Author Topic: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story  (Read 74251 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #180 on: April 20, 2018, 04:27:56 PM »
@rika1431 I know! It's super cringe-y, but I kind of feel like Tati wouldn't mind. She'd be difficult to embarrass. :)

@oshizu Lol. No secrets. I owe it all to the League of Adventurers. I feel like the hardest part of Social Butterfly is just meeting enough kids and then keeping them around long enough to befriend them, so if you just join up and start a gathering those two things are taken care of immediately. Plus, rally the troops works for vampire children, so keeping Tracy's needs high and going strong was no big deal. She insta-BFF-ed Johnny because of all the toddler care he did, and social skill raises ridiculously fast. Boom! Now I'm trying to break my record. Going for twelve hours next time! :)
I almost never let a sim keep that jacket of Johnny's, but I decided it somehow suited him, especially with the Elvis-impersonator shades.
This chapter is super short, so I'm going to post a Moneypenny update today, too, just to keep things moving along.

@Shewolf13 I think so too! She hardly needed her Vampiric Allure power. She could just draw everyone in with her natural charms. I've gotten very lucky with attractive sims lately.

@Magpie2012 Woohoo! Team Fiori! I'll go with that. :D So nice to have you back regularly. Oh, and your comment reminds me I need to go refill my coffee!

@commasplice Yup. Gets even more hilarious when you realize (as I did not until it was too late) that Johnny Zest is implied in his bio to be the disowned son of the Langraabs, making Malcolm Landgraab technically Tracy's uncle. Oops! Still trying to figure out how I'm going to write my way out of that one.

@Playalot Oh, dear! Don't call me a min-maxer. I'll never live up to it! I am having a lot of fun pushing myself to my simming limits with this one, though. It's a great challenge.

@PeregrineTook Indeed! The Goodnights are a very good looking bunch! Tati would totally play herself in the movie. No one else could do her justice. :)

Goodnight, Week 5, Part 3

Okay! Back to the uncomfortable smooching! Don't worry, we only had a few hours left in the week, so you'll get a bit of a breather after this.

Not my Tracy, though! Girl never comes up for air!

Avert your eyes, Dad!

Sadly, Wolfgang witnessed Tracy getting her fun levels up with Sofia through the french doors, and was pretty put out by it. Whoops! Knew I should have put up curtains! We’ll save the gold medal dates for him. That should soften him up again.

Tracy’s going into the retail career, so she got a nice sports massage before her first day and then ate the massage therapist. Should make short work of that requirement.

I swear the well was happy. She gave it 5 grand. We did everything right.

I’m so over this.

We bought an extra credit project to try and mitigate the damage. I get the feeling we’ll be doing a lot of these. That’s Johnny having a daymare in the background.

We only had a few hours left at that point, but I thought we should at least get a start on her skills. So I had to grit my teeth and call in reinforcements.

Fortunately, her back is turned so she can’t see that smug look on his face. I opened the door and he literally said, “You need me.” He’d better be a good mentor or I’m 100% locking him in a pen with the cowplant.

And that’s it! My baby is now a heartbreaker. The well is as evil as ever. I’m going to take a nap.

Love to Mummy Lilith,


Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #181 on: April 20, 2018, 04:44:22 PM »
That Wishing Well is so misleading--I hate how I sometimes confuse its happy smile with the mischievous grin!
I love Johnny having a daymare with the kitty decals frolicking near by!
Tracey's bold to be doing her seducing in her parents' boudoir! (or all the coffins in one room?)
All that annoying violin playing at all hours of the day everywhere has finally paid off!
Congrats on completing Serial Romantic, Tracey!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #182 on: April 20, 2018, 04:51:51 PM »
@oshizu The coffins are all in one room. The basement is very much an all-purpose room. I keep telling myself I'm going to redecorate and section everything off and make it look nice, and then I get distracted and think, "Meh. I'm only going to be in this house another week or so. It's fine!" Just a little awkward with all the teen romance going on. :)
Your congratulations are a teeny bit premature. Tracy's didn't quite finish Serial Romantic this week. It doesn't take her long once she gets going, though!

Moneypenny, Week 5, Part 1

Dear Mum,

Look! A monstrosity! I swear the week only gets better from here.

