Chapter 163: Julien Becomes An ElderHey Dude could you...*sigh* Never mind. Far out he's getting ancient.

Caleb: Are you sure working out all day is a good idea son?
Julien: *grunt* Yep, last time to get a 6 pack before my birthday.
Caleb: Well, strained muscles are a killer as an elder so you might as well make the most of today I guess. I'll see you after work.
Julien: Thanks dad, have a good one.

Justin: Be good darling and work hard but not too hard!
Charlotte: Will do dad.
Justin: Love you sweetie.
Charlotte: Love you too dad.
*eye roll* I don't know why everyone's in such a good mood. Today is the worst.
I hope that you've put on some weight and still aren't all scrawny.Julien: Morning watcher, nice day eh.
Anyway, I've bought you something.Julien: Oh! A birthday present?
Julien: I hope your instructions were right, gonna make a mighty mess if it blows.
Ffffpt, pa-lease. I do know how to use an ice cream maker.Julien: Really?
Nope. But how hard can it be?Julien: How can you not know how to use an ice cream maker?
I hate ice cream...Julien: Geez watcher, you're so weird.
Just push the button will ya!
Julien: Hmm, nice! added sprinkles... lolJulien: You're only young once watcher.
Oh lordy...don't remind me.
Mac: Brain freeze, lol, told you to slow down Julien.
Hehhe... *looks at Julien again* hahhahaha...Julien: <<<pain>>
*Cracking up* HAHAHAJulien: You know watcher laughing at someone in pain is probably symptomatic of some sort of psychosis. Just sayin.
Can you stand up for a min?Julien: Sure. Here?
Yep.Julien: What are you doing?
Errr... testing out a new camera?Julien: Oh.
Lights no good in here, can we go outside for a sec?
Julien: Funny how your new camera looks exactly like your 'old' camera.
Oh! Ummm...Julien: It's not new, is it watcher.
Julien: Honestly watcher, I'm not sticking around to be subjugated to your ...whatever crisis it is your going through...I've got the dishes to do and drinks to make for tonight.
Oooo, nice angle, hold it right there...Julien: *sigh* No watcher. I won't.

Are you mad at me?Julien: No, I could never stay mad at you anyway. I'm just not dying today... just becoming an elder, you know?
Same thing.Julien: No it's not. Look I think you really need to get a grip on this whole elder thing. Go for a walk. K?

Charlotte: So Auntie Selina will your nooboo be my cousin?
Selina: Yes sweetie it will.
Charlotte: Sometimes it feels like I'm related to the whole world.

Charlotte: Oh no Auntie Liberty... you should have said, my granddad would have baked you a cake.
Liberty Caliente: Ooo...ouch!
Selina: Well, least you have us here to wish you many happy returns.

Charlotte: Have you met anyone who I'm not related to Uncle Rheeme?
Rheeme SKL: No darling, can't say I have.
Hi Charlotte, hiya Rheeme, homework time hun.Charlotte: Bye uncle Rheeme.

Julien: So then the watcher pretends she's got a new camera and tries to get me posing all over the house!
Dude: *totally cracking up* Oh My! LOL

Dude: Mind you, you're looking good for someone who's basically one minute from elderhood.
Justin: Are you all finished your homework love?
Charlotte: Yep, all done daddy.
Bye Julien.... *sniff*Dude(off screen): Oh for crying out loud. Can you just not say 'happy elder birthday' for once watcher?
Everyone: Woo! Yay! Happy birthday dear Julien.....
I don't know why you're all celebrating. You all suck.
Julien: <<<craaaack>>>
*Depressed sigh* Could have told ya that would happen.
Charlotte: Happy birthday Granddad, you look pretty as always.
Julien: lol, thanks princess.
Would you just all look at yourselves...*groan* omg... *sob* so many elders....
Charlotte: Granddad, maybe we should invent a silence-filter for the watcher, she really gets annoying after a while.
Julien: Good luck with that hun.
Caleb: *snort* lol Charlotte wherever do you come up with this stuff?
Charlotte: My brain never stops Great Granddad, but mostly I have ideas when I'm showering I guess.
*sigh*Dude: *sigh*
*sigh*Dude: You know watcher, I think your depression's infectious.
Sorry.Dude: It's ok.
Your queens in danger, by the way.Dude: K, thanks.

Charlotte: I love you granddad.
Julien: All the way to the moon and back darling.
Charlotte: I like my room too.
Julien: There have been many little boys and girls who have loved this room, including the first little girl and boy in our family history.
Charlotte: Oh! Tell me Granddad.
Julien: They were very special little children, like all little Hollingsworths are. Their names were Jasmine and Blaize. Blaize was the older brother and he was very good at looking after Jasmine.
Charlotte: I wish I had an older brother.
Julien: You've got all of us to look after you instead.
Charlotte: Very true Granddad.