Author Topic: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Failed  (Read 59714 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fifteen (10/02/15)
« Reply #105 on: February 10, 2015, 10:22:36 PM »
Ugh.  The laying there chatting when Grim showed up was just painful!
Can't wait to get a good view of Kes as a teen.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fifteen (10/02/15)
« Reply #106 on: February 11, 2015, 06:50:50 AM »
@Shewolf13 The house is slowly emptying  :(
@sdhoey Me too, when I was writing I remembered Gavin and just started blubbering.
@Playalot Thank you, I was hoping it wouln't be too soppy  ::)
@PeregrineTook That was the worst time to take him, I only had a second to take Kes' birthday shot then I got the notice J was going  :'( Kes is one of the prettiest Sims I have, I took such a long time to decide what outfits to have for her.
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fifteen (10/02/15)
« Reply #107 on: February 11, 2015, 02:16:23 PM »
I Like Pink But I'm Not Girly

Dear Nettie,

You'd think the Grim Reaper would have stayed away from our house after taking two of my favourite Sims in the world. Wrong. He came for Malcolm, took a dip in our pool and then dragged poor Donny away for extra measure.

When I could no longer shed any tears I bought an Observatory to cheer myself up and spied on the neighbours stargazed.

The 'rents, Granny and Colten went on holiday to get away from all the deaths around town. They came back in time for Mum to get her last promotion.

How was your weekend, sweetie?

Pretty boring, I just chilled with the cousins.

But this is how I really spent my weekend!

(Whoa, Jessie is looking H-O-T.)

Hii~ *slides closer and bats eyelashes*

Uh... You're kind of creeping me out.

(Hmm, this is Jessie, so the other guy is...?)

Look who it is, Mrs Toad-Face.

Ooh, Mr Daddy Issues, still crying over Colten?

I wasn't crying! Get out before I go Super Saiyan and kick you out.

One thing led to another and Greyson and I got into a fight. Do I need to tell you who won?

Super Saiyan, indeed! How'd you like my Hurricane Punch?

It. Didn't. Hurt.

Olivia banned me from her house until I learned to behave like a lady, honestly I think she was ashamed by her son's defeat. So I paid a visit to my next victim.

Next time I see you, I want those sideburns gone. Capisce?

Y-Yesh, ma'am.

My trip to Desert Bloom Park was ruined when cousin Nadia Whitlock reared her ugly head. Hey, change your hairstyle and face.

We have the same granddad, you muppet. And I'm older.

Older but not wiser.

Get that camera outta my face.

Debbie and Donnie had to study for an upcoming exam and Granny Summer wouldn't let them sleepover. I practised my right hook for future fights.

I also trolled forums for several hours, dirty teacups had stacked up dangerously by Sunday morning and I sent my last chain letter to the Grim - finding his e-mail address was super easy ([email protected]).

My last day of freedom was spent in Magnolia Blossom Park where I stalked Thomas Pancakes for a while.

Ew, man, what have you been eating?

It wasn't me!

Hello, young lady, would you—

I'm a teenager, you perv!

You're the one who sent me spam mail, right?

Yeah and this is for taking my Grams on my birthday, jerk.

Ha ha, you've got guts if you're trying to pull pranks on me. Wanna watch the clouds?

Just as long as you don't go taking souls afterwards.

I'm free all afternoon! *shadowy wink*


Please, Daddy's Boy, I saw that a mile off.

Oh yeah? How about we continue where we left off last time?

Fine by me
, I replied, cracking my knuckles.

Kestrel H Chant: Two. Daddy's Boy: Nil.

Aw, sad face.

How about I throw some—

Ha! Loser!

Don't you dare tell my Mum or Granny what I've been up to!

Love, Kessy H Chant.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (11/02/15)
« Reply #108 on: February 11, 2015, 02:39:00 PM »
OMG!! What has gotten into that child? LOL Her and grim, now that was funny. I loved this update.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (11/02/15)
« Reply #109 on: February 11, 2015, 05:08:07 PM »
Kes is so cool.  She's cool in a bad girl way, though not stereotypically and abrasively so.
I love that she ended up being chummy with Grim. 
If this were a movie, I'd expect her to end up with Mr. Daddy Issues.  Since it's Sims, it could be anyone.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (11/02/15)
« Reply #110 on: February 11, 2015, 05:30:05 PM »
Wow, Kes.  I love her lol.  And watching her beat up on the one boy is pretty hilarious XD

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (11/02/15)
« Reply #111 on: February 12, 2015, 03:43:30 AM »
@sdhoey Grim was at both parks on both days, I think someone has a thing for Kes - don't think he cares about the age difference  ::) - or he was taking a few NPCs with him.
@PeregrineTook I wanted Kes to be mean but not in an evil way, really pleased you like her character  ;D I can't be trusted with spouse choices so you lucky people will get to vote again. So far there are only three guys and I greedily want them all, lol.
@Shewolf13 I was sure she would lose, she had no athletics skill to begin with and she was scared of Greyson as a child. Luckily for us and her she came out of her shell and triumphed!

