Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 448932 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #345 on: May 06, 2015, 07:16:15 PM »
Chapter 78: Painting and Other Stuff

Mac: I love you Mal

Mac: I wish time would just freeze.
Mal: Mac...We said we wouldn't talk about it love.
Mac: I know *sigh* <snuggling in closer> I do so love you.

Mal: Well, that ruined our 'quiet' time! I wish Winston would install some engine silencers or something.

Mal: Darling, do you fancy a spin in space?
Mac: Of course, I'd go anywhere with you.

Oh yuk! I preferred the egg!
Dude: Yeah *self conscious laugh*
Anyway, the moo thing needs feeding, could you?
Dude: Sure.
And then maybe you could transform that into something else... a little nicer, or something.

Dude: WOAH!

Dude: Yep, four fingers and a thumb... cripes. Thought my hand was a goner there.

Dude: Oh jings, it's just not my day.

Zahra: Thought we were all going to go up in a towering inferno earlier.
Julius: Did you? Na, I'd have saved you.

Zahra: I love the moonlight, it makes everything seem, well, romantic.

Julius: Oh no! What a terrible draw!
Zahra: As if! I know your poker

Mal: Oh my gosh! I think I've died and gone to heaven!
Mac: Ooo

Umm, that's a masterpiece?
Zahra: Yeah.
Not really my taste...
Jasmine: It takes time to develop an understanding of artistic expression watcher.
Welp, that's me put in my place then.
Zahra: Lol

Zahra: I'm sooo close Auntie Jasmine.
Jasmine: It will happen, have faith and trust in your ability love. Enjoy the painting process and then I'm sure you will paint that last masterpiece you need.

That's actually really cute Blaize.
Blaize: Cute? You're calling my art cute?
Blaize: lol, just messing with you. Want it for the kids room?

Jasmine: There you go! well done, aspiration completed! Well done Zahra!
Zahra: Thanks so much!

Mal: Oh no! Watcher??

Oh Mal. I can't do anything...

Tell them you know Blaize, that should make them treat you well...
Mal: <nervously> K then...

You didn't activate abductions did you?
Dude: No?
Ah. Well Mal's just been taken.
Dude: He'll be right, nothing ever happens anymore.

Another masterpiece?
Zahra: Yep, they seem to be just pouring out now.
Lol, keep 'em coming then. Got to make hay while the sun shines.

Great! Mal's back.
Blaize: I'm sure he's fine. All they do is chat about life as a sim now anyway.

OOoo, crash landing. Ouch!

You ok?
Mal: Yes, no. Not sure...
Sleep it off, you'll feel heaps better when you wake up.
Mal: K.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #346 on: May 06, 2015, 07:21:23 PM »
How did that pig catch on fire!?  ;D 
I wish if you got abducted you still got pregnant. I thought that was always fun to see so many alien kids.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #347 on: May 06, 2015, 07:22:20 PM »
@oshizu, I had to go back and check Julius myself lol! Luckily Katelyn was confident after discovering Blaize, first time he hasn't made someone angry... Woo!  I must give Julius a make over... he so suits those glasses, normally I don't really change townies that much but he looked so different!

@SLF, Dude used the sim ray to 'transform' it again...and it caught on fire! lol  ;D  I think you can still get pregnant from abduction. Someone said they had on our forum. I just can't seem to get it to happen. Mind you, there is no room in the dynasty house at the moment anyway so it's not such a bad thing from that perspective. (The one 'free' space I'm keeping free for Zahra's story etc so if someone were to get pregnant from an abduction the nooboo would have to be returned.)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #348 on: May 06, 2015, 07:28:14 PM »
Wow, household full already?  :) Yeah, guess it would be annoying if you are doing a challenge in this case.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #349 on: May 06, 2015, 10:59:48 PM »
Actually, I rather like that Julius looks like two different people in his everyday clothes and his party clothes, kind of like having two boyfriends. *cough

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #350 on: May 07, 2015, 03:11:57 AM »
How on earth do you do three parties in one day?  I'd go absolutely bonkers trying to keep it all straight.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #351 on: May 07, 2015, 03:41:04 AM »
@oshizu , LOL that cracked me up.

