Chapter 8: Up, Up And AwayMorning. Bit early for imbibing aint it?Dude: You know these are for skilling watcher.
How on earth do you keep track on this board? All the pieces look the same colour.Dude: Yeah, it's a little tricky for sure.
So explain how this thing works again to me.Dude: Well you flip up the control panel...

Dude: ...dial up the magnification setting you want...

Dude: Then just observe really. Hmmm, that's interesting...
<Yawn> I'll leave you to it.
Congratulations your first book sent away to the publishers. Woo!
Zest: Thanks watcher, it feels great!
Oh! Hey Matt.
Matt: Hi. Interesting place you have here. Not into walls?
Umm... well, I guess our focus has been on other things. Strangely I'm not really bothered about building a house at the moment.Matt: Well, you know, whatever floats your boat.
Hey Grady?Grady: Yes my dear?
There's someone I think you should meet over here.

Grady: So Matt, have you visited our planet before?
Matt: That's classified information.
Grady: Now young man... the watcher may have fallen for that...
Matt: <laugh> Yeah, we've been visiting for generations. I guess you sims just didn't notice before
Grady: That or the ones who did became socially stigmatized as crazy.
Matt: True. That has been one of the unfortunate downsides of our interest in you sims.
What are the other 'unfortunate downsides' then Matt?Matt: That's classified information.
Oh!Grady: lol.

Grady: Huh, a real alien. Fancy that.
Something else eh?Grady: Indeed. Now listen, my dear, I have to talk to you about something important.
KGrady: When I die you must not disturb Winston from his skilling up. He...
What? Wait! What?Grady: Now my dear girl... I'm dying. No one lives forever and I've lived longer than some.
<Gulp> Oh Grady...Grady.... Now it not the time for tears. You need to listen to my last instructions. <Gently> O.K?
<nodding> O.K.Grady: Winston knows there is a time for everything and as such he is dedicated to completing his aspiration before grieving. We've spoken in length about this and this is what I want. As for you, my dear, you must stay strong and focused. Remember that hasty words are often repented in leisure.

Grady: Every emotion has it's season, you know. Let no one place expectations on your emotions and you'll find your own natural pace to life. After all, what's life apart from a series of experiences and people met and loved?
Oh Grady, you have to know, I'm going to miss you so much.Grady: And that's natural. I have treasured my time here and I couldn't think of a better way of spending my last years. It's been such an adventure my dear.
How much longer do you have with us?Grady: Who can tell... but now you are prepared and so will be able to be strong. Correct?
Dude: Hmmm, tricky opening move. Often leads to over confidence...
Grady: Can you spot my mistake though?

Dude: Hmmmm

Dude: Oh! A ha!

Dude: Meck chate!
Grady: Let me see... Oh yes! by jove! You've done it! You are really on top of your game now Winston.

Grady: Night my boy. See you in the morning.
Dude: Nite Grady. Thanks for everything.
Grady: You're welcome.
Hey! look at those strange lights Dude!Dude: Wow! Weird!

Dude: Hmm, they kinda vibrate. Weird.

Dude: What the....
<Gasp> Oh My PLUMBOB....Move Winston.... MOVE! QUICK.
Dude: I can't. Oh. Arghhh, help me watcher.
NOOOoooo. Stop! Let him go... Winston. WINSTOOOOOOnnnnnnnnnnnn.
No, this can't be happening. No.
Google it faster...Zest: Wait, here. It says..... <mumble mumble>.... Ah!
What?Zest: That usually abductees are returned within an hour seemingly no worse for their experience.
Oh.Zest: Yeah.
Oh poor Winston. He must be so scared. I feel sick.Zest: So do I.
What shall we do?Zest: I think all we can do is sit here and wait.
Oh Zest! <sob> This is so awful.