Author Topic: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (Nov 5th 2018) COMPLETE  (Read 41995 times)

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2016, 05:45:04 PM »
I mentioned in the Apocalypse challenge support thread that I was planning to do the Sims 4 version having completed the Sims 3 version, and it was suggested that people would like to see the story.  I've never done a story and I don't know how much time I can put into it but here goes.  This may end up being a summary more than a story, you have been warned.

Meet the Founder

This is Avani Sotelo, an unofficial wonderchild.  She would have scored around 600 points if I had been scoring properly. 
Avani means 'earth' in Hindi, Sotelo means 'grove' in Spanish, so very cosmopolitan.  She's living in Tranquil Crescent in a house designed by @Joria

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2016, 07:23:04 PM »
Neat! I like your cosmopolitan founder, and I'm excited to see Joria's house in action.
Whether it ends up being a story or a summary, I'll be reading either way. I need inspiration for my own languishing AC. :)

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2016, 04:19:36 PM »
Thank you for using my little house.  I keep meaning on doing a few more and keep getting side tracked.  I hope you continue with the story!  Love your founder and the names are terrific.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2016, 04:22:57 PM »
It's fine if you can only do a summary! I personally love reading summaries, and seeing what others do strategy-wise, especially with a challenge like this. Avani is beautiful.

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2016, 04:23:40 PM »
Thank you all, I have a bit more story planned (in my head) but want to do more playing before I post again.

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2016, 06:35:34 PM »
Chapter 1: Getting Started

Avani: Well that was unpleasant.  Watcher... WATCHER...
Watcher: Umm.. yes Avani, what's wrong?
Avani: What's wrong? Didn't you notice that thug? As soon as we had finished the house, some bloke turned up and demanded all our money.
Watcher: Did you give it to him?
Avani: Of course I did, we were told to blend in remember? "Newcrest is in a bad state, we're the only ones who can fix it, blah, blah, blah."
Watcher: Oh good, you were listening.  I've been planning our next few moves.  First you need a job.
Avani: Oooh, chef please
Watcher: Sorry, that's not going to work. you'd better go into business, no shift work and sorting out the management problems will make life much easier for your decendents.  Speaking of decendents, you need a husband.
Avani: Going a bit fast aren't we? We've not even been here a day yet.
Watcher: Please Avani, there's loads to do and the sooner we get started the better.
Avani:  Ok, Ok, I'm getting a job

Watcher: Now, where is he?  Nope... not there either...  OK housemate will do. Avani, come and make friends with Summer please.
Avani: How will that help?
Watcher:  We want her roommate, so make friends, invite her to move in but move in Travis instead, simple.
Avani: Good job I have maxed charisma and the Incredibly Friendly trait otherwise this would take much longer. There, he's now my roommate.
Watcher: Turn on the charm then and lets have a wedding.

Avani: One thing led to another and by the end of the week...

Please meet Abigail Sotelo, my - our - first child.

Travis: My turn.
Watcher: Take it away Travis.
Travis: Nooboo making wasn't the only thing we did this last week.  Avani gained 2 promotions in the business career, and would have made 3 except her pregnancy made her too uncomfortable.  Here she is after her 1st promotion

Travis: Unfortunately Watcher only managed to take the one photo.
Watcher: Hey, I'm new to this.
Travis: I managed a promotion in my Tech Guru career.  Unlike my darling wife, I didn't have a childhood dedicated to this task so failing needs stopped a second.  Oh, and Avani makes the most adorable faces when she is working on her reports.

It's now Saturday morning and I plan to enjoy my weekend.

Watcher's note:  Thank you everyone who encouraged me to do this, especially @oshizu who's wonderchild and apocalypse stories I have greatly enjoyed and from whom I have borrowed many ideas. 

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 6th)
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2016, 09:44:22 PM »
I am loving your AC story! It will be exciting to see the paths your household sims will travel!
Your exotic founder with her Hindi-Hispanic name is beautiful and she is such a go-getter! 
Employed, married, and pregnant before the end of Week 1! Avani and Travis look very cute together.

She looked absolutely huge before childbirth!
Can't wait for shots of Abigail!

P.S. If Avani is an unofficial Wonder Child than so was mine. I used the scorecard to track what traits/skills I wanted, but didn't care about scoring.

Offline Joria

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 6th)
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2016, 06:02:50 PM »
Wow!  Promotions and newboos oh my!  This is moving along nicely.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 6th)
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2016, 04:34:25 AM »
Very fast paced and I love your founder's name.
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Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 6th)
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2016, 07:25:08 AM »
I'm having fun with this, but I'm bad at remembering to take photo's.  Still, should be posting next chapter in a few days.

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 6th)
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2016, 01:51:20 PM »
This story seems great so far! I'm loving your founder!

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 6th)
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2016, 08:50:02 AM »
Chapter 2: Ups and Downs.

A: Are you alright Travis, you look a bit down this morning?

T: I'm just ... it's just ... I never realised how bad it was here. You can visit for awhile, bring a picnic and fish and it all seems fine. There have always been rumours but the trees grow and the grass is green so the problems don't show. Then when you live here you find out the water is poisoned, the mob takes all your money and something in the air makes everything hard work.

A: Yes, it's definately hard, but remember the good bits too.  We've celebrated Abigails' birthday on Sunday, and my promotion on Monday.

T: True, but then Watcher mess it up with the mob payment and we ended up eating fruit for 2 days because we had no money to cook fish.

W: Sorry about that, I promise to learn from my mistake.

T: Hummph.

A:Thursday was a great day though, you got a promotion and Abbie got an A grade in school.

T: Yeah, that was a good day. I love you Avani, you always have the right words to make things better. 

Um, Avani love, was there something you needed to tell me?

A: I kept the best for last, nooboo 2 is on the way.

T: Best news ever.

W: Agreed.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 6th)
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2016, 10:32:49 AM »
Travis is so cute in your challenge! It's almost like Avani has an extra child, lol.
So much good news in this update! Congrats to Avani and Travis on their promotions!
Congrats to the adorable Abigail on her A grade!

And hearty applause to Watcher and company for a second nooboo!

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (July 10th)
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2016, 11:56:01 AM »
I figured that coming from Willow Creek to the Apocalypse world would throw even the most confident sim. I suspect things will change when he is no longer tied to the PC for work.

