Author Topic: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy  (Read 18846 times)

Offline stellybelly

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2016, 12:38:56 PM »
Amazing story so far. I wonder how cute the next nooboo will be!


Offline LivvieLove

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #61 on: July 05, 2016, 02:42:54 AM »
Awww, more nooboos on their way! I can't wait to see this "heir."

Rohan is adorable, I loved the picture of her with Noodle.
I'm sure your household is starting to feel pretty fully right about now!

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Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #62 on: July 06, 2016, 12:46:02 PM »
Awesome update. Myriam and Rohan look ado-rable while toddler training. Like your concept on speech bubbles. 'Begging for promotion' one was hilarious. And yay, another nooboo expecting. Hope it is the heir this time. Looking forward for next update.

Thank you! Yes, the images in the speech bubbles are the most fun to interpret  ;D Yep, new nooboo (or nooboos) on the way, too!  :D Next update should be up soon.

Amazing story so far. I wonder how cute the next nooboo will be!


Thank you too! Glad to know you're enjoying it.  ;D As for the next nooboo... Trés mignons, as the French would say!

Awww, more nooboos on their way! I can't wait to see this "heir."

Rohan is adorable, I loved the picture of her with Noodle.
I'm sure your household is starting to feel pretty fully right about now!

Yep! And don't worry, you won't be disappointed - they're unbelievably cute.  ;D As is Rohan, of course! When I found that screenshot in my folder, I just had to put it in.  :D But, yes, the household is rather large right now - it's hard to keep track of what everyone's doing and then take pictures of it too!

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #63 on: July 09, 2016, 03:02:20 PM »
The Best Things Aren't Always The Easiest

The next morning, Anna went through her routine:
1. Feed the girls

2. Have breakfast (whilst trying to avoid Noodle jumping up to take a bite)

3. Finish teaching Rohan to talk

She left Rohan gurgling happily in the kitchen to retreat to the quiet of the lounge. Something was weighing on her mind. A leaflet had come through the door last week. 'Boarding School!' it had shouted at her with its bright colours and bold writing. She'd never really thought about it before as she'd not expected to be able to afford it, but what with Beth's boost to her funds when Angel was still alive and now hers and Sherman's salaries, they could. The schools shown on the leaflet had looked so good, and she really wanted her kids to have the opportunity to learn in an environment where everyone enjoyed what they were doing. She could only manage it for a few years though - that she'd decided. They'd come home for high school and she would be there to help them through their teen dramas. Plus boarding is only fun while you're younger - she'd learnt that herself. Once everyone got bigger, the rooms were a squash and everyone just got in the way of each other.
Nuala had shown interest in Sherman's job - she could be girly when she wanted to be, but the rest of the time all she wanted to do was play outside in the dirt, and when Sherman had offered to show her round the base, she'd immediately accepted. Pluto, on the other hand, was always at his easel, sketching out new shapes. Anna knew which schools she'd send them to, but... urgh, she wasn't sure what, but something was holding her back. She turned back towards the kitchen, unsure whether she should sign them up, and caught a glimpse of Pluto playing peek-a-boo with his little sister.

Urgh, they were getting on so well together! How could she tear that apart? Sherman had already said he didn't mind either way, so hers was the deciding vote. She sat on the stairs and held her head in her hands. Eventually, she sighed and headed back into the lounge. She was going to do it. It might not be easy, but it would be good for them.

She sat at the computer and opened up the website of the boarding school company. She filled out the relevant forms and closed her eyes before pressing send. Nuala would go to Fort Starch Military and Pluto would follow in her footsteps and go to Peace and Love. Almost immediately, she got an email, confirming their places and stating details of when they would be picked up: they had the morning to pack, then a taxi would come to take them to the train station where they'd meet their supervisors and travel to their schools.
And, sure enough, at about 5pm that day, they were all packed up in the taxi and ready to go.
"Have you both got your confirmation forms?" Anna checked through the open window. Nuala giggled and rolled her eyes at her brother.
"Yes, Mom. You already asked us about ten thousand times." Anna smiled.
"I know, I know, but I want to make sure you get the right trains and to do that, you need to have your forms to give to the grown-ups who'll meet you at the station, okay? They're important. Now you guys go have fun. See you at Easter!" Anna blew them a kiss as the taxi drove off, wiping tears from the corner of her eyes before they fell.

