Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 106922 times)

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 63, Part 1 - Shutting Down
« Reply #210 on: April 25, 2016, 09:15:38 PM »
Oh! Megan no!

Poor Solstice, I hope she's able to break free soon and find some happiness! Thor and she are so cute! Thor will protect her!

Stephen needs to die. Slowly. Deliberately. And painfully.

What a beautifully written chapter mpart. I really can't wait to see what happens to the dearest Solstice next. :D

I really liked Megan. I hope she does find some happiness too. (That or Mercy will whack her over the head. XD) Thor and Echo are adorable. I love dragons. Thank you so much.

Just Something You Guys May Want To Know

I'm changing the way I label the chapters instead of Chapter (Whatever number it is.) (Title) it will be (The generation) (Whatever chapter it is in the generation.) It just would make it easier on me so I wouldn't feel bad if this reaches a thousand chapters. I hope you are all okay with that! (I l also don't plan on changing the names of the chapters numbers when I posted them. You will get what I mean.) :)

Example: Perfect Genetics Challenge: 1:2 - Marry Me 

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 63, Part 2 - Shutting Down
« Reply #211 on: April 27, 2016, 07:16:21 PM »
Stephen was in the other room, taunting Calypso. Solstice could already guess he was smirking. Her suspicions were confirmed when he voiced his thoughts out loud that ringed through the lab,”Pathetic.” He needed to die.

Solstice kicked a little harder each time. Stephen’s voice. Calypso’s voice. The hallucination. Each one fueled an unreadable thirst for something Solstice couldn’t obtain. She calculated the speed at which she needed to hit the target and missed by approximately .0674 seconds. So close, yet so far away. Imperfection was perfection with flaws. It worked and then it didn’t. She had to be in good shape for who knows what. All she knew was that everyone that ran this mad didn’t have any sense of right and wrong. Like kidnapping a girl and forcing her into a role that she is too small to play. They wanted her to become a goddess. They wanted her to start a war.

Solstice went back to the only thing she truly felt sometimes she could count on. Dancing. Every move was perfected until her feet bled. The radio was old and it wasn’t the best thing in the world. Solstice glanced at herself in the mirror. That horrid scar that marked them forever theirs. The eyes didn’t matter to her, it was an improvement. The scar bothered her. The scientists had inflicted a physical scar and many mental scars. She wanted to make them all pay.

Solstice detected Gladys entering the room in approximately 5.65457 seconds. She should have stopped dancing because Gladys hated when she danced. She called it frivolous. Gladys was beaming with pride, but something else. Fear. Solstice’s heart seemed to know what she was thinking about. She had killed Mercy, but Mercy had turned it into a victory instead.

“Stop dancing Solstice. You know how frivolous that is.”
Solstice glared at her, unable to mask her emotions. Her thoughts had told her that already.
“What do you want?”
Gladys smiled.

“Do you want to go willingly or are we are going to be forced to shutdown your system?”
Solstice sighed and knew she was already going to shut down her system anyways. Her thoughts said so.
“Stop playing games. We already know what you are going to do.”
Gladys frowned.
“You are no fun.”
She hit a button and Solstice’s vision went back to the comfortable, alluring darkness.

Solstice found herself tied into a chair. She attempted to wave at Stephen who she knew must be seeing it all through the mirrors. Stupid one-way mirrors. She hated mirrors. Solstice sighed and rolled her eyes. She barely had time to process the situation before he spoke.
“What a freak.”
Solstice hated the fact that he was voicing her thoughts. She hated him. He needed to die. She smiled at him.

“That isn’t anyway to greet the hot cyborg.” Solstice loved seeing him squirm under the realization she had just voiced his thoughts. He had stunning, blue eyes. Solstice hated them because she was staring into Aurora’s eyes. Someone who had been held captive in a doll with only their thoughts to keep them company. Didn’t they know that their thoughts would destroy them? His name was August Legend. He was full of himself thinking he was better than she was. She would enjoy proving him wrong. Solstice started naming off different poisons in her head while her brain was keeping count of the ingredients for each and every poison. August smirked.

He got under her skin like no one had before. She hated him. She hated alot of people these days though. She didn’t think that was a good thing. She had more enemies than friends it seemed. She tapped her foot impatiently trying to loosen the rope binding her to the chair.  “Yes, August Legend?” The moment she said his name thousands of bits of information sped towards her at lightning speed. Her powers was acting up again. Solstice smiled at him.
“Why is the heir to the throne coming to see me about destroying Isla Paradiso?”
His smile faltered.
“How did you obtain that information?”
“I have no need to tell you. I have nothing to gain from this situation except more useless attempts at brainwashing.”
August masked his emotions.
“You are a freak. No one will accept you.”
Solstice sighed and masked her emotions. Her foot betrayed her though. It wouldn’t stop shaking. August smiled.
“You are weak.”
Solstice rolled her eyes and hid her feelings with a small smile. These people wanted her to be everything but made her believe she was nothing.

Where was the logic? Solstice hated questions without logical answers. She couldn’t fix them. She couldn’t fix anything. Everything seemed to shatter in her fragile hands. One made of metal and the other made of soft tissue. Why was she letting him get to her? Why was she letting any of them get to her? Let them underestimate her and call her weak. It would help in her favor when she destroyed the place anyways. Solstice’s smile grew larger.
“You can leave August. I’m sure your mother is calling to you. It really was a tragedy that your father died in the attack of Bridgeport. Didn’t ten people randomly drown themselves?”

August’s face turned into a frown. “You aren’t a siren. You are a mind reader.”
Solstice grinned. “You aren’t as stupid as you look! What a surprise!”Solstice enjoyed every moment of it. August stared her directly in the eye.
“I am more powerful than you can imagine.” Solstice rolled her eyes.
“Pathetic. There is power in information. You are an open book. I don’t think you should go with that tactic to invade Isla Pardiso. You would have to many casualties to continue on the war. Try something else.” Solstice kept eye contact.

