Eee! I am VERY excited to read the finale!
I'm excited that you're excited! So glad you're enjoying the story

I'm not THAT surprised that Susan lost (not that I would be surprised if Simon did either; they're both quiet and it seems that victory is gained by being loud in the charming way), but she was a likable sim.
Yeah, it's an interesting mix of skill, friendship levels, and luck. Especially in the later rounds when a single Sim can decide who goes home.
It is a little tough to believe that the season's almost over.
I know! It's only been a week in real time! At least I've got my game running, so I might be able to update the Joneses in the next few weeks

. Plus I've really got the hang of the Big Brother challenge in case I want to do it again. I'm tempted to play again with a house full of Daisys.