Author Topic: Sims 3 - How To: Save a House/Community Lot to the Library  (Read 25244 times)

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Sims 3 - How To: Save a House/Community Lot to the Library
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:36:16 PM »
How To: Save a House/Community Lot to the Library or to Export:

Updated: May 2022

Please click the thumbnails for larger view.

1. Go to and click on the Options Menu (...) in the lower left-hand part of the screen with the dots and select Edit Town. Then select what house or community lot you want to save.

2. Left-click on it and select either the folder button (Save to Library) or the arrow with a star above it button (Share/Export).

    -- The Folder: Saves the file to Library only. - A file that contains the family can be found in the Sims 3 library folder. [\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Library] Click the modified by to see the most current file.


    -- The Arrow with a Star above it: (Share button) Saves the file as a .Sims3pack file which can be found in the  Export folder. This will also save a copy to the library. [\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Exports]

Either of these files or entire folders can be backed up to a usb key or other backup media of choice.

3. Once you click the Folder button or Share button, a pop-up menu will appear and say Current interactions for all Sims in your town will be cancelled if you do this. Would you like to continue? Click X, for no or the Check mark for yes.

4. If you selected the Share button, it will pop up the Details box. Give it a name and description. Click the check mark when finished. - (House first, community lot second.)

After that a pop up message lets you know the export was successful and to open launcher to upload and share to the site. Again, if you use the Share button, you can find the file in the .Sims3Pack format in [\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Exports] No need to upload to the Exchange to share your Sims family.

-- Newly saved house, check the Library > Show Empty Houses Tab (2nd tab Outlined House)

-- Newly saved Community Lot, check the Library > Show Community Lots Tab (3rd tab Bench)

Find the .Sims3Pack file in the Exports Folder: [\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Exports]

Find the .package file in the Library folder: [\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Library]

If there are a lot of files in the Library folder you can either sort by date modified to bring your family's file near the top or look at the date/time of the .Sims3Pack file and then look for the file that has that exact date/time. - You can rename the file, right-click > Rename.  Example Kennedy.package.  Don't forget to leave the .package extension or it won't be readable by the game. 

** Want to Save a Household?

How To: Save a household

** Want to export households, houses or community lots out of the library?

How To: Save Sims 3 Files From the Library (Exporting Files)

How-To: Save Sims From the SimBin

Sharing Sims 3 Files via the Library Folder

If you're wanting to start fresh, but want to back up only some of the Sims 3 files and folders, check the link below.

Saving folders/files to use on a different computer or to use as backup,16414.msg313134.html#msg313134


Your house lot should show up in the Empty house tab, which is the 2nd tab (House Outline) in the library. If you've saved or shared a community lot it should be in the Community Lot tab, which is the 3rd tab (Bench)

While in the library you might see some files with a star, folder, bag, or different expansions or stuff pack icons on them and wonder what they are.

Files with a star-like symbol on it are downloaded items.

Files with a folder-like symbol on them are in-game households, houses and community lots you've saved.

Files with a bag on them are from the Store.

And then there are the files that are from the different expansions and stuff packs you have installed.

Want to Play with the House or Community Lot Again?

Regardless if you clicked the Folder button or the Share button. The files can be found in the library under the Empty House or Community Lots tabs.

Place your house file anywhere you want to, that it will fit. It can be placed on larger lots, but not smaller lots.

Community lots can be placed anywhere you'd like, they can also be placed on larger lots, but not smaller lots. However, you may need to change the lot type to get it to work.

To Change lot type:

-- Click the lot you want your community lot to go on, in the popup menu, click the icon that looks like a park bench/house and select community lot and what type of community lot you want or need it to be. Example, Visitors Allowed, Consignment Shop or Salon, etc.


Note: This thread has been locked as it's for informational purposes.  If you have questions, please feel free to create a new topic, here.
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