Author Topic: End of the Line Dynasty (4x4)  (Read 189562 times)

Offline Dextra2

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2013, 09:06:04 PM »
Frankenstein's Monster. It's Frankenstein's Monster and some random chick.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2013, 11:54:31 AM »
Hmmmm, that jumper is kinda familiar...
All will be revealed soon.
Oh dear, that sounds as if she's taking the jumper off...  :-[

Frankenstein's Monster. It's Frankenstein's Monster and some random chick.
Some of these guesses are so much better than the truth ;).

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2013, 01:28:18 PM »

The adored eldest child of a happy family.

A clever little girl whose granny encouraged her love of learning.  A sad teenager whose darling Gran was gone forever.  A chess champion.  A famous doctor.  A notable success…

..but her brother was the one who had all the fun – and the happy ending.

And then another birthday.  Full adulthood.

Goals achieved, mission accomplished.

Now what?  Keep on with the same old hobbies?

Or try out a new one…

…despite the hazards?

Carry on with the job that once seemed so exciting but had now become routine?

She dreamed of so much more.  Of exploring other skills, other careers…

Of love…  (Angel!  Where did it all go wrong?)

But really, she never seemed to find the time for anything new.  There were patients needing treatment, journals to be read…

“Hello!  Is the doctor in?  Nice fire, by the way.”

“Excuse me, are you a… genie?”

“Well, yes – but don’t try any of that three-wishes stuff.  I’ve retired from the magic lamp business – but I still do the odd job as a favour for an old friend.  It’s nice to have a bit of a break from Brian and the kids, much as I love them.  Anyway, enough about me.  I’m here to talk about you, Sophia.  You wish things could be different, don’t you?  You want excitement and romance in your life?  A fresh start?”

“Well, yes, I suppose so, but…”
“OK, come with me.  Somebody wants to talk to you.  Let’s go.  I’m on a schedule here – and I’ve still got someone else to collect.”

Next chapter

Offline butterfly

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2013, 01:32:39 PM »
I knew it I knew it I knew it hahahha i feel so proud of myself :)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2013, 01:33:00 PM »

A baby, born so that someone else could die.

A happy toddler, adored by his ghostly family.

Then a birthday…

…and a special meal that changed everything.

That shocking moment when he became fully human.

Why was he so much greener than the others?

The worry when he heard his parents planning to move.  They were used to colourful Gooles in Twinbrook but what would happen in a new place?  Especially if the story of his birth got out.  His parents might insist that his colour was the natural result of their skin tones mixing but he knew better.  He was green because of the potions.  He was Poison Boy.

Then the relief when he started at his new school and found other green children – and friendship.

But as he grew up, it all started to go wrong again.  Somehow, he lost direction.  Friends drifted away.  Call it teenage hormones if you like.  Or existential angst.  Whatever.

But even youthful rebellion seems pointless when your mother’s a rebellious rock star herself.  Why not be über-conventional instead?  With the hair dye grown out and other youthful indiscretions hidden by conservative clothing, he settled into adulthood, resigned to an uneventful existence.

Or so he claimed.  Life was safe, secure – and boring.


“Hi, Sam!”
“Oh, hello, Aunt Deirdra.  What are you doing here?”
“Saving you from yourself, kiddo.  We’re all worried about you.  Look at you, stuck in here watching daytime TV.  You were always running around outdoors when you were little.”

“Yeah, I know I should be doing something but I don’t seem to have the energy.  Why bother?”

“Oh, my poor Sammy.

“Come on, love.  You can do better than this.  We need to sort you out.  Come with me – an old acquaintance has an...  interesting… idea to put to you.”

Next chapter

Congratulations to anyone who guessed the identity of one or both of the founders and fifty virtual house points to Anna33 for having the courage of her convictions and PMing a (correct) guess.

For those who haven't the faintest idea who the founders are, they're both from other dynasties.  Sophia is the tenth heir from my DecaDynasty and Sam is the son of the final heir in my Life States Dynasty, The Ghosts of Twinbrook.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2013, 01:34:48 PM »
I knew it I knew it I knew it hahahha i feel so proud of myself :)
Well done :)!
(And wow, that was a fast reply!)

Offline butterfly

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2013, 01:38:40 PM »
Well done :)!
(And wow, that was a fast reply!)

hahahhaha I was surprised also, I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2013, 01:38:55 PM »
I guessed Sam (in my head... honestly I did!  ;) )
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2013, 01:43:16 PM »
Yeah, right.

(No, really, I thought you'd probably got it :).)