Sherman had already said goodbye to the twins and was trying to take his mind off the whole thing in the basement they'd had put in to accommodate his need for exercise.

Anna, on the other hand, focused on the girls, watching their faces light up as she tickled them.

She left them in the lounge to play while she made the dinner as Beth taught them about their magic.
Now focus hard on your toy...

Yes, Mariam! Good girl! Now visualise it in your hands again...

Aaand you've got it! Now just keep practising!


The next day, Sherman got up bright and early for a morning work out in his new home gym.

He only stopped when his car pool arrived, then he headed off to work.

Anna spent the day working on the girls' final skills.

And making sure they were fed.

Not to mention, making sure she fed herself.

When Sherman got home, it was time for the girls' birthdays! Sherman held up Mariam as she cooed over her confetti cake.

Anna tackled Rohan, who was trying to walk over to a sleeping Noodle, and held her up too.

"Now blow!"

Mariam gained the trait Easily Impressed and Rohan gained the Slob trait. As usual, the girls rushed to the dresser after they aged up to pick out their outifts.

While they were upstairs changing, Anna went to the computer. She had already agreed with Sherman that they should have the same opportunities as Nuala and Pluto. Again, she filled in the relevant forms and organised their transport. Mariam was going to join her brother at the School of Peace and Love and Rohan would be blazing her own trail at Dribbledine Sports Academy. They were all signed up to leave at nine the next morning. Anna sat back in her seat and sighed. The babies inside her shifted and she smiled.
"Yes, little ones. You'll get to go too. It may not be easy for me, but it's for the best."

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #64 on: July 09, 2016, 11:44:30 PM »
And away the children go to boarding school! Probably the sanest idea when dealing with so many children.

The children are gorgeous though. I can't wait to see them as teens - really get a chance to see Sherman and Anna's genes mixing.

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #65 on: July 12, 2016, 11:19:19 AM »
And away the children go to boarding school! Probably the sanest idea when dealing with so many children.

The children are gorgeous though. I can't wait to see them as teens - really get a chance to see Sherman and Anna's genes mixing.

Aha yep! My thoughts exactly. Thank you though, they look amazing as teens - I can't wait to show them off!  ;D

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #66 on: July 16, 2016, 03:13:25 PM »
Sibling Bonding Time

Waiting for the new babies to come now that the house was empty was excruciating. Anna would constantly find herself sitting either in the dining room or in the lounge just listening to the silence that filled the building. Despite this, Anna knew that her children were getting a good education and were in the best hands. Plus she was sure she'd be grateful for her decision once the nooboos did come.
This morning, Noodle was particularly restless so she eventually caved in and took him into the garden for a game of fetch.

Unfortunately, he also decided to roll around in a muddy puddle. Anna sighed. He was gonna need a bath now and her back was killing her. She carried on playing for a bit until her belly started to rumble, then headed back inside, dragging a very muddy, very sheepish Noodle in by the collar. She went through the back door and found Sherman trying to read a recipe for pancakes off his iPad. She chuckled.
"Morning, my darling," she said. "Trying to cook now are we? Careful though - I set the kitchen on fire twice when I was learning." Sherman turned to look at her, a grin replacing the confused look on his face.
"Yes, well, I thought I'd make my pregnant wife some pancakes. What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing," Anna said with a knowing smile. "Only that we might end up with a burnt breakfast or a singed stove. Those things are pricey to replace." Sherman gave her a playful slap on the arm and Anna laughed, trying to dodge a further attack, letting go of Noodle's collar in the process. They both came to their senses when Noodle started shaking off the murky water from his coat. Sherman managed to grab the mucky dog by the collar and after a moment of silence, they both descended into giggles again. Finally, they caught their breath.
"Well," Anna started. "Why don't we swap jobs - I'll do breakfast if you give Noodle a bath. I'd prefer that to crispy pancakes as my back's killing me and I don't want to have to spend half an hour leaning over the bath." Sherman smiled at her.
"You've got yourself a deal. I didn't actually want to make the pancakes to be honest - my Ma used to do all my cooking and I haven't even touched a mixing bowl since third grade when I tried to make some muffins and they exploded all over the oven." He chuckled before scooping Noodle up in his arms and heading upstairs. Anna giggled to herself before turning to the ingredients he'd left on the side.
She found that she actually enjoyed cooking now - the recipe was ingrained into her brain so she didn't need to worry about doing something wrong. In fact, she even tried flipping them.