@Joria , well I just end the first party as soon as it goes gold. That way none of the sims are tired or need the bathroom etc. I start the second as soon as I end the first and invite exactly the same sims. That way none of them have gone home, instead all they do is spin into their next set of clothes etc. Then I end the second party as soon as it's gone gold and check needs of the sims. Then start the third party once everyone is sorted. I could get through all five but I just can't stomach doing them all at once. Besides I quite like doing a date or wedding later if the story turns out that way.

The parties seem way easier than when I started my first dynasty. It's like those impossible goals don't come up as often now so that's good. I've also noticed that the guests don't seem to be always helping themselves out of the fridge anymore, which used to make catering really difficult as you could never get your chef sim to cook anything.

But yeah, it get's a little messy for sure and challenges my micro-managing tendencies. lol  ::)

Thanks for reading as always.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #352 on: May 07, 2015, 06:40:11 AM »
Congrats on getting three golds in one day! Julius is hot, never really took much notice of him before...  ::)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #353 on: May 07, 2015, 09:09:31 AM »
I think Julius and Zahra would make a really cute couple. Looking forward to your next post  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #354 on: May 07, 2015, 03:34:55 PM »
Chapter 79: Blaize's Elder Birthday

Clinton: So Dude asks Zahra; 'What does IDK, LY and TTYL mean?'
Zahra replies; 'I don't know, love you and I'll talk to you later.'
To which Dude then says, 'Oh that's ok, I'll ask your sister!!!'

Dude: Least I remember a time when I was smarter than my phone!
Jaron! lol Dude, well, been great hanging out but it's time I headed home. See you.
Julius: See ya.

Woah! Standing pretty close to moo thing aren't you?

Blaize: Aw, you're ok aren't you fella?

Oh what? Really?
Dude: *eye roll* It's not like I plan the transformations is it?
Well... a banana, a stink bomb thingy, a pile of dust and another ugly kitchy chicken thing...just no.
Dude: You're the one who insisted we stop selling the eggs and started collecting them for transformation...
Yeah, well I expected to get more than kitchy yuk stuff and you setting everything on fire!
Dude: We could just sell them all.
Nope...we're gonna transform every single one even if it takes us years.
Dude: K then.

Dude: Your cake's ready son.
Jasmine: Oh, so soon Blaize?
Blaize: I'm ready.

Mac: I can't believe that we're all getting this old already!
Blaize: I know.

Blaize: Well here goes watcher.

Blaize: I wish for <Mumble>
Everyone singing and horn blowing

Jasmine: Oh gosh! You ok Blaize?
Blaize: <strained> Yup...
Happy birthday Blaize, may this stage of your life be very, very long <sniff>

Dude: Happy birthday son <hanging on tightly>

Jasmine: Happy birthday Blaize.
Blaize: Thanks sis.

Mac: Happy birthday big brother.
Blazie: I love you sis.
Dude: Watcher?
Dude: I don't think I'm ready for this.
I know... I know Winston.

Blaize: Well *deep sigh* I think I might go dye my hair a little...yeah, might make me feel less creaky.

Zahra: I had a really boring day today.... school is just so. so. booooring.
Mal: Well, it's nearly your birthday and you are ready for work hun. Just got to keep a good attitude up right to the end.

Zahra: I will dad.
Mal: That's my girl.

Don't you go over doing it.
Dude: I won't

OOooo,, transmuting stuff?
Jasmine: Hm hmm.

Mal: Umm <awkwardly> You know how a while ago you asked about woohoo?
Zahra: Yeah?

Mal: Well, you probably need to know a little more... you know.... <woohoo blah blah>.....

Mal: Oh, very awkward but a necessary conversation hun.
Zahra: *Dying*

Zahra: Good to know dad, don't think I'm going to look at strawberries and carrots ever the same though *blush*

Mal: Well! *Radically changing the subject* Hasn't it been a lovely day today.

Mal: I might go do a spot of gardening. What are you going to do?
Zahra: *Under her breath* Apart from dying of embarrassment ... Umm homework I guess.

