Chapter 14: A BirthdayMorning. Are you playing games in there?Dude: No, looking through pictures of Destinee.
I'm very proud of your strength of character you know.Dude: Huh?
Well, that was one heck of a decision.Dude: Yeah *sigh* I know. Umm... don't you think it's kinda weird that you're chatting to me while I'm... you know?
No. Ahh, I guess it doesn't bother me.Dude: I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that neither of us cares. lol
<Shrugs> Me neither.
You should probably upgrade that old stove.Dude: You should probably buy us a new one.
You should probably earn some more money.Dude: You should probably ...errr
Ha! Got cha!Dude: Dang it.

Dude: Oh..err... Out of shape.
You're telling me!Dude: Thanks for coming round and mentoring me Rogelio.
Rogelioi: My pleasure.
Well, I'll leave you to it. You're gonna need to work out all day to lose that nooboo fat Dude.
Dude: Thanks for the encouragement.
<Grin> You're welcome.
Oh THERE you are...Dude: Shhh... on the phone.
Wow, you are still really chubby..Dude: NOT now... I'm ordering up my birthday party. We'll talk about this in a minute.

Dude: Hmm, hard to know what to wish for... a silent watcher? A silent and deaf watcher?
Oh ha ha!Dude: Lol

Zest: Wow! Happy Birthday Dude!
Happy Birthday!
Dude: Thanks. Didn't really want to age up.... still, there ya have it.
Well. Time to hit the treadmill I bought for your birthday pressie.Dude: You bought me a 'TREADMILL' for a PRESENT?
Zest: lol, You just never change watcher. <Shakes his head>

Various Guests: So.. this is a kinda cool party... you get to work out and we get to eat all your food etc.
Dude: Well it just so turned out that my co-worker here is able to mentor me.
Valerie: I know, and I love mentoring people so this party just rocks as far as I'm concerned.

So.... various cakes were eaten, stories told...

Zest made such a stirring speech with juice, that it made Dude fall off the treadmill.

The hired help stood doing nothing amongst the filth and rubbish.

More food was served and eaten and an even bigger mess was made... which is of course the standard that any successful party is measured by.

Three people became incredibly playful thanks to Zesty's hilarious jokes. Luckily we still had the mirror Dude made ages ago so we could all calm down.

And then once we'd partied the night away, literally, Dude realized he'd quite like one of his co-workers to be his girlfriend.

She said... yes, of course. And then it was time for work <Grin> Woo! Another gold medal despite being a very un-conventional party! lol
So... party boy. You better stop making up with your robot friend here now you got a girl.Dude: Lol, my robot loves me.
Yeah, you can almost see the adoration. Weird.
New GF Emma: So, that was some party last night.
Dude: Glad you enjoyed it. <wink>
GF: <Swoon>
<Rolling eyes> Oh, here we go...
Dude: Hold still ... mwhahahaha

Dude: <cracking up> Hahahaha...ohhh, it just never gets old.

Dude: Just a little tap here <snicker> aaaand a little tap here... <pffff hahaha>

Tourist: Ahhhh, I'm on fire.
Dude: Relax man, I got it.

Tourist: <stressed out of his eyeballs> That was way too close.
Dude: Hmm hmm. <Smirk> Feels good to be a hero.
I'm going home.
Huh. Looks like your work-out party worked. You look much better.Dude: You know it.
That really is one crazy plant.Dude: Like the cow thing's not?
Yeah... they both are crazy.Dude: Still 'nother requirement checked off.