Chapter 70: Jasmine's Adult BirthdayZahra: Oh, yuk! Grandpa, I'm really sorry but I totally don't like your fried fish....
Dude: But I caught that fresh, especially for you poppet.

Zahra: Even eating it with my eyes closed and holding my nose didn't help.
Dude: lol, it's alright love. I don't think I liked fish 'till I was older.
Julius: You're a good girl for finishing anyway.

Zahra: I ate it by holding my breath and thinking about chocolate cake. It was really terrible dad.

Mal: That's ok hun. Don't worry about it! I still don't like peas and dread having to eat them. The fact that you were honest and gave it a go is all that counts. Did you know that you will probably love fish when you're my age? Weird how your taste bud change eh.
Looking good Zahra.
Zahra: Thanks watcher. Umm... did you know that it's nearly my birthday?
Yep...but we've got your Auntie Jasmine's to celebrate first.
Zahra: Hey! Grandpa! Are you watching me?

Jasmine: It only seems like yesterday that Blaize and I were swinging around on that.
Dude: Tell me about it! Times flies!
I didn't know you could cook!Mal: Well, it's just something I'm slowly picking up. One of my many hidden talents! <Grin>

Mal: Well, good enough watcher?
Mal: Well guys, time for Jasmine's birthday.
Zahra: Cool! I love chocolate cake.

Dude: Happy birthday love. You don't look a minute older.
Jasmine: lol, thanks. Well, I feel it.

Zahra: Happy birthday favourite Auntie.
Jasmine: Thanks fav niece.
Dude: Hmm, this is one delicious smelling cake...

Jasmine: I still can't believe the watcher's letting us all eat cake!
Mac: lol, I know, dig in before she changes her mind!
Mal: I bet she get's us all working out later though.

Blaize: Dad said you're close to finishing all your requirements sis.
Mac: Yeah, just have to top my career now. Everything else is done.
Blaize: That's awesome Mac!

Jasmine: Hmm, you know what watcher, getting older isn't so bad you know.
I'll remind you of that on your next birthday.Jasmine: It'll be fine. I just know it.

Mac: That was a lovely cake you made for Jasmine.
Mal: Thanks hun. Soooo, do you have to go straight back to writing your latest book.... or could you spare a little time with your husband?
Mac: I've got all the time in the world now babe and there's no one else I'd rather spend it with.

Dude: That's it Julius, keep going now.
Julius: Oh cripes, I feel like I'm dying.
He'll get used to it, eh Blaize.Blaize: Yep, if he want's to keep living here he hasn't got much of a choice!
lol, it's all for your own good you know.
Mal: I do worry love. My elder birthday is just round the corner.
Mac: Hunney, I'll love you just the same. Actually, I won't, 'cos I love you a little bit more each and every day.