She grinned as it landed perfectly back in the pan.
Meanwhile, Sherman was up to his elbows in bubbles over the bath.

Noodle wriggled and Sherman put firm hands around his belly.
"No, you don't, mister. You're not escaping from me."

After breakfast, Anna took advantage of the warm weather and went to tend to her garden which had just emerged from the winter frost.

Before long, it was time for lunch and Anna went back inside to make a fresh batch of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches - Sherman's favourite.

They ate at the table in companionable silence, enjoying the blend of the salty, crunchy peanut butter and the sweet, gooey jam.

No sooner had they finished and Sherman had gathered up the plates, the doorbell rang. Anna shot up like a jack in the box.
"That'll be the twins! They finished yesterday."
Sure enough, Nuala and Pluto stood on the doorstep with their cases, almost unrecognisable. Anna gasped, tears springing to her eyes.
"Oh gosh! You've both grown so much!" She laughed to herself and enveloped them both in a bear hug.
"Mom! I can't breath!" Nuala protested. Anna let them go and grinned at her daughter, who was almost as tall as her now.
"Sorry, love. How was boarding school?"
"Decent. We had to get up ultra early for drills, but they were fun so I didn't mind too much." Anna smiled and turned to Pluto.
"What about you, Pluto? How was the School of Peace and Love? Is Mr Schults still there?" Pluto chuckled.
"Yep, he sure is. He said he's heard how well you've gotten on at the studios and told me to tell you he's very proud. He did keep picking on me in class though, so having a mum as a past student did have its downsides." Anna cradled his face in her hands.
"Aw sorry about that, love. Did you enjoy the art lessons though?"
"Yep! Miss Roberts was great - even let me join the art club." Anna smiled.
"Well, I'm glad you both had a good time. We've decorated a room for each of you on the top floor so I'll leave you to get unpacked."
The twins' eyes gleamed with excitement at their new rooms. "Go on! They're the two rooms on the left as you go up the stairs." Nuala looked at her brother and ran up the stairs first. Pluto chuckled and grabbed his case to follow her up.
In their rooms, they also used their dressers and mirrors to give themselves make-overs.

Nuala cut her hair shorter so it wouldn't get in the way and in the process ended up looking a bit like Snow White. She had gained the Vehicle Enthusiast trait at military school and was looking forward to learning to drive.

Pluto, on the other hand, still wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He'd enjoyed the art lessons at boarding school and Miss Roberts had even convinced him to become a Vegetarian, but he still wasn't sure if art was his calling.
They'd just finished getting dressed when they heard raised voices from downstairs. They appeared on the landing and looked at each other, curious. Pluto looked at his sister and then to the stairs. She nodded and he lead the way. When they got to the bottom of the stairs they found a worried Sherman loaded with bags. Their Mom was breathing heavily, her hand on her protruding stomach. Sherman looked at their worried expressions and put on a brave face.
"Hi, guys. Um... you mother's in labour so we were just heading to the hospital. You'll be alright on your own, right? There's pizza in the freezer or you can order one from the menu on the side if you don't feel like cooking. Sorry to desert you as soon as you got home." Nuala smiled.
"No, that's okay, Dad. We'll be fine. You go and look after Mom." Pluto nodded in agreement. Sherman gave them a grateful grin and kicked the front door open.
"Come on, Anna, you've not got long to go and we've still got to get to the hospital yet." Anna let out a groan and went out the door towards the car. Sherman turned to close the door behind him.
"Thanks for understanding, guys. Get ready for new siblings!" And with that, they were gone.

As Sherman expected, it didn't take long for the babies to arrive once they got to the hospital. Early the next morning, they brought home two more little De Rosas: Luciana and Helias. As usual, the next morning, it was their birthday and sparkles surrounded them in turn.

Luciana turned out not to be the heir and gained the traits Virtuoso and Athletic.

But lo and behold! Helias sported his mother's bright pink hair and striking blue eyes. He gained the traits Loves the Heat and Eccentric. As soon as they were aged up, Anna went back to bed, exhausted an happy that she wouldn't have to do that again. She left the twins to bond over the xylophone and peg box.

Nuala and Pluto had their first day of high school, but it seems the teachers were already giving them homework. Pluto got to it as soon as he got home.

Nuala, however, went to say hi to her new little brother.