Tiffany hit toddlerhood only a few hours into Sunday. She’s full of energy and enthusiasm. I think she got really anxious waiting a whole two weeks for her turn to shine, so she’s exploding into toddlerdom as fast as she can.

She’s not that into books. Too much sitting still for our girl, but at least it’s something to keep her mind occupied while she eats.

Check this out! Sparks finally flew! They’re taking it slow, but Jillian and Addison are definitely maybe kind of a thing now.

He was so pleased with himself he up and painted a masterpiece. Jillian’s hung it right over her bed. Well, their bed. That whole sleeping situation is much less awkward now.

Tell Dad I’m sorry I haven’t got round to Insta-Upgrading the rock climbing wall yet. That definitely looked like it hurt. It’s tough to get near the thing, though. Someone’s always on it!

Jillian had a birthday! She got your card and says thank you so much for thinking of her.

She refuses to slow down, even for a minute. She gets exhausted frequently, but traits are more powerful than common sense I guess, and keeping an active sim away from the weights is just a non-starter. I’ve given her a key to our ensuite bathroom with the nice tub and instructed her to make good use of it!

Rhonda, limbering up. She wants to be at least level 2 Wellness so she can Discuss Cognitive Focusing Methods with Tiffany once she starts school. Plus, she’s not got much else to do while toddler Tiffany naps.

She lost it a little bit after Tiffany asked, “Why?” for about the thousandth time. I really can’t blame her. It’s only cute about 500 times. Fortunately, Tiffany maxed thinking soon thereafter.

And Rhonda found a new way to settle her nerves. We looked ahead and one of the future generations is going to max piano, so it will be nice to have a mentor ready to go when the time comes.

I came to realize the benefits maximum charisma could offer me, so I spend some time with myself in the bathroom mirror. A perfectly sane activity. Nothing strange going on here at all.

Or here! Addison wanted to reassure Jillian that he finds her no less attractive as an elder.

She was convinced! And found a new way to overexert herself! Oh, well. At least she’s already in the bed to take a restorative nap. Sorry if that’s all TMI. Just wanted to assure you that Jillian’s doing well and is happy, and you made the right decision in urging her to move in with me.

And she’s still the same old Jillian.

This has started again. Someone really needs to take away that fellow’s sun resistance.

This is me hitting max fitness. While this photo means I can’t claim to have done it without breaking a sweat, you can see that it’s really only a little bit of sweat. Just a drop or two.

Rhonda’s turn! Now every adult in the family has been initiated in the Cult of The Abducted. I suppose Tiffany’s only been spared because of her age.

Or perhaps because of her incredible cuteness.

Separate pictures, but I don’t want you to mistake that for separate sessions of unsolicited violining. He was just there for days. Literal days. Sawing away.

Thursday, 6:14 p.m. Her toy is somehow invisible, but that didn’t stop it from maxing out her imagination skill.

Jillian, in perhaps her first her first mis-step ever, baked a cake, and then immediately took a slice. I suppose there really is no such thing as a perfect helper, but Jillian’s as close as it gets, so we’ll permit her this slip-up, just this once.

Especially since she baked another cake right away.

Our Tiffany aged up exhausted, but we quickly added her to the club and took care of that.

She’s absolutely darling, even in disguise.
That's all I've got time for today, Mother dear, but get prepared to savor every last, brief second of her childhood in the next letter.

All my Love,


Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #183 on: April 20, 2018, 05:09:06 PM »
Well, of course, Jillian would finally give her heart to Addison! Who could resist that color-coordinated crop top?
Adored that shot of our beloved Felix suavely mastering fitness with a single drop of sweat!

Oh dear, it seems I spoke too soon about Caleb! :(
Did he perhaps swipe Tracey's violin after mentoring her?
I'd assumed that he'd stopping playing his constant violin-playing weeks ago because his violin was confiscated before Tati moved out.
Is there anyway to get the violin away from him so he'll stop? Lol

Congrats on the quick toddler-to-child age-up! Tiffany is such a pretty child, combining the best of her gorgeous parents.
Looking forward eagerly to her 10-hour childhood. XD
Always a pleasure to read about the Moneypennys!  How's Felix doing with his requirements, by the way?

