Author Topic: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!  (Read 37144 times)

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 2 Part 1
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2015, 09:29:36 PM »
Week Two, Part Two

Welcome back to Big Brother. Earlier in the show, Simon became Head of the Household and nominated Tommy and Alexa for elimination. Simon’s enjoying having his own bathtub.

Jacob was asleep when the Sculpting challenge ended, so I had to kick him out of the Head of Household bed. I feel kind of guilty, but it’s probably for the best. Jacob’s relationships with the housemates have all but decayed after a week of non-stop TV and internet.

It’s not all bad for Jacob, though; much to the surprise of the household, he’s earned seven Cooking points and some new recipes from the TV. His cheese plates and falafel are a welcome variation from Tommy’s salads.

It doesn’t take long for Jacob to rekindle his relationship with Alexa. They were actually the first Sims to become friends back in Week One, so it’s nice to see them hanging out again.

Alexa tries to befriend some other housemates, but her methods tend to be a bit clumsy.


Tommy, meanwhile, is starting to worry in earnest. Alexa’s nowhere near as crazy as Daisy was, so there’s a pretty good chance she’s going to win Elimination if Tommy doesn’t actively shape up socially.

He doesn’t quite feel up to talking with the housemates, so instead he takes up some household chores. He grimly prepares breakfast…

…And grimly mops the hot tub area.

But with Alexa using her looks to her advantage, all of Tommy’s domestic efforts are for naught. He decides it’s time to take drastic measures.

With a heavy heart, he forces a smile onto his face…

…and tries to make friends with Koala. Koala initially seems nervous, but she quickly warms up to him and even flirts a little bit. Tommy manages to surprise Koala and even himself with his newfound patience and approachability.

On Sunday morning, Koala invites Tommy and Alexa out to the hot tub for a chat. The three get along surprisingly well, sitting in the tub together for several hours. At five o’clock, they reluctantly head inside to cast their votes for Elimination.

The housemates make their choices. Tommy and Alexa are extremely close in votes, but the Sim going home this week with four votes out of seven is…


After hearing the verdict, she says her goodbyes and strides right out with no regrets. Alexa was a free spirit who liked to shock people and have fun, and now that her time here is over she’s heading out into the city to party. Have fun Alexa, and don’t forget to tune into next week’s episode of Big Brother, Los Aniegos!

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2015, 09:59:21 PM »
Week Three

Welcome back to Big Brother. Last week, Simon became the Head of the Household, Alexa was voted out of the mansion, and Tommy narrowly escaped elimination for the second time. I think he regrets staying on; he Loves the Outdoors and he’s starting to get a bit Stir Crazy.

As usual, the task room is stocked with skilling items at midnight. This week’s skill challenge is…

PAINTING! Hopefully we’ll see more effort this week than we did with the Sculpting challenge. I’m a little worried that the housemates will just sit in the hot tub and flirt with each other all week.

Never fear, Jacob is quick to prove me wrong. This particular painting is inspired by Tommy’s chest hair.

Judging by the amount of time he spends in the task room, Jacob is really enjoying this challenge. His only real rival is Susan.

Susan’s actually managed to surprise me. After weeks spent lurking in the background of the challenges, she’s all of a sudden become a real competitor. Not only has she befriended Simon and Luca, but she’s earned almost three points in the Painting skill already.

Simon is quick to help his friend out in the painting challenge, but despite all the distractions, Jacob refuses to give up.

I would say something like “Wow, he must really want that prize money!”, but this is a Couch Potato we’re talking about. I think he just wants his big TV back.

But Susan puts up a solid fight, even finishing up a large painting. After several days of hard work all around, the Sim with the most skill points by Wednesday night is…

Jacob! He’s thrilled to have his TV, computer, and canopy bed back. After a good night’s sleep, Jacob reveals this week’s nominees to be…

Koala and Tommy! Who will go home this week? Will it be the bubbly flirt, Koala Kim, or Tommy “Third-Time’s-The-Charm” Knack? Find out… right now, actually! I can fit this whole week into one update, fancy that!

This may be the third time Tommy’s been up for elimination, but it’s the first time he’s been up against someone popular. It doesn’t help that his rival this time is also his only friend in the house. Tommy knows he won’t get Koala’s sweetie Luca on his side, so he instead tries to bond with Susan.

Whoa, is that a smile I see? Tommy, you old softie! He actually manages to push his relationship with Susan up to a Friendship.

Emboldened by his success, Tommy tries to strike up a conversation with Simon.

It doesn’t seem to be going well.

Then again, we all know how Simon treats people he likes.

Now that this week’s challenge is over, the easels have been removed from the task room and replaced with a Gnubb set. No one’s any good at it yet, but it keeps them busy in the days leading up to Elimination.

Sunday morning eventually dawns, and Koala doesn’t have a care in the world. Not that she does normally.

Tommy engages in his usual pre-Elimination ritual, which is to scrub things and be moody. It’s a little sad he has to have a ritual for this, but he keeps the kitchen sparkling!