After some tickling, she thought she really better do her homework so popped Helias in the walker in the dining room under the watchful eye of his big brother.

But after a while, he got tired so Pluto finished off the last of his homework and carried a dozy Helias up to his crib.

Meanwhile, Sherman was hurriedly trying to fix the sink in the upstairs bathroom.

And Luciana got a surprise while playing with her toy rabbit in the lounge.

When Helias had woken up from his nap, Anna took him into the kitchen to start teaching him how to talk.

"Tea solves all problems, my darling," she said. "Just remember that, and you'll be fine."

Pluto helped out and did the laundry for his Mom and once it was all in the machine, he decided to start working on his magical abilities.

After he'd learnt the good luck charm, he headed down to the basement to spend some time on the treadmill.

Nuala, however, was fed up with her pale skin - the kids at school had all thought she was a vampire. Literally, someone had approached her and genuinely asked her if she needed some sunscreen. It had been cloudy all day. Unfortunately, the tanning machine in the basement didn't help much.

She sighed and followed Pluto up to bed, hoping that tomorrow, people would be more understanding.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2016, 05:32:33 PM »
Nuala is gorgeous! She does look a bit like Snow White!

Helias! Our lovely heir has arrived and he's ADORABLE! Neon-haired babies are the best. Welcome back to Nuala and Pluto, of course. You've got quite a stuffed house! I can't imagine the chaos that's ensuing.
I really love your descriptive writing, by the way. It's so fun to read!

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2016, 09:58:58 PM »
Great update. Teen Nuala and Pluto looks great. Can't wait to see the other twin. Welcome to the two new nooboos Luciana and Helias. And lucky, you got the heir this time. And poor Nuala, hope people understand her next time. Looking for next update.

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #69 on: July 17, 2016, 11:51:35 AM »
The kids are adorable! I'm so happy that you got a heir at last!  ;D

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #70 on: July 21, 2016, 10:18:02 AM »
Nuala is gorgeous! She does look a bit like Snow White!

Helias! Our lovely heir has arrived and he's ADORABLE! Neon-haired babies are the best. Welcome back to Nuala and Pluto, of course. You've got quite a stuffed house! I can't imagine the chaos that's ensuing.
I really love your descriptive writing, by the way. It's so fun to read!

Aha, thank you! Omg yes, the heir is here! I aged up Luciana first and when she didn't have the eyes or hair I got kinda worried that I'd be going for ages, but then Helias turned out to be the one.  :D And yep, the house is getting pretty full right now! Obvs the middle twins are still away at boarding school, but I still have a family of six at home atm! Luckily now that Nuala and Pluto are teens, it's not so mad with the new nooboos as they can help out too.
But thank you so much for that! I'm always worried that my writing style is too basic and when I read it back it always sound stupid, but then I guess that's just a writer thing.  ;D

Great update. Teen Nuala and Pluto looks great. Can't wait to see the other twin. Welcome to the two new nooboos Luciana and Helias. And lucky, you got the heir this time. And poor Nuala, hope people understand her next time. Looking for next update.

Thank you! Yep, me neither, but they'll be home again soon, honest.  ;) Aha, yeah, hopefully she can find some friends.  :)

The kids are adorable! I'm so happy that you got a heir at last!  ;D

Aha, thank you! Seeing how cute a couple's kids are is one of my favourite bits of sims tbh.  :) And lol yep, so am I!  ;D

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #71 on: August 01, 2016, 07:58:23 AM »
Great update!
Helias is one of the cutest kids I have ever seen! (He even tops my triplets!) That hair color is amazing. Did you use the color wheel? I've never seen a color like that before. I'm glad you got your heir before you reached your household limit! (Some of my kids had to move to their aunt zinnia's house, and I would see them running down the street when they should have been at school. I was just minding my own business, like "la dee da, there's my kid. Wait. My kid?)
stories coming soon... my sims 3 is working again!
I am a pro lurker. If you are reading this right now, I have most likely read your story. Maybe I'll comment. No promises...

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #72 on: August 15, 2016, 10:52:53 AM »
Hi guys! Apologies again for slightly neglecting this story - life keeps getting in the way in regards to preparing for university in a month ::) and a holiday to Italy with my family. As I mentioned before, I also have a show, the rehearsals for which start next Friday so I'm afraid my posts won't be regular until I'm settled at uni in late September. But, between then and now, I shall try my best to post at least a few times!