Solstice waved her hand at him, gesturing at the door.
“Leave. I have more people to talk to. This was fun. We should do this more often.”
August jerked up out of his chair and stormed out the door. Solstice mockingly pretended to be terrified of the next line to the throne. Solstice worked on untying the rope that was forcing her to stay in this uncomfortable situation. She hated talking.

She was fine. She was okay. She was a bomb ticking off to utter destruction. The moment Aurora walked in, she was done. She no longer could contain her anger in this, timid, sad girl. She was no longer that girl. She was a girl that delighted in destruction. Aurora was unharmed, accepted back into her family of royals. She was happy. She had toyed with Eric’s feelings. She was happy here. Solstice had saved her life. Solstice ignored the guilt that was eating at Aurora for Solstice being the lab experiment. Aurora didn’t deserve to be sitting there, without a scar that kept her awake at night. The room changed. Everything got brighter, too bright. Aurora couldn’t meet Solstice’s eyes. She was a freak after all. So be it.
“Solstice. They think I can help you for this thing.” Aurora said cooly.

Aurora didn’t want to destroy those people. Solstice didn’t reply.
“They want you to help them Solstice.” Aurora said pleadingly.
Solstice finally spoke.
“They want me to become a goddess though they don’t even know the rules of the world themselves. Where is my dragon? Where is Thor?”
Aurora hesitated.
“They will kill you and make Eric become one of those things.”

That was enough for Solstice.
“A cyborg, Aurora. Will you be the one watching as the last things that make him normal are taken away from him? Will you be the one forced to look at the ashes of who he once was, knowing you were the reason for his destruction? They want to kill me? They already have. Don’t be stupid. I’m taking you down with me.” The light was getting even brighter. Her mind was screaming one thing: Destroy them, destroy all of them.

Solstice smiled wickedly at Aurora. Her powers reached into her mind, destroying everything that Aurora held dear. Solstice could feel her power coursing through her veins. She was getting more powerful. She was feeding off Aurora’s power. People were screaming but couldn’t stop Solstice. Thunder was roaring above the underground lab. Aurora collapsed to the ground in agony. It was beautiful chaos. Solstice had never felt lighter though she was plunging into darkness. Everything was fine until the stupid hybrid rewired the remote that controlled Solstice and caused her system to shutdown, saving Aurora in the process.


Kyle laughed bitterly under his breath as Stephen examined his makeshift prison for the girl.
“Very good Kyle. We could use your help down here. You saved us from destruction.” Stephen mocked the girl. Kyle shifted uneasily. Stephen smiled at him.
“You do know how rare you are, your mother be a nymph and your father being a werewolf, don’t you? Your combination of genetics is nearly impossible.”

Kyle smirked. His father had been bitten before he had taken the throne from Kyle. Kyle’s mother...Kyle had never known her. All he knew was that he was born days before the heir to the throne was. How awkard to find out your husband, the king, had another child that you found on your doorstep. Especially when your doorstep was a castle. His mother had left him one thing and one thing only, a note. Kyle winced. The memory was still fresh in his mind. He didn’t even know what his mother had named him.

“It will survive. You didn’t damage it at all. If anything, it needs to be rewired.”
“Maybe if you stopped calling her an it, she would stop having tantrums.”
Stephen laughed. Kyle’s face went red.
“How is Amelie the psycho doing?”
Stephen lurched from whatever thing he was contemplating on destroying.
“Well, she killed her.”
Kyle nodded.
“How is your country doing?”
Stephen glanced at him.
“My what?”
“You have fathered a whole country by now, haven’t you?”
Kyle shook his finger at Stephen.
“Poor pregnant woman, having to raise mini-Stephens.”
Kyle shaked his head.
“I would rather die.” Kyle said mockingly.

Stephen left the room. Kyle smirked. Kyle stared at the strange girl and shook his head.
“Next time you should free the mad goddess. You should anger fate.”

The girl jerked at the restraints as her system restarted itself. She started screaming.
Kyle tapped his foot impatiently, tightening the vines’s hold on the girl.
“Calm down princess.”
“Shut up Kyle Legend. Thanks for the dragon.”
Kyle shifted uneasily.
“My parents are dead. My family is dead. Everyone is dead.”
The girl was starting to freak him out.
She attempted to lean down and meet his gaze.
Kyle jumped back.

“Well princess, what about you don’t kill me. Your family is fine. Your mother is a crazy siren. Everything is fine except you.”
“What do you want? The throne?”
Kyle shrugged.
“I’m too hot for the throne anyways. Nah. I want you to help me get out of here.”

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 4:12, Part 2 - Shutting Down
« Reply #212 on: April 27, 2016, 09:21:25 PM »

Calypso is going to be so angry when she gets out of that cage.

<3 Solstice is adorable, as always. <3 We just need to burn down this lab and everyone in it! >:O I'm picking up my pitchforks.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 4:12, Part 2 - Shutting Down
« Reply #213 on: May 01, 2016, 03:17:16 AM »

Calypso is going to be so angry when she gets out of that cage.

<3 Solstice is adorable, as always. <3 We just need to burn down this lab and everyone in it! >:O I'm picking up my pitchforks.

Stephen is Stephen. He isn't even an Alexander Brantley. I wonder how she will react when/if she gets out of the cage. Don't you love Kyle though? He is growing on me.

Offline mpart

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Gwen paced back and forth, glancing at her husband who knew exactly what Gwen was worried about. She hadn’t been able to sleep, eat, or basically do anything since she had discovered the sirens. James had the same worried expression on his face with a hint of confusion mixed into it. “What is going on Gwen?” The girls on the couch sighed and glanced at Gwen.
Gwen glared at the girls. “Something has happened to my daughter.”
James stared worriedly at her. “She is right here.”
“No, she isn’t.”
“What do you mean?”
Eric’s eyes never left the girl disguised as Aurora. Not even once. Gwen was tempted to ask what had happen. She was scared for her children. She stared down at her belly. Soon enough, there would be another addition to their little family.

