Author Topic: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story  (Read 56370 times)

Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay - Chpt 6
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2017, 01:46:49 AM »

Watcher: Bad day?
Keon: Stress headache.
Watcher: Some fresh air will help.
Keon: Good thing fresh air helps 'cos we got plenty of that here.
Watcher: Don't be mean. You earn the money and I'll build you a house. Anyway, you got mail.

Keon: Cool, it's my elements for my collection.
Watcher: Nice.

Keon: Hey ya buddy, how ya been?
Watcher: Hes got fleas.
Keon: Yuk. Ok vet time I guess.

Keon: I'll go check him in. Keep an eye on him watcher?
Watcher: Sure thing.
Katrina: Hi Zip. What's wrong with you today then?
Watcher: *eye roll*

Watcher: Well, you know Katrina, I don't think it's that hard to tell, just sayin'.

Vet Landgraab: And what seems to be the problem today Justin?
Justin: Not sure really. That's why I'm here.
Watcher: *snort* No kidding! I'm not sure these vets are particularly well educated. Might have to change that...

Watcher: Good boy Zip. Hold still now.

Katrine: Hmmmmm *peers intensely*
Watcher: Oh for crying out loud, it's pretty obvious what's wrong!
Keon: Watcher, let the vet do her job. Chill!
Watcher: *grumble*

Keon: There we go, feeling less itchy now Zip?
Watcher: Honestly, I could do a better job than that woman.
Keon: Don't sweat the small stuff watcher. Zips all good and that's what's important. Right?
Watcher: Hmm, yes... guess so.

Keon: Right well... walkies eh boy?

Keon: Oh they got some cool stuff in here. Wonder if I should get some?
Watcher: How about we save our pennies and come back once you have a house and stuff?
Keon: K, that's sounds a plan.

Mayor Whiskers: Afternoon watcher.
Watcher: Hiya mayor. Out for a walk?
Mayor Whiskers: Just checking up on my constituents.
Watcher: You're cross stitching...wut?
Mayor Whiskers: My constituents.
Watcher: Ok, have fun with that, doing art is always relaxing.

Keon: I'm going to buy Zip a special dinner for being so brave.
Watcher: Fair enough. Oh for pete's sake! It's another of those women!

Watcher: 'Tis nice here though.

Watcher: Where d'you guys get to?
Keon: Down here by the river.
Watcher: K, hey we should try out the obstacle park!
Keon: Ohhh! Good idea! Zip! Heel.

Keon: Enjoy Zip!
Watcher: Man that looks good enough for us to eat *stomach rumble*
Keon: I know, right. Better than fruit anyways.
Watcher: Heh *cough* yeah.

Keon: You can do it! Woo.... yeah! Go Zip!

Watcher: Heck! He's looking like a pro!

Watcher: Way to go Zip! Great work Keon! He's just got a perfect score in 32 minutes! Wow! Impressive!

Keon: Gooood boy Zip, well done.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay - Chpt 7
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2017, 02:24:00 AM »
Saturday Morning.

Watcher: Breakfast in Willow Creek was a good idea wasn't it? Come on, admit it. I do have good ideas don't I?
Keon: I'm in heaven. So much food and not a piece of fruit in sight. Hmmmmmmm
Watcher: Well, eat up Keon, we've got a huuuuuge day ahead of us. Hope that painting inspiration is a happening thing.
Keon: Fooooood...hmmmmm.

Keon: First painting of the day, first masterpiece. Kaching!
Watcher: Awesome! Good job!

Watcher: As much as I love Zip, this constant need for perambulation is kinda getting in our way of getting rich.
Keon: Hmm, still, plenty time left in the day. It'll be fine.
Zip: Wuf!

Keon: Second painting of the day and...
Watcher: Don't tell me. Another masterpiece?
Keon: *Grin* Yep!

And so the day continues, Keon painting and Zip whining and fretting about lack of exercise.

Watcher: Good one! I was starting to think you'd lost your artiste mojo!
Keon: Nope, still got it. Masterpiece number three!
Watcher: Well I think nap time for everyone. *Glares at Zip* Seems like certain pets are super whingy today.

Keon: I feel raring to go again.
Watcher: Shhh! Whisper! I really don't want Zip to wake up just now!
Keon: He's sound asleep Watcher. I reckon I could yell THE word and it wouldn't wake him.
Watcher: Oh goodness! Let's not test that theory eh!

Watcher: Clever boy! Masterpiece number four! It's super awesome too.
Keon: Pity we have to sell it.
Watcher: Well, we could keep it and see if you can paint enough without having to sell this one.
Keon: Ok, let's do that. I'll sell it if we really have to.
Watcher: Deal. Oh rats! Zips awake.
Keon: lol I got this.