Great update!
Helias is one of the cutest kids I have ever seen! (He even tops my triplets!) That hair color is amazing. Did you use the color wheel? I've never seen a color like that before. I'm glad you got your heir before you reached your household limit! (Some of my kids had to move to their aunt zinnia's house, and I would see them running down the street when they should have been at school. I was just minding my own business, like "la dee da, there's my kid. Wait. My kid?)
Wow, thank you! I have to say, his hair is pretty amazing - I'm so glad I chose pink  ::) (and yes I used the colour wheel). Aha yep, so am I! I was wondering what I was going to do when the household filled up but maybe moving them to an aunt or uncle's house could be an option in future generations...  :-X

How the Years Go By

Anna squatted to toddler level and handed her son and heir his bottle. His chubby little hands reached for it eagerly and once it was within their grasp, he sucked hungrily on the teat, the creamy milk sating his hunger.

Anna sat back on her haunches and watched him, a satisfied smile on her face. How did she manage to produce something so perfect? It was her birthday today but she was trying not to think about it - one step closer to wrinkles and grey hair. But she'd achieved this. She'd brought this perfect boy into the world and he would carry her line on for another generation. What more could she ask for?

That evening, they all ate well - Anna had prepared a roast chicken and Nuala wanted to make some calzones she'd seen on the internet, though she only nibbled on one before disappearing up to her room with the excuse of having homework.

Anna frowned as she watched her go and looked over at Sherman. He shrugged and she sighed. She'd speak to her daughter later. Once the plates were cleared, Sherman produced a birthday cake, candles lit. Anna beamed and blew out the flickering flames in one breath.

Suddenly, sparkles surrounded her and her eyes widened.

She ran to the mirror and stared at her face. A sigh of relief left her mouth - she didn't have wrinkles yet. Or grey hair. Smiling, Anna picked out a new outfit, deciding on a new haircut.

Then before Anna could bring out the cake she'd brought for her husband, the age sparkles hit him too.

"Happy Birthday, my love!" Anna exclaimed. Sherman grinned at her and planted a kiss on her lips.
"And happy birthday to you too, wife." Anna chuckled and drew away from him when she spotted a rather awkward looking Pluto trying to edge upstairs.
"Hey, Pluto." Her son froze and slowly turned around, an embarrassed smile on his face and his hand in his hair.
"Yes, Mom?"
"Do you know what's going on with your sister at all? She's been acting a bit weird lately. Is it something at school?" Pluto sighed.
"I'm not too sure as we don't usually hang out, but I think some people have been giving her a hard time. I can sort them out if you want?" There was a short silence as Anna contemplated giving her son permission to beat the living daylights out of whoever was bullying her daughter, but then she realised that would only get him into trouble with the principal and sighed.
"No. Not like that. Maybe use your magic to play a few harmless tricks on them, but other than that, leave it to me. I'll speak to Nuala about it later. Now off you go to bed."
Pluto smiled at his parents and gladly did as he was told, another yawn brewing.

The next morning, Nuala managed to avoid her Mum before school by sleeping in a bit longer than usual - she'd never wake her soundly sleeping daughter. Pluto seemed to be a lot more... well, careful around her that morning and she wasn't sure why exactly.
"Hey, Nuala," he piped up as he sat down next to her on the worn leather seat on the bus. She looked up to see who it was and quickly glanced away when she saw it was her brother.
"What?" she replied, irritated.
"Um, well, I was wondering if you were okay? You haven't really been speaking to anyone lately and you didn't eat anything last night, even though you and Mom spent hours cooking dinner! Is Barbie giving you a hard time again?"
"What, Eleanor? Nope. And last night I just wasn't hungry." But this didn't seem to satisfy Pluto. He edged closer to her and pulled her hand away from her face. He was frowning now.
"Look, Nuala, this is serious - you can't let those girls control your life! Whatever they've been saying, it isn't true."
"Oh but it is, Pluto. Look at me - I look like a bloody ghost!" Tears pricked the corner of her eyes but she blinked them away angrily and turned back to watch the houses rolling past the window.
"Nuala..." Pluto sighed. "Nuala, it doesn't matter - you're still pretty. Your skin is part of your charm, you know."
"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say - you're my brother," she mumbled into her hand.
"Nuala, trust me - you look lovely. And you won't often hear me say that," he chuckled nervously. When no response came, he rubbed his forehead and sat straight again. "Well, whatever. I'm gonna get them off your back if it's the last thing I do."