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #184 on: April 20, 2018, 05:39:48 PM »
Aww, too bad the wooing of Jillian didn't get moving faster so that she could have a nooboo to carry on her legacy of being an awesome helper and to keep Jillian herself alive for a few more days anyway  :=(
Felix is right, Tiffany's adorable!  I mean, none of them can compete with Team Mary, but Tiffany's about as cue as con be expected for someone without Mary and Lilith in their gene pool  ;=)
Go Team Mary!
Speaking of, loved having another update of my favorite fam!  Looks like Tracy's just as glorious as her mother and grandmother before her.  Team Mary for the win!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #185 on: April 20, 2018, 07:45:09 PM »
I just loved the bit about getting the massage and then eating the masseur (is that the spelling??) Two birds with one stone

Was your coffee percolated or instant? We mainly drink instant around here...

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Offline rika1431

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #186 on: April 21, 2018, 12:34:07 AM »
Ah, two fabulous updates for me to read! I still just love Caleb randomly stalking everyone to play the violin. And how smug he was to mentor the next generation. Positively brilliant :D

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #187 on: April 21, 2018, 02:19:57 AM »
Tiffany is too cute! Her disguise is adorable. Aw, no Jillian and Addison nooboo:(

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #188 on: April 23, 2018, 01:40:49 PM »
Tiffany is adorable. Absolutely adorable.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #189 on: April 23, 2018, 01:58:47 PM »
Argh!  The swiping of a piece of cake before the birthday candles can be placed!  Jillian, you know you're going to get a piece, just wait until after the kid ages up, okay girl?  At least she made another one right away. 

Tiffany is darling-- in both forms.  Looking forward to her brief childhood. 

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #190 on: April 24, 2018, 01:52:33 AM »
@oshizu I never did confiscate Caleb's violin, and I'm kicking myself now! I mean, it's funny the first few times, but the man just doesn't quit! :D Felix is done with everything except his career, which is worrying me a bit. I stubbornly made him an astronaut even though I know the work days are frustratingly sparse. I thought about switching him but if I'm being perfectly honest . . . . I really want to see him in the interstellar smuggler uniform. Here's hoping my pixel thirst doesn't set the alien line back too far! Tiffany's blazing through her requirements so we may end up with a similar situation to Gen 1 where they're all just twiddling their thumbs waiting for that last promotion. We'll see!

@PeregrineTook Oh, you're right! A baby Jillian would have been amazing as a helper for future generations! I completely forgot she was an adult when she moved in so her elder birthday really caught me off guard! I'm really, really hoping I can get Tiffany moved out in time for her and Addison to live happily ever after.

@Magpie2012 I use a little Bialetti stovetop espresso pot for my coffee. Twice a day. Tons of cream. Before that I was a french press fan, but I'm trying to cut back and drink more water.
That poor massage therapist! He gets a lot of work out of my families, but he's constantly exhausted, and now he's getting eaten. :) Still, I figured Tracy's not one to waste time.

@rika1431 Glad you enjoyed it! I mean, it's my fault for dressing Caleb up that way, but he is just intolerably smug sometimes. :D I want to wring his unbearably handsome neck.

@Shewolf13 I love Tiffany, too! She's got such spunk. I really wish I could have gotten Addison and Jillian together in time for a nooboo, but everything is done in such a rush in this challenge. Plus, extra toddlers are a lot of work to throw in. Oh, well. I feel good about getting Jillian nicely settled after all the help she's given to the dynasty.

@commasplice Agreed! She's cuter than a button. I wish I could have played her longer as a child. She's really fun.

@BallerinaHippo Sims and cake drive me nuts! I guess I should have made sure she wasn't hungry before I made her bake it, but Jillian's such a rock. I thought she could be trusted! :)

Moneypenny, Week 5, Part 2

Dear Mum,

We went back and forth for ages about Tiffany's aspiration. Really, it should be Whiz Kid, but there’s just no way we can wait for the A grade in school to come in, and the Social Skills boost she’ll get from Social Butterfly will definitely help her out later in life. Plus, we heard the vampires got it done in 13 hours and wanted to see if Tiffany could break the record. So, the League of Adventurers was called into action again!

First friend.

Best Friend.

More friends!

