Author Topic: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!  (Read 37154 times)

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #45 on: August 23, 2015, 09:27:26 PM »
Week Six

Welcome back everyone to Big Brother, Los Aniegos! Last week, Simon won Head of the Household and kicked Luca out of the house. Koala’s not very happy about that outcome.

Oh dear. Life’s just not going well for Koala right now. Perhaps she can bury herself in the final skill challenge of the show…

PIANO! A classy instrument for a classy bunch of Sims. *snicker*

Koala (Lord it’s hard to fit those pompoms in a screenshot sometimes) immediately gets to work. She knows how close Susan and Simon are, so winning Head of Household is her only chance to reach the finale.

Look, I’d like to provide tension but these are my only two pics from the challenge. Koala wins by default with four points! Yay, finally a female Head of the Household! I don’t know what took them so long. In my practice run Susan won HoH three weeks in a row. But anyway, Koala is immune from elimination and Simon and Susan have been nominated by default.

Koala also becomes the only contestant to earn some Athletic points. It’s probably a good idea.

Meanwhile, Susan and Simon have adopted a different strategy – earning Koala’s friendship.

Simon, loner that he is, decides the best route is to win her heart indirectly by cleaning things.

Heavens knows she needs to be cleaned up after.

Oh look, the cleaning worked! Koala seems grateful at least, and that’s what matters.

Simon immediately follows it up by talking about exercise and TV, two topics Koala loves. Simon, you sly dog, when did you learn to suck up to people?

Susan, sensing her place in the finals slipping away, is on the scene so fast she clips Koala’s hand through her leg. She manages to distract Simon long enough for Koala to eat some rotten waffles and vomit everywhere.

I like this pic because it looks like the panda is puking.

But anyway, don’t get me wrong – Simon and Susan are quite happy together now, and it’ll be a shame to split them up. If anything, they might be getting too comfortable…

You see this? This is the view from an extremely posh apartment in the city. Imagine, for a moment, being rich and snobby and dismissive of the ill-behaved youth. And yet every time you glance to the west, you’re confronted by a view of THIS:

Can’t you hear the screams of frustration faintly in the distance? Also, note Simon sneaking out of the hot tub to steal Susan’s clothes.

Speaking of which, Susan has a very unique bug – whenever her clothes are stolen, smeary eyeliner appears on her face. She spends entire days wandering the house like this. So thanks to Simon, we have a smokey-eyed domestic toga goddess cooking Very Nice dishes for the humble residents of the mansion.

Good heavens! Simon, you’re starting to get creepy again.

Finally, the last elimination is upon us.  Koala strips off to jump in the hot tub, daring the others to join her for some last minute relationship points. There aren’t any takers, but she has a lovely day out there by herself.

And that evening, it’s up to Koala alone to decide who heads home this week. Will it be the quietly competitive Susan, or sinister genius Simon?

It’s close. It’s very close. But the Sim going home tonight by just a sliver of relationship value is…

SUSAN! (Sorry, everyone who liked her  :-\ )

Susan was easy-going and a very hard worker, which is probably what got her into the final three, but her aversion to socializing finally caught up with her. She puts on a brave face and wishes her friend good luck with the final challenge.

But as tough as she is, she can’t help but break down a little as she calls a taxi.

And that’s all for Big Brother this week. Join us next time to watch Simon and Koala go head-to-head in a surprising final challenge! Don’t miss the updates on past contestants or the exciting conclusion to the show here in Los Aniegos!

Offline ladydragon76

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #46 on: August 23, 2015, 09:48:34 PM »
Eee!  I am VERY excited to read the finale!
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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #47 on: August 23, 2015, 11:05:30 PM »
I'm not THAT surprised that Susan lost (not that I would be surprised if Simon did either; they're both quiet and it seems that victory is gained by being loud in the charming way), but she was a likable sim.

It is a little tough to believe that the season's almost over. :(
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Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #48 on: August 23, 2015, 11:18:18 PM »
Eee!  I am VERY excited to read the finale!

I'm excited that you're excited! So glad you're enjoying the story :)

I'm not THAT surprised that Susan lost (not that I would be surprised if Simon did either; they're both quiet and it seems that victory is gained by being loud in the charming way), but she was a likable sim.

Yeah, it's an interesting mix of skill, friendship levels, and luck. Especially in the later rounds when a single Sim can decide who goes home.

It is a little tough to believe that the season's almost over. :(

I know! It's only been a week in real time! At least I've got my game running, so I might be able to update the Joneses in the next few weeks ;) . Plus I've really got the hang of the Big Brother challenge in case I want to do it again. I'm tempted to play again with a house full of Daisys.

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #49 on: August 23, 2015, 11:33:42 PM »
Very entertaining, Ausette! I played Los Aniegos (because I lived in LA at one time) but it was very laggy for me.

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #50 on: August 23, 2015, 11:47:49 PM »
It lags for me too, but I love how it looks so I was able to tough it out for this challenge. Glad you like the story. :)

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2015, 12:05:31 PM »
Can't wait for the finale!!!
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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2015, 03:26:05 PM »
Oh yay! Go Simon!   ;D That last screenshot is priceless!
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Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 6
« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2015, 08:06:38 PM »
Can't wait for the finale!!!

Soon, soon! :D

Oh yay! Go Simon!   ;D That last screenshot is priceless!

Evil Sims make the best faces don't they :)

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!
« Reply #54 on: August 24, 2015, 09:27:22 PM »
Week Seven – The Final Challenge

TODAY is the day, everyone! Today will decide who goes home with one hundred thousand simoleons! They don’t know yet, but they’ve been training for this challenge the whole time they’ve been in the Big Brother house. But before we watch Simon and Koala compete, it’s time for us to check on the other contestants. Let’s do that now, shall we?

