Author Topic: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge [Completed]  (Read 81851 times)

Offline tjtemple

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Let Them Eat Cake! (new May 28)
« Reply #150 on: May 29, 2016, 05:13:28 AM »
Yep, Daia and Kage are my complete favourites too; such creativity with their style (their watchette must be so proud!) 

And PLEASE don't make this the last shots of the dream boys!!  They are such great dancers - we need more not less! 

Great chapters @oshizu.  This is just getting better and better.  And a real treat to the eyes :D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Let Them Eat Cake! (new May 28)
« Reply #151 on: May 29, 2016, 07:25:25 PM »
(Massive coughing fit ensues).
I will watch them whip and nae-nae so long as they keep showing off their... achievements.
(Stares in awe).

I love your chapters Oshizu! Kage and Daia are so adorable together. Quite the power-couple indeed!
I also read your other update from two days ago, except that I forgot to comment (silly Livvielove, always so spacy). Forgive me for that! Welcome Go to the family! Congratulations to Morgan and Naoto? I'm so glad you're joining in the Sanada family... achievements (coughs). Those Tattoos go excellent with your... achievements.
;) XD

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Let Them Eat Cake! (new May 28)
« Reply #152 on: May 31, 2016, 12:13:02 AM »
Thank you for liking Naoto and The Dancers, lol. Sometimes I find something to be so cheesy or outrageous that it's really funny (to me).
Then I worry that other people might find it offensive.  :-[
I've never played the Criminal/Boss career before so it's a chance to have a sim look different! Naoto is speeding through this career.
Then it will be time for a new young adult to make his entrance...

When doing a multi-generational game, I tend to always enjoy the current couple the most. But I agree with you and @Nettlejuice that Daia and Kage are an awesome couple.
One reason perhaps is that they both have edgy work outfits as secret agents but they also both turned out looking gorgeous.
They might be my all-time favorite sim couple.
Thank you for enjoying The Dancers. I saw the little bowtie collar while I was looking at other cc and thought it would be go well with my sims' shameless shirtlessness, lol.

You have such a great memory! You've been able to carry that joke about achievements over from the Wonder Child Challenge,  ;D
I hope your cough improves.  These are just silly yet visually pleasing distractions so that I'm not just showing shots of my sims pursuing maxed skills and career promotions. It's actually getting a little repetitious, although new unlocks give me new things to do. But my sims personalities probably provide the most fun.

The Dream Boys (as tjtemple calls them) will recruit more dancers and make a comeback later, lol. (but not the next update...)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: A New Home
« Reply #153 on: May 31, 2016, 01:07:13 AM »
Week 16/Day 111: A New Home

Day 111 (Fri)

Kage: When I left for work this afternoon, I hadn’t really expected to complete the final level of the eleven-level Villain career. But  I did!
We're no longer limited to building within an 8x8 grid!
You did an amazing job, Kage! Are you glad to be finished?

Kage: If you don’t mind, I’m planning to get a raise or two then take all my vacation days and retire.
Right now, no one can really afford to retire because wages are our only income source.
Once Naoto clears Criminal/Boss, we won’t have to make payoffs to the mob anymore, either.
Anyway, I’d prefer to putter around at home. Also, I’m not a big fan of this work outfit…
I know, right? After all your hard work, I wish you could have kept either that James Bond tux or the Evil Mastermind suit.
Instead you get a black turtleneck, black slacks, and clunky shoes. It’s so ordinary! *shrugs

Kage: Anyway, we can’t have an outdoor garden without unlocking Space Ranger, but I’d like to start a profitable indoor garden.

Naoto: Hey, Porch Crew, wish me luck!
Tremain the Trashcan: Whoa, did you hear that, people? He actually spoke to us first!
Gned the Gnome: Yeah, he looks pretty frightening, but he’s quite kind-hearted underneath that hair, the scar, and those tattoos!
Mel the Mailbox: I think Naoto’s pretty cool! Watchette usually prefers those slender, feminine-looking guys with poufy hair, you know?
So Naoto’s very out of character for her. He’s not “pretty” like his relatives, but he’s appealing just the same!
Tremain the Trashcan: Well, for me, the most appealing female resident here has been Yuki!

