Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 448935 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #150 on: April 16, 2015, 04:19:32 PM »
@KTK10 , thanks. Blaize is such a wee cutie anyway.
@LenaLJ , I wasn't really in a hurry to have an heir, just wanted to enjoy playing Winston while he was all young and yummy lol. But when I looked at his age counter I decided it might be nicer to have him still youngish at least when the heir makes her first appearance  :)
@Nettlejuice , I didn't even realize she was ill, eventually I focused the camera on her to see why she was constantly laughing. Poor girl!
@Cristina , thanks. Seriously hoping for some nice looking heirs this time around. My first dynasty heirs were rather a required taste...which I never got. ::)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #151 on: April 16, 2015, 05:14:08 PM »
Chapter 36: Jealousy

Blaize: You know what sis? I've just found out that I'm not even the heir now that <sarcastic tone> "Mackenzie" has been born.
Jasmine: Oh that's terrible!

Jasmine: I'm sure dad wouldn't let Reagan cut you out of the family tree like that. He loves you too much.
Blaize: Well he did until he had a sim baby.

Jasmine: You just need to talk to dad about it.
Blaize: More like come up with a plan.<wicked grin>

Jasmine: Well... I'll help you no matter what. Us aliens gotta stick together, right?
Blaize: Right!

Blaize: You know what, sis? Pity we couldn't just send her to Sixam... or Splork.
Jasmine: <pow pow> Clingons on the starboard bow!

Blaize: Turning The Enterprise now Captain.
Jasmine: I wonder if we could send her back to where she came from? Where did she come from anyway?

Hi ya kiddies. Whatcha playing?
<Very distinct cold vibes> Blaize: Nothing.
Jasmine: We're just talking alien stuff which you wouldn't get.

Blaize: In fact watcher, I don't think you get me or my sister at all.
Huh? What's with the poker face Blaize? Has someone said something at school to upset you?

Jasmine: How about being kicked out of his place in the family tree by a ... sim.
By a ...Wait! You think... Oh...

Hey Dude we've got a prob....Oh! You're contacting aliens again. *Sigh* great!
Dude: Welcome!

Gregory: I'm glad I caught you in Dude, you're a hard man to get a hold of at times ya know.
Dude: Oh we've been out fishing I guess.
Gregory: Seems like one of your children have been in touch with The Council.

Dude: Oh, I guess it was probably Blaize, he likes to play on my Scientific computer a lot. I suppose he has accidently accessed one of my work files.
Gregory: With a request that a sim nooboo be granted residency on Splork?

Dude: Take a seat. So tell me the details again? I didn't quite take it all in out there...

Jasmine: I think you're in it now Blaize.
Blaize: Is that one of The Council's social workers? <grin> Cool, my plans working.
Jasmine: I don't know but dad wants you and he looks pretty angry.
Blaize: Oh.

Gregory: It seems young man, that you have been in violation of Code: 26xy71.
Blaize: No. Have I? Oh! Well I didn't mean to offend anyone. I just needed you to do something for me.

Some time later...
Blaize: Surely you can see it from my side? It's just not fair.
Gregory: Blaize, you can't be the heir no matter what. Even if your father had never had anymore children, you still could not have inherited anything.
Blaize: That's not fair... it isn't fair. I don't see why I ...
Gregory: <Interrupting> It is the way the inheritance laws work and keeps the balance of the universe Blaize and, quite frankly, I expected far more from you.
Blaize: Oh. But I thought...
Gregory: How could a Sixamite inherit a sims heritance? Had you been the first born you would have had your own inheritance on Splork,
but your older sister has claims to that. Your father has done for you a most wonderous thing by keeping you here and gifting you the place as the oldest sibling and all that this entails. On Splork you would have had nothing. You would have been the second child with no inheritance to claim.
Blaize: Oh.
Gregory: I think you have some thinking and growing up to do Blaize, if you want to be able to be that oldest sibling with any measure of success.

Blaize: Darn it BunBun... I've gone and ruined everything. I hate it here.

Zest: Thanks for tidying up Jasmine.
Jasmine: No problem.

Dude: Why is there no one else around when it's diaper time eh? Or do you time it that way baby?

Blaize: I'm so sorry dad. I...
Dude: I'm sorry too son, I should have explained it all to you so that you understood from the get-go how it all was.

Dude: Here, lemme tell you a little secret. <whispers> I couldn't have planned for a better son if Gregory had given me the choice of all the alien nooboos across the universe.

Blaize: I love you so much dad, and I do love Mackenzie, I do.
Dude: I know you do and I love you more than you'll ever know.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #152 on: April 16, 2015, 05:23:37 PM »
I'm still not finding undisguised aliens very attractive but...
Blaize in sim disguise looks like he's going to grow up into a major heartthrob. <3

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #153 on: April 16, 2015, 05:39:34 PM »
Chapter 37: Family Day At The Park

Dude: Just what we all need, a family day out.

Dude: Oh hi Emma, didn't see you there.