You'll have heard what happened to Yuki Behr, of course. I guess dying in park turned her into a sort of permanent vagrant. Tough break!

Lovely to see you, Mum! Tiffany was really pleased as well. She's a great admirer of yours.

Addison secret-handshaked his way into the last adult friend slot and . . .

Aspiration completed before the sun had fully risen! 13 hours almost exactly on the nose! We’ll get you next time, vampires!

Time for teenhood!

A real stunner, wouldn’t you agree? She aged up in a bit of a silly mood, but I think the pink aura suits my girl just fine.

Jillian set her straight right away, getting down to business on homework.

And then it was time to begin The Curator.

She’s got her father’s swagger, that’s for sure.

And perhaps a bit of Grandma’s attitude . . . ?

Don’t laugh. Who know’s what’s in that abandoned mineshaft? The spacesuit was necessary. I’m no canary!

She got a good selection of frogs down there, and a few metals and crystals, too. You should see the frog-breeding operation she’s got going on at home. It’s wild!

And then home to hunt for penpals and postcards, with a good video-gaming session afterward. The girl’s a wonder. Not a minute wasted!

Symbolic, no? The competition is sprinting, trying to catch up! Truthfully, Aki Ponsonby seems like a sweet girl, and I think she just wanted to make friends with Tiffany, but there was absolutely no time for anything like that. Tiffany is laser-focused!

Except when she’s getting inspired, of course.

She’s entered the fast food career, and hates what it’s doing to her hair with a passion. She’s hoping to max it as soon as possible and quit.

There’s a nice cache of frog logs behind the museum in Willow Creek, so we ventured out after Tiffany's work shift, and Addison was finally able to view three paintings in a museum. He’d been stalled at that part of his aspiration for quite some time. We're such homebodies, though. You know how it is.

She’s got all the colors, which Tiffany insists is important for some reason, but she’s missing a surfer or a whirler, or something like that, and that’s not good. I guess. I don’t really understand this stuff. Anyway, she’ll still probably complete the frogs collection first, but is working on postcards as backup. Completing a collection is the only thing she’s got left to do for her aspiration to be complete.

And, once again, almost at switchover time, I get abducted. It’s almost becoming a tradition.

And I’ll leave you to your traditional weekly wondering whether I’ve been impregnated or not. There’s always a chance!

I hope you’re very proud of our little family, Mum. I know I am. I’ll speak to you next week.



Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #191 on: April 24, 2018, 02:10:12 AM »
I soooo want a Felix alienboo! Tiffany is doing great! Wait, Aki's a lovely girl! You should get to know her!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #192 on: April 24, 2018, 07:38:41 AM »
Tiffany's no Tracy, but she's okay, I guess  ;=)
Seriously, though, another lovely update and it's nice to see the other households doing well so that it will be that much more impressive when Mary's line beats them  :=)
The silly pose birthday photo was great, but I think the "I'm no canary" moment was my favorite  :=)
Glad to see this family doing well and can't wait to get back to my favorites.
Go team Mary!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #193 on: April 24, 2018, 10:37:42 AM »
Tiffany blew through her childhood and aged up with the most fabulous hair!
Haha, not that I'm staring, but that astronaut outfit really accentuates Felix's slender waist. *coughs (oh, I must have caught something!)
So, so sad that Tiffany couldn't break whats-her-name's record of 13 hours, but Tiffany is rocking it just the same.

I was a little surprised that the Moneypennys hadn't acquired a UFO plant yet--except for the UFO plant, the plant collection is the easiest to acquire.
Which plant is Tiffany missing?  Haha, Tiffany's Watcher has no doubt already played past the collection part already!
Just supporting my girl Tiffany! Love those purple accents in her teen outfit, too!
Huh!? We have to wait two more game-weeks to find out if the world will be graced with a Felixboo! Unfair! Unfair! (I'm secretly super excited!)
Go Moneypennys!!! <3 <3 <3

Offline commasplice

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #194 on: May 10, 2018, 12:57:57 PM »
I finally had the time to get caught up. I loved this: "You'll have heard what happened to Yuki Behr, of course. I guess dying in park turned her into a sort of permanent vagrant. Tough break!"

Your characters have such a great dry wit to them.