I don't consider myself to be very funny, I'm terrible with trying to come up with jokes so it's lovely to see comments where someone has found something to laugh at. Hope I can continue this in the future without trying too hard  ;)
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (11/02/15)
« Reply #112 on: February 12, 2015, 10:39:17 AM »
I Declare A Clone War

Dear Old Nettie,

How have you been? Are you enjoying Granny's gift? I think you must be considering I found something while browsing the 'net:

All those simoleons from the Room Challenge and you still got married next to the kitchen sink? Don't try and deny it, you used your real name for once and the guy has red hair. I won't share it with Granny, as long as I get something in return which I'll come to later.

On with my life. It's fun being me but also exhausting. I've had a very busy couple of days and now that I've finished what I started, I'm trying to think what to do next when Caiphus Caliente sits down beside me.

Hi, Kes.

Hey, CC.

Wanna tell me why you've been picking fights all over town?

Hmm, well it all began with my Granny and a crone called Nettlejuice. It's a long story though.

If you pass me one of those sleep replacements we'll have all night.

Don't worry, I just gave him a glass of water with food colouring.

Well, Colten was pretty mad when he found out what actually happened while they were away. He wanted me to apologise to the SKLs and threatened to tell Granny. I assured him it wouldn't happen again, blah blah blah, and gave him the whole wobbly-lip-teary-eyes routine.

I won't be visiting the neighbours anytime soon, so I found some cousins to torment. Digging up rocks was well worth it when I found a Voodoo Doll and bound it to Nadia. She had one accident after the other, prompting her family to shoo her away while puddles formed in every room.

I was having too much fun and didn't notice Aunt Clare glaring at me. Caught red handed there was only one thing to do: I ran away.

The last person I expected to see at the library was Greyson SKL.

Hey, Greyson.

Hey, Troll Queen.

I'll take that as a compliment. Listen, Greyson, I wanted to say I'm truly sorry about my behaviour. Why don't we begin again, as friends?

He looked uncertainly at me.

Come on, you know you want to! *flirty wink*

Huh. Ok, why not?


I can't believe—

Ha, too slow. Later, Daddy's Boy.

Thomas Pancakes left his front door open so I broke all the sinks in his house.

You really have been busy. I'm guessing there's more?


Thomas called Granny and I got lectured by her and Mum. I was grounded for a week when Colten piped up about the fights.

Please, Granny? I promise you won't even know she's here.


But you asked Donny and he wasn't even family!

He was.

Stop being so selfish, we have plenty of space and Debbie is our real family. I'll hate you forever!

I can deal with that, poppet.

Granny had put me in a cantankerous mood and there was only one way to blow off steam.

Hey, Kes.

Hi, girls.

The Clones are easier to fool than Greyson, they weren't even suspicious to meet me alone in the park at night.

You still haven't changed your hair.

What the heck, Kes?

Don't pick on my sister!

You were saying?


Ah, so that's what happened.


Caiphus pushed his glasses back up. I think that potion has gone off, it doesn't seem to be working. See you at school.

A few days later I received a text from Caiphus:

CC: Can you teach me the Hurricane Punch?

Kessy: No.

CC: If you don't want your Granny to see this, you'll teach me the Hurricane Punch. *wink face*

I downloaded the attachment and exploded with fury.

Kessy: That could be anyone.

CC: Check the timestamp of that selfie you took against my pic.

Oh fudge.

Kessy: Ok, I'll give you a taste of my Hurricane Punch. Meet me at Desert Bloom.

Before I leave, I wanted to ask if you can talk to Granny about Debbie? Otherwise, I'm sure she'll be very interested in what else you've been up to.

Love, Kessy H Chant.


Dear Kes,

Nice try but it won't work because Janet already knows about me and Sebastian. I'm not getting involved with The Debbie Situation.

Love, NJ.
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (12/02/15)
« Reply #113 on: February 12, 2015, 10:49:59 AM »
OMG!! She is a little mischief maker!! lol are they related to Colt?? Lol I hope this is just a passing phase for this young lady.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (12/02/15)
« Reply #114 on: February 12, 2015, 10:54:04 AM »
@sdhoey The Whitlock cousins are J's granddaughters through a new townie family, they are Malcolm's girls  ;D Kes is getting revenge for all those broken dollhouses, I guess. As for a passing phase, we'll see  ;)
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (12/02/15)
« Reply #115 on: February 12, 2015, 11:48:34 AM »
Loving this as a developmental chapter.  The queen manipulator is not always getting her way and actually gets manipulated.  It will be interesting how she changes (or not) in response to that.

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (12/02/15)
« Reply #116 on: February 12, 2015, 01:20:46 PM »
@PeregrineTook Dynasty heirs shouldn't go around like they own the place, especially in TS4 where there are no properties or businesses to buy (yet)  :D
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (12/02/15)
« Reply #117 on: February 12, 2015, 02:27:43 PM »
I laughed way too hard at the blackmail/manipulation.  Go Casius! lol he obviously learned it from Kes.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (12/02/15)
« Reply #118 on: February 13, 2015, 04:58:47 AM »
@Shewolf13 I don't think Kes was expecting that! It's almost time for her to age up in my current save, which means there are a whole host of adults to torture  ;)
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (12/02/15)
« Reply #119 on: February 13, 2015, 10:25:10 AM »
Are you making Chief of Mischief one of Kestrel's Aspirations? Just curious.

Great work, keep it up.  :D
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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