Emma: I'm glad we are friends at least Winston. It would have been terrible to not even be able to talk to you, you know?
Dude: Sure. Friends is good.

Umm... you're a nearly married man now. Shouldn't be even looking at other women.
Dude: Hmm? Oh no... I wasn't really.

Dude: Sorry. What were you saying Emma?

Reagan: Oh my first fish!
Dude: There are plenty of them jumping today, good catch hun.

Regan: Huh? Oh, it must have got off!
Dude: It happens, cast your lure back out again.

Taylor: Oh my plumbob! I can't believe you did that!
Blaize: I know! dad was furious at first but it ended up ok.
Taylor: What was your punishment?
Blaize: I had to clean the pool. The worst job in the universe... cleaning out all of Jasmine's long hair from the filter. I nearly spewed.

Woah! Why is that lady yelling at you Blaize?
Blaize: I don't know... ugh.
K. I'm getting your dad.

Dude: I know how to fix this.

Dude: You don't get to yell at my son just because you are in a bad mood lady.

Lady: Oh.. no...NO.

Dude: Now that's what I'm talking about.
Blaize: Thanks dad.
Dude: No worries, can't have spiteful sims yelling at my boy. Make sure you don't go sassing anyone though, son. That pool filter needs regular cleaning you know.
Blaize: <Shudder> Eww.

Reagan: This is probably one of the ugliest fish I've seen!

Still no angelfish?
Zest: Not even a nibble.
Blaize: Uncle Zest's teaching me to fish watcher!

Zest: First fish! Woo!
Well done Blaize!
Blaize: Thanks!

Blaize: Oh! It's a box!
Now you get to open it up... what did you get?
Blaize: <With some disgust> A rose.

Oh great catch Dude.

Wait, is that another one that you were just going to stuff in your pocket and not tell me?
Dude: Yup.
Blaize: Lol dad!

Dude: Hmmm, a great catch but not what we needed. Blaize, go run and tell your sister it's just about home time.

Jasmine: Hi Blaize, how's the fishing going?
Blaize: Great! I caught a goldfish, a minnow, and a ...something else I can't remember!
Jasmine: Well, I made two new friends.
Blaize: Dad said it's nearly home time.
Jasmine: K.

Dude: Home time everyone?
Reagan: Sounds great! It's been a lovely day but I can't wait to see Mackenzie.
Zest: I'm shattered! <Stretch> Too long standing in one position for an old man like me!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #154 on: April 16, 2015, 06:30:11 PM »
Chapter 38: Mackenzie's Birthday

Reagan: Morning little sweetie.

Reagan: You're such a good wee girl.

Your playing is coming along nicely Jasmine.
Jasmine: Thanks. I can even play concerto now.

Blaize: Hi Mackenzie. Reagan says it's your birthday today.

Blaize: I hope you still like me when you grow up. <Tickle tickle>

You know, we haven't been to Sixam for ages.
Dude: I do need some more alien crystals...Can't today though, too much happening at work.

Dude: So nice to meet you and welcome to The Lab. If you have any questions please come directly to me and be prepared to be flexible please as from time to time I may ask you to do something in particular for me that takes you away, briefly, from your current project.

Dude: Boy, we need a resident handiman, everything keeps breaking.

What are you making?
Dude: A special serum that should increase a sims fitness levels.
But you have already maxed that. How are you going to test it?
Dude: No idea.

Dude: Perfect.
Maybe Regan could drink it?
Dude: No! I'm not having Reagan drinking something potentially dangerous.

Dude: <Gulp>
How do you feel?
Dude: No different.
I still think you need someone else to drink it...

Dude: So I've left a few drinks out up in the staffroom, help yourself.
Emma: Oh thanks Winston.

Jasmine: Daddy! Have you had a nice day?
Dude: Great thanks. You kids been waiting for me?
Blaize: Yeah! We starting counting stars.
Dude: Where did you get to?
Blaize: The beginning of the Galafraic System.

Dude: Hey Zest. What you watching?
Zest: Hi, just some cooking shows. How's your day?
Dude: Good thanks.

Dude: You kids ready?
Blaize: It's pretty exciting!
Reagan: I'm not sure I am.

Dude: Well, here we go!

Dude: Happy birthday Mackenzie.
Mac: Thanks dad.

Reagan: Happy birthday darling.
Mac: Thanks so much mum. I have to go change my clothes though... they are just embarrassing.

Jasmine: I can't wait to see what Mackenzie chooses.
Blaize: I thought her clothes were fine.
Jasmine: Oh no... they were terrible. You'll need to get with it Blaize if you wanna keep up with us girls.

Mac: Will you help me choose watcher?

Mac: Well, what do you think?

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #155 on: April 16, 2015, 07:01:41 PM »
Wow I knew Blaize was upset, but to send her to space??? WOW!!!

Mackenzie is cute.  Can't wait to "not" see her face in her teen years. Lol well I'm at the theaters to see furious 7. Date night with hubby. See y'all later

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #156 on: April 16, 2015, 08:28:48 PM »
Geez Blaize, I think that sending her to space is a bit too much.  :P. It was hilarious though! She looks so pretty though. Maybe you can show us more of the scientist career? After the kids we didn't see it that much, and it's interesting.