Day 112 (Sat)

Daia: Expanding our house has not been as easy as we’d imagined, but our crib is definitely roomier now.
It’s now 10 tiles wide instead of eight. However, that’s fine for now since we can’t move any objects with a footprint larger than 1x2 tiles (Bodybuilder lock).
Rather than moving around objects, Watchette’s just been resizing rooms and moving entire rooms between floors.
Mauricio: For example, what used to be my third-floor “Music Room” is now in the back of the second floor.

Kage: And remember my plan for a garden? Watchette’s moved the B1 Focused room to the first floor.
And a gardening area has been built around it.
We can’t build outdoors yet (Space Ranger lock), but you can see the garden from the Focused Room and you can see outdoors from the Garden.
The first shot shows the entire first-floor back room with the walls down.
The second shot shows a walls-up view of the garden from the Focused Room.

Karina: Once I clear Bodybuilder, the house will be completely torn down and redone.
No use showing anymore of the house today.

Gned the Gnome: Ahem, is no one going to ask why I’m stuck inside this glass cage? You explain, Tremain. *rhymes
Tremain the Trashcan: While redoing the porch, Watchette realized that the Astronaut/Space Ranger lock bans placing any items outdoors, except the mailbox, trashcan, and rocket ship.
Mel the Mailbox: *gasps: You mean, Gned should never have been standing on the porch all this time?
Gned: That’s right, not without walls and a ceiling.
Lol, yep! But Pinstar has commented that, since there’s a lot of rules to remember, we don’t have to restart if we make a mistake; we can just fix it and move on.
Since Gned the Gnome didn’t provide any strategic advantage, just narrative fun, I’ve surrounded him in walls with a ceiling, as the Space Ranger lock requires.
I will not be restarting.

Sofie: A little after 10 pm, I arrive back with a promotion to Level 3 Food Service Cashier! I’ve cleared the Fast Food career.
Yippee! Can I go back to Windengberg now?
Great work, Sofie! You did two levels in eight days!
Sofie: Watchette, are you being sarcastic?

Karina: Hey, Sofie, congratulations! Now we can order pizza by phone and chips from a bar.
We can also eat “Quick meal” snacks from the fridge (but drinks are still banned by the Mixologist lock).
You know, Watchette considered asking you to stay here and be with Mauricio, but he’s just not into you.
Anyway, thanks for being a good sport and helping out with the cooking, cleaning, and gardening! 

Kage: Everyone, say hello to the newest member of our household, little Miss Amanda Fyres!

Mauricio: Do you know why Amanda’s here, Daia?
Daia: I hear the plan is for Amanda to clear Space Ranger, but we’ll see.
Karina: Then why not just move in a teen? That’s 13 less days of sim-maintenance.
Siobhan: Duhhhh? Amanda’s got the Fyres’ genes! Watchette figures Amanda will be knockout!
Hey, Siobhan, you and Sasuke did great work together, maxing Logic tonight!  Now you can relax until Monday.
Siobhan: Sasuke didn’t mind mentoring cuz it means we’ll be living as a family soon!

Week 17/Day 113 (Sun)

Naoto: While Daia and Kage are busy working, the rest of us have the day off, so we visit Sylvan Glade for the first time.
Mauricio, Karina, Go, and Amanda have never gone fishing before, so we’re all very excited!
Mauricio: When Kage gets home, he’s excited to learn that I caught a pomegranate!

Day 114 (Mon)

Gned the Gnome: Siobhan seems really hyped up about going to work this morning!
Tremain the Trashcan: You’re right! She’s doing that silly “shooting guns” gesture from her Insider trait.
Mel the Mailbox: Since coming here, she’s gone from L6 Charisma and zero Logic to maxed Charisma and Logic.
She’s endured being separated from her family and she’s worked really hard! She deserves to feel hyped!
On the other hand, her Cooking and Gardening are both Level 1, lol. All she did was work toward promotions.