And so Sunday passes. People come and go. Pets wander in and out.

Watcher: *weakly* Wooo, well done!
Keon: My fifth Masterpiece. I'm really over painting for a bit watcher. I actually just want to go home.
Watcher: Deal. Let's go. I've had enough of staring at this museum to last me a life time. You've still got homework to do too.
Keon: *groan*

Watcher: Well, it's not much, yet, but it sure is nice to be home.
Keon: Agree. Just finally being alone. *sigh* So many people at the Museum. Hey what's a  err.... double negative?
Watcher: A double negative is the nonstandard usage of two negatives used in the same sentence so that they cancel each other and create a positive. In Shakespeare's day, double negatives were considered emphatic, but today, they are considered grammar mistakes.
Keon: Woah, how do you know that?
Watcher: I used my second brain.
Keon: Whose this Shakespeare dude anyway?
Watcher: Just my fav author of all times. But you better get that homework done. It's getting late.

Watcher: Argh! Uh oh! Keon, don't look around. Just do as I say...keep your eyes down on your homework and don't stop doing it.
Keon: I'm nervous!
Watcher: It'll be ok... and don't say anything!

Vlad: Oh yes. I met Shakespeare once. Lovely fellow. Very delicious...err writings, indeed.
Watcher: Wait! Wut! You met Shakespeare? omg! What was he like?
Vlad: I'll tell you all about it if you invite me in.
Watcher: Umm... well, dang it! We don't actually have a house yet.
Vlad: Oh what a shame. Keon really does have a lovely neck.
Watcher: 0.0
Keon: *nervous gulp*

Keon: *nervous laugh* hehhheh. Seems like my homework is all done....
Vlad: Well, been a lovely visit watcher but as the sun is nearly dawning 'tis time I retire. Till necks time.
Zip:  ???

Keon: Wow, that was SUUUUPer creepy watcher.
Watcher: You're telling me! *Shudder* I think we need to get some garlic.
Keon: I heard that was just an urban myth.
Watcher: What?
Keon: Vamps being allergic to garlic.
Watcher: Well, darn. Better get Zip trained up so he can attack people then.
Keon: Oh, he can already do that.
Watcher: Why didn't you tell me?
Keon: Umm.... <duh> 'cos you told me not to talk and to keep my head down.
Watcher: Ok, well, good to know anyway. Good boy Zip! You're awesome.
Zip: *Snuffle* Wuf!

And low and behold, a house was built in the local style while Zip was sleeping and Keon was at school.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay - Chpt 8
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2017, 02:45:58 AM »
The next morning...

Keon: Thank you so much for the house watcher. It's so awesome being able to finally give Zip a bath at home. No more stinky dog, eh Zip?
Watcher: Don't thank me kid, you did all the hard yards you know.

Keon: Omg, grilled cheese.... mouthwateringly delicious.

Keon: Seriously, this has to be the best grilled cheese eva! *nom nom nom*
Watcher: Well you better step on it. School in 5 and you have to go as you have no holidays left.

Keon: See ya bud. Be good.
Zip: Wuf! *lick lick*

5 mins later...

Watcher: Oh you are KIDDING me! Seriously Zip! You already went for a walk this morning. Oh man! this is gonna be a looooong day.

And it was. Finally as 2.15pm Zip finally fell asleep. Gah!

Watcher: Huh, whats with the weird suit thing again?
Keon: Beats me, I got another holiday day though.
Watcher: Oh well, that's always nice to have. Maybe that's like the equivalent of getting an A plus? Anyway, Zips been crying all day. He misses you when you leave, now that we finally have a house.

Keon: Oh poor boy!
Watcher: Poor watcher...

Watcher: I like it here.
Keon: Me too. You wanna run around Zip?

Watcher: Umm, I'm guessing we shouldn't have sent Zip to explore that bush. Yikes!
Keon: Sheesh, he's been bitten by a squirrel.
Watcher: A SQUIRREL? Aren't they those cute, little furry tree rat things?
Keon: Well obviously their bite is dangerous. Can't be that darn cute.

Keon: Right buddy, we're going to the vet right now. K?
Zip: Wuf.

Watcher: You better not be complaining that my dog just peed himself buddy. I suggest you get your thinking cap on and cure Zippo. Pronto.

Vet: Poor boy, I'll get you some medicine right away.
Keon: Ummm, do we have any money left watcher?
Watcher: Yep, got it covered. I bred some frogs

Keon: Cool! All fixed. That was awesome Mr Vet! I'd like to be able to cure animals like that.

