Chapter 65: Blaize's Adult BirthdayStill trolling?Mac: I'm not trolling, I'm just making some pointed replies, that's all.
Hey! How was school?Zahra: Hmm, it was OoooKaaay.
Isn't that one of your wee buddies over there?Zahra: Yep, its Jaron.
Hmm...I can't quite make him out. Maybe I need glasses but everything seems quite fuzzy...
Zahra: Hi!
Jaron: Hiya Zar.

Jasmine: So what do you think of my latest masterpiece?
Mac:'s very...interesting.
Jasmine: It's entitled 'My Niece'.
Mac: Right. <Stage whisper> I don't get it watcher.
Me neither. Just smile and nod.
Zahra: ...and then my teacher made me stand up in front of EVERYONE and call out the answers.
Jaron: Yuk! What a meanie.
Mal: Were they all correct?
Zahra: DaaAAd!

Zahra: And <indignantly> my teacher's got an ugly mole right next to her mouth and I just can't stop staring it at...ewww *shudder*
Jaron: Hahha, that's funny.
Mal: Now Zahra! That's not like you.
Zahra: I don't mean to be horrible dad... but I just keep staring at it... like my eyes won't look anywhere else.
Mal: I think you kids should go outside and let some steam off eh.

Zahra: Come on guys.

Jaron: Woah! Check out your grandpa! Wicked!
Zahra: Yeah, he's a scientist. Hi Grandpa.
Katelyn: Hi Mr Hollingsworth.
Mal: <thinking to himself> Hmm, that Jaron's a handful.

Zahra: Oh I love it out here.
Katelyn: You're so lucky having this space ship. We've got no toys at home.

Zahra: Well, you're welcome here always Katelyn, even if I'm not here. Just come on over and play. K?
Katelyn: Thanks.

Katelyn: I think there are incoming enemy on the horizon. I think it could be the Borg!
Zahra: Oh NO! I'm too young to be assimilated...Quick, man the guns! I think this might be our last mission...I can't see a way out of this.

Zahra: I think it may have been a false alarm ensign. The horizons look clear.
Katelyn: Thank goodness captain *Whew*

Zahra: I declare the emergency over. Cancel the Red Alert!
Dude: *Wicked chuckling*

Dude: ROAAaaaaarrrrrr
Katelyn: *Screaming in fun terror*
Zahra: Arghhh!

Katelyn: Setting course for 27658929.1 Warp 9
Zahra: On my mark.... ENGAGE!

Blaize: I really don't want to have a birthday.
Mal: You'll be right, be the same age as me.
Has to be done!
Everyone singing....
Blaize: Hmm... sugar frosting.
Happy Birthday Blaize! Make your adult years count my boy!
Dude: Happy birthday son.
Blaize: Thanks dad.

Mac: Happy birthday big brother.

Mal: See, it's not so bad eh.
Mac: Hmm, that cake sure looks good!

Jasmine: Happy birthday

Jasmine: May you live long and prosper.
Blaize: And you.