehow I managed to waddle to the nursery. Mum was nowhere to be seen for once, just when I needed her! Jaime's encouraging words fell on deaf ears, it didn't help that he was laughing at all the weird faces I was pulling.
Pfft! Not long now, hun! You can do it! Bwahahaha!
Shut up! You did this... *huff huff*
... to me!
Darling, it's a baby girl!I thought there were sparkles surrounding my precious baby, but through teary eyes everything glittered and looked so much brighter. I named my baby Kestrel Chant and handed her over to her Dad - I had to go get myself a job and start on several other requirements!
Hello, sweetie, it's your Daddy, yesh it is, yesh it is!
Granddad Gavin gave Kestrel her first bottle feed. He is a natural having experience from raising me and Colt. I think he was remembering Aunty Nance, he looks so sad.

The one thing the grandparents didn't want to do was change Kestrel's nappy. They'd play rock, paper, scissors with my sweetie crying her lungs out and even when Mum and J lost, Dad would roll his eyes and get the job done.
Stop complaining about the smell, I'm sure someone had to change both of yours.You tell them, Dad!

It was Jaime's turn to make weird faces, unlike him our daughter didn't find them very amusing.

J had never bothered to visit or even take any notice of his children. After meeting Jaime and his other children at our wedding, he was learning to now that Kestrel was finally here. He even called Jacqueline and grandson Jakob to visit (Bella had banned him from the house).

Of all the hugs my baby girl got, it was her Mum's she loved the best. I melted when she'd see me coming and lift her hands up to greet me.

As always, hugs and kisses from Elysium.