Under My Thumb
Dear Nettie,
Can I call you Nettie? It sounds so cute when I say it. Everyone in the house go crazy when words come out of my mouth, don't they know I could talk as a baby? They just didn't understand me, that's all. Being the only child among seven adults I've learnt a new trick to get what I want. Wobbly bottom lip? Check. Teary eyes? Check. Extra cute voice with elongated words? Check. No adult can resist!
Except for Mal. He's so horrid.
GRAN! Mal broke my dollyhouse agaaain! *sniffle* (You have to add that for further effect.)
One more time, Malcolm, and I'll call all your little girlfriends for a face-to-face meeting.
Whoa, it's easily repairable, don't do anything extreme. (You old hag.)
You're the bestest Granny in the whole Simverse!
Aw, you darling.Granny smells of white gardenia and her skin is all wrinkly but soft to touch. Hugging her is like jumping into a pile of flower petals.

Grampy Gavin reads books with me about fairies and unicorns. I don't tell him I'm not really into girly things like that, but he wrote those especially for me so I do my best to listen. At least Granny didn't write them!
Ha ha ha! Good one, sweetie!
Mummy, this is private.
Ok, ok.
I asked Daddy to play chess with me so I could complete my aspiration in record timing.
Look, sweetie, there's a ghost behind you!
What? Where? There's no such thing.
Daddy, you... Waah! Ghost!
Nice try, babe, but I was only kidding. Nancy doesn't come out anymore and the old goat hasn't been seen for a week.
He's behind me, isn't he?
Colten helped me with homework even though I don't need it but he always has fresh flowers from the garden for me so I pretended to get a few answers wrong.

Great-Uncle Donny looks good for an old man. He has the same eye colour as Mummy and Granny and me. I think Granny wanted to spend as much time as possible with him, she has a feeling he won't be around soon.
Blast you, sea monster!Granny cried and hugged me after Donny left, she was grateful for my kindness towards him. I think she used to be mean to him when she was younger.
You. You're the culprit.
Hi, wanna be friends? I've never seen this boy before, but as Mummy says it's never too early to make friends.
No! You stole my Dad, give him back!
I said, give him back. If you don't I'll pull your hair and... and I'll take your Mummy away.
Why are you being so horrible? I didn't steal anyone.
It's 'cause of your family my Dad can't live with us.
The boy ran outside and Colten went after him. I could hear the boy crying angrily and how Colten was just like
his Dad. I've never seen Colten look so ashamed as he did when he came back. He didn't even want me to hug him.

Do you know what's going on? No one's ever harassed me before, I hope he doesn't find me at school!
I was going to share some pictures with Grampy J but he's always wearing Speedos and I hear you go gaga over him. Do e-mails come attached with drool?
Love, Kestrel H Chant.