Chapter 25: Birthday TimeZest: Oh what a loud yell you've got when you want attention. Well... Uncle Zest will have to do 'cos your daddy's doing some gardening.

Zest: So maybe your Uncle Zest won't do hmm? Oh your little face is so cute even when you're all sad... poor little nooboo.

Dude: Hiya wee man... I can't get a thing done with you and all your little yells. I guess you just want to be a big boy now.

Dude: *Big sigh* Well, I guess I can't put it off any longer.... time to grow up.

Dude: Well, just one more cuddle.... just because I love you.


Wow! Happy birthday Blaize!

Blaize: Hey dad! What's that over there?
Dude: Huh?

Dude: Oh come here you. Happy birthday son.

Dude: I've got you a little something.
Blaize: Oh cool! Thanks!

Zest: So happy birthday Blaize.
Blaize: Thanks Uncle Zest.
Zest: You look a lot like your dad did at your age.

Blaize: Night dad.
Dude: Night son, remember to brush your teeth.
Blaize: Hey watcher, the stairs could do with a light, they're a bit dark and creepy.
K. I'll add that to the 'To Do First' list. Night.
<Whispering> Aww Dude, he's so darn cute.Dude: Yeah, I have a feeling that he'll be a handful as a teen. I know I was.
<Snort> You still are. Shame we've got no money left to do up his room more. Poor kid, second hand furniture and all that.Dude: Ahh, he'll be fine. He's got more than many kids at his age. Night son, sleep tight.

The next morning...
Blaize: Hmmm, pretty good for human food!
Dude: So what to you want to do today? I've taken a holiday day so I thought we could hang out or something.
Blaize: Cool, I'd really like to just hang out here dad... hit the pool and stuff.
Dude: Nice! OK, that's what we'll do then.

Blaize: Aww, I didn't know that staying home meant doing homework.
Dude: Once it's done you've got the rest of the day to chillax.

Ty: So people are saying that your son's an alien <snort> So stupid. They're probably just jealous that you've made such a success of your career.
Dude: Good heaven's. Why would people go around gossiping like that? That's ridiculous!
Ty: I know, right. It was only a few... the Caliente sisters mostly.
Dude: Oh well... umm, they might be a bit angry at Zesty, he ... er, dated both of them, um a few years back and they sort of found out.
Ty: Well, they shouldn't play with fire then, if they don't want to get burnt.
Dude: Right. *Shrug*

Dude: So have you read any of Zest's books? You can have this one if you want.
Ty: I'm not much of a reader actually, but I appreciate the thought. You want to channel surf?
Dude: Oh! Sure, that'll be fun.

A little later...
Rogelio: So it's quite unusual that your dad's got alien friends.
Blaize: Oh! Umm... it's because of his work, he has to spend some time most days contacting aliens as one of his daily tasks.
Rogelio: Certainly makes for an interesting friend. I never know who I am going to meet when I'm with your dad. He's a good man, son. You're a lucky boy having a dad like that.

Stefan: Oh yibsims!
Dude: Indeed yibsims for sure.

Dude: I'm off to search for the truth, it must be out there somewhere.
So... Stefan, perhaps you could dial down all these abductions eh?Stefan: Doesn't really work like that watcher.
Why's that?Stefan: Well some sims are just, quite frankly, more attractive to us than others.
<Gasp> You're supposed to be his best friend... how can you say that?Stefan: I'm just trying to explain it to you... I have no way of controlling or directing who catches the pollinators attention... It's not my line of work.
Stefan: Besides, being Dude's friend has nothing to do with us being different races. I happen to really like the guy. He's fun to hang with and pretty darn smart.
Agree. Well, it's good you're friends eh. Must be a bit lonely living here by yourself.Stefan: It is at times. But there are more of us than you know... you know.

Blaize: So how come you don't wear a skin suit yet no one knows you're an alien?
Stefan: It's to do with mind control. You'll get much better at it with practise. Start trying it out on people you know and trust like your Uncle Zest.
Blaize: K, then. I'm glad I can talk to you.
Stefan: Me too Blaize. Glad to be able to help.
Oh! Well, that's that then isn't it. *Depressed sigh*