Mel the Mailbox: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Help me, arrrggghhh!!! I’m ddddyyyyiiinnng!
Gned the Gnome: Hey, Mel, what’s wrong? What’s happening?
Mel: Kage came out in his skimpy sportswear and he’s touching me!
Tremain the Trashcan: Sheesh, Mel, get a grip! It’s Monday! He’s just paying the bills…

Gned: You know, Watchette! I really hate being walled up like this! You’re just lucky I don’t have the Loves the Outdoors trait!

Karina: In other news, my little bro Naoto gets abducted while he’s out pranking the neighborhood tonight.
I hear it’s the very first abduction in four generations. Lucky Naoto!

Mauricio: Watchette built a hot tub room for us in back of the garden room this afternoon.
Siobhan, this might be your last night with us, so let's break in the hot tub!
Karina: Thanks, Dad, for clearing the Villain career so we have the space to place a hot tub!

Day 115 (Tue)

Siobhan: Today at 4pm, I bring home the gold!
With Business/Investor unlocked, the household may sell items in Buy mode and sell collected or harvested items (farewell, 99+ mushrooms!).
It may sell items to Geo Council, publish books (but not self-publish), license songs, and sell jingles. Whew, that’s a lot!

Kage: Daia’s still at work, so I take everyone else to the spa and a gym. Everyone should learn wellness and fitness.
Lately, Daia and I have been thinking of a good match for Karina but the pickings seem slim.
At the spa, we meet romantic Otis, a gym trainer who works at the Harbor Quarter Gym.
I’m never letting Karina date a guy who dresses like this!

Kage: At Harbor Quarter Gym, Naoto asks one of the resident gym trainers to mentor him while I’m chatting with Dane Leach.
Naoto: That gym trainer must be Luciano—he’s the only good friend in my contacts who I don’t recognize.
Kage: Doesn’t matter what his name is, Naoto. He’s never dating my daughter! He’s too creepy!
Naoto: Oh come on, Kage, admit it! His gold chains are cool!

Kage: On the other hand, I rather like this Dane Leach. He’s an art lover, he loves the outdoors, and he’s neat!
Mauricio: Lol! You’re so transparent! Can you say “painting, gardening, and cleaning drone”?
I bet Dane would look really cute in short dreads! Hmmm, hmmm. *Writes his name and traits down

Kage: You know, Watchette, Karina and Mauricio both think I don’t know what’s going on with them, but I saw her giving Mauricio a "First Kiss" last Sunday.
Yeah, I saw that, too. Since then, I’ve been doing a little research about their relatedness.
Mauricio’s mother is Nancy Landgraab, which makes him the half-brother of Karina’s grandfather Tatsuya, or a “half great uncle.” 

Kage: Wow, I never even knew this term existed. Thank you, EAxis!

So Mauricio and Karina share a “coefficient of relatedness” of 1/16 (6.25%). That’s halfway between first cousins at 1/8 (12.5%) and second cousins at 1/32 (3.125%).
Kage: Thanks for the migraine, Watchette. I think Mauricio’s a great kid, but…
I know, Kage. And Mauricio has always been her BFF. We still have other options, though.
Kage: Let’s look for other matches for them, okay? But don’t say anything to Karina yet. She’ll throw a fit. 

Day 116 (Wed)

Daia: While Siobhan and I mentor Naoto and Amanda in Logic, I notice Karina with Mauricio in the garden room.
I wonder what they’re talking about?

They make such a cute couple! Too bad!  *sighs 

Kage: We forgot to introduce you to our new housemate, who moved in this evening soon after Siobhan moved back to Windenberg.
Sara: Hi, everyone! My name’s Sara Shin and I hail from The Bin. I attend high school with Karina.
I’m a Genius, Active Nerd Brain. When I age up, I’ll be joining the Astronaut/Interstellar Smuggler career!
My friend Tao Kaneda and I were both children when our immortal dynasty household failed, but we’ve been rescued and aged up to teens for this challenge.

