Chapter 47: 2 PartiesWho's birthday is it?Dude: Thomas's
Oh Poor Thomas, he's fallen asleep in front of the TV. Poor man's exhausted.Dude: <Snort> I can think of worse way of becoming exhausted.
Dude! Dude: What?
*Eye roll*
Happy Birthday Thomas!
Oh, yeah. Forgot to warn you about the back thing.Thomas: Yeah. Ouch! Might be outta action until the pain wears off watcher.

Thomas: Hmm, not bad. Not nearly as tasty as chicken stir fry, for example.
Think of the calories Thomas, think of the calories.
Jasmine: I need some new inspiration.
But this is lovely! It's a masterpiece too!Jasmine: I know, but I feel stale....
K, lets take a trip to the museum. Just lemme tell the others.
Blaize: I have NO idea how I'm supposed to focus on my homework with all this yabbering going on.

Blaize: Oh great, now I've got random townies telling me how to do my math too. Watcher, this isn't working for me at all.
I'm hearing you. I'll go see if Jasmine's ready to go home. Give me a moment.Blaize: Make it fast. This guy's really winding me up!
Lol, I think you're ready to become a young man Blaize.Blaize: Well, if that means never getting told how to do homework by strangers, then count me in.
Are you ready to go home Jasmine?Jasmine: Sure, I have enough ideas to fill a thousand canvases.
Jasmine: Are you want to throw a party tonight? It's quite late?
Mac: Totally! I can't wait to get started, I love parties!

Jasmine: Oh, we all have the same costume! What a bummer!
Reagan: Never mind, least no one got the hotdog hat on the maids costume!
Mac: Oh! So true!

Dude: This hamburger cake is delicious. You should grab a slice jasmine.
Jasmine: Umm, I might in a minute dad.
Micah: (Maid's outfit) Actually, it is surprisingly tasty. I like your costume Blaize.
Blaize: Oh! Er thanks Micah. (feeling shy) So when did you have your birthday?
Micah: A week ago or so now.
Thomas: (Grim) Well, I must say, everyone is looking rather fancy in their costumes.
Reagan: I agree, what fun!

Alexander: (Looking at camera) What on earth are you doing up there watcher?
Getting you all in eating... you know.Jasmine: Sometimes it's better not to ask Alex.

Mac: Thanks for coming Herman, I like your costume.
Herman: These fish tacos are great!
Reagan: Didn't you want to try the cake Herman?
Herman: Watching the calories Reagan.
Ahh, a man after my own heart.Mac: Well, that's a wrap then. Gold medal. Time for the next party.

Herman: Ohh, I feel dizzy. I'm not sure if I'm up to these back-to-back parties.
I must say, everyone is looking very fancy in their formal clothes.Blaize: Hmm, something smells great! I hope you're not going to wait all night to call us to dinner Mac.
More cake Blaize? Didn't you want to try the stir fry?Blaize: Oh! I already ate that, this is dessert now.

Thomas: I must say Mac, these playful paintings are lovely although I'm starting to feel slightly hysterical.
Balize: Whatever you do, don't look at the one with a frame then, it's a masterpiece and will send you right off the deep end.
Thomas: Just why though dear... did you hang them all ....

Thomas.... in the bathroom?
Mac: Well, that way just a few of us get playful and the watcher can mange us so that no one becomes overly hysterical.
Blaize: Yeah, but the bathroom Mac? Surely the hall or the bedroom would have been better?
Mac: Well, the bathrooms the closest to the party area...Anyway, time to get back now we're all playful.
Well Dude, your wife is partying up a storm with all the young ones. She certainly has been a blessing to the dynasty house.Dude: Isn't she great.
Yes, yes she is.
Herman: Wow! Winston! This stir fry is delicious!
Mac: Edison that's just not true! I know for a fact that aliens are a very friendly race. I think that's really wrong of you to trash them like that.
Edison(guy with hairy chops): Well, how do you account for all these abduction stories? Doesn't sound like a particularly friendly sort of a thing to do does it?
Mac: (Getting angry) You're just a bigot. I bet you've never even met an alien.
Edison: Who would want to... repulsive.
Alina SKL(Blonde hair) I think it would be exciting to meet an alien, let's not argue though, it would be a shame to ruin a great party.
Thomas: Well said Alina, let's drink and eat up eh.

Aden SKL: (dark brown hat): Not to be rude Reagan, but is your step-son an alien?
Blaize: (Thinking to himself) Oh no, not someone else seeing through my disguise.
Reagan: Of course he is dear, isn't he special.
Aden: Totally, how cool.
Here you are Jasmine!Jasmine: I got a bit sick of listening to Edison. He's so rude.
Hmm, well I guess it's to be expected. I'm sure if he realized about you and Blaize he would have never spoken out his opinions.
Jasmine: (Bitterly) No, he would have just thought them instead.
Listen hun, not everyone you meet will love you both like we all do. But that won't matter, 'cos your real friends will stick by you and love you all the same. Is that a masterpiece by the way?Jasmine: *sigh* Yeah, somehow being upset seemed to make me paint better.

Mac: Another gold, let's go for the trifecta!
Herman: Oh plumbob! I don't know whether I'm coming or going!
Well Herman, I'm pretty sure you'll be on the next party list... not so sure about Edison however.