“Have you heard of sirens being able to disguise as others?”
James looked baffled and Eric just ended up putting his head in his hands.
Eric started speaking calmly,”Powerful sirens are able to disguise as others, mimicking their voice and more often than not, their looks. They have the ability to change into completely unique forms or change into forms others have taken.” Gwen and James stared at their son.
Eric shifted uneasily. “I did my research.”

James put his head in his hands, defeated.
“Do you mean that the girl sitting on my couch is basically my daughter’s doppelganger?”
The girl smiled. “You forgot about Aurora. We never intended for anyone to die. It just happened.”
James jumped back as Eric jumped to his feet.
“Sit down. All of you.”
Gwen snapped her fingers and everyone did as she said except James. He was immune.
“Let me figure this out.”

Gwen turned around and faced the girls. One girl had neon hair, and the same grayish tint to her eyes that Gwen had, and another had blonde hair with strands of aqua in it.
“What do you mean someone died?”
The girls stared at her, paralyzed with fear. Gwen felt a rush of power erupt inside of her.
“That wasn’t a question you could decide if you answered.” Everything started spilling out of the girls.

“Mother told us the only reason she had us was to get revenge on her sister and to live forever. We were trained at a young age to shape into other people. Mother told us the goddess would give us our powers. We were forced to attack your daughter. We didn’t mean to hurt anyone. We were just following orders.”
Gwen snapped. “Look what good you did. You are as pathetic as your mother.”
James stood up and walked over to Gwen. “It isn’t their fault.”
“My daughter could be dead because of these girls. Don’t tell me it isn’t their fault. Her blood may be on their hands.”

Gwen couldn’t stare at her husband. The world was spinning and she was afraid her small, perfect world she had built up would shatter into millions of pieces. “They are going to die.”
“No, they aren’t Gwen.” Gwen shaked her head.
“If I don’t kill them, the curse will.”
Eric looked briefly at Gwen, fascinated. He was so much like Solstice. It use to bring a smile to her face, but now it only brought her pain.
“What curse? The one inflicted by Fate upon our family or a different one entirely?”
Gwen let a hint of a smile onto her face. “I swear sometimes you and your sister are mindreaders.”
Eric huffed. “Not me.”

The girls on the couch shifted anxiously.
“Mother is going to be so mad at you Callistus.”
“It wasn’t my job to stalk her!”
“Shut up.”
Gwen sighed again. The world was spinning even faster, picking everyone she loved up with it.
“A cursed siren and an a normal siren are two different things. A siren is a magic user that has a powerful voice that can manipulate others. A cursed siren is a siren that used their magic incorrectly and has to pay the price. The first signs is scale on their legs in which they are give a few hours to go to Siren’s Cove or die. They then can only go onto land during the night and have to serve centuries luring others into the dangerous ocean depths.”
The girl’s stared at her.

“We aren’t cursed. We don’t have scales on our legs.”
“Your magic is out of balance.”
“How would you know?”
“Trust me.”
One of the girl’s grinned.
“You don’t know. You know what I know, one of those two didn’t get out alive. Which one ever did will wish they were dead. Trust me. I would rather be a cursed siren than whatever they will turn her into.”

Gwen turned and looked at the girl. She looked so much like her mother. Gwen smiled as the power inside of her screamed revenge. James noticed right away.
“Don’t you dare Gwen. Don’t you dare.” Her son just stared at her.
“What is going on? Mom? Dad?”
Gwen scanned through all her options. Fire? Nah. Electrocution? Too quick. Starvation? Too slow.  Drowning? That would be a classic. She should stay with the classics. She was merciful after all. There are so many worse things than death. She couldn’t hear James anymore and could only notice the girls staring at her in fear. Eric got up and quickly left the room. He knew his mother wasn’t in her right mind. James stared screaming various things at her.

“They are just teenagers! They aren’t even full sirens! Their mother did this, not them!”
None of it got through to Gwen until he crossed the line.
“You are going to end up just like your father!”
Gwen turned around.
“What did you just say?”
“You are going to end up just like your father Gwen!” 
Gwen snapped and replied cooly. “You better hope you don’t become like your father.”
Gwen stared at the girls. The girls looked fine unless you looked in their eyes. Their eyes told of terrors that they had seen that were beyond their years. James was talking again? Why couldn’t he stop talking?

“Gwen, she isn’t dead! She isn’t you!”
Gwen turned around and finally faced her husband.
“I raised her for years by myself. You don’t know her.”
“Whose fault is that?!”
“You left me a note telling me you were leaving and to never look for you! You told me your father was right about me! You were always needed to be the one who needed to be right James! Maybe you weren’t!”

James stormed out of the room.
“Really mature James!”
Gwen turned around to the girls.
“Tie yourselfs up. I don’t care.”
The girl with neon hair murmured a thank you for not killing her.
Gwen smiled darkly. “If you hurt anymore of my family I don’t care what he says, you will die a long and painful death. Got it?”
The girls nodded.

Gwen sighed and fell to the ground after the girls were gone. Silent tears streamed down her face. Was James right? Was he wrong? He irritated her to no end. He always had to be the right one in the equation. How could Gwen love someone that seemed to shake her whole world down? It seemed every time she was near him she broke into pieces again only to feel whole. Why did she love him? Gwen knew the answer. She sighed. Those girls could have killed his daughter and he wanted to do nothing, nothing? Gwen grabbed something that looked expensive and threw it. She laughed.
“That was smart.”