Oh! You over did it, didn't you?
Dude: Yeah, I guess pushing the limits isn't a thing anymore.
Well, not for you it isn't anyway.
Dude: *ow*

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #355 on: May 07, 2015, 04:01:11 PM »
Chapter 80: Hanging At Home

Julius: There you go, all done!

Zahra: So, thanks for helping me again.
Julius: No worries.
Zahra: I like it when you help me...

Zahra: Hmm, your last move has made things tricky...

Julius: Well it's your move now. Balls in your court.
Zahra: *Looks intensely at Julius*

Oh I love those two paintings Blaize! I think they are my favs out of all you've painted so far.
Blaize: Thanks, still not that last illusive masterpiece though.
It'll happen.
Blaize: Better do. I'm running out of time.
Oh don't say that... you've still got time...
Blaize: Just don't know how much of it though. Eh watcher.

I haven't seen you out here for ages!
Dude: I know. Just felt like I needed some alone time.
Oh, shall I go?
Dude: No, it's nice having you here.
You're worried about Blaize and Jasmine aren't you.
Dude: I don't think I can watch my children die..
*Tearing up* I know... I don't know what to say....
Dude: Neither do I.

Blaize: I've done it watcher! The masterpiece I needed!
Woo! Congrats Blaize.

Mal: I've had my last warning from Grim.
Dude: I'll make sure Mackenzie and Zahra are ok. I promise you that Mal.
Mal: I know you will old friend. I have every faith in you. It's been wonderful. I've had a great life here with you all.
Dude: You are the best son-in-law any man could ever want Mal. I'm going to miss you a lot.
Mal: Thanks Winston. Still, being as fit as I am... you never know, I might have more time left than we know...

Julius: Oh I'm knackered though....
Mal: Uh huh. Push through that pain.... Come ON!

Mal: Now we're talking!

Julius: I CAN do this... I WILL do this...

Oh! Whatcha cooking? <Deep sniff> Oh YUK!

I'm so glad you remember when it's time... oh! lol, there goes that face again!

Dude: <Snniiiiiiffffffffffff> Hmm, delightful...
What are you doing?
Dude: Thinking positively...

How's that working out for you?
Dude: Terrible! Plumbob, this stuff is so revolting...

Dude: *forcing the last mouthful down* K, that's it then. <Gulp>

Dude: Whew! Gotta admit to feeling really good afterwards though.

Dude: Ooo, don't drop them bottles.. *smirk*
Mal: Oh *going wobbly* Arghh

Mal: Ha! Got 'em!
Nice move Mal!
Mal: Thanks!

Oh really? pfff.

Dude: Huh? Where did the lights go?
Hmm, guess they changed their minds...

Oooo, I loooove this song.... *sigh*
Dude: I know.

You look very smexy when you play the guitar...
Dude: I do? Well, I'll have to play it more often then lol.

Oooo*Fanning* hot!
Dude: If you carry that on I'll start thinking you like me watcher... *wink*

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #356 on: May 07, 2015, 04:08:00 PM »
Of course Watcher likes you, and so do the readers  ;) I'd love to see Zahra and Julius together but you might not want it that way. Blaize, I'm gonna miss him so hopefully he'll be around for a while. Mal giving Zahra the woohoo talk, oh lol!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #357 on: May 07, 2015, 09:05:51 PM »
Lol ;)  It is the Woohoo talk. Yeah, embarrassing!
Poor Blaize and his new creaky old bones! Well, hopefully not TOO creaky. Sure he'll be fine. Hopefully he will live long.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #358 on: May 07, 2015, 09:43:05 PM »
I was absolutely shocked that Blaize aged up to an elder already.  And Mal got his first notice from Grim?
Darnit, I'm not ready to let go of Blaize and Jasmine yet.

Haha, Winston only now notices that his Watcher has a thing for him? 
Poor Winston watching his children growing old.  (;_;)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #359 on: May 07, 2015, 10:55:00 PM »
It took 3 days.. but finally caught up! So much to comment on - but will simply say.. WONDERFUL.. as usual. I truly love this family Play, you have created some amazing characters. Fingers crossed that Blaize and Mal are not taken too quickly..