Offline maisie

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: The Founders (double update 3 September)
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2013, 03:00:42 PM »
Well, with that great background stories, I can't wait to read more about their life together. Bookmarked.  :D

Offline ratchie

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: The Founders (double update 3 September)
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2013, 03:10:38 PM »
I didn't guess it at all.

Great founders crossing everything for rainboos.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: The Founders (double update 3 September)
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2013, 09:00:59 PM »

Awesome! Also bookmarking this. It's great to see Deirdra scheming people into dynasties again! And wow, Sam was such a cute teen. I think that rebel look and hair dye looks cool on him.

Offline Niana

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: The Founders (double update 3 September)
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2013, 09:04:42 PM »
Oh so cool that Sam gets to live out his life in this dynasty!! Is Sophia from a previous story, too, hazelnut?

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: The Founders (double update 3 September)
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2013, 12:03:04 PM »
Well, with that great background stories, I can't wait to read more about their life together. Bookmarked.  :D

Thank you  :).  I hope you enjoy the rest of it.

I didn't guess it at all.

Great founders crossing everything for rainboos.


Thanks.  I hope so :)

Awesome! Also bookmarking this. It's great to see Deirdra scheming people into dynasties again! And wow, Sam was such a cute teen. I think that rebel look and hair dye looks cool on him.

Deirdra's too good a character to disappear after one story :).  I was thinking of using one of her kids as a founder but they're all genies or IFs, so weren't allowed.

Thank you :).  I was very tempted to keep the green hair for Sam but it didn't fit the story.  He's grown up well, I think (especially considering his ancestry!)  Although you're right, he was probably at his best as a teen.  I liked his rebel look, too.  He also had a bright green motorbike, although it didn't make it into the final screenshots.

Oh so cool that Sam gets to live out his life in this dynasty!! Is Sophia from a previous story, too, hazelnut?

Sophia isn't from a story, exactly, since I lost almost all of the screenshots and so just wrote a summary.  She's the final heir from my DecaDynasty.  I had vaguely been planning to use Sophia or Sam in another game at some point and then, soon after this dynasty was announced, I realised that they had a couple of traits in common and might make a good pair.  So I cloned them, made them both young adults and plonked them down on the dynasty lot in Riverview to see what happened.  Sophia was pregnant by lunchtime and 'Try For Baby' was the only direction I gave them  :o.  The versions in this game are slightly different but they're still very much attracted to each other.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2013, 11:36:07 AM »
A Grim Proposition

“Aunt Deirdra, where are we?  It’s a wasteland.  No plants, no water…”

“I can’t see the stars.  If I could recognise the constellations, I’d know where we are.  But there are no stars at all.

“What are you playing at, genie?”

“I don’t think we’re in the real world at all.  I think Aunt Deirdra’s brought us to his world.”

“Oh, sorry, I should’ve introduced myself.  I’m Sophia Silverman.  And you are…?”
“Well, ‘Sam’.  I wish I could say I’m pleased to meet you but if you’re that genie’s nephew, you’re probably as much to blame as she is.  And who is he?  The one who possibly owns this place.  And, most important, how can I get out of here?”
“I don’t know.  I’ve only just arrived, too – and Deirdra’s an old family friend, not my real aunt.  But as for him – look over there.”

“The Grim Reaper!  Are we dead?”
“No, you’re still alive.  I just asked Deirdra to bring you both over to my place.  I get tired of chasing around after you humans.”
“But why did you ask her to bring us?”

“Because you’re the last in your lines.  Born to wealth and luxury, with ancestors who worked hard to get to where you are today.  Then you both mess up as soon as you’re free to do what you want.  OK, you’ve both had a rough deal in your different ways.  Where did I put my hankie?  But that’s no excuse.  You need to pull yourselves together...  So I’m offering you another chance.  Start your own dynasty – see what it’s like at the other end of the line.  You won’t have time to be bored or depressed, I can tell you that.  And, just to keep things interesting, your family will have to start again from nothing at regular intervals.  Let’s say, every fourth generation.  Maybe that’ll stop them from getting complacent.

“Samuel, since I owe the Gooles a favour or two, I’ll let you start in Hidden Springs, where you feel comfortable.  I’ve rewound time there to the day before you arrived.  No-one’s even heard of Louisa...  And before, you ask, no, you won’t meet your younger self.  I’ll switch you on to a different track – although you might want to avoid your childhood friends for a while, until you get used to the idea that they’re now considerably younger than you and haven’t the faintest idea who you are.”

“Rewinding time?  And creating a parallel universe?  You can do that?”
“Oh, manipulating time and space is quite simple really… which brings me to my next point.  You both know how these things work.  Your families have been there before: challenges, collections, la la la...  Same old same old.  It’s just too easy, isn’t it?