Eric came by and sat by her. “That was a stupid thing for him to say. You should have killed them.” Gwen glanced at him. “Yeah.” Eric sighed. “Don’t listen to what he says sometimes. He just isn’t use to seeing people as they really are.” Gwen sighed. “I guess I should be telling you not to talk bad about your father.” Eric laughed. “I’m not talking bad about him. I’m just telling the truth.” Gwen rolled her eyes. “That is what I thought at your age too.” Eric grinned. “I will say it when I’m older then.” Gwen raised an eyebrow. “You can say that when you have wife and kids. You will then be able to understand.” Eric’s grin just got bigger. “Deal.” Gwen laughed.

“I forgot to tell him I got a phone call from his mother.” Eric looked confused. “What?”
“She wanted to meet up with him or something. The woman that abandoned when he was young has finally decided to show up again.” Eric frowned. “Never let me abandon my kids. Ever. Got it?” Gwen grinned. “If you did you wouldn’t live to see what would happen because of it.” Eric laughed. They were both laughing like idiots. Gwen’s world started spinning again and she collapsed.


James paced back and forth. Why, why did he say that to his wife? He hadn’t meant it. He just froze. He just saw her in those girls and wanted to protect them. Those girls weren’t Gwen. James clenched his hands into fists. They were the reason his daughter could be dead. They would be a factor in his daughter’s destruction. He glanced at the girls. One smirked. They needed to die. His little girl was out there, all alone. Gwen was right. She was the thing keeping him together through everything. Who would he be without her? He needed to beg for forgiveness. Gwen didn’t deserve what James had said. She was so much better than those girls. He knew better. James froze as he heard his son calling for him. “Dad? Dad! Mom, wake up. Wake up! I said wake up!”

James ran into the room where his son was was shaking Gwen, trying to get her to wake up. Tears were streaming down his face. “Mom, mom, mom!” “Gwen? Gwen?” He laid her head on his lap, begging for her to wake up. Why wouldn’t she wake up? He couldn’t lose her. He wouldn’t lose her. Eric called someone. James didn’t know who it was. He didn’t care, he just needed to help her. He had never felt more helpless in his life before. He already missed her laugh, her smile, even the face she made at him when she was mad. He couldn’t be without her again. He didn’t want to be without her again. He couldn't. Every moment with her was precious. “Wake up Gwen, please wake up Gwen.” James held tightly onto her until he was forced to let her go. 


Gwen woke up in a room she wasn’t familiar with. She grabbed the closest thing to her that could be use as a weapon and tried to get off  the bed. It didn’t work. The world came back into view. James was hunched down in the chair, defeated. “I’m so sorry Gwen.”
Gwen launched up and stared at her stomach and tears started falling down her face. “No, no.” James noticed her distress and walked over to her. “They are fine.” Gwen stared at him. “They?” James smiled. “Twin boys.” Gwen laughed. “Guess what that means moron, I was right.” James stared sadly at her. “You were right about those girls Gwen. They are ticking time bombs. I’m so sorry for what I said. It was stupid. I just want Solstice back.” Gwen gave him a look of dread. “Even if she comes back, she won’t be the same.”

  Gwen was allowed out of the hospital a lot sooner than she thought she would be able to.
Gwen held Calloway. He always had a smile on his face while his brother, Matt, always had a frown. Gwen snickered. “Matt is you James.” Gwen got home and stared at the house. “We don’t have enough room. Gwen plopped onto the bed, exhausted. “I’m not having anymore children. Having them is exhausting.” James smiled. “Four is perfect.” Gwen felt her heart stuck in her throat. Her voice came out weak,”I just want her to come home, you know. I want my little girl to come home.” James nodded quietly. Gwen kept speaking. “I want to grow old with you and see our grandchildren running around our huge house that is too big for just us.” James smiled. “I don’t deserve you.”  Gwen nodded tiredly. “Yeah, yeah. Love you too James.” Gwen dozed off and barely caught what he said,”I love you Gwen. I promise I will get our daughter back.”


Gwen tossed and turned until one of the twins woke her up. What was going to happen to her daughter? Would she die or be the remains of the little girl she once was? Gwen was scared, no, terrified for her daughter. She was afraid she would end up just like Gwen had until something finally woke her up. Gwen relived those terrible moments in her life. She held onto her baby boy, Calloway, to keep her sane. He stared at her curiously. His little hand tugged her hair. Gwen smiled. “You are insane.” Calloway giggled, with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Gwen’s smile started to fade. He had her eyes. Was it possible, no it wasn’t. Gwen cooed to her little boy,”Happy birthday you little monster.” Gwen sighed. “I guess happy birthday to me too.” It was any moment now. “Tick, tock, Calloway.” Calloway looked up at her, startled. Gwen shook her head. Was it possible? Would Fate really offer her immortality? Could she turn it down? It was baffling to Gwen. What was it like to be inside that woman’s head?

Gwen blinked and she was in Fate’s presence. The goddess looked bored. “What do you want? You have lived this long and provided me power. Choose something.” Gwen sighed. She had imagined this would go a lot differently. Gwen spoke quietly,”I want a long life with James and my family.” This seemed to wake Fate up. “Immortality? That only goes so far.” Gwen shaked her head. “Just a long, happy, normal life.” The goddess laughed. “Normal?”
Gwen smiled. “Let me rephrase that. I want to live to a normal age and die with James with my family.” The goddess sighed, looking defeated. “Fine. Go away. Your presence is draining.” Gwen stared curiously at the goddess. She knew that look. Gwen hid a hint of a smile.

Before she knew it, she was back, holding Calloway. Everyone but Calloway and her didn’t notice it. She stared at her child curiously. “That was strange.” Calloway gave her a look that said “tell me about it.” Gwen wanted to believe she imagined that. She was scared that she didn’t. James was reading an old newspaper that should have been thrown out. He frowned. “I’m not sure this is accurate.” Gwen sighed and kissed her husband.

