Chapter 29: Welcome NoobooDude: Ooo. Incoming, no time for hospital watcher.
Yikes! You can do this Winston. You're a pro now at giving birth.Dude: Pain! OMG. Arghh... I can't keep doing this.
Ok. Deep breaths... you totally can do this. Dude: I'm gonna have to.
Well, yeah.
Dude: Ooo OO I don't think it gets any easier the more times it happens...
<Trying not to freak out> You're doing so well. Just think of the gorgeous little nooboo just waiting to met his or her daddy.Dude: I'm quitting my job and moving.
Cool... lets just have the nooboo first eh.

Dude: Ohh welcome little nooboo!

Blaize: Oh cool. I've got a sister. Thanks dad, exactly what I wanted.
Dude: Lol, you're welcome. Of course I planned it exactly like this just for you Blaize.
Blaize: CooOOOl, you're the best dad ever.
Blaize: Hi ya Jasmine. You're so cute. When you gonna be big enough to come outside and play? We've got the coolest jungle gym.

Blaize: Peek a BOO! *Giggle* Oh.. you are so so cute!
What's with the long face?Dude: I can't keep doing this watcher, keep having nooboo after nooboo. For one, we can't afford it and two, what women's ever gonna want me with a million kids that aren't hers.
Well, I think we've got the abductions under control now and apparently the Universal Council have put a much lower quota on how many sims are allowed to be pollinated, I think that's what they call it.Dude: I don't know whether to throw up at that or just be thankful.
Yeah. That was pretty much my response too. But hey! Look on the bright side... you've got two pretty special kids out of all this.Dude: Still don't feel like getting married. I feel all over the place.
Probably got post-natal nooboo syndrome. I think you'll feel better once you are back at work and zapping stuff with the simray... you know?Dude: I'll take your word on it.
See ya Dude. Keep your chin up.Dude: Thanks. See ya later.

Zest: Aw, you want your daddy but he's gone to work so you'll just have to make do with me.
How's the book going?Zest: Great actually, looks like a best seller. Well, I'm hoping anyway.
K. Well, I'm going to go watch Jasmine so you can write your heart out.
Aww, such a good nooboo. Your daddy sure know how to make good babies.
After school....
Blaize: Hi watcher, wanna watch me?
Blaize: Wow! guess you had your birthday Taylor!
Taylor: Yep. Don't be in too big a rush to have yours. High school sucks.

Taylor: I didn't realize that you really meant it when you said you were an alien.
Blaize: Ohh.

Blaize: We can still be friends though, right?
Taylor: Totally! I guess it'll have to be our secret though. Otherwise other kids might start freaking out. You know?