Keon: Aw Zip, you got to be more careful around squirrels buddy.

And so peace reigned in the house. Keon had managed to paint another masterpiece before going to bed and Zip was feeling all better. Night everyone.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay - Chpt 9
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2017, 03:00:35 AM »

Watcher: *GASP* Nooooo, omg. What's happening?

Keon: Arghhh
Watcher: Keon! No...Help! Someone!

Watcher: Nooooo
Zip: *whimper*
Watcher: Nooo, no , no, no, NO.

Keon: hehehhe heh

Keon: I'm fine Zip! heh
Zip: *doggie laughter*
Watcher: What the ... *stunned* What even were you...?
Keon: Right. You're turn Zip. Play Dead!

Keon: hehehe, awesome! Woo.
Watcher: *under her breath* I think I need a drink I'm going for a walk Keon and I'm taking Zip with me.
Keon: Cool, I'll come too.
Watcher: No you won't. You *dramatic pause* can do your homework young man.

Watcher: *Deep breath* Sheesh, that frightened the life outta me Zip.

Watcher: Oh well, see you've recovered. smh

Zip: Woof woof woof woof WOOF!

Zippo: Wuf!

Watcher: Good boy! What have you found?

Watcher: Nice! Now let's see if you can make it past those seagulls without stopping to chase them!

Watcher: Good job buddy! Nearly home.

Keon: Masterpiece. Oh yeah!
Watcher: Zips got another of those china statue thingies for you. Get your homework done?
Keon: Yep. And I made my lunch for tomorrow!
Watcher: Nice. Well... you've got the rest of the night free then. What are you going to do?

Keon: This! Zip! Heel.

The End
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2017, 03:03:03 AM »
I am so loving this story! Just when I'd decided I'd do your Rags to Riches challenge, reading this makes me want to do this first, lol.

Whoa, those Caliente cougars--beat them back, Watcher! Keep them away from your lovely teenager! He and Zip are so cute together!

You and your "rusty playing without cheats"! It feels like Keon earned enough for his house in no time at all! Nice work, Watcher!
I look forward to seeing what Keon's new objectives are!

Wait, what does "The End" mean?

Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2017, 03:07:22 AM »
This is what 'The End' means. lol you bet me to the post!  ;)

Thank you for reading. FYI chapter 7 was the end of the challenge, week 2 day 4.  Keon completed the Training Skill at the obstacle course and completed the Painter Extraordinaire at the museum. He made $30,089 which was more than enough to build his house and furnish it quite well. Chapters 8 and 9 were just for fun as I really enjoyed playing with Keon and Zip  :)

It all came rushing back to me after that first night @oshizu when everyone was really hungry! I sorta got my game-face on after that! lol
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2017, 03:16:49 AM »
I'd actually written my previous post right after seeing Keon's new house, but your last two chapters posted before I could click "Post."
Had to edit my original post to ask about "The End," lol.

Wow, 11 days to complete the challenge. "Sorta got your game-face," my plumbob!
Really loved all the scenic shots of Zip in Chapter 9.

So what's next? Make a clean copy of Keon and Zip then play around with your Vet Clinic: Rags to Riches challenge?

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2017, 03:21:43 AM »
Yeah, I'm pretty tempted to keep playing with Keon. I have them saved to my library anyway so I might age him up in CAS and carry one like it is the next part of his life's story being a vet. Maybe a fire burnt his house down to explain why he suddenly has no money and no house! heh.

*edited to add. Getting the Never Weary trait as early as possible and the fact that Keon has the Dance trait (disco naps) makes it all so much easier and, of course, painting is a very easy way to make good money pretty quickly. Normally I wouldn't choose these options but mostly I simply wanted to have fun with the new content.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2017, 02:44:45 AM »
This was a joy to read, @Playalot :) I'm going to try this challenge as well since it's a short one. Just need to make up my mind about what sim to use - my own or a premade aged down...
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2017, 05:06:37 AM »
Thanks Nindigo! Glad you enjoyed it.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2017, 10:32:56 AM »
That has to be the quickest posting of a story ever! So wonderful to see another Play story on the forum.. they have been sorely missed.. I loved your relationship between Keon and Zip.. especially their joking around.. you had me going there for a while when Keon was clutching his chest.  :o Great story!

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Re: Brindleton Bay - A Teen Runaway Story
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2017, 05:58:01 PM »
Thanks! KTK10, it has been a while since I've written a story. Mind you this one was really short! Kinda raced through the challenge mainly due to the choices I made for money making and Keon's traits. I still haven't played around with cats yet either!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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