Since Sara and Tao are both teens-aged-up-from-children, they have only three traits each plus whatever skills they’ve built since moving into the neighborhood.
In Sara’s case, that’s Level 4 Video Gaming; Level 1 in Charisma, Comedy, Gourmet Cooking, and Logic.
They’re definitely not Wonder Children but they’re both very cute!

Day 117 (Thu)

Mauricio: This morning, I aged up to a young adult and immediately joined the Entertainer career to become a Musician.
I don’t really look that different in my baggy clothes but I’m definitely not a lanky teen anymore.
I maxed Violin and Piano already as a child, thanks to my half-brother Kenta’s mentoring, so my career-related skilling is done!

Kage told me he doesn’t approve of my dating Karina. I rather thought he wouldn’t but Karina was so…enthusiastic.
But then, who should I marry and take with me later to live in the Landgraab home?

Day 118 (Fri)

Amanda: In Windenberg, I was living with my mom, grandpa, grandma, Uncle Sasuke, and my cousins Erich and Nessa.
So when I first came here, I was soooo lonely! But there’s one person here who always has time for me!
He looked a little scary at first, but he’s pretty funny and really kind.

Amanda: Yay, Naoto’s my new bestest friend! Now, I’ve finished tier two of my Social Butterfly aspiration!

Naoto: Hey, I know this looks bad but it totally isn’t what it looks like, people! I can explain!
I want you to know that I was just minding my own business when she asked me to be her BFF and then initiated this hug!
Naoto, Naoto! All the ladies—young and old—just find you too irresistible! What are we going to do with you?

Day 119 (Sat)

Kage: Instead of celebrating her elder birthday here today, my darling Daia opted to move out last night.
She’ll be living right next door with her mother Yuki. When I leave here, that’s where I’ll be heading, too!

Karina: Our new roommate is our neighbor from across the street. He’s an old friend of Sara from The Bin!
Tao: Hey, everybody! Like Sara, I’m also a teenager. When I age up, I’ll join the Athlete/Pro Athlete career.
I have only three traits—Cheerful, Active, and High Metabolism (Bodybuilder aspiration). My skills are nothing to write home about.
I have Level 2 Video Gaming plus Level 1 in both Charisma and Logic.
Obviously, I’m no preskilled Wonder Child, but I have that slim, effeminate look that Watchette prefers, hehe.
Tao: Psst! Watchette, I can’t believe you made me say that myself!

Both of these sims appeared together several updates ago. Sara looks exactly the same.
When Tao joined the household, however, I ended up changing his hair and all of his clothes.
Somewhere in another simverse, a young girl crooned “Pastel is the New Black.”
For that reason, I’ve changed Tao’s hair from a brownish-black to a very soft pink.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: A New Home (New/May 30)
« Reply #154 on: May 31, 2016, 01:38:03 AM »
Aw! What a wonderful chapter! Poor Gned. At least he's weather-proof now (from the pretend weather, that is).
Congratulations to Kage on his promotion! Can I just say that I actually really... like Karina and Mauricio (ducks and covers)?
A gal can dream, right? That face he made when she landed that first kiss on him though! So adorable!

The house looks fantastic now, Oshizu, and welcome to all the new house members! Pastel is the new black, it seems.

