Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 449138 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #45 on: April 09, 2015, 11:38:34 PM »
LMAO!  Yes!  I love it!  Oh watcher, I about fell off the couch laughing XD

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2015, 12:17:58 AM »
RIP Grady. You will be missed.

Ahaha huge belly and cravings and still no clue eh ?

I almost woke up the rest of the house laughing (it's early morning here) when he suddently came to the conclusion that he might having a nooboo.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2015, 01:07:53 AM »
Wow, so much has happened at Winston's home since (my) yesterday.
He is skilling so quickly and I was surprised to see him at Sixam already!
Preggie or not, Winston's still an adorable hunk, lol.

Really enjoyed these two episodes!


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2015, 06:03:51 AM »
Sixam is beautiful! I was so sad when Grady died but I was happy to see Grim  :). Winston pregnant is so funny! I can't wait to see his baby and how he takes care of it  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2015, 08:49:49 AM »
Omg! Poor Winston, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing. RIP Grady, he has gone too soon  :'(
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2015, 10:25:50 AM »
I apologize for necroposting something which was posted a long time ago, but I wanted to comment on your reply to Shewolf13 about having a pollinator to keep the town populated:

Quote from: Nettlejuice
Yeah, but it would be easier for the founder and next heir etc and so on, to do this as you can rake in so many points while completing the serial romantic etc. It's just that would obviously need male heirs... I'm a bit torn about who to use at the moment 'cos it really makes the heirs/founder etc a bit of a cad. lol  And I can't see myself being bothered to complete the serial romantic with a helper just due to the intensity of the play when you're trying to get it done in five days or less etc. Argh, decisions!  ::)

If I were doing an Immortal Dynasty, I would follow Shewolf13's suggestion and use the male helpers and not your heirs. Why? Because if you have the male heir procreate with the ladies, all their kids would be related by blood and NOT viable for spouse material. If you don't care about having townies as spouses, that's your perogative, but for me, I wouldn't risk it. Unless the game respawns random townies after you move in ones of your own or they die of old age, I would try to use the original townies and then go for the spawned ones, so I don't want to get a lady pregnant with my heir's kids outside of the house. Again, that's my opinion and you are right in saying that having the heirs be Serial Romantics will give some useful points.

Like you, I don't like having my Sims philander - I'm a strict Catholic and am disgusted by the thought of having relations with multiple women, much less having my Sims string women or men along!  :-[

EDIT: Okay, since I don't want to seem like a jerk and just comment on a reply, I'll comment on the last updates. I really like how you implemented the Get to Work expansion into your story, having your founder take you on a field trip to Sixam. I really really need to get this expansion soon, but have no $$$.  :'(

And I think you can't keep the alien baby if your founder was abducted as them's the rules, but I hope that, like in Sims 3 Seasons, you get to see the alien baby before sending it back to Sixam. ^_^
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2015, 12:09:15 PM »
I apologize for necroposting something which was posted a long time ago, but I wanted to comment on your reply to Shewolf13 about having a pollinator to keep the town populated:

If I were doing an Immortal Dynasty, I would follow Shewolf13's suggestion and use the male helpers and not your heirs. Why? Because if you have the male heir procreate with the ladies, all their kids would be related by blood and NOT viable for spouse material. If you don't care about having townies as spouses, that's your perogative, but for me, I wouldn't risk it. Unless the game respawns random townies after you move in ones of your own or they die of old age, I would try to use the original townies and then go for the spawned ones, so I don't want to get a lady pregnant with my heir's kids outside of the house. Again, that's my opinion and you are right in saying that having the heirs be Serial Romantics will give some useful points.