James put the newspaper down. “Happy birthday Gwen.” Gwen snickered. “You got to celebrate your birthday by yourself but I can’t.” James nodded “Exactly.” Gwen crossed her arms. “I’m guessing you got me a gift?” She said teasingly. She didn’t expect anything. She loved her husband and that was enough for her. James grinned. “I actually did. A house.” Gwen raised an eyebrow. “What?” James’s grin just got wider. “I got us a house in Dragon Valley. There is job positionings there for both of us if you would like.” Gwen’s throat got tighter. “What about?” James shook his head. “We have been looking everywhere Gwen. She will find us when the time is right.” Gwen sighed and ended up putting her head in her hands. “We can’t give up.”

James put an arm around her. “We aren’t giving up. We are doing the opposite of it. We need to show her that we aren’t going to give up searching for her, but we aren’t going to go insane from these monsters that took her.” Gwen nodded her head and grabbed herself some coffee. “You are always spending a positive twist on everything. ‘Sorry you were kidnapped. Here is some junk food.’” Gwen shook her head as James laughed. “It is crazy looking back.” Gwen frowned. “We are getting old.” James shook his head. “That is an accomplishment.” Gwen looked around, panicking. “Did you forget the cakes?” Gwen paused for a moment and kissed James.

James just shook his head. “No Gwen. I didn’t forget the cakes. We will be having cakes for days.” Gwen smiled. “Should I tell Eric to start packing?” James sighed and stared at the newspaper again. “If that is what you would like for us to do.”  Gwen rolled her eyes. “Of course.” Eric knocked on Eric’s door. That was strange. He wasn’t in there. Gwen barged in to see him hunched over blueprints. Gwen peered over his shoulder. A chip of sorts? “What are you doing there?” Eric jumped.

“Thanks mom. You just gave me a heart attack.” Gwen crossed her arms. “What are you doing, Eric?” Eric looked at the blueprints. “I’m doing something that will change the world.” Gwen hid a hint of a smile. “Okay. We are moving. Start packing.” Eric stared at her. “What? Where?” Gwen grinned. “Dragon Valley.” Eric took a deep breath. “That sounds awesome mom. Can you get me an alchemy station?” Gwen’s smile faded. “You are interested in magic?” Eric smiled sheeply. “Not interested, fascinated.” Gwen shook her head. “Sure you were always so much like your sister.” Her voice cracked on the last word. “We will find her.” Eric said firmly. Gwen smiled. “You are so much like your father.” Eric grinned. “I take that as a compliment.”

Eric made sure his mother was out of the room before resuming to the blueprints he had already carefully planned out. Was it possible that something that brought him so much joy to create could destroy so many people’s lives? He didn’t care as long as it helped his sister. That is what mattered. He had somehow managed to figure out that whoever had her was planning to install a chip in her head that could control her. That wasn’t the only con though. Her power would be unstable and sooner or later, she would have to find a power source to extract more power from. It would cause her to be dependent on other magic user’s power.

Eric wasn’t sure why he was creating blueprints to fix the chip. He just was. Before he could stop himself he was adding smart remarks to whatever moron seemed to stumble upon the blueprints. He didn’t exactly have an idea who it would be. He was just insulting them for their lack of intelligence among other things he clearly didn’t know. The terrifying thing thing was that he felt he knew this person.

Eric finally put the blueprints away and launched up from the chair. He ducked under the flying dragon to see where the sirens were. They were tied up of course. Letting them free wasn’t an option for any of them. Eric sighed and held up the note he had found lying on the ground of a car crash. No one knew who crashed except their sure wasn’t any survivors. His parents and him didn’t know when Solstice and Aurora went missing. A fresh pain of guilt stabbed him.  He held up the note so the sirens could see it. It had little information on it but he hoped it was enough to strike fear into their hearts.

Their mother had knew they were going to die eventually from what they referred to as their “mission.” He hoped the note would be the last thing that broke any loyalty the woman that had given birth to them. It did. It all started spilling out. Everything. The lab. The project. The car crash. At the end they were crying, begging for forgiveness. Eric shook his head sadly. He would try if he could somehow know these girls couldn’t manipulate other’s anymore. He stared down at their legs that were covered with scales. He waved his hand and the ropes came undone. “Go, just go. Don’t come back. Go to Siren’s Cove and don’t do anything to my family again. Got it?” They nodded then skirted off out of the house.

Eric walked out of the room to find his mother staring at him suspiciously. “What did you do?” Eric shrugged. “I sent them to Siren’s Cove.” His mom shaked her head. “We invited some of our family over for the twin’s brother. Eric sighed and walked out of the room. In the kitchen where three simple cakes sat on the table. Eric waved at Kaleb who seemed bored. He was always bored. He glanced around and his eyes finally landed on Eric. “Guess who is coming to Dragon Valley with you guys?” Eric grinned and then looked around. “Have you seen Maleficent?” Kaleb shrugged. “Nope.”

Eric watched as his mother and father took the twins up to the cakes. Calloway tugged on mom’s hair. Eric shrugged. There was an audible gasp when Calloway became a toddler.  Everyone stared for a second. Kaleb stared at mom, trying to figure out if this was a trick of sorts. Everyone knew it wasn’t a trick by Eric’s mother’s face. “Impossible.” Dad went to comfort her. “It doesn’t mean anything.” Mom closed her eyes and blew out the candles. “ It means Fate has changed the game.”

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 4:12, Part 2 - Shutting Down
« Reply #215 on: May 01, 2016, 03:34:14 AM »

Calypso is going to be so angry when she gets out of that cage.

<3 Solstice is adorable, as always. <3 We just need to burn down this lab and everyone in it! >:O I'm picking up my pitchforks.