Anna's work that day included advertising the new film the studios were making, and her worry over Nuala temporarily disappeared.

But when she got home that evening, Nuala was playing happily with Helias, teaching him how to walk. Anna smiled when she poked her head into the lounge and saw them together, Nuala laughing as Helias stumbled into her arms.

Satisfied that Pluto had sorted whatever it was out, she retreated to the kitchen to cook dinner.

Pluto came in halfway through to see what was cooking.
"Hey, Mom, what's for dinner?" Anna turned from her pan of bubbling tomato sauce to look at him.
"Spag bol. Now how did you get on with Nuala today?"
"Yeah pretty good actually! She told me on the bus that she was being teased for her pale skin so I snuck out of first period to put up loads of pictures of celebrities with pale skin and write 'Pale skin is beautiful' on the lockers." Anna frowned at him.
"Didn't you get into trouble?"
"A bit, sure, but Principal Peckham loves me so I got off with a week of detention. Luckily she didn't ban me from prom this evening."
"Prom? This evening?"
"Well, yeah, but it's not really prom for us - it's for the seniors, but we can go too."
"Okay. Anyway, how did Nuala take it?"
"Oh, she was embarrassed at first, but when she realised who the pictures were of, she was smiling. Plus, I may or may not have swapped the bullies' self-tanning lotion for plain old cream so I guess we'll see what they really look like tonight." Anna chuckled.
"Okay, well thank you, Pluto. I'm glad to know that you two have each other's backs. Come 'ere." She held  out her arms and Pluto wrapped his Mum in a hug. They stood like that for a few seconds before Anna pulled away and ruffled her son's hair. "Love you. Tea'll be ready in about fifteen minutes." She turned back to stir the red sauce and Pluto left the room with a smile.

After dinner, where Nuala finished all her spaghetti and even asked for seconds, Sherman started teaching Helias how to use the potty on his own...

...while Anna taught Luciana the basics of being a sport supporter.

Nuala and Pluto headed out to prom at six all dressed up to the nines, Nuala having chosen a lovely pale white dress to compliment her skin and contrast nicely with her dark hair.

Once they'd left in the limo, Anna and Sherman shifted their attention to Noodle...

Turns out they weren't the only ones who were getting old.

Eventually, they put the toddlers to bed and when the teens arrived home, they only let out garbled stories of the evening so they let their kids retire to their beds. Anna smiled to herself as she brushed her teeth. She hadn't gotten much out of her teenagers, but one thing had been clear - Pluto had managed to find himself a girl...

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #73 on: August 16, 2016, 08:01:16 PM »
Nuala and Pluto warmed my heart! That was amazing! Pluto is an excellent brother. I, personally, love pale skin and dark hair as a combination and I think Nuala is absolutely stunning. I really love her prom dress too!

It's always hard to watch our founders get older (stares at her eternally young Agnes and Tragic with their immortal dog).
No, what are you talking about, I don't have trouble watching them die...
Not at all...

Anyways, I'll be excited to see Helias and how his personality shapes up. He's adorable already!

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: De Rosa Perfect Genetics Legacy
« Reply #74 on: August 29, 2016, 12:40:04 PM »
Nuala and Pluto warmed my heart! That was amazing! Pluto is an excellent brother. I, personally, love pale skin and dark hair as a combination and I think Nuala is absolutely stunning. I really love her prom dress too!

It's always hard to watch our founders get older (stares at her eternally young Agnes and Tragic with their immortal dog).
No, what are you talking about, I don't have trouble watching them die...
Not at all...

Anyways, I'll be excited to see Helias and how his personality shapes up. He's adorable already!
Wow, thank you!  ;D I wasn't too sure if Pluto would come across that well but clearly there was no need to worry. :D And omg yeah Nuala suits pale skin so well, but I know from my own experience (although I haven't been bullied for it) that pale skin can get rather annoying! (To give you an impression of my weird skin type; I have rather pale skin but I don't burn or tan, I just stay the same colour - I went on holiday to Italy for ten days, only put sun cream on my shoulders and went out in the sun quite a lot, yet I still managed to come home exactly the same shade!  ???)
Yeah, it's gonna be hard watching them die, but for the moment, I'm just enjoying seeing how well they're both aging!  ;D