Chapter 103: A Weekend of WaitingHuh, you finally got one.Dude: Yeah, I guess it's all the practice I've been doing.
Hmm, not like there's anything else you can do.
Dude: Nope. Don't get me wrong, I like holidays but this one just keeps on going.
It does...and unfortunately you'll be here even once Caleb's gone back home for school.Dude: Oh well...need those plants eh.
Good grief! What the heck are you doing?Dude: Burning....a little help maybe.
Relax, I got it. You're out now.Dude: Sheesh!
Actually, that was a welcome little bit of excitement.Dude: Speak for yourself.

Caleb: What happened? Did I miss something exciting?
Yep, you're great grandfather was on fire. It was quite cool.
Dude: If I wasn't so bored watcher, I'd think of some funny come back.
Caleb: Aw, dang it. I miss out on all the fun.
Your music is coming along really well Caleb.Caleb: Thanks. It's pretty easy getting inspired while being surrounded by such beautiful wilderness.
Argh! No don't look around!Dude: Aw, not that pesky woman again?
Yep...quick go fishing. She won't speak to you if you're in the fishy zone. Go! Quick!
Dude: Has she gone?
Yep *snicker*Dude: Between hanging around with nothing to do and that pesky woman I think even my patience is nearing it's end.
Mine evaporated long ago. I'm telling you...I know it's no one fault, but far out! I hate it when my plans get ruined.
Dude!Dude: On it.
Oh my! Don't stuff this up.Dude: I told you I got it.
<intake of breath> Dude: Nearly....

Dude: Got it...oh...
Have you got it? Have you?...Well?Dude: Not sure... *grin*

Dude: Woo! Got it!
Awesome! Thats so cool! I've been after one of these for ages!Dude: lol, yeah. That's almost made up for the endless holiday that...
(Together)....just keeps going on and on... lol

Dude: Might as well try for some local rare fish eh.
Might as well. Oh wait! Hey Dude, there's someone over here I need you to meet....
I said M E E T. Not freeze. What the heck?Dude: I know....but I'm so bored..
Aw geez. Oh well. I gotta fly home for Zahra's adult birthday.Dude: Give her my love.
Will do...I'll be back in a jiffy anyway.
Mac: Glad you made it watcher.
No worries.
Yeah...umm...I'm kinda in a hurry. So could you stop just standing there laughing and actually get on with it?Mac: Don't be so grouchy.
Well, if Zahra hadn't wasted half her life waiting for a pregnant sim... this would have been a very different celebration.Zahra: It wasn't really my fault.
Don't care, gotta blame someone. Blow those candles out before my blood pressure hits the roof will ya.
<Grudgingly> Woo! Happy adult birthday Zahra. Maybe you could work on your fitness while we're away eh. See yaz
Your mum says hi.Caleb: Cool
How long as pesky been watching you?Caleb: Long enough that it's getting creepy.
<Snort> Let's go see the hermit. It's nice up there.
Gosh it's so pretty here!Caleb: Hm hmm.

Caleb: You don't mind me harvesting all your mushrooms?
Hermit: No, not at all. they, mushrooms. So I'll have plenty more tomorrow.

Caleb: That was one fast trip watcher!
I know, it's just that we need to head for home.
Julius: Oh just my luck... a rotten hand.
Dude: Aw, things not going your way Julius?
Julius: Oh, I'm alright, just feel a bit grumpy.

Dude: Anything else on your mind? Caleb's doing really well. He's been an A student for ages now and has completed one aspiration already.
Julius: That's so good to hear.
Dude: Hmm, he's nearly completed his second aspiration. He's a good boy Julius, you should be very proud.
Julius: I am. I feel so much better knowing that he's on his way.
Dude: Cool. Keep your chin up eh.
Oh! Have you taken up gardening?Caleb: Sort of. This is just my herbs and plants that I need to make my special potions and distillations and stuff.
Oh yeah, that's good thinking.Caleb: Hmm...could you make me a basement to keep all my insects in?
Sure! I'll do that first thing tomorrow.Caleb: Thanks! That would be really helpful
You're welcome Caleb.