“So this time, you have to work faster.  I’m repossessing part of your lives.  Call it a perk.  I’ve indulged you lot for long enough.  You’re going to be living in the fast lane now…  I’ll leave you to talk it over for a while, shall I?”
“Wait a minute!  What did you mean…?  Oh, he’s gone.  Sam, do you know what he meant about ‘Louisa’?  The only Louisa I can think of is…”

“The singer, yeah.  She’s my mum.”
“Really?  Annals is my all-time favourite album.  Wait a minute; didn’t she say in an interview that it was based on fact?  I thought she must have been on the herbs.”

“Mum doesn’t do herbs.  Yes, it’s the story of my family.  You see…”

*   *   *   *   *

“…And you were the little boy at the end.  That song’s so sad.”

“Yes, I’m Poison Boy.  She didn’t want to put it on the album but I told her she had to.  The song was too good to leave out.  And it is part of the story.”
“And I was feeling sorry for myself.  You poor thing.  I think you were very brave to let her go ahead – but the song does have a happy ending.”
“Yes, it did, for a while.  Maybe they're right.  Maybe I do need to sort myself out...  Anyway, that’s my story.  What about yours?  Grim implied that your family goes back a long way.  Did one of your ancestors make a bargain with him, too?”

“I don’t know about that – although there is a story that my many-greats-grandfather Hank shook hands with the Reaper at the end and seemed happy to go, so maybe there was something going on.  All I know is that it was a condition of his will that the firstborn child of every generation had to complete certain tasks before they were given the cash to get married and set up in their own home.  I’m the tenth generation – or the eleventh if you count Hank and Pauline – and once I’d completed my tasks we were supposed to be free to do what we wanted.  Except that I never seemed to get around to it.”
“I’m beginning to see why they brought us together like this.  We have so much in common – and you even have experience of completing tasks.  You really know how it works.  All I had to do was be born…

“So what do you think?  Go for it?  A fresh start – but with someone you’ve only just met?”

“I don’t know.

"I like the idea of starting again but as you say, we don’t know each other at all – and if this is anything like the rules my family had to live by, we’d have to have a child almost immediately.  There wouldn’t be much time for courtship.”

“Um, no.  I hadn’t really thought of that.  I’ve never even had a girlfriend before, never mind anything really serious.  What about you?”

“I was engaged once but we drifted apart.  I was too busy with my job, he said.  I didn’t make enough time for him…  He was probably right.  That’s something I’d do differently if I had another chance.”

*   *   *   *   *

“Well, have you decided?  I have three other couples lined up, keen to do this if you don’t want to – or to take over if you mess this up as well.”
“Yes, we’ll try – together.”

“Come on then.  There are a few details to sort out; terms and conditions, that sort of stuff.  Nothing unfamiliar.  Then we’ll get you both to CAS.  You could really use makeovers.”
“Who’s Cass?  Is she a stylist?”

“No, dear.  CAS is a place.  A place where we can make some changes.  I think you should be young again, Sophia – give you a better chance.  You can both have personality tweaks if you like.  And, of course, you’ll need to have your skills removed.”
“You’re going to erase our memories like you did to Grandmamma Ana?  We won’t remember any of this – or our previous lives?  I never knew her but everyone says Grandmamma was a bit odd: absent-minded and, well, eccentric, I suppose.  Grandpa Joe always reckoned that was why.”
“Oops, yes.  I’m really sorry about that.  I always was clumsy.  Fortunately, things have moved on since then.  It’s not all about spells these days.  Genie scientists have revolutionised the mind-wiping business.  You’ll lose your skills but remember your previous lives and families.  It’s just that you’ll be unable to talk about them except to each other.”
“Oh yes, our families.  What about them?  We never even said goodbye!”
“We’ll arrange for them to watch what you’re doing – but you can’t communicate. As you know, Samuel, the Gooles are effectively immortal, if they want to be.  I can arrange for the same treatments to be available to your family, Sophia.  If you make it to... ooh, let’s say… sixteen generations of descendants, you can be revived and we’ll have a big reunion.  Maybe even a party.”
Sixteen generations?  No, seventeen?"
“Yes, well, I don’t want to make this easy for you.  I’m not the Big Softie Reaper, you know…  "
"And what did you mean by 'revived'?”
“Oh, did I forget that part?  You'll have to die so that your descendants can complete their tasks.  Just think of it as getting to experience all that life offers.  So, are you still up for this?  Or should we call in the reserves?”
“I am, I think.  Are you, Sam?”
“Yes.  My old life wasn't going anywhere.  I needed a change.  Can’t get a much bigger one than this.”
“OK, then.  Let’s go!”

Next chapter

