Chapter 144: Hot Tubs... mmmDon't be late for school Abi.Abi: I won't be.
Is that another high score?Abi: Yep.
How many days till your birthday?Abi: Five.
*sigh* So long.Abi: I'm in no hurry watcher.
I get that but you've completed everything, so what are you going to do for five whole long days?Abi: Dunno, see ya. Got school ya know.
See ya. I was going to say 'work hard', but you might as well make friends I guess.
Cristine: So, what are you going to do today.
Julien: Stuff.
Cristine: You look very handsome today.
Julien: Leave it will ya.
Cristine: I was just trying...
Julien:... to worm your way into my good books... yeah, not going to work.

Julien: Hey Eseq, ready?
Eseq: Sure.
Julien: Cool, let's split.
Hi Zaiden. *eye lash flutter*Zaiden: Hiya watcher. What ya up to?
Oh nothing....*coy look*Zaiden: K, then.
Oh geez...*gives up*Zaiden: *Grin*

Eseq: Hey Grim.
Grim: Hi Ezequiel.
Eseq: You in for a work out or just some general scoping?
Grim: I'll join you if you're working out...?
Eseq: K, Betcha can't keep up.
Ooo, you've been practicing your hook, jab combo haven't you Grim.Grim: Yep.
Nice.Grim: Thanks.
Well, I'm gonna leave you boys to it...Eseq: Men
*Eye roll*
Abi: You know Ellie we should play dolls now that all the boys are busy.
Ellie: Good idea!

Ellie: Oh yuk! Is that a beetle in the swimming pool?
Abi: Eww, gross! I bet Clyde did that. Ugh!

Ellie: Watch this!
Abi: Clyde...did you put that disgusting beetle in my dolls house pool?
Clyde: Me? No! *Cough*

Cristine: There you are Abi. I've been wanting to talk to you.
Abi: Oh?

Cristine: Yes, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of your A. You're a good girl.
Abi: Thanks mum!

Abi: I love you mum.
Cristine: There, there, good girl.
What are you up to?Cristine: Can't a girl talk on the phone without you listening in?
Nope.Cristine: Hello? Privacy please?
Who are you talking to?Cristine: My boss actually. K now?
Cristine: I'm totally sure. Nope. Yep. Hm hmm. That's me for good. K. Thanks.
What was all that about?Cristine: I've quit. I shouldn't be working as a criminal. I see that now.
Riiiiight, sure you do.Cristine: I'm not bothered if you don't believe me.
Good, 'cos I don't.
Hey Dude..did you know....Dude: Hmm...not now...
Oh! Nice sounds. Dude: Hmm.

Caleb: <<Crrrack>>
Oh wow. That car looks stoopid.Caleb: Thanks, oh and my backs fine.
I don't drive across the road...they go on the facing the other way....Caleb: It's art.
It's something.
Caleb: Have you noticed the watcher's a bit sort of, well... rude lately?
Zahra: Not any more than usual really.
Caleb: Oh maybe it's just me being
Zahra: She might be bored. She get's like that when there's no one to skill up.
Caleb: Hmm, I've probably been too busy lately to notice. It's a right pain anyway.
Zahra: Just stay out of her way or she'll give you some random meaningless and repetitive task to do otherwise.
Caleb: K, mum, good advice. Thanks.
Dude?Dude: I'm kinda busy.
Hmm. *Finger drumming*Dude: That's quite distracting you know.
I'm bored.Dude: I'm busy.
*heavy sigh*
Clyde: Wow, you guys are so lucky to have a hot tub!
Abi: Yeah, I don't remember quite when we got them, they just sort of appeared.

Arghhh! Are you drowning Clyde? ?Clyde: What? No! I'm just playing submarines!
Oh... *sheepish* K, then.
Abi: I love you Pop.
Caleb: Love you too princess. How's your day?
Abi: The best Pop.
Umm, you do know that electricity and water don't mix right?Dude: Yep. Lol, I'm just upgrading it. There's no danger.
K, I knew that...I totally knew that.Dude: It's alright, it's sweet that you care.
I don't, well I do...I have know...*cough* ...Dude: Is it really so hard to say how you feel?
*Choked voice* Yes.Dude: Lol.
Woah! See that the hot tubs working out well for you then...Dude: Hm hmm.