As for my enthusiasm? I have quite an eye for achievements, and your stories are filled with them. ;)

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: A New Home (New/May 30)
« Reply #155 on: May 31, 2016, 09:58:06 AM »
Actually, I really adore Mauricio and Karina together as well! Kage's genes (his eyes and mouth) have started dominating the household, it seems.
Mauricio and Karina would offer a chance to possibly bring back the Sanada "look." The game doesn't consider them related (4 degrees of separation).
I just can't decide. I even wrote part of the last update with them together, but then took it out.
Karina remains a teen for 5-6 more days, though, so I'm taking a little break from this file to think it over.   :-\

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: A New Home (New/May 30)
« Reply #156 on: June 01, 2016, 07:08:18 AM »
Yay, more pastel! I had to get that out first, lol. Poor Gned, his box looks cosy at least and he doesn't seem to be complaining which is a good thing. I laughed so much at Mel freaking out about Kage 'touching' her  ;D Although Kage's new uniform isn't that great the tight fitting turtleneck is still something, ha ha. Congratulations on the unlocks! You've done a brilliant job even if it's simply moving rooms and expanding walls, the indoor garden is my favourite (I love gardens in general). Do you have a plan on what you'll build when you tear down the current home or you'll decide when it's time?

Otis, I think that outfit and beard actually compliments him.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: A New Home (New/May 30)
« Reply #157 on: June 01, 2016, 12:16:03 PM »
I'm eager to rebuild their house once Karina unlocks Bodybuilder but I don't have a plan at all. I've never done much planning for builds except to draw squares on a sheet of looseleaf. Do you use graph paper to plot out your builds, tile by tile? Kessy's house looks like you did a lot of thinking about room size and location as well as the different outdoor areas. Also, I'm not that familiar with how European/North American homes are "supposed to look," so I could never build for example a Tudor house.
Well, thanks for encouraging me to think more carefully about what I build.  :)

I was rereading previous chapters this morning because, no matter how many times I proofread, I can never completely escape typos.
Then I saw the following comment!  :o

Can you tell I've been thinking of trying this crazy challenge? ;) 

How did I ever miss this comment? You should totally do this challenge, reggikko! You already know the rules better than me, lol.
But seriously, you always come up with great gameplay strategies for the tournament, so I'd love to see how you approach this!!!
You could even do a Wonder Child Challenge using Don Lothario clone as the father, haha.  ;D

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: A New Home (New/May 30)
« Reply #158 on: June 02, 2016, 05:21:33 PM »
My plan for building went out the window when living underground wasn't working out so I went with building rooms and connecting them. It was pretty easy to figure out what each room was for, the kitchen (which used to be the living room) was the one that I had no idea what to do with for the longest time.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: A New Home (New/May 30)
« Reply #159 on: June 06, 2016, 08:32:33 AM »
Did you decide to try living underground because of your Time Lords' Tardis?
I like your idea of building function-specific rooms then connecting them. I love lanai patios but can't have wall-less rooms until Space Ranger is cleared.
Well, I guess I'll start thinking about the house once Bodybuilder is cleared.

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Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Why So Mean? (New/June 6)
« Reply #160 on: June 06, 2016, 09:04:12 AM »
 A few remarks

Aspirations: 10 days ago, @reggikko generously taught me that my sims could choose a new aspiration after completing one.
Can you believe that it took until today for me to realize that this would also appy to children?
So today, I hastily choose new aspirations for Go and Amanda, who now have but have less than a sim-week to compete them.

Spas: While reading comments under the Apocalypse Challenge rules earlier today, I noticed the challenge creator writes that spas are banned under Bodybuilder (but gyms are not, apparently).
My sims only visited Perfect Balance Spa once, but they won't be returning for 2-3 sim-weeks.
Meanwhile, the Luxe Sports Center (gym), which I’d placed in Newcrest, has yoga mats but no massage tables or massage chairs.

Ageing : I’m sad and mystified that the adult sims I moved out of the house are sending birthday party invites then ageing up to elders.
I made sure to let them go early so they could stay adults forever, instead of keeping them at the house as mentors.
If I don’t accept the party invite, will the sim not age up?

Week 18/Day 120: Why So Mean?

Day 120 (Sun)

Hello, my name is Tao, Tao Kaneda. I’m the newest addition to this household so Watchette says I should talk with y’all so we could, you know, get to know each other better.