DAISY has earned some Athletic points from working out on the beach. No one’s sure if it’s to deal with her anger issues, or to catch the eye of cute locals at the gym.

Daisy’s not full of surprises, but TOMMY and ALEXA sure are! Believe it or not, shortly after eviction they hooked up via Story Progression. It looks like Tommy overcame his social issues after all!

JACOB is taking advantage of the city’s beaches to cure his Hydrophobia. He also used his newfound skills to finally gain employment, namely as a prep cook in the city.

LUCA has made it his mission to visit every nightclub in the city. When Koala gets out, he’s taking her out to his favourite place by the sea.

Finally, SUSAN spent her first free evening checking out new dishes at the bistro. She’s putting her loss being her and is eager to get back to her diner, perhaps with Jacob as her new apprentice.

And now we’re back to the household, where Koala and Simon are leaving the house for the first time in six weeks! The final challenge is eminent. What could it be?

Koala and Simon will be competing at the park. And the final challenge of Big Brother Los Aniegos is…


Yes, Gnubb! That game they’ve all been playing between challenges! From what I understand, the rules are simple. Each Sim takes turns to knock down as many of their opponent’s pegs as possible. If a throw misses the pegs that Sim’s turn ends and their opponent’s turn begins. Once all of an opponent’s pegs are down, a Sim may try to knock over the “king” in the middle (again, finishing their turn if they miss). The first to fell the king wins the game, and the first to win two games out of three wins the Big Brother challenge!

They flip a coin, and Simon gets to throw first. Koala does her best to intimidate him.

Perhaps it works, because Simon only manages to hit one of her pegs. Love Koala’s pose there – it’s like she’s asking if that’s the best he can do.

Koala’s turn knocks over two of his pegs, putting her in the lead.

Oh no! Simon throws wildly and misses the pegs completely! Here’s Koala’s chance to really steal this game!

Which she promptly does, first taking down all of Simon’s pegs (why am I thinking about Simon Pegg films all of a sudden)…

…And then the king, decisively winning the first round. Koala only needs one more win to take home the prize!

And now for round two! Simon wins the coin toss and Koala wins a fan. Well, at least I think the lady swimming in the water feature is a fan.

Wow Simon, that’s a very strong start! He knocks over three white pegs in one go. Could this move the game into his favour?

But Koala responds just as strongly, taking down three of his pegs in return.

Oh no, it wobbles but it doesn’t fall down! That’s another zero peg round for Simon. Will this give Koala a chance to take the lead?

Yes, yes it does! Will all the pegs down, all Koala needs to do to win the game is to knock down the king.

This is it, folks. The deciding moment. Will Koala take down the king and win the challenge, or will she miss and give Simon a chance for a spectacular turnaround? Koala wipes the sweat from her brow, bends her knees, throws as carefully as she can, aaaaand…

SHE HITS! Ladies and gentlemen, Koala Kim has WON Big Brother Los Aniegos! What are you gonna do with all that money, Koala?

Koala, thrilled and dazzled by her win, quickly comes to a conclusion: she’s going to split the cash prize between ALL of the contestants, with her and Luca’s portion going towards purchasing a home together. Aww!

Simon looks stunned and upset at his loss. Oh Simon, are you OK? Simon?

Simon, put down the wrench! Nobody needs to get hurt over this!

After a brief internal struggle, Simon remembers that bludgeoning is wrong, especially on national television. In fact, he no longer wants a life of evil at all! Instead, he’s going to take his prize money and use it to promote himself as a professional drummer. Now he can hit things for a living in a healthy and constructive way. Hooray!

And with that, we come to the end this season of Big Brother. I would like to thank the viewers and commentators on this thread for making the show so fun :D . I hope you all have a great week, and I'll see you some other time in Los Aniegos!

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!
« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2015, 10:07:48 PM »
Congratulations Koala and 'go you' for sharing the prize between everyone! What a sweetie.  :) So close Simon but a miss is as good as a mile huney.  ;)

A really fun story Ausette, the update on all the other contestants was a nice touch and set up the final challenge well. Loved it all.  :)
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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!
« Reply #56 on: August 24, 2015, 10:10:46 PM »
I'm going to be chuckling off and on all evening just thinking about that wrench, and I'm not even going to try to explain it to my husband.

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!
« Reply #57 on: August 24, 2015, 10:26:19 PM »
Congratulations Koala and 'go you' for sharing the prize between everyone! What a sweetie.  :) So close Simon but a miss is as good as a mile huney.  ;)

A really fun story Ausette, the update on all the other contestants was a nice touch and set up the final challenge well. Loved it all.  :)

Glad you liked it :) . After Tommy and Jacob I felt I really had to update, lest I give the impression they all wandered around stalking the mansion forever. :P

I'm going to be chuckling off and on all evening just thinking about that wrench, and I'm not even going to try to explain it to my husband.

Haha, sorry about that. ;)

Offline ladydragon76

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!
« Reply #58 on: August 24, 2015, 10:53:32 PM »
Yay!  Congrats on completing the game and story.   :D  I LOVE that your last challenge was Knubb.
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Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!
« Reply #59 on: August 25, 2015, 09:13:08 AM »
Yay!  Congrats on completing the game and story.   :D  I LOVE that your last challenge was Knubb.

Thanks ladydragon, I was pretty pleased with myself thinking that one up :)