Chapter 79: Blaize's Elder BirthdayClinton: So Dude asks Zahra; 'What does IDK, LY and TTYL mean?'
Zahra replies; 'I don't know, love you and I'll talk to you later.'
To which Dude then says, 'Oh that's ok, I'll ask your sister!!!'

Dude: Least I remember a time when I was smarter than my phone!
Jaron! lol Dude, well, been great hanging out but it's time I headed home. See you.
Julius: See ya.
Woah! Standing pretty close to moo thing aren't you?
Blaize: Aw, you're ok aren't you fella?
Oh what? Really?Dude: *eye roll* It's not like I plan the transformations is it?
Well... a banana, a stink bomb thingy, a pile of dust and another ugly kitchy chicken thing...just no.Dude: You're the one who insisted we stop selling the eggs and started collecting them for transformation...
Yeah, well I expected to get more than kitchy yuk stuff and you setting everything on fire!Dude: We could just sell them all.
Nope...we're gonna transform every single one even if it takes us years.Dude: K then.

Dude: Your cake's ready son.
Jasmine: Oh, so soon Blaize?
Blaize: I'm ready.

Mac: I can't believe that we're all getting this old already!
Blaize: I know.

Blaize: Well here goes watcher.

Blaize: I wish for <Mumble>
Everyone singing and horn blowing

Jasmine: Oh gosh! You ok Blaize?
Blaize: <strained> Yup...
Happy birthday Blaize, may this stage of your life be very, very long <sniff>
Dude: Happy birthday son <hanging on tightly>

Jasmine: Happy birthday Blaize.
Blaize: Thanks sis.

Mac: Happy birthday big brother.
Blazie: I love you sis.
Dude: Watcher?
Dude: I don't think I'm ready for this.
I know... I know Winston.
Blaize: Well *deep sigh* I think I might go dye my hair a little...yeah, might make me feel less creaky.

Zahra: I had a really boring day today.... school is just so. so. booooring.
Mal: Well, it's nearly your birthday and you are ready for work hun. Just got to keep a good attitude up right to the end.

Zahra: I will dad.
Mal: That's my girl.
Don't you go over doing it.Dude: I won't
OOooo,, transmuting stuff?Jasmine: Hm hmm.
Mal: Umm <awkwardly> You know how a while ago you asked about woohoo?
Zahra: Yeah?

Mal: Well, you probably need to know a little more... you know.... <woohoo blah blah>.....

Mal: Oh, very awkward but a necessary conversation hun.
Zahra: *Dying*

Zahra: Good to know dad, don't think I'm going to look at strawberries and carrots ever the same though *blush*

Mal: Well! *Radically changing the subject* Hasn't it been a lovely day today.

Mal: I might go do a spot of gardening. What are you going to do?
Zahra: *Under her breath* Apart from dying of embarrassment ... Umm homework I guess.
Oh! You over did it, didn't you?Dude: Yeah, I guess pushing the limits isn't a thing anymore.
Well, not for you it isn't anyway.Dude: *ow*