Anyway, I wasn’t that surprised when Kage invited me to move in last night, since Sara is already here.
I mean, that’s the whole purpose of ageing Sara and me up in The Bin, right?
People say that Kage is an absolutely vicious Villain, but he’s shown me nothing but kindness.
He helped me with my homework as soon as I moved in.

And no, don’t confuse me with one of those not-so-appealing sims who conceal their flaws with cc hair.
I just couldn’t find another hairstyle with the right shade of pink, you know?
And by the way, if you think Watchette obsesses over Kage, you ain’t seen nothing yet…
Kage: Seriously, Watchette? Now that I’m adult, you would cast me aside for…a little teenager?
Watchette: *pretends not to hear

In case you don’t remember, here’s the current household at breakfast.
In the last chapter, Sofie Bjergsen, Siobhan Fyres, and Daia Sanada (Gen3 heir) maxed their careers and moved out.
In their places, Amanda Fyres (daughter of Morgan Fyres and Gavin Richards), Sara Shin, and I moved in.
Daia’s husband Kage cleared his career already but he’s staying behind to help mentor us.
Gen3 Naoto with the tattoos and Mauricio are young adults; Karina, Sara, and I are teens; and Gen4 heir Go and Amanda are both children.

Any of you interested in some really juicy gossip?
It’s about Mauricio Landgraab, the awesome Nancy Landgraab’s son with The Founder, Satoru.
When I lived across the street, Mauricio always greeted me whenever we met in the neighborhood.
He’s a very chill dude who loves music. But…..
Seems like those quiet, innocent-looking types are the most unpredictable!

I’d heard from Sara that, last week, Watchette and Kage laid down the law to Mauricio about not dating Karina.
But last night after I moved in, I saw Mauricio in the indoors garden, looking into the Focused Room.
At the time, I wondered why he was smirking at Kage who was in the other room and didn’t notice Mauricio.

Well, I found out why this morning, people! Check out these photos I found under the stairs.
Karina’s still a teen now, so this first photo has to be from four days ago or earlier, while Mauricio was still a teen.
Looks like she asked him to exchange promise rings!

This second photo’s the clincher! Technically speaking, I guess we couldn’t call that a “date,” eh?
See what I mean? Gotta watch out for those quiet types like Mauricio! Looks like Karina is really into him, too!
What? You want to know why I was snooping under the stairs? Just checking out my new home, yo.

Strangely, Mauricio’s wearing shades in an indoor hot tub! Did he think no one would spot him?
Nah. I’d initially planned the swimwear as a poolside look, but I’ve since removed the shades from everyone’s swimwear outfit.

So, after I show the photos to Kage, Kage contacts Watchette to discuss what to do next.
(I’m not normally a snitch, you know, but Kage’s my sponsor here, okay?)
Great news! They decide to give their blessings to Karina and Mauricio as a couple, though Karina won't be a young adult until Tuesday.
Watchette checks their relationship status: Lovers, Best Friends, Soulmates, Promised.
Yep, there was never any hope of stopping that ship!

Late in the afternoon, Kage takes us all to the gym.
We go to the gym in Oasis Springs, since that neighborhood also has a playground, grilling, and fishing.
We’re lucky to catch the gym trainers between shifts and end up with Kage and two gym trainers mentoring us.
Some weird moustached guy in a towel tries flirting with Sara. Good luck with that, dude! (I know I’ve seen him somewhere…)
And you can’t see them in this shot, but Bella Goth is giving Naoto a sizzling stare.
Kage: Yeah, that’s right. Naoto has always been a cougar magnet, even in his teens!
Tao: I guess this household causes a stir wherever it goes.

Day 121 (Mon)

Tremain the Trashcan: Oh, so there goes the new addition to the household, Tao Kaneda. So that’s the new obsession?
Mel the Mailbox: Shhhh, not so loud! Watchette might hear you! But yeah, Tao’s her bias these days.
Gned the Gnome: Well, Tao does have sentimental value! He’s from Watchette’s first immortal dynasty attempt, started back in December 2014.
The immortal dynasty founder and heirs all had lavender hair, except Tao because he was a child when it failed.
Do you remember who the founder’s spouse was, Mel?
Mel: It was Mitchell Kalani, who chose not to dye his hair lavender.
Gned the Gnome: Long story short, Tao came from Watchette’s first of eight failed IDC attempts.
Tremain: So is that why he’s here in this challenge?
Mel: Of course, not! He’s here only because he’s cute!