Like you, I don't like having my Sims philander - I'm a strict Catholic and am disgusted by the thought of having relations with multiple women, much less having my Sims string women or men along!  :-[

EDIT: Okay, since I don't want to seem like a jerk and just comment on a reply, I'll comment on the last updates. I really like how you implemented the Get to Work expansion into your story, having your founder take you on a field trip to Sixam. I really really need to get this expansion soon, but have no $$$.  :'(

And I think you can't keep the alien baby if your founder was abducted as them's the rules, but I hope that, like in Sims 3 Seasons, you get to see the alien baby before sending it back to Sixam. ^_^

@EtnaFan666 we can now have them but not as a heir

Page 36

The firstborn child through natural pregnancy of any generation is the targeted Immortal. In the event a pregnancy results in twins or triplets, then the first named child is the next Immortal.

Alien abduction borned children are not ban, you can keep as household members or send back to home world, it is your choice."

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2015, 04:37:15 PM »
Thank you as always for reading everyone! Glad you're enjoying it all. I'm having a BLAST playing it.  ;D
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2015, 05:05:41 PM »
Chapter 12: Can't Contain Nature

Zest: I really think it's time for nooboo to make an appearance. I mean, you've been in labour for quite a while now.
Dude: Na, she's good.
OMG, I guess Denial aint just a river in Egypt.

I've got a little cot ready for the nooboo.
Dude: Nice.

Zest: Grady! Good to see you.
Grady: How's things?
Zest: Well apart from Dude refusing to give birth... great!

Grady: Perhaps I should have a chat with Winston.
Zest: That would be great.
Really great, he won't listen to me.

Grady: So good to see you my boy.
Dude: You too.
Grady: So... birth soon?
Dude: Umm.. <whispering> How does the nooboo actually <mumble mumble> , you know?
Grady: Just like a normal birthday.. <whispering> Sparkles <whispering> .... Ok?
Dude: Cool.

Dude: OooOOoooooo. OOOOOOOOooo
<Gulp> Cripes!

Dude: <Heavy panting.>
You're doing great Dude...

Dude: Welcome Destinee Hollinsworth, my nooboo.

Dude: Oh, she's so beautiful. Aren't you princess.

Oh she's adorable!
Dude: Yes you are! You are just the most amazing nooboo in the entire simverse.

Dude: <laughing with joy> Oh your daddy just adores you!

Dude: 'an I'm going to love you and cuddle you and just eat you all up, you're so gorgeous.

Oh! <Surprised> That's er... quite handy then!
Dude: I love you little Destinee.

<Awestruck> Wow! Welcome little nooboo. You are quite beautiful.

Grady: Aren't you just adorable! The best looking little lady around.

Grady: Well done Winston...isn't your daddy just so clever.

Wow Dude! You're a machine. Birthed a nooboo two hours ago... now you're starting a brand new job. You rock!
Dude: Why thank you watcher. That's quite a compliment right there. <Grin>

Dude: Morning.
Receptionist: Hmm hm, I see *Morning Winston* Hmm Yes, wait a moment and I'll put you through. Hold please.

Dude: Technically you're not supposed to be here, so don't touch anything. K?

Dude: Hmm, just a spatula full... easy does it. Good.

Dude: Ahh, analysis complete. Hmm, that's interesting, it's generated another crystal. Useful.

Dude: So, I've created the most incredible serum and have chosen you to be the first person to ever benefit from it.
Co-Worker: Oh wow! Thank you so much. I can't wait to test your untested serum.
Dude: Shhh.

Dude: Wow, she fell for it!

So what are you actually testing there?
Dude: Haven't got a clue.
OK, so why are you testing it?
Dude: To find out what it is.
And then what?
Dude: Haven't got a clue.

Dude: Well, that wraps up a rather fun and satisfying day at work.
Dude: Home time.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2015, 05:23:10 PM »
Let me see -- RIP Grady, he was great, a real peacemaker between the Watcher and Winston.

I'm so envious you've gotten someone abducted -- and Winston! Of course, he'd be in denial about being pregnant.

Loved your shots of Sixam, by the way. I haven't gotten up there yet.