Stephen is Stephen. He isn't even an Alexander Brantley. I wonder how she will react when/if she gets out of the cage. Don't you love Kyle though? He is growing on me.
He's getting close though. Then again, Alexander Brantley was something else.
'Tis ok, because Mercy is above that riff-raff (dusts self off and straightens self). Alexander is but a mere mortal compared to my darling Mercy. (Pulls out foam finger and T-Shirt).
I'm officially off the Astra wagon and back where I belong - with Mercy. Solstice is coming close to getting her own foam finger for my other hand though... That girl has sass. I LOVE it. She ROCKS being a cyborg.
As for Kyle? Meh. He's working in that STUPID lab with that STUPID (pfffbbbt) Stephen. Solstice could do much better.

I'm going to need to grow more arms and hands to help deal with the amount of foam fingers I'll need, and James is starting to earn a pfffbbtt here. He needs to get his butt together.

Offline mpart

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He's getting close though. Then again, Alexander Brantley was something else.
'Tis ok, because Mercy is above that riff-raff (dusts self off and straightens self). Alexander is but a mere mortal compared to my darling Mercy. (Pulls out foam finger and T-Shirt).
I'm officially off the Astra wagon and back where I belong - with Mercy. Solstice is coming close to getting her own foam finger for my other hand though... That girl has sass. I LOVE it. She ROCKS being a cyborg.
As for Kyle? Meh. He's working in that STUPID lab with that STUPID (pfffbbbt) Stephen. Solstice could do much better.

I'm going to need to grow more arms and hands to help deal with the amount of foam fingers I'll need, and James is starting to earn a pfffbbtt here. He needs to get his butt together.

James is getting close, isn't he? He is writing himself. I will probably talk more about it in the next chapter. I'm glad you are loving my characters! I have to say, I'm really excited about one's story in the future. Well, I have a lot of things in this story I'm excited about. This will probably be the longest generation so far to be truthful. I want to do all my characters justice. :)

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Re:Labelles's Perfect Genetic Challenge - Announcement
« Reply #217 on: May 12, 2016, 10:51:29 PM »

Hey guys if you haven't heard from @LivvieLove I'm currently going on a trip and will be gone for a little while. Sadly, that is not my only news. My game is determined to keep torturing me. My Sims 3 files were accidentally replaced and I have to recreate my sims. My custom content was also effected and now I have to go through and reinstall it. It may be a week or two before I can get another update up. I also want to say, I'm doing a collaboration with LivvieLove (I'm not exactly sure if I have officially mentioned this before in this story) and somethings from my previous generation may not fit into the current story anymore. What I'm say is, what you see now is what is the truth in the story.  @LivvieLove has also mentioned this in her story. Please be patient as I'm losing my mind putting my game back together. I appreciate it so much. Thank you all so much for reading my story! Please check out LivvieLove's wonderful story that is linked in the chapter list!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: Announcement
« Reply #218 on: May 14, 2016, 09:37:27 AM »
@mpart oh no *cries* I'm so sorry :-( I hope you manage to get it going again. Enjoy your trip!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: Announcement
« Reply #219 on: May 16, 2016, 06:38:30 PM »
Hello-If you don't recognize me, it's because I'm new here-mpart! I'm sorry about your sims. Yikes! If that happened to me, well... I have a LOT of sims.

Anyway, I'd just like to say that your story is fantastic! I've been reading for a while and I love it. Have a good trip!
stories coming soon... my sims 3 is working again!
I am a pro lurker. If you are reading this right now, I have most likely read your story. Maybe I'll comment. No promises...

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: Announcement
« Reply #220 on: May 23, 2016, 03:46:35 PM »
@mpart oh no *cries* I'm so sorry :-( I hope you manage to get it going again. Enjoy your trip!

Thank you! Sadly this is not the first time it has happened and it certainly won't be the last.  :-\

Hello-If you don't recognize me, it's because I'm new here-mpart! I'm sorry about your sims. Yikes! If that happened to me, well... I have a LOT of sims.

Anyway, I'd just like to say that your story is fantastic! I've been reading for a while and I love it. Have a good trip!

Hello there! I think I cried a little. I'm not even going to lie. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me! I'm hoping the screenshots have slowly gotten better and maybe my writing has improved over the generations.  :)

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: 4:14 - You're No Hero
« Reply #221 on: May 24, 2016, 01:01:37 PM »
Hey guys! My game hasn't been fixed just yet but it is getting there. Slowly. Luckily I got a chapter done before my vacation and I'm back. Well, unluckily if you look at it. I really can't explain what happened. Enjoy the chapter!

Gwen closed her eyes as silent tears started falling down her face. Please, please don’t let this end. It was though. She was no longer the little girl that fell in love with him, she was a mother. He would find someone else. He always found something else. She loved him enough that she left him. That’s what happened. Did she though? Did she really love him still after everything? After everything he did? Was it possible?

She was no longer filled with love for the man she thought she fell in love with. She was felt with regret. Gwen smiled through the tears. No, she had four wonderful children with him. She was no longer the ghost of her past. She was no longer his ghost. She was no longer the woman standing in the shadow of the man she thought she had fell in love with. He lost what she loved about him.

Her heart broke into pieces as another round of sobs consumed her. She stared at the finger her ring should have been on. The ring of broken promises, empty words, and dead love. Gwen closed her eyes. She was stronger than this. She was stronger than him. One day he was going to realize that she was worth fighting for. His daughter was worth fighting for. He would just realize it a little too late. Her marriage was in ruins. Her daughter was dead. She was sitting in a hotel in Bridgeport.

 How did the story begin? How did the story end? Did it end when the little girl realized that she was no longer the same person she had once been or was it the little boy who grew up everything he swore he would never be? Had he changed or had he finally took the mask he was wearing off? Gwen opened her eyes and picked herself up. Crying wasn’t going to change things. She would get everything she wanted even if it couldn’t be with the person she thought was the love of her life.