At five o’ clock, the housemates don their finest clothes and head to the living area to cast their votes. And the Sim going home this week, with four votes out of six, is…


It took three eliminations to take him down, but Tommy Knack is finally going home. Tommy was a grumpy, stoic Sim who actually managed to make some friends and perhaps become a better person. And that’s something not even 100,000 simoleons can buy. Farewell Tommy, your salads will be missed. Don’t miss next week’s episode of Big Brother, Los Aniegos!

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2015, 03:11:30 AM »
Wow! I missed so much! Last weeks ..."But with Alexa using her looks to her advantage, all of Tommy’s domestic efforts are for naught."  *snicker* was priceless. :) And see ya Tommy, least you won't have to put up with Simon scaring the heck out of you all the time!!
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Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2015, 03:17:58 AM »
Wow! I missed so much! Last weeks ..."But with Alexa using her looks to her advantage, all of Tommy’s domestic efforts are for naught."  *snicker* was priceless. :) And see ya Tommy, least you won't have to put up with Simon scaring the heck out of you all the time!!

Haha, glad you liked it :) ! I hope I'm not updating too fast; I've been aiming for one "episode" a day, but the lack of comments suggests I might be leaving people behind.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2015, 04:26:41 AM »
Well so long Tommy.  Now who's going to keep the kitchen clean?   ::)
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Offline JudesSims

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Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2015, 05:26:04 AM »
I think you're doing great, Ausette! I'm enjoying the heck out of reading this challenge!

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2015, 05:47:19 AM »
Well so long Tommy.  Now who's going to keep the kitchen clean?   ::)

Wish I could answer that, lol. I think Susan or Simon did, maybe?

I think you're doing great, Ausette! I'm enjoying the heck out of reading this challenge!

Yay, thanks so much! I'm enjoying you enjoying it.  ;)

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Offline Trip

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2015, 07:25:16 AM »
Daily posting means I get a steady stream of stuff to read on this site too, which isn't bad at all. ;)

Bye Tommy. Now we might actually get a surprise with nominees now!
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Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2015, 09:06:17 AM »
Daily posting means I get a steady stream of stuff to read on this site too, which isn't bad at all. ;)

Bye Tommy. Now we might actually get a surprise with nominees now!

Aww, I'm glad to hear it. I swear there are never enough stories on the forum, hint hint ;)

Offline KRae

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2015, 09:52:54 AM »
I'm glad of the daily posts. We've got to keep the TS3 side of the forum going.

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 3
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2015, 09:54:32 AM »
I'm glad of the daily posts. We've got to keep the TS3 side of the forum going.

Preach it ;) ! Thanks for the comment.

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 4
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2015, 10:24:42 PM »
Week Four

Welcome back to Big Brother. Last week, Jacob won his second Head of the Household challenge and Tommy went home after his third nomination. This week, the contestants will be competing by playing the first of the musical instruments…

GUITAR! Note the dresser in the background. Since I don’t want everyone standing around watching each other play, I’ve assigned each Sim a bedroom and locked the instruments inside. Let’s hope it helps.

Oh, never mind.

Koala picks the skill up straight away. She’s determined to avoid nomination this week.

Koala is quickly followed by Susan…

…Who is followed by Luca…

…Who is followed by Simon. The only Sim who hasn’t had a shot yet is Jacob.

That’s because Jacob still has access to the fancy suite and all of the glories within. He hasn’t been away from his TV and computer all week.

Jacob, being a Couch Potato, isn’t bothered by his lack of progress. I’ve never seen him  cross at anything. It’s actually rather cute – his emotions range from adorably bewildered to totally blissed out with very little in between.

Sadly for Jacob, his time in the suite has come to an end. The Head of the Household for this week is…

Luca! He nominates Simon and Jacob. That’s bound to even the genders up, at least.

Luca quickly retreats to the HoH suite and doesn’t come out for a while.

Simon doesn’t seem too bothered by his nomination. Susan still puts up with him and that’s all he cares about.

Susan, are you OK? I hope constant harassment from the resident Evil Genius isn’t getting to her.

Jacob doesn’t take the nomination to heart, bless him. He and Luca are actually pretty close, but Luca would never nominate one of his girls.

Yes, girls. To my surprise, Luca was best friends with Susan as well as Koala. They spend a lot of their time chatting with each other and AAARGH!

Tommy Knack! WHY ARE YOU STALKING THE BIG BROTHER HOUSEHOLD? You were voted out fair and square!

…Felonies aside, the rest of the week proceeds without a hitch. Elimination day arrives all too soon.

And with three votes out of five, the Sim going home this week is…


I’ll miss ya, cutie. Now you can eat your TV falafel in peace. Tune in next week to Big Brother, Los Aniegos!

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 4
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2015, 11:18:34 PM »
Ah, too bad, Jacob is so cute. Maybe he'll start stalking...probably not.

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 4
« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2015, 11:20:05 PM »
Haha, we'll see then won't we ;) . Glad you liked the character!

Offline Trip

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 4
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2015, 11:53:26 PM »
I'm awake for a fresh new chapter!

A part of me thought that Jacob would make it further, but he doesn't strike me as someone who's gonna be like Tommy the sore loser when he's out in the world. :P
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