Looking forward to your alien nooboo. Will you be able to keep him or her? (I'll have to go check the Dynasty rules). Can't wait for the next update.
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2015, 05:40:50 PM »
Chapter 13: A Decision

Dude: Thanks for clearing the garden.
No worries. The extra simoleons were quite handy.
Dude: We that broke?
Yeah, still... Zesty's churning out the books so the cash flow will start...ummm, flowing soon I guess.

Right, so we haven't got all the plants we need. These were just the one's you'd collected or bought from seed packets so you're gonna need to get a wriggle on and get up to speed where you can graft. K?
Dude: Got it.

Wow, good work, they're popping up fast.
Dude: No mucking around here watcher, I'm working flat out.

Oh! Destinee needs you.

Dude: On it. Can't wait to hold her.

Dude: Oh my little poopy princess, daddy's got'cha

Dude: There you go. All better my little cutie.

Another lightbulb moment then?
Dude: Yeah! Check this out!
I'm checking it.
Dude: Do you know what it is?
Dude: Me neither.
*Sigh* Well... I'll see you in the morning, I'm tuckered out.
Dude: Nite.

Morning. Whatcha doing?
Dude: Watching my baby, isn't she beautiful?
She sure is.
Dude: I could watch her all day and never get tired of looking at her.
Yeah, know that feeling. What are eating?
Dude: Breakfast.
Yeah... but what is it?
Dude: Spinach.

Dude: There's my little princess. What a good girl you are.
<Shakes head> For some reason I find you feeding Destinee incredibly fascinating. I can't figure out if it's good or bad.

Dude: What a good little princess you are. Well daddy's got to get to work now but I'll see you soon. Be a good girl for Uncle Zesty now baby.

Zest: Wow. Destinee you are the prettiest little nooboo I've ever seen.
See ya Zest, have fun.
Zest: You going to work with Dude again?
Yeah. It's quite fun actually.

Co-Worker: Oh thank you sooo much for letting me test your tainted serum.
Dude: <Making doe-eyes> You're welcome.

Woah! That's sooo cool.
Dude: I know, right.

Oh! Cripes! Is that supposed to happen?
Dude: Oh yes. It's is supposed to happen exactly like that.

Dude: That's another grrrreat result to end the day with.
Home time?
Dude: Yep.

What are you doing?
Dude: Taking a cutting.
Woo! Way to go!
Dude: I'm going to combine the potato and carrot plant.
Hmm, good thinking.

Dude: Watcher?
Dude: It's Destinee's birthday today.
Wow, that came around fast.
Dude: Will you support my decision 100% no matter what?
Totally. 1000%. All the way.
Dude: K.

Dude: Well, my little princess. You are nearly all grown up.

Dude: Hard to believe I won't hold you in my arms like this again.
Oh<Sniff> You're making me all sentimental.

Dude: Instead you'll be a big girl, getting scraped knees and homework tasks. And you'll need to work hard so you can grow up and get a good job and be a big adult ... All these things you'll do. You'll fall in love and get married... and... so many things little princess. So many things.

Dude: And all through it all, there will be your name imprinted on my heart Destinee Hollingsworth. Forever loving you, my little nooboo.

Dude: Your mummy's waiting Destinee, be a good girl and know that I will love you for the rest of my life.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2015, 05:52:45 PM »
@MarianT , it is fun having a sim abducted but it seriously impacted on my strategy as I had planned for Winston to complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration as his second immortal requirement but because he was so pregnant he could only waddle around instead of run between plants/insect etc  it just didn't happen. That and the fact he needed to eat and use the bathroom every five minutes!!
I have play tested this aspiration 3 times and it is do-able in a weekend stay at GF, then you just come home and sleep in a tent for the next five nights.
So... he's now trying madly to complete the Freelance Botanist, which is terrible time consuming. At this point I'm not sure we're going to make it lol. Still, it's a lot of fun trying.
There is something to be said, however, for going the safe and easy route of having a painting founder!