The house with the white-picket fence, a beautiful family, a successful career even though she wouldn’t grow grey. Gwen opened her eyes. She just needed to remember why she was here in the first place. She could. She would. Gwen got to her feet, feeling stronger than ever. She didn’t know when it started to fall apart truthfully. She just knew she was done. He was arrogant. He would always be looking down at her. That wasn’t her fault.

 Gwen stood straighter as she made her way to the door. She wasn’t weak. She wasn’t strong. She was powerful. James Lake had made Gwen Labelle forget that. She just needed a wake up call. Closing her eyes Gwen could still remember the awful memory and the emotions associated with. Hatred, resentment, love, sadness, and most of all, betrayal. Always betrayal. She was tired of fighting him though.

 She had never realized who she was really fighting until that day. She just felt numb. Gwen knew exactly what the best revenge was. Picking herself up and accomplishing everything she wanted. Time healed all wounds supposedly. Still, the memory was fresh in her mind. She just needed to go back to the day she found her daughter’s remains.

It had been a beautiful Spring day in Sunset Valley. For once it wasn’t snowing like the world was ending. Little did Gwen know that her world would be crashing down that very day. Tensions were running high in the car as Eric scrambled to gather whatever he was working so hard on. Gwen was making sure everyone was comfortable. Calloway would never complain about anything and would just fall asleep. He was such a good toddler. Matt on the other hand was already complaining about the stuffy car. Gwen smiled at him. She couldn’t meet James’s eye. She hated the fact she had forgiven him so quickly for letting those girls free. She hated the fact he said she was her father. This was just a bad patch. They could get through it.

She thought they could. She made herself believe it. Even through everything she wanted to love him. She wanted to live a long and happy life with him standing by her. Fate seemed to hand her a different deck of cards though. The car screeched to a stop as everyone stared at the remains of a charred car. Their car. Eric opened the door and ran to the wreckage. Gwen stared at the remains of the car in horror. Her heart fluttered as adrenaline rushed through her system. Soon she noticed someone was screaming and Calloway was tugging on her hair, surveying the scene with curiosity. James stared at the car with uneasy calmness. Gwen gently placed Calloway back in the car with tears blocking her vision. Was this happening?

Suddenly Eric was running through the wreckage of the car looking for any sign of life while Gwen was sobbing looking for any sign of anything that could bring her daughter to her. She stared at James. Nothing. Not a sign of emotion. He was cold. He wasn’t the warm James that she knew that would have held her tightly and searched for his daughter. It was seeming more and more everyday he didn’t exist. She would have followed him anywhere. It didn’t matter her to her anymore. She just needed to find her daughter. She heard Eric scream. It was a sound that she would never forget. It was fully of agony and pain.

Gwen stumbled to where her son was, clutching the last bits of strength she could find within herself. Lightning struck near Eric and Gwen while Calloway and Matt looked in confusion in the car. They were too young to understand what was happening.  Eric sat down and stared at the trail of blood leading down to the cliff. How blood had even stayed there that long was a mystery. It was no longer a mystery if the person had survived or not. Gwen clutched her son’s shoulder, unable to find strength anymore. “It-t’s a trick Eric.” Eric stared hopelessly at the ground and spoke quietly. “It isn’t. They either killed or destroyed her.” A sob racked through Gwen’s body as she stared down into the dangerous water that threatened to consume her. Rain that soaked Gwen to the bone poured down as lightning shook the ground. 

Gwen and Eric stared helplessly into the water as everything Solstice had done for them flashed through their minds. Her smile. The way she pursed her lips when she was angry. The way she was fascinating with everything and always saw the good in everyone she could. Roars of thunder clashed as the water consumed everything it touched. Silent tears fell down their face as time stopped to remember the little girl that had always brought a smile to everyone’s face.

The way she bounced and playfully insulted her brother. The way she had always insisted on wearing a dress. The way her hair always seemed to be out of place. Her devotion to dance. It was always the little things that defined Solstice. They were the big things. Staring down at the merciless water Gwen could see her little girl disappearing out of thin air.  They could never destroy her. They never would. It seemed like years passed as Eric and Gwen were soaked to the bone, clutching each other in hopes to find strength in the other.

Calloway started crying and Gwen reached for her child. Gwen stood up and stared into those eyes that once hold warmth and happiness that now only held coldness. “We need to move forward.” Gwen stared into those eyes looking for the man she loved. Just a piece of him. Just show me if he is still there. Images flashed in her mind of everything he had done, good and bad. He was always there at the right time it seemed. He was always the person that had promised her a happy ending.

What had he given her really? Was he her hero? Was he her tragedy? Whatever was left of him was no more than a ghost as everything connected into place. He had been distant with his children. He had left that note with no explanation except that she was a monster and his father had been right. It had taken him years to look for her right after he found out he was a father. He always brought up her past and used against her. He refused to see her as a different person. He had always had to be the better person in the situation. He wasn’t willing to find his daughter no matter what the cost was. Last but not least, he stared at what was his daughter’s remains with no more than boredom.

Gwen met those brown eyes that had once seemed so gentle, so loving, no longer contained the boy she had once loved. That was what he had been. A boy. That boy grew up into a monster. It all connected together like never before. What was left was the horror of the situation. James seemed to notice it suddenly and his voice softened. “Gwen-” Gwen couldn’t meet those eyes that had tricked her countless times. She couldn’t stare the stranger in the eyes. She never knew him. It had all been a lie.

“Was it all a lie? Were you ever real?” Suddenly James stared into Gwen’s eyes with what seemed to be real pain. “What do you mean?” Gwen closed her eyes. “You only came back for me because of Eric and Solstice, didn’t you? You couldn’t stand the thought of being a father.” James wouldn’t meet Gwen in the eye. Gwen started screaming. “What about all the plans we made! What about the new house?” James finally looked her in the eye. “Those were your dreams Gwen. Not mine.” Gwen took a step back and brushed tears from her face. She answered shakily,”Eric can you please get our stuff?”