Naoto: I’m a Level 7 Getaway Driver now (Criminal/Boss) and my daily task is mean interactions.
I don’t mind. I just have to pick people my household aren’t friends with.
Tao: Your “fake sad” face when you’re giving “fake bad news” is so perfect!

Naoto: And this is for being mean to my nephew Go yesterday when he was just trying to make a friend for an aspiration!
Max: Arrggghhh!

Kage: Around noon, I get a phone call from Siobhan, inviting me to her birthday party. She’s becoming an elder?
Technically, she’s my wife’s aunt but we’re close to the same age so I’ve never called her Auntie Siobhan. She would hate it, anyway.
I invite some people along and we visit Sasuke and Siobhan’s house for the first time. It’s located diagonally across from ours.
Unfamiliar with the house, we first sit down in the kitchen/dining area.
The caterer, Clare Bjergsen, decides to sit and chat with us, or to be specific, with Naoto. Sheesh.

Mauricio: The caterer’s too distracted once she notices Naoto, so we move to the living room.
Naoto: This is a great room with an amazing view! It feels strange to to have so much empty space in the room...
Kage: As you can see, I invited along my wife Daia, her brother Naoto, Mauricio, and Liberty Lee (who was visiting us).

Kage: Where’s that cougar caterer? Why hasn’t she finished baking the birthday cake yet?
Can you believe she’s followed us to the living room? She’s sitting behind us at the bar with her cutting board! *groans

Kage: My brother-in-law decides to take action.  He threatens the caterer for not baking the cake yet.
Clare: Oh gosh! You're even hawter when you're angry!

Mauricio: Instead of baking, she just keeps following Naoto around!
When he yells at her for not making the cake, he gets a popup from Siobhan.
“Siobhan: Why do you have to be so mean? It’s my birthday party!”
Wow, Siobhan! Don’t you realize Naoto’s chewing out the caterer for you?
Mauricio: Poor Naoto, he’s so misunderstood. But hey, check me out in the middle, looking fly.

Naoto: I need to lighten up, so I go to chat with Liberty Lee who’s upstairs in one of the kids’ rooms.
No surprise that she’s deep into a computer game. It’s useless trying to flirt with her when she’s getting her game on.

Kage: Since I’m the only one here with the Always Welcome trait, I take matters into my own hands and bake the darn cake.
When I go to tell Siobhan to come blow out the candles, I find that she’s aged up already.

Naoto: This party is a total bust!
The caterer has been sitting in the dining room with a packet of fish & chips she’ll never prepare.
While waiting for a birthday cake, Siobhan ended up aging up all alone in her bedroom.
Meanwhile, Liberty is too busy playing some video game to chat with me.

Oh well, at least it’s great to see my sister with Kage! She looks so happy to see him.
They must really miss living together, but we really need Kage to stay a while to mentor us.

Naoto: Hey sis! You should come over and visit more often!
Daia: Who says I don’t come to visit?

Go: It’s Monday night and I just need one more child friend to complete my second aspiration!
It’s too late to invite anyone over so I try to “Chat with…” the kid Max Villareal on the computer.
We were almost friends on Sunday but he started being mean.
Bam, we’re friends! And now I’m done with Social Butterfly!

Tomorrow’s a big day!
Karina will become a young adult, get a job, and probably get engaged to Mauricio.
And me, I become a teen on Wednesday! And by the way, now that my mother Daia has moved out, I've officially become the Gen4 heir! Make way, folks, make way!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Why So Mean? (New/June 6)
« Reply #161 on: June 06, 2016, 11:53:52 AM »
In normal gameplay Sims age up even if you reject their party invitation, maybe it's the same with ageing off for townies? Have the elders died or they're stuck at elder age?

