Chapter 16: Dinner PartyDude: You hungry? Are you? Come on then?
It'll have your arm all the way to your elbow one of these days.Dude: Pfffft, as if.

Zest: That smells great Dude.
Dude: Chilli, help yourself, there's plenty.
I'll say. There's enough food here to feed an army.Dude: I'm about to throw a dinner party.
Oh! We don't have a table though.Dude: Our friends won't mind. It'll be fine.

Zest: This is GOOD.

Dude: Hi everyone, thanks for coming... grab a plate!

Dude: Oh you girls going for the cake?
Zoe: <Giggle> Yes, I've got a sweet tooth.
Rogelio: Matches your personality then.
Zoe: Oh! You flatterer you!
Liberty: What a 'sweet' thing to say.
Dude: Lol, these puns are getting bad! <Grin>

Valarie: So when do you think your watcher will actually build you boys a house?
Don: Yeah, I've been wondering that myself.
Zest: Don't know. She says she's a bit uninspired at the moment.
Emma: Well least you don't have to worry about winter or anything.

Dude: Hmmm, castor sugar or soft brown...
Umm... don't ask me, I can't bake.Dude: Really? You still haven't learnt?
Yeah, na. I just don't have the 'knack' you know. Everything I try comes out wrong.

Dude: Castor sugar... Looks good don't you think?
Looks great and smells even better!Dude: You better grab a slice before Zoe sees it!

Dude: Heyyy, you know that deep sea divers use an ascent rate of 30' per minute when diving deeper than 60 feet, everyone knows that.
Don: I still say that saturation diving is better for you in the long run.

Zest: Psst... quick, while no one's looking.
Zoe: <giggle>

Dude: ...and it's said that at the stroke of midnight the desert sand can be seen to cloud up into the air, taking the shape of the hanging man.
Rogelio: <Gasp> Ohh
Dude:... and they say that whoever has the misfortune to see it.... becomes abducted next!
Gavin: Good heavens! I couldn't live in the desert knowing that! <Shiver>

Dude: Ummm... Rogelio, could I take a DNA sample?
Rogelio: Ummmm...

Rogelio: Sure!
Dude: Really? Awesome!

Dude: You're the first person who has said yes. Hold still.
Rogelio: <gag reflection>
Dude: Oooo, sorry, a little deep there. Opps.
*Deep sigh* That was one great party.Zest and Zoe: You can say that again!
Aww, thanks Zoe, we sure did make a mess.Zoe: No problems watcher.

Zoe: Judging by the number of plates, <quick counting> we all averaged about three to four slices of cake and that again of chilli.
Woah! No wonder we all feel sleepy.Zest: That and we've managed to party all night again.

Dude: Hey Zoe? Have I shown you my puppies?
Zoe: Ooo I love baby dogs.
Dude: <flexing muscles>
Night Rogelio, thanks for coming.Rogelio: It was a blast, night watcher. Or morning, rather.
*Yawn* Dawn soon.Dude: Yep, just got to water these then I'm heading for bed.
Nite then. Oh! Congrats on another gold medal.