Author Topic: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- October 6)  (Read 37371 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 29)
« Reply #120 on: July 30, 2015, 01:10:06 PM »
Chapter 8 – Third Ambrosia

Canasta is still quite determined to become an astronaut and complete the Nerd Brain aspiration. She's going for Renaissance Sim, too, and started on handiness with the bathroom sink.

I'm not sure that cheating your grandmother at chess is the best way to develop logic, though.

"Dad! She's a ghost. I never thought she would fall for that trick."

That was Canasta. We were all partied out from the weekend, so she just blew out her candles when it was time for her birthday.

As I had promised, she got a rocket ship kit.

At work the next morning, my first day as an Extraterrestial Explorer, I took my first trip to Sixam.

All I can say is that the scenery was amazing. There's not much light reflected from Simworld, so all the plants seem to be bioluminescent.

I improved on my friendship with Camilla Casillas, who has visited the lab.

We looked at the stars together.

I have to say that they're more impressive from Sixam.

Leaving Sixam, I had a feeling that I might return.

Now that my head contains the secrets of the Simiverse, I have to protect its contents. Marlene was willing to become my best friend anyway (actually we've been unofficially best friends for some time now).

The next day at work, my co-worker Emory surprised me by inviting me to a party up on Sixam. This time when I returned, there was a bar and a juke box and some decorations. The Sixamites don't seem to have a style of their own but to prefer stuff they pick up in our world.

I tried showing them how we dance in Willow Creek, but they didn't pay much attention to me.

Drinks were plentiful, but the only thing I got to eat was a bowl of chips at the bar.

That evening, I celebrated my birthday as an elder.

Chess soon followed when she got home from work.

I told Canasta about my trips to Sixam, and now she's anxious to go.

Even though I don't really need to reset my age with ambrosia yet, Grandma insisted that I have some. "There's no telling how long your friendships will last," she said. "Especially if you keep wearing that hat." Dad had his at the same time.

I've retired now so that Canasta has more time to work on her job and her skills. She wants me to keep writing, though.
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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 30)
« Reply #121 on: July 30, 2015, 01:20:25 PM »
The stars are even more beautiful from Sixam. I'm sure Canasta will love Sixam when she can get there.
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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 30)
« Reply #122 on: July 30, 2015, 01:34:19 PM »
Cool joint on Sixam!  That hat is a hoot.  Aluminum foil?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 30)
« Reply #123 on: July 30, 2015, 02:49:48 PM »
Cool joint on Sixam!  That hat is a hoot.  Aluminum foil?

Yes, guaranteed to block gamma rays, hackers, and illuminati.
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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 30)
« Reply #124 on: July 30, 2015, 02:59:03 PM »
Ooo serious watcher envy going on. I've had 3 sims max the science career now and still have never had the alien party! I love Sixam though, it's such a contrast to the worlds our sims live in.
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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 30)
« Reply #125 on: July 31, 2015, 12:42:29 AM »
Great pictures.  :)
Congratulations, Cribbage!
I like the hat he wears.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 30)
« Reply #126 on: July 31, 2015, 08:53:07 AM »
I agree you take fantastic screenshot Marian. Loved the alien party. Last time a horde of aliens came round to the Smiths Alex shouted at them all.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- July 30)
« Reply #127 on: August 21, 2015, 04:44:44 PM »
Part Four – Canasta Melapis

Chapter 1 – Stranger in a Strange Land

Canasta came home from her first day at work feeling exhausted and depressed. "I'm still just a lowly technician," she complained. "I don't know when I'll be allowed to go into space."

I suggested that she use my portal to go visit Sixam. That should satisfy her hunger for strange places for a while. The next day was a Saturday, so she set out first thing in the morning.

She said the scenery was fantastically gorgeous. She picked up five geodes to use for a collection in case she wasn't able to gather enough aliens or space rocks.

She also met a few young men – Hudson Helton and someone else. The someone else, she told me was hot-headed. But she invited Hudson to come for a visit. They disagreed about which captain of the Sim Trek Enterprise had been the best, but it was a friendly disagreement.

She invited Hudson to move in with us – before Grandma gave her approval. "It would have been better if she'd picked someone with green skin," she groused.

"I gather that was the young man who was hot-headed," I said.