So many new faces, it's like watching Game of Thrones but no one dies, they get a happy ending instead =D

I really hope Kage moves out to be with Daia. The cougar magnet, I burst out laughing and am still giggling, what a way to ruin poor Siobahn's birthday! The screenshot when Tao looks into the camera, I just melted away. I thought he had cute moles on his cheek but on close inspection it turned out to be a speck on my monitor. Was his last name always Kaneda or was it also Sanada when he was part of your failed IDC? I'm happy for Mauricio and Karina, even if they are a teeny bit related they sure are my new favourite couple (Kage and Daia will always be the Power Couple ^^)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Why So Mean? (New/June 6)
« Reply #162 on: June 06, 2016, 12:14:52 PM »
I love how @Nettlejuice compared this to GoTs. XD I'm dying.

I love all the new faces, though I miss my bath-robed beauty sometimes...

Watchette checks their relationship status: Lovers, Best Friends, Soulmates, Promised.
Yep, there was never any hope of stopping that ship!
No complaints on this ship. None.

<3 Naoto is amazing. I love how he chewed out the caterer and got in trouble for it. He's so misunderstood. (Swoons).
I can't wait to see Go as he takes on the world. Surely you've got to be getting close to done with some of these requirements! I feel like you've knocked out SO MANY requirements already!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Why So Mean? (New/June 6)
« Reply #163 on: June 06, 2016, 12:34:28 PM »
Yes, when last night's episode of GoT ended I yelled "No don't stop now!" I didn't want this to stop either.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Why So Mean? (New/June 6)
« Reply #164 on: June 06, 2016, 12:57:42 PM »
Thanks so much for your great questions and comments, as always.

Have the elders died or they're stuck at elder age?
What an insightful question. Checking my spreadsheet, I note that Yuki was already an elder when she moved out 31 days ago and she is still an elder, living next door with Daia.
So you're right. It seems the moved-out sims won't die but they'll still age up to elders. And yes, I was planning to move Kage out just before he comes an elder but now I don't know if that timing even matters.

Lol, that had to be the worst birthday party my sims have ever attended. Clare would just not make the birthday cake! After we discovered that Siobhan had aged up, Kage ended the party and everyone left.

i thought he had cute moles on his cheek but on close inspection it turned out to be a speck on my monitor.

I laughed long and hard over this comment.The other day, I was trying to wipe off marks on my monitor but they wouldn't come off. Because they were my sim house's floor pattern, doh.
Sakata was the family name of my first IDC, not Kaneda; I thought Sakata was too similar to Sanada and might be confusing. Also his first name was originally Tadakatsu but I thought Tao would be easier because it's shorter, lol. In that IDC, he was Mitch's great-great-grandson.

I recently made another family tree in Family Echo (only visible to me) to plan careers and couplings.
Oddly, Family Echo is okay with the Karina/Mauricio pairing but doesn't allow me to pair up, for example, Naoto and Amanda Fyres--based only on relatedness not age gap.
So this will be my new planning tool for multi-generational challenges.  ;D

I have to thank you for supporting Mauricio and Karina. I'd lots of shots and words about their relationship but took them out previously, but your liking them together helped me decide to ship them after all.  ;D
I'm happy that you like Naoto. I was initially not so pleased about doing the Criminal/Boss career since I'd never tried it before.
But dressing and playing Naoto have been a blast. Lol, I catch the female sims staring at him all the time, haha.

Thank you. Lol, I've never watched Game of Thrones but if three of my favorite simmers are watching it, I guess I need to start.
When do you start your Whose Your Daddy challenge? I'm missing my daily KRae fix.

Ladies, thank you for reading. I think this chapter feels a little different than usual because I hardly thought about the restrictions this time and just played the household.
To respond to LivvieLove's comment, there are 25 career locks total and I've cleared 13 so far, which means I'm roughly halfway done.