About Winston's decision:

Winston decided to send little Destinee back to her home planet Splork because he knew that he had to concentrate every single minute on completing his immortal requirements. As his watcher I support his decision 100%  :P
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2015, 06:27:36 PM »
Chapter 14: A Birthday

Morning. Are you playing games in there?
Dude: No, looking through pictures of Destinee.
I'm very proud of your strength of character you know.
Dude: Huh?
Well, that was one heck of a decision.
Dude: Yeah *sigh* I know. Umm... don't you think it's kinda weird that you're chatting to me while I'm... you know?
No. Ahh, I guess it doesn't bother me.
Dude: I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that neither of us cares. lol
<Shrugs> Me neither.

You should probably upgrade that old stove.
Dude: You should probably buy us a new one.
You should probably earn some more money.
Dude: You should probably ...errr
Ha! Got cha!
Dude: Dang it.

Dude: Oh..err... Out of shape.
You're telling me!
Dude: Thanks for coming round and mentoring me Rogelio.
Rogelioi: My pleasure.
Well, I'll leave you to it. You're gonna need to work out all day to lose that nooboo fat Dude.
Dude: Thanks for the encouragement.
<Grin> You're welcome.

Oh THERE you are...
Dude: Shhh... on the phone.
Wow, you are still really chubby..
Dude: NOT now... I'm ordering up my birthday party. We'll talk about this in a minute.

Dude: Hmm, hard to know what to wish for... a silent watcher? A silent and deaf watcher?
Oh ha ha!
Dude: Lol

Zest: Wow! Happy Birthday Dude!
Happy Birthday!

Dude: Thanks. Didn't really want to age up.... still, there ya have it.
Well. Time to hit the treadmill I bought for your birthday pressie.
Dude: You bought me a 'TREADMILL' for a PRESENT?
Zest: lol, You just never change watcher. <Shakes his head>

Various Guests: So.. this is a kinda cool party... you get to work out and we get to eat all your food etc.
Dude: Well it just so turned out that my co-worker here is able to mentor me.
Valerie: I know, and I love mentoring people so this party just rocks as far as I'm concerned.

So.... various cakes were eaten, stories told...

Zest made such a stirring speech with juice, that it made Dude fall off the treadmill.

The hired help stood doing nothing amongst the filth and rubbish.

More food was served and eaten and an even bigger mess was made... which is of course the standard that any successful party is measured by.

Three people became incredibly playful thanks to Zesty's hilarious jokes. Luckily we still had the mirror Dude made ages ago so we could all calm down.

And then once we'd partied the night away, literally, Dude realized he'd quite like one of his co-workers to be his girlfriend.

She said... yes, of course. And then it was time for work <Grin> Woo! Another gold medal despite being a very un-conventional party! lol

So... party boy. You better stop making up with your robot friend here now you got a girl.
Dude: Lol, my robot loves me.
Yeah, you can almost see the adoration. Weird.

New GF Emma: So, that was some party last night.
Dude: Glad you enjoyed it. <wink>
GF: <Swoon>
<Rolling eyes> Oh, here we go...

Dude: Hold still ... mwhahahaha

Dude: <cracking up> Hahahaha...ohhh, it just never gets old.

Dude: Just a little tap here <snicker> aaaand a little tap here... <pffff hahaha>

Tourist: Ahhhh, I'm on fire.
Dude: Relax man, I got it.

Tourist: <stressed out of his eyeballs> That was way too close.
Dude: Hmm hmm. <Smirk> Feels good to be a hero.
I'm going home.

Huh. Looks like your work-out party worked. You look much better.
Dude: You know it.

That really is one crazy plant.
Dude: Like the cow thing's not?
Yeah... they both are crazy.
Dude: Still 'nother requirement checked off.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2015, 08:11:00 PM »
Holy crap!  Wow, --sniffle-- Bye Destinee!  I wonder if later, you can go and meet her on Sixam?  That would be too cool if you could!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2015, 10:15:08 PM »
Aw... why can't you have aliens as an immortal  :( Destinee was so cute!
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