Grandma grilled Hudson for a while, and he seemed to be answering her questions well enough until she asked him why he chose the name "Hudson." (His Sixamite name is something I can't pronounce, let alone spell).

"Because it's the name of an explorer," he said. "I, too, have an interest in strange lands and primitive people."

I can't repeat what Grandma said – it was in a language I'd never heard – but her tone was unmistakeable, and Hudson reacted as if he'd been delivered a stinging rebuke. She told me later that she'd said the Melapis were civilized when his lot was still sitting on quillfruit. Her rebuke probably lost something in translation.

Luckily, Hudson's aspiration is to become an Angling Ace. Once he starts pulling in angelfish, Grandma will love him forever.

He has an unfortunate inclination to critique the paintings in the Museum, however. I'll have to warn him not to express his opinions to Grandma and Dad.

The next day Canasta took Hudson over to the Spa for a date. I don't know exactly what she and Hudson did, of course, but since she got a gold medal for the date, I can make some assumptions.

They probably did some flirting and sitting and talking.

And there was probably a kiss.

Since they both came back with slightly damp hair, I'm assuming they went into the sauna.

Beyond that, I cannot say...

Except that Canasta announced that another Melapis was on the way.

That night, Hudson was summoned back to Sixam. We were a bit worried that he might never return, but after a few hours he was ejected from a spaceship. He had to fill out a bunch of papers, he said, and everyone was cross with him for getting involved with a native without permission, but he was allowed to stay. They'd wanted to send an offspring back with him, but since Canasta was pregnant, there wouldn't be room.

Pinochle got Hudson to sit still for a few minutes, and managed to produce his portrait in record time. I just hope Hudson doesn't decide to critique it.

Canasta had Monday off, so we decided to go ahead with the wedding the next day. Before then, the two of them had get engaged.

"What a lovely prim-- and proper custom!" Hudson exclaimed when we told him what to do, and  he got down on one knee immediately.

I think he was a bit surprised when Canasta leaped into his arms, but he managed not to drop her.

Rather than make drinks, we filled the buffet fountain with fruit punch. Marlene gave it her approval.
("Anything so I don't have to work," is what she said – that's approval, right?)

My beautiful little girl said her vows first so that Hudson would know what to say, too. I can't remember what words she used, I was too busy blowing my nose.

Grandma got up in the middle of the ceremony. I had a moment's fear that she would forbid the banns or something, but it turned out that she just needed to use the bathroom.

Hudson placed the ring on Canasta's finger and promised to stay with her forever, and we all applauded.

Marlene sang "O Promise Me," for them. Canasta set down her plate suddenly – because she had morning sickness, she explained. It wasn't a reaction to her mother's singing at all.

Now that Hudson is officially a resident and member of the family, he's started wearing sunglasses. Willow Creek is just too bright, he says. I realized that he'd been fishing at night, and had wanted to delay the wedding until evening. As a scientist, I'm just not very observant – given how dark Sixam is, of course he'd need protection from the sun.

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Offline Joria

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- August 21)
« Reply #128 on: August 22, 2015, 09:19:08 AM »
Canasta seems to be a bit on the impatient spontaneously do stuff side!  It will take days and days working as an astronaut but I know she can do it.  Congrats on the beautiful wedding, blue haired groom and the nooboo.  Love this story.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- August 21)
« Reply #129 on: August 24, 2015, 09:51:45 PM »
Thanks, Joria!

Chapter 2 – Blueboo

Hudson's first attempt at making a grilled cheese sandwich did not go so well. He did at least have sense to get away from the stove and give my dad a clear path with the fire extinguisher.

Grandma was furious. "He gives poor Canasta that awful tense moodlet when she has to work so hard. He thinks we're primitive. And he can't even catch an angelfish." Luckily, that soon changed. This is a picture of a sim who has caught his first angelfish. Up till that point, Hudson had caught perch, bass, minnows, salmon, tetra, cichlids, catfish, and even the wary kissing gourami, but no angelfish. Maybe the fire helped.

Since then, of course, he has caught more angelfish. We're keeping them in the aquarium in the basement.

Marlene has finally had her elder birthday.

Despite her back trouble, she is as elegant and beautiful as always.

The big event, of course, has been the birth of our newest would-be Immortal...

...our beautiful little blueboo.

Everyone wants hands-on contact. Chess was the first in line.