Keep on going!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #157 on: April 16, 2015, 11:35:24 PM »
I think I'm totally a Blaize fan! What a great character and such a typical kid, thinking that everyone wins if she just goes back to where HE came from ! hahaha. Great job  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #158 on: April 17, 2015, 02:17:26 AM »
@sdhoey, hope you have a really great time! I can't wait for the teen years either. They are such fun to play.
@audbooh, I can't promise to show more of the science career as because this is a dynasty, strategy has to come before story really and, of course, when I'm at work with Dude no other sim can be controlled. I'll do my best though!  :) I've got a few screenshots of Dude's last day as an adult at his work, so I'll pop them in as a side-story for you!
@KTK10 , I know right, if only all of life's troubles could be solved as through the eyes of a child eh! How straight forward it would all be. I enjoy writing from a child's perspective now and then, reminds me not to be too serious.  :D

More chapters brewing. I had a blue screen crash today just after Dude aged up so things became a little messy as somehow everything in his inventory was deleted... or lost... or whatever, as result of the crash. Most frustrating as all his scientific equipment and collections etc were wiped out. To add insult to injuring when I finally got TS4 to load again Blaize aged up immediately.  :'( major bummer. So the bugs begin again. *sigh* So the next chapters are more of a catch up to where I am again in the actual game, otherwise to just becomes to confusing to write to far 'behind' where I am actually playing.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #159 on: April 17, 2015, 04:30:29 AM »
Aw, Blaize! It was rather sweet seeing him regret his terrible decision, I'm sure Mackenzie will forgive him. Loved the subtle Doctor Who reference  ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #160 on: April 17, 2015, 04:45:07 AM »
@Nettlejuice , lol I wondered if anyone would pick up on it. Gotta love Dr. Who!  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #161 on: April 17, 2015, 12:48:45 PM »
I caught the Dr. Who reference, too. I loved seeing the alien kids on the spaceship. And Blaize's plot was hilarious. Mackenzie looks great with her new threads and 'do.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #162 on: April 17, 2015, 04:25:37 PM »
@MarianT, thanks  :) It seemed fitting; aliens plotting on a spaceship, just too tempting not to do! And I am loving the new clothes for little girls, so cute.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #163 on: April 17, 2015, 04:49:08 PM »
Chapter 39: Close Call

Reagan: Three words, third word, one syllable, rhymes with head.
Mackenzie: Bed!
Blaize: Let me guess...first word 'go' by any chance?
Mackenzie: Aww bedtime already?

Reagan: Well school tomorrow and it's late.
Blaize: Can I see the end of the show?
Zest: What's this channel called again Blaize?
Blaize: Channel '!#*%&@%'
Zest: I'm just never going to be able to pronounce that correctly.

Mackenzie: Do I have to start working on my skills straight away mum?
Reagan: You do, just for a wee while, then it will be off to bed for you too.

Ah! Thought I'd find you here.
Dude: No surprise then.
Last workout before becoming decrepit?

Dude: You have such a nice way of describing it that it makes me feel so much better about my birthday.
Well, it's no secret. I don't want you to age up.
Dude: I get that but every time we get to this point you go all sad and mopey. Can't you just let me age up once without all the emotional drama?

I thought you were supposed to be in bed?
Blaize: Wasn't that tired really so I thought I'd do some of my extra credit homework.
Jasmine: Typing high score...oo, nearly.

Mac: Do you like my first picture watcher?
It's lovely.
Mac: You can have it if you like.
Oh, thanks! I'll find a good spot for it on the wall somewhere.

Blaize: Oh darn it... all my work going up in a blaze, that sucks.

Dude: It's cool, I got it.

Dude: Tell you what Blaize, next time you set something on fire it might be a good idea to back away just a little eh?

Zest: Oh! It's already out.
Dude: Yeah, thanks though.
Zest: Stairs slowed me down a little, creaking legs and all that.
Dude: Oh.

Dude: Mop it up good son.

Blaize: Aw, this sucks.

Mac: Oh man! I'm so stressed and outta sorts.
Go take a bath, it'll really help.

Blaize: Hmm, human food, so good!
Mac: How long till school dad.
Dude: 10 minutes so keep at it, nearly done now.

Dude: Have a good first day hun. Work hard!
Mac: Will do, bye dad.

Reagan: Maybe we should ban Blaize from the chemistry set, it's pretty dangerous.
Dude: Boys need to get into trouble darling, it's part of how they grow up learning good boundaries as they go. Besides, we have sprinklers that will kick in and put out the fire if I'm not here. It'll be fine. Promise.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #164 on: April 17, 2015, 05:04:19 PM »
I loved Blaize's plot to get rid of Mackenzie. It was so funny. Mackenzie is really pretty and sweet but Blaize and Jasmine will always have a special place in my heart. Can't wait to see them as teenagers  :D