James took a step towards Gwen. “Gwen-” Gwen finally met those deceiving eyes and placed something that had once meant hope to her but was now only a lie. Gwen stared up at him once and placed the ring his hands. “I loved you. I always will. I just can’t be with someone that plans to keep destroying me over and over again.” Gwen turned around and desperately hoped that maybe that it would happen like it would in the books. He would chase after her and apologize. He would change. No matter how much she hoped it would never happen. Not in this lifetime. She stared back at the man she had thought she loved with pity. “You were wrong James. I don’t know you but I know that whoever you are, you are worse than my father ever was. You are a worse actor than he could have ever been.”

Eric didn’t meet his father’s gaze. Gwen stared over at her son with concern. Hatred was already boiling under the surface. Gwen had tried so hard to correct things. She had tried so hard to make everything right. Everything just crumbled under her touch. James glared at Gwen, not something that Gwen knew could be done by him. “What do you plan on doing? Taking the house I bought?” Gwen laughed. “Have it. I would never move to Dragon Valley with you. Leave.” Gwen smiled politely as her phone started ringing. Perfect timing. “I just got a promotion anyways. Goodbye. I will send you the papers next week.”


Gwen stood up and smiled at her sons. All three of her amazing sons. Her son gave her a look full of pain that was quickly replaced by hatred. “I can’t believe I looked up to him.” Gwen smiled sadly. “People like that end up dead quickly.” Eric glared at the door. “How quickly?” Gwen snapped at her son. “He is stupid. It was my mistake. Not yours. Don’t expect to drink a vial poison and think he will die because of it.” Eric sank back into the sofa. In a small voice he asked the question that had been eating at Gwen,”How could he mom?”

 Gwen sat by her son and placed his head in her lap. Her voice was thick of emotion as she looked at her son,”I don’t know.” Eric stared at his mother. “I trusted him mom.” Gwen felt tears falling down her face once again. “We start over. This isn’t the end for us. This is the beginning.” Eric nodded. “What about her mom? What about Solstice? She isn’t dead. I would know.” Gwen answered meekly,”I don’t know.” A pang of guilt ended up hitting Gwen. Eric brushed away a few tears that were running down his face. “We can’t forget her. I won’t forget her.” Gwen nodded. “No, we won’t.” 

Gwen walked over to the computer and gestured over to Eric. “Would you like to help me choose to where we live?” Eric managed a small smile. He was no longer the mischievous boy that Gwen missed. He had grown up too fast. She had failed him. Eric laughed. “Get the one with the white-picket fence.” Gwen bursted out laughing. “We don’t need him, do we Eric?” Eric nodded. Gwen hugged her son tightly. “I’m just going to do something, okay?”

Eric nodded and stared at the twins with worry. Gwen shared the same look with Eric. Calloway met her gaze with his hazel eyes that he shared. His neon hair was a mess but Gwen loved him and his mischievous smile. His eyes held the same innocence his father’s had once held even if they weren’t the same color. She stared at her son, Matt. He had so much of his father in him already. His eyes were the exact same shade of James and seemed to hold the same coldness that was threatening to escape. Gwen smiled at her little boys playing together peacefully and walked out the door to begin her new life.


For the first time in her life she felt freedom that she had never known she could have. For the first time she did not see the little girl that had killed her cousin. She had not seen the girl that had went crazy because James left her. She had grown up and she was only a shadow of the past. She was not the same person that was afraid of her powers. Gwen laughed. Her powers were apart of her. They had been and always will. Determination surged through her as her power screamed in her veins. It was about time. She knew exactly what to do.

Upon closing her eyes Gwen was jerked into a different place. Champs Les Sims. Fate frowned and waved Gwen near the chess table. “It seems you have a problem.” With a gesture of her hand a young woman appeared near her side. She was the definition of beauty. Her soft, brown eyes held thousands of secrets and a coldness that Gwen instantly recognized. Gwen glared at the woman and sat in the next chair. It was strange. Gwen instantly knew the game. It wasn’t something she was good at, but she could play a simple game of chess. Her voice came out stronger than she thought it would. “It seems I am.”

Fate sighed and stared at the board. “I have a proposition for you.” Gwen met Fate’s deadly stare. “What would that be?” Fate rolled her eyes. “Become a priestess of mine and I will grant you immortality.” Gwen grinned. “I want to destroy the people that destroyed my daughter.” Fate laughed. “You don’t seem like the type to allow vengeance to consume you.” Gwen rolled her eyes and moved another chess piece. “It won’t. I don’t intend to allow it to interfere with me being the best mother I can. Deal Fate.” With a gesture of her hand the chess piece moved. “I win this round.” Fate sighed and the pieces rearranged themselves. “Fine. Enjoy Bridgeport.”

James truthfully wrote his own destruction. It was not my design EVER to have Gwen and James not end up together. In the end, he just became a character I no longer recognized and I stayed true to the character.

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge:4:14 - You're No Hero
« Reply #222 on: May 24, 2016, 01:46:06 PM »
UGH! James!!!!!
How could he say that about Solstice? What a jerk! Gwen is so much better off without him. It's time for her to rise and show the world what she's made of! Go tear down Bridgeport with you, Gwen!
She can do so much better. She WILL do so much better. I'm sure!

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge:4:14 - You're No Hero
« Reply #223 on: May 24, 2016, 07:36:51 PM »
Oh, James.
that's all I have to say. ;)
stories coming soon... my sims 3 is working again!
I am a pro lurker. If you are reading this right now, I have most likely read your story. Maybe I'll comment. No promises...

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Re: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge:4:14 - You're No Hero
« Reply #224 on: May 24, 2016, 09:38:51 PM »
James the jerk, forever more referred to as JJ! He's just freaking lucky Gwen didn't kill him! I would have been so tempted!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