Hudson came next.

I got to do diaper duty.

Marlene pitched in with that, too.

Risk showed up to look at his great-grandchild.

Incidentally, Risk isn't the only ghost hanging around. We see Mom occasionally, but also Marlene's grandmother Zoey. She's from Grandma's generation, so it's amazing that she still shows up.

Finally our little blueboo grew up. We re-decorated the nursery in colors more flattering to someone who is blue.

We added a bookcase and armchair for our little bookworm.

And here she is herself, Miss Euchre Melapis!

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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- August 24)
« Reply #130 on: August 25, 2015, 12:11:24 AM »
Woo, congratulations on your blueboo!  I love how the hybrid sims look.  It's too bad oddly colored hair isn't inheritable even with aliens tho. 
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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- August 24)
« Reply #131 on: August 25, 2015, 03:56:15 AM »
Welcome, Eucre!  What a lovely child you are.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- August 24)
« Reply #132 on: August 25, 2015, 07:19:59 AM »
Thanks! Actually, Euchre might have inherited her dad's hair color. We'll know for sure when she becomes a teen -- children don't get blue, green, or pink hair.
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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- August 24)
« Reply #133 on: August 27, 2015, 03:45:35 AM »
Aww, welcome Euchre. Isn't she a sweetie. It's fabulous you still have your ghosts visiting too.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Melapis Immortal Dynasty (new -- August 24)
« Reply #134 on: August 28, 2015, 04:16:11 PM »
Chapter 3 – Crash Landing

The first time Canasta went up in her rocket ship, I was terrified for her. There were so many problems she could run into – hostile aliens, black holes, supernova stars.

"I'll be fine, Dad," she assured me. "I know what I'm doing."

She took off perfectly, and I tried to relax with a book while I waited for her return. Hours and hours later, I saw something streak past the window. The sonic boom sounded when I went outside.

I stared at the wreckage, dumbfounded. Was this it? I couldn't see how anyone could have survived. For a long moment none of us said anything. And then Grandma said, "Look!"

A piece of the rocket was moving; no, it was my baby girl, crawling out of the fire. She wasn't even singed.

"Don't ever do that again," I scolded her.

"Not to worry, Dad," said Canasta with a grin. "I'll install landing stabilizers just as soon as I put the ship back together."

That wasn't what I'd meant, but I should have realized that the little girl who didn't mind how many times she fell off the monkey bars wouldn't let a small thing like a crash deter her from exploring space.

You'd think that your kid crash landing would be the worst thing that could happen in a week, but you'd be wrong. I got the notice from Grim that it was time to put my affairs in order. Grandma fixed me a dish of ambrosia, but if it was near my time then it was near time for my twin, Chess, too. I gave her a hug and told her that she'd better come back and haunt us.

Chess has been the quiet one in the family. She completed the Computer Whiz aspiration and made it to level 8 of the Tech Guru career – pretty good for someone who didn't get much attention.

The next morning Dad and Grandma persuaded her to take the day off work and just hang out with the family.

She spent some time with Euchre, which I was glad of. Chess had helped look after her when she was a baby, but I wanted my grand-daughter to have a more lasting memory.

That evening she went outside to use the telescope for one last look at the stars. But before she could go into the observatory, she saw a bright light instead.

Mom was the first on the scene to grieve.

Dad and I arrived about the same time Grim did.

We all moped around the house for the next few days. Food just didn't taste as good.

Mom finally showed up and told me that Chess had made it to the Netherworld okay.  She also whispered two words in my ear.

"Ice cream."

I bought an ice cream maker and decided on pistachio gelato for our first flavor. It put a smile on Dad's face that I hadn't seen in days.

I made sure that Canasta tried it. What with working out and doing yoga, she's practically a skeleton. If anyone should be eating ice cream it's her, even if it does give her a headache.

And I think my time as narrator is coming to a close. Euchre had been busy making pictures, and one day she had me sit down while she told me a story.


by Euchre Melapis

Once upon a time there was a butterfly named Herman.

He lived in the garden of a big white house.

Next door lived a girl named Matty. She and Herman were best friends.

One day they wanted to go and see a rainbow.

So they got in a boat and sailed away.

The End

Writing is a much less hazardous occupation than being an astronaut. I definitely approve.

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